        private StringOptionViewModel AddStringOption(Property <string> property, string text, string toolTipText = null,
                                                      bool acceptsReturn = false)
            return(Lifetime.Using(tempLifetime =>
                // StringOptionViewModel doesn't allow us to pass a Property, but creates one based on the given scalar
                // entry. We're dealing with a custom object as a custom entry, so this doesn't work for us. Let's hack!
                // Create a StringOptionViewModel, with a binding to a scalar, let it create a property, then overwrite
                // it. The temp lifetime will then clean up the binding.
                // RIDER-8339 is sooo getting fixed in 2019.1
                var stringOptionViewModel = new StringOptionViewModel(tempLifetime,
                                                                      OptionsSettingsSmartContext.Schema.GetScalarEntry((CSharpNamingSettings s) => s.ExceptionName),
                                                                      text, toolTipText ?? string.Empty, acceptsReturn)
                    StringProperty = property

                return stringOptionViewModel;
            //protected string _value; // currently no callback to save, so just save on input complete

            public Data(Action prompt, Func <string, bool> validation, StringOption option, string optionNameId, bool shouldInputBeObfuscated, StringOptionViewModel model)
                : base((ManagedOptions.ManagedOptionsType)(-1), prompt)
                => TextInqueryData = new TextInquiryData(