public static StringDict LoadDictionary(this string dictPath, bool ignoreComment = false) { var dict = new StringDict(); LoadDictionary(dict, dictPath, ignoreComment); return(dict); }
public SecurityCache(Func <SecurityCache, IdentityReference, SecurityAccount> factory = null) { this.factory = (factory != null) ? factory : SecurityAccount.FactoryImpl; contextCache = new StringDict <PrincipalContext>(); accountCache = new StringDict <SecurityAccount>(); _lock = new object(); }
public TikaAsyncWorker(TikaDS parent, IStreamProvider elt) { action = LoadUrl; Parent = parent; dbgStoreDir = parent.DbgStoreDir; Attribs = new StringDict(); var coll = elt.ContextNode.Attributes; for (int i = 0; i < coll.Count; i++) { var att = coll[i]; if (att.LocalName.Equals("url", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (att.LocalName.Equals("baseurl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } Attribs[att.LocalName] = att.Value; } StreamElt = elt; FileInfo info = new FileInfo(StreamElt.FullName); LastModifiedUtc = info.LastWriteTimeUtc; FileSize = info.Length; }
static void splitAndAdd(StringDict <_TagType> dict, String tags, _TagType type) { int prev = -1; for (int i = 0; i < tags.Length; i++) { switch (tags[i]) { case ' ': case ',': case ';': if (prev < 0) { continue; } dict[tags.Substring(prev, i - prev)] = type; prev = -1; continue; default: if (prev < 0) { prev = i; } continue; } } if (prev >= 0) { dict[tags.Substring(prev)] = type; } }
public object Retrieve(string serviceName, XmlRpcStruct args) { Console.WriteLine("Service \"{0}\"", serviceName); ProvidersManager providers = new ProvidersManager(); Extractable service = null; try { service = providers.FindService(serviceName); } catch (InvalidNameException) { string msg = "The name of the service should be in the format NameSpace.ServiceName"; throw new XmlRpcFaultException(32602, msg); } catch (ServiceNotFoundException) { string msg = String.Format("The service \"{0}\" does not exist on this server.", serviceName); throw new XmlRpcFaultException(32602, msg); } Console.WriteLine("Arguments (as strings):"); StringDict arguments = new StringDict(); foreach (DictionaryEntry keyval in args) { arguments.Add((string)keyval.Key, keyval.Value.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("{0}=>{1}", keyval.Key, keyval.Value); } service.Extract(arguments); Console.WriteLine("Result: {0}", service.ToString()); return service; }
private StringDict getAttributes(XmlNode node) { StringDict ret = new StringDict(); if (node == null) { return(ret); } var coll = node.Attributes; for (int i = 0; i < coll.Count; i++) { var att = coll[i]; if (att.LocalName.Equals("url", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } if (att.LocalName.Equals("baseurl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { continue; } ret[att.LocalName] = att.Value; } return(ret); }
public void ClearCompilerParms() { _cp = new CompilerParameters(); _cp.CompilerOptions = "/debug:pdbonly";// TreatWarningsAsErrors="false" _refs = new StringDict(); AddReference("system.dll"); AddReference("system.xml.dll"); AddReference("system.linq.dll"); }
public NamedAdminCollection(XmlNode collNode, String childrenNode, Func <XmlNode, T> factory, bool mandatory) : base(collNode, childrenNode, factory, mandatory) { namedItems = new StringDict <T>(Count); for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) { T item = base[i]; namedItems.Add(item.Name, item); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += onResolve; AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad += onLoad; trySetIcon(); String dir = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location; StringDict dirs = new StringDict(); dir = IOUtils.FindDirectoryToRoot(Path.GetDirectoryName(dir), "ImportDirs"); if (dir != null) { dirs.Add(dir, null); } StringDict files = new StringDict(); foreach (var f in History.LoadHistory(HISTORY_KEY)) { files[f] = null; dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetDirectoryName(f)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { dirs[dir] = null; } } foreach (var kvp in dirs) { FileTree tree = new FileTree(); tree.AddFileFilter(@"\\import\.xml$", true); tree.ReadFiles(kvp.Key); if (tree.Files.Count != 0) { tree.Files.Sort(); foreach (var relfile in tree.Files) { files[tree.GetFullName(relfile)] = null; } } } ac = new DirectoryAutocompleter(comboBox1, files.Select(kvp => kvp.Key).ToList()); if (comboBox1.Items.Count > 0) { comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 0; } } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.ErrorLog.Log(ex); throw; } }
public PromptParmsNeedArgs(int iPromptPageType, int iBizObjID, StringDict dictParms) { miBizObjID = iBizObjID; miPromptPageType = iPromptPageType; mPageParms = dictParms; if (mPageParms == null) { mPageParms = new StringDict(); } }
private void clearDict <T>(ref StringDict <T> refDict) where T : class { StringDict <T> dict = refDict; refDict = null; Exception e = null; foreach (var kvp in dict) { Utils.Free(kvp.Value, ref e); } }
public ScriptExpressionHolder(List <String> customUsings = null) { className = "_ScriptExpressions"; mem = new MemoryStream(); wtr = mem.CreateTextWriter(); StringDict usings = new StringDict(); usings.Add("System", null); usings.Add("System.IO", null); usings.Add("System.Linq", null); usings.Add("System.Text", null); usings.Add("System.Xml", null); usings.Add("System.Collections.Generic", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.Core", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.IO", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.Json", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.Elastic", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.ImportPipeline", null); usings.Add("Bitmanager.ImportPipeline.StreamProviders", null); usings.Add("Newtonsoft.Json.Linq", null); if (customUsings != null) { foreach (var u in customUsings) { String uu = u; if (uu.StartsWith("using ")) { uu = u.Substring(6); } if (uu.EndsWith(";")) { uu = uu.Substring(0, uu.Length - 1); } uu = uu.Trim(); usings[uu] = null; } } foreach (var kvp in usings) { wtr.Write("using "); wtr.Write(kvp.Key); wtr.WriteLine(";"); } wtr.WriteLine(); wtr.WriteLine("namespace Bitmanager.ImportPipeline"); wtr.WriteLine("{"); wtr.WriteLine(" public class _ScriptExpressions"); wtr.WriteLine(" {"); }
public string ToJsonTest() { var dict = new StringDict() { { "test", "a" }, { "t", "b" } }; if (dict.ToJson() != "{\"test\":\"a\",\"t\":\"b\"}") { return(Fail(dict.ToJson())); } return(Pass()); }
public string StringifyTest1() { var dict = new StringDict() { { "test", "a" } }; var str = dict.Stringify(); if (str != "{test:a}") { return("文字列への変換に失敗しています " + str); } return(""); }
public static _TagType GetTagType(StringDict <_TagType> tagDict, String tag) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tag)) { return(_TagType.Unknown); } _TagType ret; if (tagDict.TryGetValue(tag.ToLowerInvariant(), out ret)) { return(ret); } return(_TagType.Unknown); }
public ESIndexDefinitions(XmlHelper xml, XmlNode node, OnLoadConfig onLoadConfig = null) { XmlNodeList nodes = node.SelectMandatoryNodes("index"); list = new List <ESIndexDefinition>(nodes.Count); dict = new StringDict <ESIndexDefinition>(nodes.Count); foreach (XmlNode x in nodes) { ESIndexDefinition def = new ESIndexDefinition(xml, x, onLoadConfig); list.Add(def); dict.Add(def.Name, def); } }
