/// <summary> /// 按时间,科室获得门诊就医时长的表格(按科室分组) /// </summary> /// <param name="sTime"></param> /// <param name="eTime"></param> /// <param name="depts">专科ID</param> /// <param name="hospitalDistrict"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <DeptAverageTreatmentTime> GetDeptTreatmentAverageTime(DateTime sTime, DateTime eTime, Int32[] depts, params string[] hospitalDistrict) { var hd = String.Join(",", hospitalDistrict); var dp = String.Join(",", depts); var detpAvgTreatment = new List <DeptAverageTreatmentTime>(); var command = "SELECT ZKID,TO_CHAR(AVG(YYSC)) AS YYSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(HZSC)) AS HZSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(JZSC)) AS JZSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(JFSC)) AS JFSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(QYSC)) AS QYSC FROM YZCX_MZJZGCXX " + " WHERE TJRQ>=TO_DATE('" + sTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + " AND TJRQ<=TO_DATE('" + eTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND ZKID IN (" + dp + ") AND YQDM IN (" + hd + ")" + " GROUP BY ZKID ORDER BY ZKID"; var queryCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(command); using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(queryCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { var att = new DeptAverageTreatmentTime(); att.SpecialistId = reader.GetInt32(0); att.SpecialistName = specialists[att.SpecialistId]; att.Appointment = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(1)?"0":reader.GetString(1), 1); att.AwaitingDiagnosis = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "0" : reader.GetString(2), 1); att.Diagnosis = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "0" : reader.GetString(3), 1); att.PayFees = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "0" : reader.GetString(4), 1); att.MedicineReceiving = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(5) ? "0" : reader.GetString(5), 1); detpAvgTreatment.Add(att); } } return(detpAvgTreatment); }
//private Boolean IsNumeric (System.Object Expression) //{ // if(Expression == null || Expression is DateTime) // return false; // if(Expression is Int16 || Expression is Int32 || Expression is Int64 || Expression is Decimal || Expression is Single || Expression is Double || Expression is Boolean) // return true; // try // { // if(Expression is string) // Double.Parse(Expression as string); // else // Double.Parse(Expression.ToString()); // return true; // } catch {} // just dismiss errors but return false // return false; // } //} public string saveStatus(string message, ref string status) {//"AONAON" or "AOFFAOFF" or "AON" or "AOFF" //statusMessage = first occurance of "AON" try { if (message.Length < 3) { Logging.LogMessageToFile(this.ToString() + "-" + "message not okay => " + message, "ALL"); return(message); } string commandOn = firstDeviceGroup.ToString() + "ON"; string commandOff = firstDeviceGroup.ToString() + "OFF"; if (StringHandler.Left(message, 0, 3) == commandOn) { status = "ON"; //Debug.Print("Status = " + status); return(message.Substring(3, message.Length - 3)); } if (StringHandler.Left(message, 0, 4) == commandOff) { status = "OFF"; //Debug.Print("Status = " + status); return(message.Substring(4, message.Length - 4)); } Logging.LogMessageToFile(this.ToString() + " - saveStatus - " + "error in message " + message + "[Should be A01A01AONAON for example]", "ALL"); return(""); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.LogMessageToFile(this.ToString() + " saveStatus - Catch " + e.Message, "ALL"); return(""); } }
public TransactionListener(ObjectHandler <Transaction> eventSucceed, StringHandler eventFailed, VoidHandler eventCancelled) : base("com.fuji.fujisdk.payment.listener.TransactionListener") { this.eventSucceed = eventSucceed; this.eventFailed = eventFailed; this.eventCancelled = eventCancelled; }
