 public void TestGetError()
     for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
         StringPrepParseException sppe = new StringPrepParseException("dummy", (StringPrepErrorType)i, "dummy", 0, 0);
         if ((int)sppe.Error != i)
             Errln("StringPrepParseExcpetion.getError() was suppose to return " + i + " but got " + sppe.Error);
        public void TestStringPrepParseException()
            CultureInfo[] locales = { new CultureInfo("en-US"), new CultureInfo("fr"), new CultureInfo("zh-Hans") };
            String        rules   = "This is a very odd little set of rules, just for testing, you know...";

            StringPrepParseException[] exceptions = new StringPrepParseException[locales.Length];

            for (int i = 0; i < locales.Length; i += 1)
                exceptions[i] = new StringPrepParseException(locales[i].ToString(), (StringPrepErrorType)i, rules, i, i);
        public void TestSetPreContext()
            String WordAtLeast16Characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    StringPrepParseException sppe = new StringPrepParseException("dummy", (StringPrepErrorType)i, WordAtLeast16Characters, 0, 0);
                    sppe = new StringPrepParseException(WordAtLeast16Characters, (StringPrepErrorType)i, "dummy", 0, 0);
                catch (Exception e)
                    Errln("StringPrepParseException.setPreContext was not suppose to return an exception");
        public void TestStringPrepParseExceptionEquals()
            StringPrepParseException sppe       = new StringPrepParseException("dummy", 0, "dummy", 0, 0);
            StringPrepParseException sppe_clone = new StringPrepParseException("dummy", 0, "dummy", 0, 0);
            StringPrepParseException sppe1      = new StringPrepParseException("dummy1", (StringPrepErrorType)1, "dummy1", 0, 0);

            // Tests when "if(!(other instanceof StringPrepParseException))" is true
            if (sppe.Equals(0))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return false when " +
                      "passing integer '0'");
            if (sppe.Equals(0.0))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return false when " +
                      "passing float/double '0.0'");
            if (sppe.Equals("0"))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return false when " +
                      "passing string '0'");

            // Tests when "if(!(other instanceof StringPrepParseException))" is true
            if (!sppe.Equals(sppe))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return true when " +
                      "comparing to the same object");
            if (!sppe.Equals(sppe_clone))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return true when " +
                      "comparing to the same initiated object");
            if (sppe.Equals(sppe1))
                Errln("StringPrepParseException.Equals(Object) is suppose to return false when " +
                      "comparing to another object that isn't the same");