public static void OutputLocalizationText(StringDict text, bool newLine = true) { if (LOCALIZATION [text].ContainsKey(CURRENT_LANG)) { Console.Write(LOCALIZATION [text] [CURRENT_LANG]); } else { Console.Write(LOCALIZATION [text] [DEFAULT_LANG]); } if (newLine) { Console.WriteLine(); } }
static HtmlProcessor() { var dict = new StringDict <_TagType>(); splitAndAdd(dict, "b big i small tt", _TagType.Inline); splitAndAdd(dict, "abbr acronym cite code dfn em kbd strong samp var", _TagType.Inline); splitAndAdd(dict, "a, bdo, br, img, map, q, script, span, sub, sup", _TagType.Inline); splitAndAdd(dict, "button, input, label, select, textarea", _TagType.Inline); splitAndAdd(dict, "address article aside blockquote canvas dd div dl fieldset figcaption", _TagType.Block); splitAndAdd(dict, "figure footer form h1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 header hgroup hr main nav", _TagType.Block); splitAndAdd(dict, "ol output p pre section table tfoot ul video", _TagType.Block); splitAndAdd(dict, "style script noscript object", _TagType.Inline | _TagType.Unwanted); tagDict = dict; }
public PostProcessors(ImportEngine engine, XmlNode collNode) { postProcessors = new StringDict <IPostProcessor>(); if (collNode == null) { return; } var nodes = collNode.SelectNodes("postprocessor"); for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++) { XmlNode c = nodes[i]; IPostProcessor p = ImportEngine.CreateObject <IPostProcessor> (c, engine, c); postProcessors.Add(p.Name, p); } }
public static void LoadDictionary(StringDict dict, string dictPath, bool ignoreComment = false) { using var textReader = new StreamReader(dictPath, true); foreach (var line in textReader.Lines()) { if (ignoreComment == true && line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } var tuple = line.Split('='); if (tuple.Length == 2 && !dict.ContainsKey(tuple[0])) { dict.Add(tuple[0], tuple[1]); } } }
private int keyToIndex(string key) { int ret; if (lenient) { if (lenientIndexes == null) { lenientIndexes = new StringDict <int>(false); } if (lenientIndexes.TryGetValue(key, out ret)) { return(ret); } ret = -1; if (!selectiveExport) { foreach (var kvp in lenientIndexes) { if (kvp.Value > ret) { ret = kvp.Value; } } ret++; } lenientIndexes.Add(key, ret); return(ret); } String key2 = key; switch (key[0]) { case 'f': case 'F': key2 = key.Substring(1); break; } if (int.TryParse(key2, NumberStyles.Integer, Invariant.Culture, out ret)) { return(ret); } throw new BMException("Fieldname '{0}' should be a number or an 'F' with a number, to make sure that the field is written on the correct place in the CSV file.", key); }
public string KeyNotFoundTest() { var dict = new StringDict() { { "test", "a" }, { "t", "b" } }; //var str = dict.Stringify(); if (dict.KeyNotFound("test")) { return("発見できるはずの要素が見つかっていません"); } if (dict.KeyNotFound("a")) { return(""); } return("発見できないはずの要素が見つかっています"); }
private void addConversionError(String field, Exception e) { if (conversionErrors == null) { conversionErrors = new StringDict <ConversionError>(); } ConversionError err; if (conversionErrors.TryGetValue(field, out err)) { err.Count++; } else { conversionErrors.Add(field, new ConversionError(field, e)); } }
/* Initializes the AXEMAS application with a given root page and sidebar. */ public void makeApplicationRootController(StringDict data, StringDict sideBarData = null, Type mainPage = null) { var app = getApplication(); if (mainPage == null) { mainPage = typeof(Controls.SectionViewPage); } if (sideBarData != null) { JObject JOsideBarData = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(sideBarData); getSidebarController().createWebViewSidebar(JOsideBarData); } JObject JOdata = (JObject)JToken.FromObject(data); Controls.SectionViewPage.Navigate(app.RootFrame, mainPage, JOdata); }
