public async Task GenerateDungeon(IUser user, [Remainder] string name) { if (await IsGMLevel(3)) { Player player = Player.Load(user.Id); Area dungeon; if (name.Length > 0) { dungeon = Dungeons.ManualDungeon(StringM.UpperAt(name), player.AreaInfo.floor, player.Area); } else { dungeon = Dungeons.Generate(player.AreaInfo.floor, player.Area); } if (dungeon != null) { await player.SetArea(dungeon); await player.NewUI(await ReplyAsync(embed: dungeon.AreaInfo(player.AreaInfo.floor).Build()), MsgType.Main); } else { await ReplyAsync("Dungeon not Found"); } } }
public async Task GrantUpgradedGear(IUser user, int tier, [Remainder] string namearg) { if (await IsGMLevel(4)) { Item item = Item.LoadItem(StringM.UpperAt(namearg)); if (tier > item.tier) { item.Scale(tier); } Player player = Player.Load(user.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); string result = $"Could not collect {}"; if (player.CollectItem(item, 1)) { result = $"Collected {}"; } IUserMessage reply = await ReplyAsync(user.Mention + " " + result); player.ui = new UI(reply, new List <string> { EUI.xp, EUI.inv, EUI.stats }); player.SaveFileMongo(); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); } }
internal string UpgradeCost(string toolName, int level, int tier) { if (level >= 10 && tier >= GetAllTiers(toolName).Length - 1) { return("No upgrades available."); } return("Upgrade Cost:" + Environment.NewLine + Utils.RunMethod <string>(StringM.UpperAt(toolName) + "UpgradeInfo", this, level, tier)); }
internal string Upgrade(string toolName, Player player) { int tier = GetTier(toolName); int level = GetLevel(toolName); long xp = GetXP(toolName); if (xp < XPRequired(level, tier)) { return("Tool is not ready to be upgraded."); } Inventory cost = Utils.RunMethod <Inventory>(StringM.UpperAt(toolName) + "Upgrade", this, level, tier); string result = null; foreach (StackedItems si in cost.inv) { int i = -1; if ((i = player.inventory.FindIndex(si.item)) < 0) { result += si.ToString() + Environment.NewLine; } else if (player.inventory.GetCount(i) < si.count) { result += $"{si.count - player.inventory.GetCount(i)} {}" + Environment.NewLine; } else { player.inventory.Remove(i, si.count); } } if (result != null) { return("Missing Materials:" + Environment.NewLine + result); } else { result = ToolName(toolName, tier, level); AddXP(toolName, -XPRequired(level, tier)); if (level >= 10) { SetLevel(toolName, 0); AddTier(toolName, 1); tier++; level = 0; } else { AddLevel(toolName, 1); level++; } player.SaveFileMongo(); return($"Upgraded {result} to {ToolName(toolName, tier, level)}"); } throw NeitsilliaError.ReplyError("Feature unavailable"); }
public async Task MoveToArea(IUser user, [Remainder] string name) { if (await IsGMLevel(4)) { Player player = Player.Load(user.Id); Area area = Area.LoadFromName(StringM.UpperAt(name)); player.EndEncounter(); await player.SetArea(area); player.SaveFileMongo(); EmbedBuilder areaInfo = player.UserEmbedColor(player.Area.AreaInfo(player.AreaInfo.floor)); await player.NewUI(await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("You've entered " +, embed: areaInfo.Build()) , MsgType.Main); } }
public async Task Enter([Remainder] string name) { if (name != null) { string areaName = StringM.UpperAt(name); Player player = Context.Player; await Enter(player, areaName, Context.Channel); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "To travel, one must have a destination. `~Enter 'Area'` or use the `~tp` interface."); } }
public async Task Grant_Perk(IUser user, [Remainder] string name) { if (await IsGMLevel(3)) { string perkName = StringM.UpperAt(name); Player p = Player.Load(user.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); int i = p.HasPerk(perkName); if (i == -1) { p.perks.Add(PerkLoad.Load(perkName)); p.SaveFileMongo(); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, $"{} already has the perk {perkName}", lifetime : 0.5); } } }
