public ActionResult <IEnumerable <string> > Get() { var stringDistance = new StringDistance(); var watch = new Stopwatch(); const long count = 100; const int length = 100; string comparestring = stringDistance.GenerateRandomString(length); var strlist = new string[count]; var steps = new int[count]; // prepare string[] for comparison Parallel.For(0, count, i => strlist[i] = stringDistance.GenerateRandomString(length)); Console.WriteLine("已经生成了" + count + "个长度为" + length + "的字符串"); watch.Start(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { steps[i] = stringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(comparestring, strlist[i]); } watch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("完成非并行计算,耗时(ms)" + watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); Console.WriteLine("性能比" + 100000d / watch.ElapsedMilliseconds); return(Ok("0.0.1")); }
private static int GetDistance(UserInfo user, string word1, string word2) { var distance1 = StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(user.FirstName, word1) + StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(user.LastName, word2); var distance2 = StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(user.FirstName, word2) + StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(user.LastName, word1); return(Math.Min(distance1, distance2)); }
private void btnOutput_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (StreamReader r = new StreamReader("cities.json")) { string json = r.ReadToEnd(); List <Item> items = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <Item> >(json); items = items.Where(x =>"ID")).ToList(); string input = txtInput.Text; int hasil; string hasiloutput = ""; for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { hasil = StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(input.ToLower(), items[i].name.ToLower()); decimal persenPerubahan = 0; persenPerubahan = ((decimal)hasil / (decimal)input.Length) * 100; if (persenPerubahan <= 30) { hasiloutput += items[i].name + " (" + persenPerubahan + ")" + " ,"; } } txtOutput.Text = hasiloutput; } MessageBox.Show("Done!"); }
public static IEnumerable <R> JoinSimilar <T, S, R>(this List <T> outer, List <S> inner, Func <T, string> outerKeySelector, Func <S, string> innerKeySelector, Func <T, S, int, R> resultSelector) where T : notnull where S : notnull { StringDistance sd = new StringDistance(); Dictionary <Tuple <T, S>, int> distances = (from o in outer from i in inner select KeyValuePair.Create(Tuple.Create(o, i), sd.LevenshteinDistance(outerKeySelector(o), innerKeySelector(i)))).ToDictionary(); while (distances.Count > 0) { var kvp = distances.MinBy(a => a.Value); var tuple = kvp.Key; distances.RemoveRange(distances.Keys.Where(a => a.Item1.Equals(tuple.Item1) || a.Item2.Equals(tuple.Item2)).ToList()); outer.Remove(tuple.Item1); inner.Remove(tuple.Item2); yield return(resultSelector(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, kvp.Value)); } }
WithDescription <V>?TryGetValue(string input) { var exact = dictionary.TryGetC(input); if (exact != null) { return(exact); } var sd = new StringDistance(); var best = dictionary.Keys.MinBy(a => sd.LevenshteinDistance(input.ToLowerInvariant(), a.ToLowerInvariant())); if (best != null && sd.LevenshteinDistance(input.ToLowerInvariant(), best.ToLowerInvariant()) <= 2) { if (SafeConsole.Ask($"Did you mean '{best}'?")) { return(dictionary.GetOrThrow(best)); } } return(null); }
static float Distance(StringDistance sd, string o, string n) { return(sd.LevenshteinDistance(o, n, weight: c => c.Type == StringDistance.ChoiceType.Substitute ? 2 : 1)); }
public void LevenshteinDistance() { Assert.Equal(1, d.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "ho")); Assert.Equal(1, d.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "hil")); Assert.Equal(1, d.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "h")); }
