/// <summary> /// ToolSettings.cs \\ Save map-unrelated user settings /// </summary> public void saveUserSettings() { if (!Variables.allowSaveLastMap) { return; } StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter((Stream) new FileStream(Variables.strWorkingDir + "CoD4CompileTools.settings", FileMode.Create)); streamWriter.WriteLine("tree," + Variables.strTreePath); streamWriter.WriteLine("mapname," + Variables.selectedMap_Name); streamWriter.WriteLine("developer," + StringType.FromBoolean((bool)chkDeveloper.IsChecked)); streamWriter.WriteLine("developerscript," + StringType.FromBoolean((bool)chkDeveloperScript.IsChecked)); streamWriter.WriteLine("cheats," + StringType.FromBoolean((bool)chkCheats.IsChecked)); streamWriter.WriteLine("tab," + StringType.FromInteger(compileTab.SelectedIndex)); streamWriter.WriteLine("chkCustomCommandLine," + StringType.FromBoolean((bool)chkCustomCommandLine.IsChecked)); streamWriter.WriteLine("txtCustomCommandLine," + txtCustomCommandLine.Text); streamWriter.WriteLine("moveToUsermaps," + StringType.FromBoolean(Variables.copyToUsermaps)); streamWriter.WriteLine("exeGameMp," + Variables.strGameMpName); streamWriter.WriteLine("exeRadiant," + Variables.strRadiantName); // GLSL->HLSL Syntax Converter streamWriter.WriteLine("sgen_width," + StringType.FromDouble(Variables.SyntaxConverterWidth)); streamWriter.WriteLine("sgen_height," + StringType.FromDouble(Variables.SyntaxConverterHeight)); streamWriter.WriteLine("sgen_font," + StringType.FromDouble(Variables.SyntaxConverterFontSize)); streamWriter.WriteLine("sgen_optimise," + StringType.FromBoolean(Variables.SyntaxConverterOptimise)); streamWriter.Close(); }
private static string word2(string numb, string param) { string[] textArray1; string text2 = ""; if (Strings.Len(numb) == 1) { textArray1 = new string[] { text2, Word(numb), " ", param, " " }; return(string.Concat(textArray1)); } if (Strings.Len(numb) == 2) { if (Conversion.Val(numb) == 0) { return(text2); } if ((DoubleType.FromString(numb) > 0) & (DoubleType.FromString(numb) < 20)) { textArray1 = new string[] { text2, Word(numb), " ", param, " " }; return(string.Concat(textArray1)); } textArray1 = new string[] { text2, Word(StringType.FromDouble(DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Left(numb, 1)) * 10)), " ", Word(Strings.Mid(numb, 2, 1)), " ", param, " " }; return(string.Concat(textArray1)); } if (Strings.Len(numb) == 3) { string text1 = Strings.Mid(numb, 1, 1); if (Conversion.Int(Conversion.Val(text1)) != 0) { text2 = text2 + Word(Strings.Mid(numb, 1, 1)) + " hundred "; } text1 = Strings.Mid(numb, 2, 2); if (Conversion.Val(text1) == 0) { if (DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Mid(numb, 1, 1)) != 0) { text2 = text2 + " " + param + " "; } } else if (((Conversion.Val(text1) > 0) & (Conversion.Val(text1) < 20)) | ((DoubleType.FromString(text1) % 10) == 0)) { textArray1 = new string[] { text2, Word(Strings.Mid(numb, 2, 2)), " ", param, " " }; text2 = string.Concat(textArray1); } else { textArray1 = new string[] { text2, Word(StringType.FromDouble(DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Mid(numb, 2, 1)) * 10)), " ", Word(Strings.Mid(numb, 3, 1)), " ", param, " " }; text2 = string.Concat(textArray1); } } return(text2); }
private static string word3(string numb) { string text2 = string.Empty; if (Strings.Len(numb) == 1) { return(text2 + Word(numb)); } if (Strings.Len(numb) == 2) { if (((DoubleType.FromString(numb) > 1) & (DoubleType.FromString(numb) < 20)) | ((DoubleType.FromString(numb) % 10) == 0)) { return(text2 + Word(numb)); } return(text2 + Word(StringType.FromDouble(DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Left(numb, 1)) * 10)) + " " + Word(Strings.Right(numb, 1))); } if (Strings.Len(numb) == 3) { string text1 = Word(StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Int(DoubleType.FromString(numb) / 100))); if (StringType.StrCmp(text1, "zero", false) != 0) { text2 = text2 + text1 + " hundred "; } text1 = StringType.FromDouble(DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Mid(numb, 2)) % 10); if (StringType.StrCmp(text1, "0", false) == 0) { text1 = Word(Strings.Mid(numb, 2)); if (StringType.StrCmp(text1, "zero", false) != 0) { text2 = text2 + text1; } } else if ((DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Right(numb, 2)) > 0) & (DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Right(numb, 2)) < 20)) { text2 = text2 + Word(Strings.Right(numb, 2)); } else { text2 = text2 + Word(StringType.FromDouble(Conversion.Int(DoubleType.FromString(Strings.Mid(numb, 2, 1)) * 10))) + " " + ConvertNumberToWord.Word(Strings.Right(numb, 1)); } } return(text2); }
public void FromDouble_Format(double value, NumberFormatInfo format, string expected) { Assert.Equal(expected, StringType.FromDouble(value, format)); }
public void FromDouble(double value, string expected) { Assert.Equal(expected, StringType.FromDouble(value)); Assert.Equal(expected, StringType.FromDouble(value, default(NumberFormatInfo))); }
