        private static (string body, string additionalData) ParseCommitBody([NotNull] StringLineReader reader, [NotNull] string subject)
            int lengthOfSubjectRepeatedInBody = subject.Length + 2 /*newlines*/;

            if (reader.Remaining == lengthOfSubjectRepeatedInBody + EndOfBody.Length)
                return(body : subject, additionalData : null);

            string tail             = reader.ReadToEnd() ?? "";
            int    indexOfEndOfBody = tail.LastIndexOf(EndOfBody, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);

            if (indexOfEndOfBody < 0)
                // TODO log this parse error
                Debug.Fail("Missing end-of-body marker in the log -- this should not happen");
                return(body : null, additionalData : null);

            string additionalData = null;

            if (tail.Length > indexOfEndOfBody + EndOfBody.Length)
                additionalData = tail.Substring(indexOfEndOfBody + EndOfBody.Length).TrimStart();

            string body = indexOfEndOfBody == lengthOfSubjectRepeatedInBody
                          ? subject : tail.Substring(0, indexOfEndOfBody).TrimEnd();

            return(body, additionalData);
        private static bool TryParseRevision(GitModule module, ArraySegment <byte> chunk, StringPool stringPool, Encoding logOutputEncoding, out GitRevision revision)
            // The 'chunk' of data contains a complete git log item, encoded.
            // This method decodes that chunk and produces a revision object.

            // All values which can be read directly from the byte array are arranged
            // at the beginning of the chunk. The latter part of the chunk will require
            // decoding as a string.

            if (chunk.Count == 0)
                // "git log -z --name-only" returns multiple consecutive null bytes when logging
                // the history of a single file. Haven't worked out why, but it's safe to skip
                // such chunks.
                revision = default;

            #region Object ID, Tree ID, Parent IDs

            // The first 40 bytes are the revision ID and the tree ID back to back
            if (!ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(chunk, 0, out var objectId) ||
                !ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(chunk, ObjectId.Sha1CharCount, out var treeId))
                revision = default;

            var array      = chunk.Array;
            var offset     = chunk.Offset + (ObjectId.Sha1CharCount * 2);
            var lastOffset = chunk.Offset + chunk.Count;

            // Next we have zero or more parent IDs separated by ' ' and terminated by '\n'
            var parentIds   = new ObjectId[CountParents(offset)];
            var parentIndex = 0;

            int CountParents(int baseOffset)
                if (array[baseOffset] == '\n')

                var count = 1;

                while (true)
                    baseOffset += ObjectId.Sha1CharCount;
                    var c = array[baseOffset];

                    if (c != ' ')



            while (true)
                if (offset >= lastOffset - ObjectId.Sha1CharCount - 1)
                    revision = default;

                var b = array[offset];

                if (b == '\n')
                    // There are no more parent IDs

                if (b == ' ')
                    // We are starting a new parent ID

                if (!ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(array, offset, out var parentId))
                    // TODO log this parse problem
                    revision = default;

                parentIds[parentIndex++] = parentId;
                offset += ObjectId.Sha1CharCount;


            #region Timestamps

            // Lines 2 and 3 are timestamps, as decimal ASCII seconds since the unix epoch, each terminated by `\n`
            var authorDate = ParseUnixDateTime();
            var commitDate = ParseUnixDateTime();

            DateTime ParseUnixDateTime()
                long unixTime = 0;

                while (true)
                    var c = array[offset++];

                    if (c == '\n')
                        return(DateTimeUtils.UnixEpoch.AddTicks(unixTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond).ToLocalTime());

                    unixTime = (unixTime * 10) + (c - '0');


            #region Encoding

            // Line is the name of the encoding used by git, or an empty string, terminated by `\n`
            string   encodingName;
            Encoding encoding;

            var encodingNameEndOffset = Array.IndexOf(array, (byte)'\n', offset);

            if (encodingNameEndOffset == -1)
                // TODO log this error case
                revision = default;

            if (offset == encodingNameEndOffset)
                // No encoding specified
                encoding     = logOutputEncoding;
                encodingName = null;
                encodingName = logOutputEncoding.GetString(array, offset, encodingNameEndOffset - offset);
                encoding     = module.GetEncodingByGitName(encodingName);

            offset = encodingNameEndOffset + 1;


            #region Encoded string values (names, emails, subject, body, name)

            // Finally, decode the names, email, subject and body strings using the required text encoding
            var s = encoding.GetString(array, offset, lastOffset - offset);

            var reader = new StringLineReader(s);

            var author         = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var authorEmail    = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var committer      = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var committerEmail = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);

            var subject = reader.ReadLine(advance: false);

            if (author == null || authorEmail == null || committer == null || committerEmail == null || subject == null)
                // TODO log this parse error
                Debug.Fail("Unable to read an entry from the log -- this should not happen");
                revision = default;