/// <summary> /// 获得上月门诊平均时长(预约,候诊,就诊,缴费,取药) /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public double[] GetOutPatientIndicatorLastMonth() { var start = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1).AddDays(1 - DateTime.Now.Day); var end = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-DateTime.Now.Day); var result = new Double[5]; var command = "SELECT TO_CHAR(AVG(YYSC)) AS YYSC, TO_CHAR(AVG(HZSC)) AS HZSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(JZSC)) AS JZSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(JFSC)) AS JFSC, TO_CHAR(AVG(QYSC)) QYSC FROM YZCX_MZJZGCXX " + " WHERE TJRQ>=TO_DATE('" + start.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + " AND TJRQ<=TO_DATE('" + end.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') "; var queryCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(command); using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(queryCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { result[0] = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(0)?"0":reader.GetString(0), 2); result[1] = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(1) ? "0" : reader.GetString(1), 2); result[2] = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "0" : reader.GetString(2), 2); result[3] = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "0" : reader.GetString(3), 2); result[4] = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "0" : reader.GetString(4), 2); } } return(result); }
private void GetContractInfo(string key) { string contactno = this.key; this.submodel = new SubscribeBLL().GetSubscribeInfoContractNo(contactno); if (submodel.AddDate < Convert.ToDateTime("2016-3-11")) { companyName = "广东俊特团贷网络信息服务股份有限公司"; } else { companyName = "东莞团贷网互联网科技服务有限公司"; } this.subBasicModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(submodel.SubscribeUserId.Value); //基本信息 this.proModel = projectbll.GetProjectDetailInfo(submodel.ProjectId.Value); //标信息 this.publisherModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(proModel.UserId.Value); var Params = new Dapper.DynamicParameters(); Params.Add("@ProjectId", proModel.Id); string selSQL = @"select * from fq_ItemSetsProject with(nolock) where ProjectId=@ProjectId"; itemProjectInfo = PublicConn.QuerySingle <Fq_ItemSetsProjectInfo>(selSQL, ref Params); RepaymentTypeDesc = ToolStatus.ConvertRepaymentType(proModel.RepaymentType.Value); if (WebUserAuth.UserId == publisherModel.Id) { this.subBasicModel.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(subBasicModel.RealName, 1); //出借人 this.subBasicModel.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(subBasicModel.IdentityCard); //出借人身份证号 } else { this.itemProjectInfo.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(itemProjectInfo.RealName, 1); //借款人 this.itemProjectInfo.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(itemProjectInfo.IdentityCard); //出借人身份证号 } UserEnterpriseInfo userEnterprise = new Common.Contract().GetBorrowerGuaranteeEnterprise(proModel.UserId.Value, proModel.AddDate.Value, proModel.Type.Value); if (userEnterprise != null) { assureModel = new Common.Contract().GetAssureOrganizationByUserId(userEnterprise.UserId); } else { int gid = 0; int.TryParse(proModel.Guarantors, out gid); assureModel = new Common.Contract().GetAssureOrganizationById(gid); if (gid == 1 && DateTime.Now < DateTime.Parse("2013-11-27")) { assureModel.FullName = "东莞市俊特团贷网络信息服务有限公司"; } } //印章小图片 if (assureModel != null) { this.assureModel.image = this.GetSmallImage(this.assureModel.image); } }
public void ImportDeltas(string pipscsv, StringHandler msgCallback) { if ((pipscsv != null) && (pipscsv != string.Empty)) { try { available = false; string inserts = Path.ChangeExtension(pipscsv, "inserts"); string deletes = Path.ChangeExtension(pipscsv, "deletes"); if (File.Exists(inserts) || File.Exists(deletes)) { ImportDeltaDeletes(pipscsv, deletes, msgCallback); ImportDeltaInserts(pipscsv, inserts, msgCallback); } foreach (HotListDataFile df in this.dataFiles) { df.HotList.Reindex(); } } finally { available = true; } } GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(0, GCCollectionMode.Forced); GC.Collect(1, GCCollectionMode.Forced); GC.Collect(2, GCCollectionMode.Forced); }
public void recoveryTest() { StringHandler target = new StringHandler(); string str = target.protectMixedQuotes("test \"str1\" - 'str2' data"); Assert.AreEqual("test \"str1\" - 'str2' data", target.recovery(str)); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("Give a word"); string line = Console.ReadLine(); string help; int operInt = 0; Moderator mod = new Moderator(); StringHandler handler = new StringHandler(mod.Upperer); string result; while (true) { Console.WriteLine("Give an operation, you can give multiple operations at once (eg. '123'):"); Console.WriteLine("1. Change word to Upper case"); Console.WriteLine("2. Change word to Lower case"); Console.WriteLine("3. Change word to Headline"); Console.WriteLine("4. Change word to Palidrome"); Console.WriteLine("0. exit the program"); help = Console.ReadLine(); char[] oper = help.