private void ActTmp() { DataSet dataSet = new DataSet(); DataSet set2 = new DataSet(); this.cmbAceptar.Enabled = false; this.cmbSalir.Enabled = false; SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection("data source=" + Variables.gServer + ";user id=scala;password=scala;initial catalog=scalaDB;persist security info=False;packet size=4096"); connection.Open(); SqlConnection connection2 = new SqlConnection("data source=" + Variables.gServer + ";user id=teleprinter;password=tele;initial catalog=Colector;persist security info=False;packet size=4096"); connection2.Open(); int num16 = new SqlCommand("delete " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpOCompra", connection2).ExecuteNonQuery(); num16 = new SqlCommand("delete " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpOCGen", connection2).ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand command4 = new SqlCommand("delete " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpCodReemp", connection2); num16 = command4.ExecuteNonQuery(); string str = ""; string str10 = ""; string str2 = ""; string str11 = ""; string str3 = ""; string str12 = ""; string cmdText = "SELECT PL23003,PL23004 FROM dbo.PL230100 where PL23001='2' and PL23002='00' and (PL23003='01' or PL23003='02' or PL23003='03') order by PL23003"; SqlDataReader reader = new SqlCommand(cmdText, connection).ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { str = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23003"]); str10 = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23004"]); } if (reader.Read()) { str2 = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23003"]); str11 = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23004"]); } if (reader.Read()) { str3 = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23003"]); str12 = StringType.FromObject(reader["PL23004"]); } reader.Close(); cmdText = "SELECT SC01001,SC01089 FROM dbo.SC010100 where SC01089<>''"; SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(cmdText, connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { command4 = new SqlCommand(StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj(ObjectType.StrCatObj(ObjectType.StrCatObj(ObjectType.StrCatObj("insert into " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpCodReemp (Codigo,CodReemplazo) values ('", reader["SC01001"]), "','"), reader["SC01089"]), "')")), connection2); try { num16 = command4.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exception1) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception1); Exception exception = exception1; Interaction.MsgBox("Se ha producido el siguiente error:" + exception.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, null); connection.Close(); connection2.Close(); this.cmbAceptar.Enabled = true; this.cmbSalir.Enabled = true; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } reader.Close(); SqlCommand command2 = new SqlCommand(StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj(ObjectType.StrCatObj("SELECT SC01001,SC01002,SC01003,SC03010,SC03003,SC03004,SC03005,SC03006,SC03011,SC03018,SC01089,SC01125,SC03022,PL01002,SC01055,SC01056,SY14002 FROM SC010100 INNER JOIN SC030100 ON SC010100.SC01001 = SC030100.SC03001 INNER JOIN PL010100 ON SC030100.SC03022 = PL010100.PL01001 INNER JOIN SY140100 ON SC010100.SC01056 = SY140100.SY14001 WHERE SC030100.SC03002 = '", this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue), "'")), connection); command2.CommandTimeout = 900; dataSet.Clear(); SqlDataAdapter adapter = new SqlDataAdapter(); adapter.SelectCommand = command2; adapter.Fill(dataSet, "SC010100"); this.Label1.Visible = true; this.Label1.Refresh(); this.txtCodProd.Visible = true; long num17 = dataSet.Tables["SC010100"].Rows.Count - 1; for (long i = 0L; i <= num17; i += 1L) { double num13; double num14; double num15; DataRow row = dataSet.Tables["SC010100"].Rows[(int)i]; this.txtCodProd.Text = StringType.FromObject(row["SC01001"]); this.txtCodProd.Refresh(); string str5 = StringType.FromObject(row["SC01001"]); string str13 = Strings.Trim(StringType.FromObject(row["SC01002"])) + " " + Strings.Trim(StringType.FromObject(row["SC01003"])); double num5 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC03010"]); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(row["SC03003"], 0, false) < 0) { num15 = 0.0; } else { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC03003"]); } double num9 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(row["SC03004"], row["SC03005"])); double num8 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC03006"]); double num3 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC03011"]); double num2 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC03018"]); string sLeft = StringType.FromObject(row["SC01089"]); DateTime expression = DateType.FromObject(row["SC01125"]); string str7 = StringType.FromObject(row["SC03022"]); string str15 = StringType.FromObject(row["PL01002"]); double num11 = DoubleType.FromObject(row["SC01055"]); string str4 = StringType.FromObject(row["SC01056"]); string str14 = StringType.FromObject(row["SY14002"]); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "01", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='01'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "03", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='03'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "05", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='05'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "07", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='07'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "08", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='08'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "09", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='09'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "10", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str5 + "' and SC03002='10'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } double num10 = 0.0; command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR03011-OR03012) as OVRes FROM dbo.OR030100,OR010100 where (OR01002=1 or OR01002=4 or OR01002=6) and OR01091=1 and OR03011-OR03012<>0 and OR03005='" + str5 + "' and OR01001=OR03001", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["OVRes"]))) { num10 = DoubleType.FromObject(reader["OVRes"]); } reader.Close(); double num12 = 0.0; command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR03011) as PromVtas FROM dbo.OR030100,OR010100 where (OR01002=1 or OR01002=4 or OR01002=6) and OR01091=0 and OR03005='" + str5 + "' and OR01001=OR03001 and OR01015>='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -3.0, DateAndTime.Now), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and OR01015<='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy") + "'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["PromVtas"]))) { num12 = DoubleType.FromObject(reader["PromVtas"]); } reader.Close(); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR21011) as PromVtas FROM dbo.OR210100,OR200100 where (OR20002=1 or OR20002=4 or OR20002=6) and OR20091=0 and OR21005='" + str5 + "' and OR20001=OR21001 and OR20015>='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -3.0, DateAndTime.Now), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and OR20015<='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy") + "'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["PromVtas"]))) { num12 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num12, reader["PromVtas"])); } reader.Close(); num12 /= 3.0; double num7 = num12 * Variables.gMesesNRNue; if (num7 == 0.0) { num7 = num5; } if (StringType.StrCmp(sLeft, " ", false) != 0) { num13 = 0.0; num14 = 0.0; if (!(((((StringType.StrCmp(Strings.Format(expression, "yyyyMMdd"), Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "yyyyMMdd"), false) < 0) & (num15 == 0.0)) & (num9 == 0.0)) & (num8 == 0.0)) & (num10 == 0.0))) { command4 = new SqlCommand((((((((((((((((("insert into " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpOCompra (Codigo,Descripcion,NivelRepos,StockAl,OV,OCPend,OVRes,LoteOptCpra,CantMinPed,CodReemplazo,FecReemp,PropCpra,PromVtas,NivelReposPV,PropCpraPV,CodProv,NomProv,CodMetEnv01,DescMetEnv01,CantMetEnv01,FecEntOC01,CodMetEnv02,DescMetEnv02,CantMetEnv02,FecEntOC02,CodMetEnv03,DescMetEnv03,CantMetEnv03,FecEntOC03,Seleccion,PrecioCpra,CodMoneda,Moneda) values ('" + str5) + "','" + str13 + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num5) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num15) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num9) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num8) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num10) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num3) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num2)) + ",'" + sLeft) + "','" + Strings.Format(expression, "MM/dd/yyyy") + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num13) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num12) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num7) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num14)) + ",'" + str7) + "','" + str15) + "','" + str) + "','" + str10 + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num13)) + ",'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy")) + "','" + str2) + "','" + str11) + "',0,'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy")) + "','" + str3) + "','" + str12) + "',0,'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "',0," + StringType.FromDouble(num11)) + ",'" + str4) + "','" + str14 + "')", connection2); try { num16 = command4.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exception4) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception4); Exception exception2 = exception4; Interaction.MsgBox("Se ha producido el siguiente error:" + exception2.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, null); connection.Close(); connection2.Close(); this.cmbAceptar.Enabled = true; this.cmbSalir.Enabled = true; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } continue; } if (StringType.StrCmp(sLeft, " ", false) == 0) { string str6 = str5; while (1 != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT * FROM " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpCodReemp where CodReemplazo='" + str6 + "'", connection2); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); str6 = StringType.FromObject(reader["Codigo"]); reader.Close(); } else { reader.Close(); break; } command = new SqlCommand(StringType.FromObject(ObjectType.StrCatObj(ObjectType.StrCatObj("SELECT SC03010,SC03003,SC03004,SC03005,SC03006,SC03011,SC03018 FROM SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='", this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue), "'")), connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.HasRows) { reader.Read(); num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["SC03003"])); num9 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(ObjectType.AddObj(num9, reader["SC03004"]), reader["SC03005"])); num8 