private void diagnose() { StringComparer cmp; bool caseSens = checkBox1.Checked; cmp = caseSens ? StringComparer.Ordinal : StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase; listBox1.Items.Clear(); var dict = new StringDict <int>(!caseSens); int cntPerItem = -1; for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count;) { String line = lines[i]; int existing; if (dict.TryGetValue(line, out existing)) { addMsg("Line {0} clashes with existing line {1}.", i, existing); } else { dict.Add(line, i); } int start = i; for (i++; i < lines.Count; i++) { String s = lines[i]; if (!cmp.Equals(s, line)) { break; } } int cnt = i - start; if (cntPerItem < 0) { cntPerItem = cnt; } else if (cnt != cntPerItem) { addMsg("Line {0}: unexpected count {1}, existing={2}.", start, cnt, cntPerItem); } } addMsg("Lines={0}, unique={1}, perUnique={2}. ", lines.Count, dict.Count, lines.Count / (double)dict.Count); }
public void AddMissed(String x, bool touched = false) { if (x == null) { return; } x = x.ToLowerInvariant(); if (dict == null) { dict = new StringDict <bool>(); dict.Add(x, touched); return; } if (dict.ContainsKey(x)) { return; } dict.Add(x, touched); }
static void Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Either pass --server to run as XML-RPC server mode, or pass " + "\"ServiceName [arg, arg...]\" to run directly."); return; } if (args.Length > 0 && args[0] == "--server") { int port = 9996; BlockingXmlRpcServer server = new BlockingXmlRpcServer(port); server.Start(); } else { ProvidersManager providers = new ProvidersManager(); Extractable service = null; try { service = providers.FindService(args[0]); } catch (InvalidNameException) { Console.WriteLine("The name of the service should be in the format NameSpace.ServiceName"); return; } catch (ServiceNotFoundException) { Console.WriteLine("The service {0} is not currently supported.", args[0]); return; } StringDict arguments = new StringDict(); if (args.Length > 1) for (int i = 1; i < args.Length; i++) { string[] name_val = args[i].Split("=".ToCharArray(), 2); if (name_val.Length > 1) arguments.Add(name_val[0], name_val[1]); else Console.WriteLine("Wrong argument format, ignored: {0}", args[i]); } service.Extract(arguments); Console.WriteLine (service.ToString()); } }
public void Start(PipelineContext ctx) { if (trace) { ctx.ImportFlags |= _ImportFlags.TraceValues; } missed = new StringDict(); if (ScriptTypeName != null) //NB: always create a new script object. Never reuse an existing one. { ScriptObject = Objects.CreateObject(ScriptTypeName, ctx); logger.Log("Script({0})={1}", ScriptTypeName, ScriptObject); } if (ImportEngine.ScriptExpressions.Count > 0) //NB: always create a new script object. Never reuse an existing one. { String cls = ImportEngine.ScriptExpressions.FullClassName; ScriptExprObject = Objects.CreateObject(cls, ctx); logger.Log("ScriptExpr({0})={1}", cls, ScriptExprObject); } //Clone the list of actions and strat them actions = new List <ActionAdmin>(definedActions.Count); for (int i = 0; i < definedActions.Count; i++) { ActionAdmin act = definedActions[i]; act.Action.Start(ctx); actions.Add(act); } prepareActions(); if (endPointCache != null) { foreach (var kvp in this.endPointCache) { kvp.Value.Endpoint.Start(ctx); } } started = true; }
/// <summary> /// Gets an existing endpoint from the cache or creates and initializes a new one. /// If a new endpoint is instantiated, its optionally wrapped by a list of postprocessors /// </summary> public IDataEndpoint CreateOrGetDataEndpoint(PipelineContext ctx, String name, String postProcessors) { String endpointName = getEndpointName(name, ctx.DatasourceAdmin); EndpointCacheEntry epEntry; if (endPointCache == null) { endPointCache = new StringDict <EndpointCacheEntry>(); } if (endPointCache.TryGetValue(endpointName, out epEntry)) { if (postProcessors == null || String.Equals(postProcessors, epEntry.PostProcessors, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { return(epEntry.Endpoint); } throw new BMException("Endpoint [{0}] is used with different post-processors [{1}] adn [{2}].", epEntry.Name, epEntry.PostProcessors, postProcessors); } IDataEndpoint ep = this.ImportEngine.Endpoints.GetDataEndpoint(ctx, endpointName); if (postProcessors == null) { postProcessors = DefaultPostProcessors; } if (postProcessors != null) { ep = wrapPostProcessors(ctx, ep, postProcessors); } epEntry = new EndpointCacheEntry(endpointName, ep, postProcessors); endPointCache.Add(endpointName, epEntry); if (started) { epEntry.Endpoint.Start(ctx); } return(epEntry.Endpoint); }
public void Start(string separator, StringDict sdict) { var szTrCode = _resModel.Name; fi = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Settings.Default.root_path, szTrCode + ".csv")); if (fi.Directory != null && !fi.Directory.Exists) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(fi.DirectoryName); } using (var writer = fi.AppendText()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); _resModel.Blocks["OutBlock"].Rows.ForEach(row => { sb.Append(row.Name).Append(','); }); sb.Remove(sb.Length - 1, 1); writer.WriteLine(sb.ToString()); } var block = _resModel.Blocks["InBlock"]; block.Rows.ForEach(delegate(Row row) { _ixa.SetFieldData(block.Name, row.Name, sdict[row.Name]); }); _ixa.AdviseRealData(); }
private void resolveAssemblies() { StringDict pathes = new StringDict(); var domain = AppDomain.CurrentDomain; pathes[IOUtils.DelSlash(domain.BaseDirectory)] = null; String relPath = domain.RelativeSearchPath; if (relPath != null) { relPath = Path.Combine(domain.BaseDirectory, relPath); pathes[IOUtils.DelSlash(relPath)] = null; } if (ExtraSearchPath != null) { pathes[ExtraSearchPath] = null; } var list = _cp.ReferencedAssemblies; for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { String dir = Path.GetDirectoryName(list[i]); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(dir)) { continue; } pathes[dir] = null; } foreach (var kvp in pathes) { resolveAssemblies(kvp.Key); } }
public ReplaceConverter(XmlNode node) : base(node) { ReplacerFlags def = ReplacerFlags.NoMatchReturnOriginal; maxMissed = XmlUtils.ReadInt(node, "@dumpmissed", -1); if (maxMissed > 0) { missed = new StringDict(); def = ReplacerFlags.NoMatchReturnNull; } flags = XmlUtils.ReadEnum(node, "@flags", def); replacers = new List <ReplacerElt>(); XmlNodeList list = node.SelectNodes("replace"); for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++) { var r = new ReplacerElt(list[i]); if (r == null) { continue; } replacers.Add(r); } }
public ExtractArguments(string name, string val) { args = new StringDict(); args.Add(name, val); }
public bool Extract(StringDict args) { Extractor ex = new Extractor(); return ex.Extract(this, args); }
public bool Extract(object info, StringDict args) { Type t = info.GetType(); SourceURLAttribute[] srcattrs = (SourceURLAttribute[]) t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(SourceURLAttribute), true); if (srcattrs.Length == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Class {0} doesn't specify any source URL. Skipping.", t.Name); return false; } string source_url = srcattrs[0].url; URLReplacer replacer = new URLReplacer(source_url, args); source_url = replacer.Replace(); string xml = GetPage(source_url); IDocument doc = null; switch (srcattrs[0].format) { case SourceDocFormat.XML: doc = new XmlExtractorDocument(); break; case SourceDocFormat.HTML: doc = new HtmlExtractorDocument(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("Source format {0} is not recognized.", srcattrs[0].format); return false; } if (!doc.Parse(xml)) { Console.WriteLine("Parsing failed !"); return false; } return Extract(info, doc); }