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < oper.Length; i++) { operInt = int.Parse(oper[i].ToString()); switch (operInt) { case 1: result = handler(line); Console.WriteLine("{0} is changed to {1}", line, result); break; case 2: handler = new StringHandler(mod.Lowerer); result = handler(line); Console.WriteLine("{0} is changed to {1}", line, result); break; case 3: handler = new StringHandler(mod.Capitalize); result = handler(line); Console.WriteLine("{0} is changed to {1}", line, result); break; case 4: handler = new StringHandler(mod.Palindrome); result = handler(line); Console.WriteLine("{0} is changed to {1}", line, result); break; case 0: break; } } if (operInt == 0) { break; } } }
public static SpecialFolderContent LoadSpecialFolder(string pathData) { if (!StringHandler.IsSpecialFolder(pathData)) { return(null); } var folderContent = new SpecialFolderContent(pathData); if (System.String.Compare(pathData, "$" + VideoFolderName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { var folders = (NonFileSystemKnownFolder)KnownFolders.VideosLibrary; LoadSpecialFolder(folders, folderContent); } else if (System.String.Compare(pathData, "$" + MusicFolderName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { var folders = (NonFileSystemKnownFolder)KnownFolders.MusicLibrary; LoadSpecialFolder(folders, folderContent); } else if (System.String.Compare(pathData, "$" + DownloadFolderName, System.StringComparison.Ordinal) == 0) { var folders = (FileSystemKnownFolder)KnownFolders.Downloads; LoadSpecialFolder(folders, folderContent); } return(folderContent); }
public void Save(StringHandler msgCallback) { if (this.Table is HotListsDataTable) { (this.Table as HotListsDataTable).Save(this, msgCallback); } }
public GuiConsoleForm(string caption, string cmdPrompt, StringHandler h) { Text = caption; prompt = cmdPrompt; stringHandler = h; textBox = new ConsoleTextBox(this); textBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; textBox.Font = new Font("Tahoma", 10, FontStyle.Bold); textBox.WordWrap = false; Width = 750; Size = new Size(467, 400); timer.Interval = 50; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Execute); this.Controls.Add(textBox); // quick interaction with code, including realtime right mouse drag textBox.MouseDown += Images.Form1.TMouseDownCode; textBox.MouseMove += Images.Form1.TMouseMoveCode; // get changes on screen textBox.MouseMove += (s, e) => { if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) { textBox.ExecuteSelectionLine(true); } }; // and executed textBox.DoubleClick += (s, e) => textBox.ExecuteSelectionLine(false); }
/// <summary> /// Extension Method Example: Add extra implementation to an object /// despite the behaviour(method) not being present in the class itself. /// </summary> /// <param name="b">The class to add an extension method to.</param> /// <param name="text">Text to print.</param> /// <param name="x">No. of times to print text.</param> public static void PrintXTimes(this StringHandler b, string text, int x) { for (int i = 0; i < x; i++) { Console.WriteLine(text); } }
private string ReadString() { Builder.Clear(); int NextCharacter; char LastCharacter = char.MinValue; while ((NextCharacter = Reader.Read()) >= 0) { var CharacterRead = Convert.ToChar(NextCharacter); if (NextCharacter == '"' && LastCharacter != '\\') { break; } else if (LastCharacter == '\\') { if (CharacterRead == 'n') { CharacterRead = '\n'; } } LastCharacter = CharacterRead; if (CharacterRead != '\\') { Builder.Append(CharacterRead); } } return(StringHandler.ReadString(Builder.ToString())); }
/// <summary> /// Updates the items in find list. /// </summary> public void UpdateItems() { if (SearchActive) { Array.Resize(ref findlist, items.Count); var added = 0; for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { var found = items[i].NeverFilter || StringHandler.FindFound(items[i].PresentText, findWords); if (!found) { continue; } findlist[added] = i; added++; } Array.Resize(ref findlist, added); } else { findlist = null; } SeekSelectedIndex(); ListSizeChanged(true); }
public void InsertSpacesTestValid() { string source = " SonicScrewdriver"; string expected = "Sonic Screwdriver"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, StringHandler.InsertSpaces(source)); }