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num8, reader["SC03006"])); } reader.Close(); if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "01", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='01'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "03", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='03'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "05", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='05'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "07", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='07'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "08", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='08'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "09", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='09'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } if (ObjectType.ObjTst(this.cbAlmacen.SelectedValue, "10", false) != 0) { command = new SqlCommand("SELECT SC03003 as Stock FROM dbo.SC030100 where SC03001='" + str6 + "' and SC03002='10'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read()) { num15 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num15, reader["Stock"])); } reader.Close(); } command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR03011-OR03012) as OVRes FROM dbo.OR030100,OR010100 where (OR01002=1 or OR01002=4 or OR01002=6) and OR01091=1 and OR03011-OR03012<>0 and OR03005='" + str6 + "' and OR01001=OR03001", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["OVRes"]))) { num10 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num10, reader["OVRes"])); } reader.Close(); num12 = 0.0; command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR03011) as PromVtas FROM dbo.OR030100,OR010100 where (OR01002=1 or OR01002=4 or OR01002=6) and OR01091=0 and OR03005='" + str6 + "' and OR01001=OR03001 and OR01015>='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -3.0, DateAndTime.Now), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and OR01015<='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy") + "'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["PromVtas"]))) { num12 = DoubleType.FromObject(reader["PromVtas"]); } reader.Close(); command = new SqlCommand("SELECT sum(OR21011) as PromVtas FROM dbo.OR210100,OR200100 where (OR20002=1 or OR20002=4 or OR20002=6) and OR20091=0 and OR21005='" + str6 + "' and OR20001=OR21001 and OR20015>='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.DateAdd(DateInterval.Month, -3.0, DateAndTime.Now), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "' and OR20015<='" + Strings.Format(DateAndTime.Now, "MM/dd/yyyy") + "'", connection); command.CommandTimeout = 300; reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.Read() && !Information.IsDBNull(RuntimeHelpers.GetObjectValue(reader["PromVtas"]))) { num12 = DoubleType.FromObject(ObjectType.AddObj(num12, reader["PromVtas"])); } reader.Close(); num12 /= 3.0; num7 = num12 * Variables.gMesesNRNue; if (num7 == 0.0) { num7 = num5; } } num13 = (((num5 - num15) + num9) - num8) - num10; num14 = (((num7 - num15) + num9) - num8) - num10; if (num13 > 0.0) { if ((num3 != 0.0) && (num3 > num13)) { num13 = num3; } if (num2 != 0.0) { num13 = Math.Round((double)((num13 / num2) + 0.49), 0) * num2; } command4 = new SqlCommand(((((((((((((((("insert into " + Variables.gTermi + "TmpOCompra (Codigo,Descripcion,NivelRepos,StockAl,OV,OCPend,OVRes,LoteOptCpra,CantMinPed,CodReemplazo,PropCpra,PromVtas,NivelReposPV,PropCpraPV,CodProv,NomProv,CodMetEnv01,DescMetEnv01,CantMetEnv01,FecEntOC01,CodMetEnv02,DescMetEnv02,CantMetEnv02,FecEntOC02,CodMetEnv03,DescMetEnv03,CantMetEnv03,FecEntOC03,Seleccion,PrecioCpra,CodMoneda,Moneda) values ('" + str5) + "','" + str13 + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num5) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num15) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num9) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num8) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num10) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num3) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num2)) + ",'" + sLeft + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num13) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num12) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num7) + "," + StringType.FromDouble(num14)) + ",'" + str7) + "','" + str15) + "','" + str) + "','" + str10 + "'," + StringType.FromDouble(num13)) + ",'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy")) + "','" + str2) + "','" + str11) + "',0,'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy")) + "','" + str3) + "','" + str12) + "',0,'" + Strings.Format(DateType.FromString(Variables.gFechaOC), "MM/dd/yyyy") + "',0," + StringType.FromDouble(num11)) + ",'" + str4) + "','" + str14 + "')", connection2); try { num16 = command4.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception exception5) { ProjectData.SetProjectError(exception5); Exception exception3 = exception5; Interaction.MsgBox("Se ha producido el siguiente error:" + exception3.Message, MsgBoxStyle.OKOnly, null); connection.Close(); connection2.Close(); this.cmbAceptar.Enabled = true; this.cmbSalir.Enabled = true; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); return; ProjectData.ClearProjectError(); } } } } connection.Close(); connection2.Close(); }