public async Task Grant_Ability_XP(IUser user, string argName, long xp = 100) { if (await IsGMLevel(3)) { string abName = StringM.UpperAt(argName); Player p = Player.Load(user.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); if (p.HasAbility(abName, out int i)) { p.abilities[i].GainXP(xp, 1); p.SaveFileMongo(); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); await ReplyAsync(embed : p.abilities[i].InfoPage(p.UserEmbedColor(), true).Build()); } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, $"{} already does not know {argName}", lifetime : 0.5); } } }
public async Task Grant_Ability(IUser user, string argName) { if (await IsGMLevel(3)) { string abName = StringM.UpperAt(argName); Ability a = Ability.Load(abName); Player p = Player.Load(user.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); if (!p.HasAbility(, out _)) { p.abilities.Add(a); p.SaveFileMongo(); await ReplyAsync($"{} learned {}"); } else { await ReplyAsync($"{} already knows {}"); } } }
public async Task Grant_Schem(IUser user, [Remainder] string name) { if (await IsGMLevel(3)) { string schemName = StringM.UpperAt(name); Item item = Item.LoadItem(schemName); if (item.type != Item.IType.notfound) { if (item.schematic.exists) { Player player = Player.Load(user.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); if (player.schematics == null) { player.schematics = new List <Schematic>(); } if (player.schematics.FindIndex(Schematic.FindWithName( == -1) { player.schematics.Add(item.schematic); player.SaveFileMongo(); IUserMessage reply = await ReplyAsync(user.Mention + " received a " + schemName + " schematic"); player.ui = new UI(reply, new List <string> { EUI.xp, EUI.inv, EUI.stats, EUI.schem }); player.SaveFileMongo(); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "Player already has this schematic"); } } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "Item does not have a schematic"); } } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "Item not found"); } } }
public async Task Roll([Remainder] string message) { EmbedBuilder em = new EmbedBuilder { Title = Context.User.Username + "'s Roll" }; string abilityName = StringM.UpperAt(message); Player player = Player.Load(Context.User.Id, Player.IgnoreException.All); if (player.HasAbility(abilityName, out int index)) { em = AbilityRoll(index, player, player.UserEmbedColor(em)); } else { em = DiceRolls(message, em); } await DUtils.Replydb(Context, embed : em.Build()); }
public async Task New_Bounty(string areaName, string creatureName = null, int floor = 0, int level = 1, string grantDrop = null) { if (IsGMLevel(4).Result) { areaName = StringM.UpperAt(areaName); //areaName = Area.AreaDataExist(areaName); if (areaName != null) { Area area = Area.LoadFromName(areaName); floor = Verify.MinMax(floor, area.floors); // NPC mob = null; if (creatureName != null) { mob = NPC.GenerateNPC(Verify.Min(level, 0), StringM.UpperAt(creatureName)); } if (mob == null) { mob = area.GetAMob(Program.rng, floor); } // if (grantDrop != null) { Item grant = Item.LoadItem(grantDrop); if (grant != null) { mob.AddItemToInv(grant, 1, true); } } // PopulationHandler.Add(area, mob); await DUtils.DeleteContextMessageAsync(Context); } else { await DUtils.Replydb(Context, "Area not found."); } } }
/*[Command("New Campaign")] * [Alias("ncampg")]//*/ public async Task New_Campaign([Remainder] string arg) { if (IsGMLevel(0).Result) { GM gm = GetGM(Context.User.Id); if (gm.campaignPath != null && File.Exists(gm.campaignPath)) { await ReplyAsync("You are already hosting a campaign"); } else { string name = StringM.UpperAt(arg); Campaign campaign = Campaign.Load(name); if (campaign == null && IsGMLevel(3).Result) { } else if (campaign != null) { } } } }
public async Task AbilityLevel(int level, [Remainder] string arg) { Ability ability = Ability.Load(StringM.UpperAt(arg), level); await ReplyAsync(embed : ability.InfoPage(new EmbedBuilder(), true).Build()); }