private void addToTable(string cityName) { try { LocationForecast lf = forecast.getLocationForecast(cityName); if (table != null) { table.initializeTableRows(); table.fillListBox(); } customNotifier.notifier.ShowSuccess($"The city {StringHandler.capitalize(lf.Name)} was added to the table!"); } catch { if (cityName == "") { customNotifier.notifier.ShowWarning("You did not enter a city name!"); } else { customNotifier.notifier.ShowWarning($"City '{StringHandler.capitalize(cityName)}' does not exist!"); } } searchText.Clear(); }
private bool LoadSubDirectories(DirectoryLoadOptions options, string path) { DirectoryInfo[] folderinfos; if (StringHandler.IsSpecialFolder(path)) { var specialFolder = SpecialFolderLoader.LoadSpecialFolder(path); folderinfos = new DirectoryInfo[specialFolder.FolderPaths.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < specialFolder.FolderPaths.Count; i++) { folderinfos[i] = new DirectoryInfo(specialFolder.FolderPaths[i]); } } else { try { var directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); folderinfos = directoryInfo.GetDirectories(); } catch (Exception e) { ImpError error = new ImpError(ErrorType.FailedToOpenFolder, e.Message); mainC.EventC.ShowError(error); return(true); } } foreach (var folderinfo in folderinfos) { AddFolderToPlayList(options, folderinfo.FullName); } return(false); }
private void GetContractInfo(string key) { string contactno = key; this.submodel = new SubscribeBLL().GetSubscribeInfoContractNo(contactno); if (submodel.AddDate < Convert.ToDateTime("2016-3-11")) { companyName = "广东俊特团贷网络信息服务股份有限公司"; } else { companyName = "东莞团贷网互联网科技服务有限公司"; } this.subBasicModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(submodel.SubscribeUserId.Value); //投资人信息 this.proModel = projectbll.GetProjectDetailInfo(submodel.ProjectId.Value); this.publisherModel = userbll.GetUserBasicInfoModelById(proModel.UserId.Value); //借款人信息 //印章小图片 //this.AssureModel.image = new Common.Contract().GetSmallImage(this.AssureModel.image); RepaymentTypeDesc = new Common.Contract().GetRepaymentTypeDesc(proModel.RepaymentType ?? 0); if (WebUserAuth.UserId == publisherModel.Id) { this.subBasicModel.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(subBasicModel.RealName, 1); //出借人 this.subBasicModel.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(subBasicModel.IdentityCard); //出借人身份证号 } else { this.publisherModel.RealName = StringHandler.MaskStartPre(publisherModel.RealName, 1); //借款 人 this.publisherModel.IdentityCard = StringHandler.MaskCardNo(publisherModel.IdentityCard); //借款人身份证号 } }
public Json.Token Read() { if (Reader.BaseStream.Position >= Reader.BaseStream.Length) { return(Token = Json.Token.EndOfFile); } Token = (Json.Token)Reader.ReadByte(); if (Token == Json.Token.ObjectKey || Token == Json.Token.String) { Value = StringHandler.ReadString(Reader.ReadString()); } else if (Token == Json.Token.Float) { Value = Reader.ReadSingle(); } else if (Token == Json.Token.Integer) { Value = Reader.ReadInt32(); } else if (Token == Json.Token.Boolean) { Value = Reader.ReadBoolean(); } else if (Token == Json.Token.Null) { Value = null; } return(Token); }
/// <summary> /// Gets right operand as a Level object. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">raw data</param> /// <param name="handler">Handler of string if used.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected ILevel getRightOperand(string data, StringHandler handler = null) { if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)) { return(new Level() { Type = LevelType.RightOperandEmpty }); } Match m = Regex.Match(data, @"^\s*(=|:)(.*)$", RegexOptions.Singleline); if (!m.Success) { throw new SyntaxIncorrectException("PM - getRightOperand: incorrect data '{0}'", data); } string type = m.Groups[1].Value; string raw = m.Groups[2].Value; string ldata = (handler == null)? raw : handler.recovery(raw); if (type == ":") { return(new Level() { Type = LevelType.RightOperandColon, Data = eval(EvalType.RightOperandColon, ldata) }); } return(new Level() { Type = LevelType.RightOperandStd, Data = eval(EvalType.RightOperandStd, ldata) }); }
