public void testCutFrom() { string str = "Mares "; StringTheory theory = new StringTheory("Mares Eat Oats"); string str2 = theory.CutFrom("Eat"); Assert.True(str.Equals(theory.ToString()), "The resulting string is wrong."); Assert.True(str2.Equals("Eat Oats"), "The Cut string is wrong."); theory.PasteOver("Mares Eat Oats"); string str3 = theory.CutAfter("XYZ"); Assert.True("Mares Eat Oats".Equals(theory.ToString()), "[bogus] The resulting string is wrong."); Assert.True(str3.Length < 1, "[bogus] The Cut string is wrong."); }
public void testUnicode() { string str = "여보세요"; StringTheory theory = new StringTheory("여보세요 세계"); string str2 = theory.CutAfter("요"); Assert.True(str.Equals(theory.ToString()), "The resulting string is wrong."); Assert.True(str2.Equals(" 세계"), "The Cut string is wrong."); }