static string AskTypeReplacement(Replacements replacements, string type) { return(replacements.GetOrCreate("cleanNames").GetOrCreate(type, () => { if (Replacements.AutoReplacement != null) { Replacements.Selection?sel = Replacements.AutoReplacement(new Replacements.AutoReplacementContext { ReplacementKey = "FixValue.Type", OldValue = type, NewValues = null }); if (sel != null && sel.Value.NewValue != null) { return sel.Value.NewValue; } } Console.WriteLine("Type {0} has been renamed?".FormatWith(type)); int startingIndex = 0; StringDistance sd = new StringDistance(); var list = TypeLogic.NameToType.Keys.OrderBy(t => sd.LevenshteinDistance(t, type)).ToList(); retry: int maxElements = Console.LargestWindowHeight - 11; list.Skip(startingIndex).Take(maxElements) .Select((s, i) => "- {1,2}: {2} ".FormatWith(i + startingIndex == 0 ? ">" : " ", i + startingIndex, s)).ToConsole(); Console.WriteLine(); SafeConsole.WriteLineColor(ConsoleColor.White, "- n: None"); int remaining = list.Count - startingIndex - maxElements; if (remaining > 0) { SafeConsole.WriteLineColor(ConsoleColor.White, "- +: Show more values ({0} remaining)", remaining); } while (true) { string answer = Console.ReadLine(); if (answer == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Impossible to synchronize interactively without Console"); } answer = answer.ToLower(); if (answer == "+" && remaining > 0) { startingIndex += maxElements; goto retry; } if (answer == "n") { return null; } if (int.TryParse(answer, out int option)) { return list[option]; } Console.WriteLine("Error"); } })); }
// Update all string stats for which there are enough strings entered. private void computeStatsButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { TabPage selectedTab = statsTabControl.SelectedTab; bool isInput1Empty = (inputTextBox1.Text == String.Empty); bool isInput2Empty = (inputTextBox2.Text == String.Empty); bool isInput3Empty = (inputTextBox3.Text == String.Empty); bool isInput1Error = false; // isInput1Empty; bool isInput2Error = false; // isInput2Empty && (selectedTab == tabPage2 || selectedTab == tabPage3); bool isInput3Error = false; // isInput3Empty && selectedTab == tabPage3; bool isInputError = isInput1Error || isInput2Error || isInput3Error; inputValidatorTextBox1.Text = isInput1Error ? "String #1 must be non-empty for all stats" : String.Empty; inputValidatorTextBox2.Text = isInput2Error ? "String #2 must be non-empty for 1-string and 2-string stats" : String.Empty; inputValidatorTextBox3.Text = isInput3Error ? "String #3 must be non-empty for 3-string stats" : String.Empty; inputValidatorTextBox1.Visible = isInput1Error; inputValidatorTextBox2.Visible = isInput2Error; inputValidatorTextBox3.Visible = isInput3Error; inputValidatorTextBox.Visible = isInputError; if (isInputError) { int numErrors = (isInput1Error ? 1 : 0) + (isInput2Error ? 1 : 0) + (isInput3Error ? 1 : 0); inputValidatorTextBox.Text = String.Format( "Please fix the {0} error{1} above before continuing.", numErrors, numErrors == 1 ? String.Empty : "s" ); return; } inputValidatorTextBox.Text = String.Empty; // One String stringLengthTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString( StringLength.Length(inputTextBox1.Text) ); List <string> palindromes = Palindrome.LongestPalindromes(inputTextBox1.Text); longestPalindromesTextBox.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, palindromes); // Two Strings levenshteinTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString( StringDistance.LevenshteinDistance(inputTextBox1.Text, inputTextBox2.Text) ); damerauLevenshteinTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString( StringDistance.DamerauLevenshteinDistance(inputTextBox1.Text, inputTextBox2.Text) ); optimalStringAlignmentTextBox.Text = Convert.ToString( StringDistance.OptimalStringAlignmentDistance(inputTextBox1.Text, inputTextBox2.Text) ); longestCommonSubsequencesTextBox.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, CommonSubset.LongestCommonSubsequences(inputTextBox1.Text, inputTextBox2.Text) ); longestCommonSubstringsTextBox.Text = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, CommonSubset.LongestCommonSubstrings(inputTextBox1.Text, inputTextBox2.Text) ); }
public static T?MostSimilar <T>(this IEnumerable <T> collection, Func <T, string> stringSelector, string pattern) { StringDistance sd = new StringDistance(); return(collection.MinBy(item => sd.LevenshteinDistance(stringSelector(item), pattern))); }
public void LevenshteinDistance() { Assert.True(1 == _stringDistance.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "ho")); Assert.True(1 == _stringDistance.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "hil")); Assert.True(1 == _stringDistance.LevenshteinDistance("hi", "h")); }