/// <summary> /// 选中最多5中检查类型,查看对应的信息对比 /// </summary> /// <param name="startDateTime"></param> /// <param name="endDateTime"></param> /// <param name="hospitalDistrict"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <SpecialInspection> GetSpecialInspectionsGroupByTime(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, String[] inspactTypes, params String[] hospitalDistrict) { var specialInspections = new List <SpecialInspection>(); var command = GetSpecialCommandGroupByTime(startDateTime, endDateTime, inspactTypes, hospitalDistrict); var queryCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(command); using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(queryCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { var si = new SpecialInspection(); si.TimeStamp = reader.GetString(0); si.InspectionType = reader.GetString(1); si.AppointmentDuration = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "0" : reader.GetString(2), 1); si.ReportDuration = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "0" : reader.GetString(3), 1); si.ActualInspectNum = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "0" : reader.GetString(4), 1); si.BreakNum = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(5) ? "0" : reader.GetString(5), 1); specialInspections.Add(si); } } return(specialInspections); }
/// <summary> /// Handling spaces /// </summary> /// <param name="data"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected string Spaces(string data) { Match m = Regex.Match ( data.Trim(), // // ->" data "<- or ->data<- string.Format ( @"(?: {0} #1 - with space protection | (.*) #2 - without )?", Pattern.DoubleQuotesContent ), RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace ); if (!m.Success) { throw new IncorrectSyntaxException($"Failed ConditionComponent->spaces - '{data}'"); } if (m.Groups[1].Success) { return(StringHandler.Normalize(m.Groups[1].Value)); } return(m.Groups[2].Value.Trim()); }
/// <summary> /// 表格呈现以检查类型分组的特检信息表 /// </summary> /// <param name="startDateTime"></param> /// <param name="endDateTime"></param> /// <param name="hospitalDistrict"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <SpecialInspection> GetSpecialInspections(DateTime startDateTime, DateTime endDateTime, params String[] hospitalDistrict) { var specialInspections = new List <SpecialInspection>(); var hd = String.Join(",", hospitalDistrict); var command = "SELECT JCLX,TO_CHAR(AVG(YYJCSC)) AS YYJCSC,TO_CHAR(AVG(JCBGSC)) AS JCBGSC,TO_CHAR(SUM(JCRS)) AS JCRS,TO_CHAR(SUM(SYRS)) AS SYRS FROM TJBG3.TJ_JCQKB " + " WHERE JCRQ>=TO_DATE('" + startDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') " + " AND JCRQ<=TO_DATE('" + startDateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + "','YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AND YQDM IN (" + hd + ")" + " GROUP BY JCLX "; var queryCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(command); using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(queryCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { var si = new SpecialInspection(); si.InspectionType = reader.GetString(0); si.AppointmentDuration = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(1)?"0":reader.GetString(1), 1); si.ReportDuration = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "0" : reader.GetString(2), 1); si.ActualInspectNum = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "0" : reader.GetString(3), 1); si.BreakNum = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "0" : reader.GetString(4), 1); specialInspections.Add(si); } } return(specialInspections); }
/// <summary> /// 增加空格,以变换行 /// </summary> /// <param name="mess"></param> private string AddSapce(string mess) { string strRet = string.Empty; int pixofchar = 7; //每个字符点6个像素点 int chLen = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(mess).Length; //显示的字符个数 int showWidth = this.Width - 30; //显示宽度 int firstRowShows = (showWidth - (4 * 2 + 1) * pixofchar) / pixofchar; //第一行显示的字符数 int secondRowShows = showWidth / pixofchar; //第二行开始显示的字符数 string subStr = string.Empty; if (chLen < firstRowShows) { return(mess); } strRet += StringHandler.SubString(mess, firstRowShows); mess = mess.Substring(strRet.Length); chLen -= System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(strRet).Length; while (chLen >= 0) { if (chLen <= secondRowShows) { strRet += " " + mess; break; } subStr = StringHandler.SubString(mess, secondRowShows); strRet += " " + subStr; chLen -= System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(subStr).Length; mess = mess.Substring(subStr.Length); } return(strRet); }