            // NOTE the convention is that the Subject string is duplicated at the start of the Body string
            // Therefore we read the subject twice.
            // If there are not enough characters remaining for a body, then just assign the subject string directly.
            var body = reader.Remaining - subject.Length == 2 ? subject : reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (body == null)
                // TODO log this parse error
                Debug.Fail("Unable to read body from the log -- this should not happen");
                revision = default;

            var indexOfEndOfBody = body.LastIndexOf(EndOfBody, StringComparison.InvariantCulture);

            string additionalData             = null;
            var    bodyContainsAdditionalData = body.Length > indexOfEndOfBody + EndOfBody.Length;
            if (bodyContainsAdditionalData)
                additionalData = body.Substring(indexOfEndOfBody + EndOfBody.Length).TrimStart();

            body = body.Substring(0, indexOfEndOfBody);


            revision = new GitRevision(objectId)
                ParentIds           = parentIds,
                TreeGuid            = treeId,
                Author              = author,
                AuthorEmail         = authorEmail,
                AuthorDate          = authorDate,
                Committer           = committer,
                CommitterEmail      = committerEmail,
                CommitDate          = commitDate,
                MessageEncoding     = encodingName,
                Subject             = subject,
                Body                = body,
                Name                = additionalData,
                HasMultiLineMessage = !ReferenceEquals(subject, body),
                HasNotes            = false

        private static bool TryParseRevision(GitModule module, ArraySegment <byte> chunk, StringPool stringPool, Encoding logOutputEncoding, out GitRevision revision)
            // The 'chunk' of data contains a complete git log item, encoded.
            // This method decodes that chunk and produces a revision object.

            // All values which can be read directly from the byte array are arranged
            // at the beginning of the chunk. The latter part of the chunk will require
            // decoding as a string.

            #region Object ID, Tree ID, Parent IDs

            // The first 40 bytes are the revision ID and the tree ID back to back
            if (!ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(chunk, 0, out var objectId) ||
                !ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(chunk, ObjectId.Sha1CharCount, out var treeId))
                revision = default;

            var objectIdStr = objectId.ToString();

            var array      = chunk.Array;
            var offset     = chunk.Offset + (ObjectId.Sha1CharCount * 2);
            var lastOffset = chunk.Offset + chunk.Count;

            // Next we have zero or more parent IDs separated by ' ' and terminated by '\n'
            var parentIds = new List <ObjectId>(capacity: 1);

            while (true)
                if (offset >= lastOffset - 21)
                    revision = default;

                var b = array[offset];

                if (b == '\n')
                    // There are no more parent IDs

                if (b == ' ')
                    // We are starting a new parent ID

                if (!ObjectId.TryParseAsciiHexBytes(array, offset, out var parentId))
                    // TODO log this parse problem
                    revision = default;

                offset += ObjectId.Sha1CharCount;


            #region Timestamps

            // Lines 2 and 3 are timestamps, as decimal ASCII seconds since the unix epoch, each terminated by `\n`
            var authorDate = ParseUnixDateTime();
            var commitDate = ParseUnixDateTime();

            DateTime ParseUnixDateTime()
                long unixTime = 0;

                while (true)
                    var c = array[offset++];

                    if (c == '\n')
                        return(DateTimeUtils.UnixEpoch.AddTicks(unixTime * TimeSpan.TicksPerSecond).ToLocalTime());

                    unixTime = (unixTime * 10) + (c - '0');


            #region Encoding

            // Line is the name of the encoding used by git, or an empty string, terminated by `\n`
            string   encodingName;
            Encoding encoding;

            var encodingNameEndOffset = Array.IndexOf(array, (byte)'\n', offset);

            if (encodingNameEndOffset == -1)
                // TODO log this error case
                revision = default;

            if (offset == encodingNameEndOffset)
                // No encoding specified
                encoding     = logOutputEncoding;
                encodingName = null;
                encodingName = logOutputEncoding.GetString(array, offset, encodingNameEndOffset - offset);
                encoding     = module.GetEncodingByGitName(encodingName);

            offset = encodingNameEndOffset + 1;


            #region Encoded string valies (names, emails, subject, body)

            // Finally, decode the names, email, subject and body strings using the required text encoding
            var s = encoding.GetString(array, offset, lastOffset - offset);

            var reader = new StringLineReader(s);

            var author         = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var authorEmail    = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var committer      = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);
            var committerEmail = reader.ReadLine(stringPool);

            // NOTE the convention is that the Body property contain a copy of Subject
            // Therefore we read the subject twice
            var subject = reader.ReadLine(advance: false);
            var body    = reader.ReadToEnd();

            if (author == null || authorEmail == null || committer == null || committerEmail == null || subject == null || body == null)
                // TODO log this parse error
                Debug.Fail("Unable to read an entry from the log -- this should not happen");
                revision = default;


            revision = new GitRevision(null)
                // TODO are we really sure we can't make Revision.Guid an ObjectId?
                Guid = objectIdStr,

                // TODO take IReadOnlyList<ObjectId> instead
                ParentGuids = parentIds.ToArray(p => p.ToString()),

                TreeGuid            = treeId,
                Author              = author,
                AuthorEmail         = authorEmail,
                AuthorDate          = authorDate,
                Committer           = committer,
                CommitterEmail      = committerEmail,
                CommitDate          = commitDate,
                MessageEncoding     = encodingName,
                Subject             = subject,
                Body                = body,
                HasMultiLineMessage = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(body)