public void ImportDeltasBof2(string pipscsv, string filename, StringHandler msgCallback) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(pipscsv)) { return; } try { if (pipscsv.EndsWith("_ins.pips")) { ImportDeltaInserts(filename, pipscsv, msgCallback); } else if (pipscsv.EndsWith("_del.pips")) { ImportDeltaDeletes(filename, pipscsv, msgCallback); } foreach (HotListDataFile df in this.dataFiles) { df.HotList.Reindex(); } } catch (Exception ex) { //PIPS.Logger.Exception(ex); } }
public LoginListener(VoidHandler eventSucceed, StringHandler eventFailed, VoidHandler eventCancelled) : base("com.fuji.fujisdk.oauth.listener.LoginListener") { this.eventSucceed = eventSucceed; this.eventFailed = eventFailed; this.eventCancelled = eventCancelled; }
private void setCurrentCityInformation() { currentCity.Content = StringHandler.toUTFString(currentCityWeather.name); temmCurrentLocation.Content = currentCityWeather.main.getCelsius(); icon.Content = currentCityWeather.weather[0].getIcon(); measuredTime.Content = DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm tt"); }
/// <summary> /// 以时间来分组获取各科室各阶段的就诊时长 /// 跨年按年,跨天按天,跨月按月 /// </summary> /// <param name="sTime"></param> /// <param name="eTime"></param> /// /// <param name="depts"></param> /// <param name="hospitalDistrict"></param> public List <DeptAverageTreatmentTime> GetDeptTreatmentAverageTimeGroupByTime(DateTime sTime, DateTime eTime, Int32[] depts, params string[] hospitalDistrict) { var hd = String.Join(",", hospitalDistrict); var dp = String.Join(",", depts); var detpAvgTreatment = new List <DeptAverageTreatmentTime>(); var command = GetCommandGroupByTime(sTime, eTime, depts, hospitalDistrict); var queryCommand = db.GetSqlStringCommand(command); using (var reader = db.ExecuteReader(queryCommand)) { while (reader.Read()) { var att = new DeptAverageTreatmentTime(); att.StaticsTime = reader.GetString(0); att.SpecialistId = reader.GetInt32(1); att.SpecialistName = specialists[att.SpecialistId]; att.Appointment = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(2) ? "0" : reader.GetString(2), 1); att.AwaitingDiagnosis = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(3) ? "0" : reader.GetString(3), 1); att.Diagnosis = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(4) ? "0" : reader.GetString(4), 1); att.PayFees = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(5) ? "0" : reader.GetString(5), 1); att.MedicineReceiving = StringHandler.GetDoubleByString(reader.IsDBNull(6) ? "0" : reader.GetString(6), 1); detpAvgTreatment.Add(att); } } return(detpAvgTreatment); }
public void protectTest() { StringHandler target = new StringHandler(); string actual = target.protectMixedQuotes("test \"str1\" - 'str2' data"); Assert.AreEqual(false, Regex.IsMatch(actual, RPattern.DoubleQuotesContent, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)); Assert.AreEqual(false, Regex.IsMatch(actual, RPattern.SingleQuotesContent, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)); }
public Thread newListener(StringHandler handler) { strHandler = handler; Thread listener = new Thread(new ThreadStart(listen)); listener.Start(); return listener; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var integerHandler = new IntegerHandler(); var stringHandler = new StringHandler(); ValidateHandler(integerHandler); ValidateHandler(stringHandler); }
private IEnumerable<Unicorn> ApplQueryToHandler(string queryValue) { var handler = new StringHandler<Unicorn>(); var prop = Unicorns.GetProperty(u => u.Name); var q = PropertyQuery.Create(prop.Name, queryValue); return handler.ApplyQuery(Unicorns.All, prop, q); }
public Layout(String origin, LayoutType type) { var stringHandler = new StringHandler(origin); this.type = type; if (type == LayoutType.Simple || type == LayoutType.Code || type == LayoutType.Image) this.origin = origin; else insideLayouts = stringHandler.Convert(); }
public static void ShouldMoveIteratorInWord(String testedWord, int movesCount, LayoutType expectedType, String expectedWord, int expectedLastIndex) { var temp = new StringHandler(testedWord); for (int i = 0; i < movesCount; ++i) temp.MoveIterator(); var result = temp.oneLevel.GetLastPair(); Assert.AreEqual(expectedType, result.Item1); Assert.AreEqual(expectedWord, result.Item2); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLastIndex, temp._iterator); }
public GuiConsoleForm(string caption, string cmdPrompt, StringHandler h) { Text = caption; prompt = cmdPrompt; stringHandler = h; textBox = new ConsoleTextBox(this); textBox.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; textBox.Font = new Font("Tahoma",10,FontStyle.Bold); textBox.WordWrap = false; Width = 750; Size = new Size(467, 400); timer.Interval = 50; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(Execute); this.Controls.Add(textBox); }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); isSearchTextBoxEmpty = true; isChatTextBoxNotFocusedAndEmpty = true; isMyNameNotFocusedAndEmpty = true; isIDAvailable = false; isRegister = false; backgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.PaleTurquoise; lightColor = System.Drawing.Color.Azure; darkColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSeaGreen; //loadTheme(); emoticonButtonNum = 32; emoticonImages = new System.Drawing.Image[emoticonButtonNum]; for (int i = 0; i < emoticonButtonNum; ++i) { emoticonImages[i] = (Image)Properties.Resources.ResourceManager.GetObject("_" + (i+1).ToString()); } genEmoticonButtons(); defaultUserImage = global::chatRoomClient.Properties.Resources.defaultImage; chatImage = global::chatRoomClient.Properties.Resources.chatBlack; folderImage = global::chatRoomClient.Properties.Resources.folder; micImage = global::chatRoomClient.Properties.Resources.mic; msgHandler = parseReceiveMessage; client = chatSocket.connect(); client.newListener(parseReceiveMessage); userListTable.Visible = false; this.ActiveControl = myNameTextBox; //focus on myName }
public void RegisterDirectory(string dir, StringHandler callBack) { OpenDirectories.Add(dir, callBack); StringSent += OpenDirectories[dir]; }
private StringShim(StringHandler callback) { m_target += callback; }
public static void ShouldRightDetermineTypeOfWord(String testedWord, int index, LayoutType expectedType, String expectedWord, int expectedLastIndex) { var temp = new StringHandler(testedWord); var result = temp.GetNextUnderbar(index); Assert.AreEqual(expectedType ,result.Type); Assert.AreEqual(expectedWord ,result.CleanedWord); Assert.AreEqual(expectedLastIndex, result.LastIndex); }
public roomForm() { InitializeComponent(); msgHandler = updateMessage; }
static CrossFire() { NewData += new StringHandler(CrossFire_NewData); SendCommandTimeOut = new System.Timers.Timer(4000); SendCommandTimeOut.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(SendCommandTimeOut_Elapsed); }
public static StringHandler Create(StringHandler target) { StringShim shim = new StringShim(target); return new StringHandler(shim.DoInvoke); }
/// <summary> /// Handler of mixed data SBE-Scripts /// Format: https://bitbucket.org/3F/vssolutionbuildevent/issue/22/#comment-12739932 /// </summary> /// <param name="data">mixed data</param> /// <param name="allowMSBuild">Allows post-processing with MSBuild or not. /// Some components can require immediate processing with evaluation, before passing control to next level. /// </param> /// <returns>prepared and evaluated data</returns> public string parse(string data, bool allowMSBuild) { lock(_lock) { _depthLevel = 0; postProcessingMSBuild = allowMSBuild; StringHandler hString = new StringHandler(); return hString.recovery(parse(hString.protectMixedQuotes(data), _depthLevel, hString)); } }
/// <param name="data">Mixed data</param> /// <param name="level">Nesting level</param> /// <param name="hString">Handler of strings if exist</param> /// <returns>Prepared & evaluated data</returns> protected string parse(string data, int level, StringHandler hString = null) { if(level >= DEPTH_LIMIT) { _depthLevel = 0; throw new LimitException("Nesting level of '{0}' reached. Aborted.", DEPTH_LIMIT); } return Regex.Replace(data, ContainerPattern, delegate(Match m) { if(m.Groups[1].Value.Length > 1) { //escape Log.Debug("SBEScripts: escape - '{0}'", m.Groups[2].Value); return "#" + escapeMSBuildData(m.Groups[2].Value, true); } string raw = m.Groups[2].Value; Log.Trace("SBEScripts-data: to parse '{0}'", raw); if(hString != null) { return selector(hString.recovery(raw)); } return selector(raw); }, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); }
/// <summary> /// Handler for current data /// </summary> /// <param name="data">mixed data</param> /// <returns>prepared and evaluated data</returns> public override string parse(string data) { var hString = new StringHandler(); Match m = CRule.Match(hString.protectMixedQuotes(data.Trim())); if(!m.Success) { throw new SyntaxIncorrectException("Failed TryComponent - '{0}'", data); } string blockTry = hString.recovery(m.Groups[1].Value); string blockCatch = hString.recovery(m.Groups[2].Value); string args = (m.Groups["args"].Success)? hString.recovery(m.Groups["args"].Value) : null; try { return evaluate(blockTry); } catch(Exception ex) { return doCatch(blockCatch, ex, (new PM()).arguments(args)); } }
/// <summary> /// Handler for current data /// </summary> /// <param name="data">mixed data</param> /// <returns>prepared and evaluated data</returns> public override string parse(string data) { lock(_lock) { _hString = new StringHandler(); _depthBracketsLevel = 0; } Match m = Regex.Match(_hString.protectMixedQuotes(data.Trim()), String.Format(@"^\[\s* {0} #1 - Condition \s* {1} #2 - Body if true (?: \s*else\s* {1} #3 - Body if false (optional) )?\s*\]", RPattern.RoundBracketsContent, RPattern.CurlyBracketsContent ), RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); if(!m.Success) { throw new SyntaxIncorrectException("Failed ConditionComponent - '{0}'", data); } string condition = m.Groups[1].Value; string bodyIfTrue = _hString.recovery(m.Groups[2].Value); string bodyIfFalse = (m.Groups[3].Success)? _hString.recovery(m.Groups[3].Value) : String.Empty; return parse(_hString.protectCores(condition), bodyIfTrue, bodyIfFalse); }
public Layout(String origin) { var stringHandler = new StringHandler(origin); type = LayoutType.Simple; insideLayouts = stringHandler.Convert(); }
public static int[] ShouldSplitAnyCombinations(String tested) { var temp = new StringHandler(String.Empty); var result = temp.FindLastMark(tested); return new[] { result.Item1, result.Item2 }; }
/// <summary> /// Entry point of analyser. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">mixed data</param> protected void detect(string data) { Log.Trace("PM-detect: entered with '{0}'", data); StringHandler h = new StringHandler(); data = h.protectMixedQuotes(data); Match m = Regex.Match(data, Condition, RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace); if(!m.Success) { levels.Add(getRightOperand(data, h)); return; } string method = (m.Groups[1].Success)? m.Groups[1].Value : null; string arguments = (m.Groups[2].Success)? m.Groups[2].Value : null; string property = (m.Groups[3].Success)? m.Groups[3].Value : null; string operation = m.Groups[4].Value; Log.Trace("PM-detect: found '{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}'", property, method, arguments, operation); if(property != null) { levels.Add(new Level() { Type = LevelType.Property, Data = property, }); } else { levels.Add(new Level() { Type = LevelType.Method, Data = method, Args = extractArgs(h.recovery(arguments)), }); } detect(h.recovery(operation)); }
public static String ShouldDeleteIgnoredLayouts(String input) { var temp = new StringHandler(String.Empty); return temp.SimplifyCodeLayout(input); }
/// <summary> /// Extracts all arguments from line. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">Raw line with user arguments.</param> /// <returns>List of parsed arguments or null value if data is empty.</returns> /// <exception cref="SyntaxIncorrectException">If incorrect arguments line.</exception> protected Argument[] extractArgs(string data) { if(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)) { return new Argument[0]; } StringHandler h = new StringHandler(); string[] raw = h.protectMixedQuotes(data).Split(','); Argument[] ret = new Argument[raw.Length]; for(int i = 0; i < raw.Length; ++i) { string arg = h.recovery(raw[i]).Trim(); if(arg.Length < 1) { throw new SyntaxIncorrectException("PM - extractArgs: incorrect arguments line '{0}'", data); } ret[i] = detectArgument(arg); } return ret; }
/// <summary> /// Gets right operand as a Level object. /// </summary> /// <param name="data">raw data</param> /// <param name="handler">Handler of string if used.</param> /// <returns></returns> protected Level getRightOperand(string data, StringHandler handler = null) { if(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(data)) { return new Level() { Type = LevelType.RightOperandEmpty }; } Match m = Regex.Match(data, @"\s*(=|:)(.*)$"); if(!m.Success) { throw new SyntaxIncorrectException("PM - getRightOperand: incorrect data '{0}'", data); } string type = m.Groups[1].Value; string raw = m.Groups[2].Value; return new Level() { Type = (type == ":")? LevelType.RightOperandColon : LevelType.RightOperandStd, Data = (handler == null)? raw : handler.recovery(raw) }; }