 public static string get(CoreController core)
     try {
         StringBuilderLegacyController result_reset = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
         result_reset.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("IIS Reset", "Reset the webserver."));
         // Process the form
         string Button = core.docProperties.getText("button");
         if (Button == ButtonIISReset)
             LogController.logDebug(core, "Restarting IIS");
             core.webServer.redirect("" + cdnPrefix + "Popup/WaitForIISReset.htm", "Redirect to iis reset");
             var cmdDetail = new TaskModel.CmdDetailClass {
                 addonId   = 0,
                 addonName = "GetForm_IISReset",
                 args      = new Dictionary <string, string>()
             TaskSchedulerController.addTaskToQueue(core, cmdDetail, false);
         // Display form
         return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, result_reset.text, ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonIISReset));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Go through all Content Definitions and create appropriate tables and fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string returnValue = "";

            try {
                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel metadata = null;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string[,] ContentNameArray = null;
                int    ContentNameCount = 0;
                string TableName        = null;
                string ButtonList;
                ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Synchronize Tables to Content Definitions", "This tools goes through all Content Definitions and creates any necessary Tables and Table Fields to support the Definition."));
                if (core.docProperties.getText("Button") != "")
                    //   Run Tools
                    Stream.add("Synchronizing Tables to Content Definitions<br>");
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open("Content", "", "", false, 0, "id");
                        if (csData.ok())
                                metadata  = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, csData.getInteger("id"));
                                TableName = metadata.tableName;
                                Stream.add("Synchronizing Content " + metadata.name + " to table " + TableName + "<br>");
                                using (var db = new DbController(core, metadata.dataSourceName)) {
                                    if (metadata.fields.Count > 0)
                                        foreach (var keyValuePair in metadata.fields)
                                            ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                                            Stream.add("...Field " + field.nameLc + "<br>");
                                            db.createSQLTableField(TableName, field.nameLc, field.fieldTypeId);
                            } while (csData.ok());
                            ContentNameArray = csData.getRows();
                            ContentNameCount = ContentNameArray.GetUpperBound(1) + 1;
                returnValue = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
 public static string get(CoreController core)
     try {
         var result_guid = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
         result_guid.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Create GUID", "Use this tool to create a GUID. This is useful when creating new Addons."));
         // Process the form
         string Button = core.docProperties.getText("button");
         if (Button.Equals(ButtonCancel))
         result_guid.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "GUID", GenericController.getGUID(), 1, 80));
         // Display form
         return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, result_guid.text, ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonCreateGUId));
     } catch (Exception ex) {
         LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Display a field in the admin index form
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <param name="fieldName"></param>
        /// <param name="CS"></param>
        /// <param name="IsLookupFieldValid"></param>
        /// <param name="IsEmailContent"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getGridCell(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, string fieldName, CsModel csData, bool IsLookupFieldValid, bool IsEmailContent)
            try {
                var Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                var field  = adminData.adminContent.fields[fieldName.ToLowerInvariant()];
                if (field.password)
                    // -- do not list password fields
                    int Pos = 0;
                    switch (field.fieldTypeId)
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage: {
                        string filename = csData.getText(field.nameLc);
                        filename = GenericController.strReplace(filename, "\\", "/");
                        Pos      = filename.LastIndexOf("/") + 1;
                        if (Pos != 0)
                            filename = filename.Substring(Pos);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup: {
                        if (IsLookupFieldValid)
                            Stream.add(csData.getText("LookupTable" + field.id + "Name"));
                        else if (field.lookupList != "")
                            string[] lookups   = field.lookupList.Split(',');
                            int      LookupPtr = csData.getInteger(field.nameLc) - 1;
                            if (LookupPtr <= lookups.GetUpperBound(0))
                                if (LookupPtr >= 0)
                            Stream.add(" ");

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.MemberSelect: {
                        if (IsLookupFieldValid)
                            Stream.add(csData.getText("LookupTable" + field.id + "Name"));

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Boolean: {
                        if (csData.getBoolean(field.nameLc))

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Currency: {
                        string fieldValueText = csData.getText(field.nameLc);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fieldValueText))
                        Stream.add(string.Format("{0:C}", csData.getNumber(field.nameLc)));

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode: {
                        string fieldValueText = csData.getText(field.nameLc);
                        if (fieldValueText.Length > 50)
                            fieldValueText = fieldValueText.left(50) + "[more]";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode: {
                        string filename = csData.getText(field.nameLc);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filename))
                            string Copy = core.cdnFiles.readFileText(filename);

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ManyToMany: {

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Date: {
                        // -- if minvalue, use blank, if no time-part, do short-date
                        DateTime cellValueDate = csData.getDate(field.nameLc);
                        if (cellValueDate.Equals(DateTime.MinValue))
                        else if (cellValueDate.Equals(cellValueDate.Date))

                    default: {
                        string valueString = csData.getText(field.nameLc);
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(valueString))
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        //   Print the Configure Index Form
        public static string get(CPClass cp, CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData)
            string result = "";

            try {
                // todo refactor out
                ContentMetadataModel adminContent = adminData.adminContent;
                string Button = core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                if (Button == ButtonOK)
                    // -- Process OK, remove subform from querystring and return empty
                    cp.Doc.AddRefreshQueryString(RequestNameAdminSubForm, "");
                //   Load Request
                if (Button == ButtonReset)
                    // -- Process reset
                    core.userProperty.setProperty(AdminDataModel.IndexConfigPrefix + adminContent.id.ToString(), "");
                IndexConfigClass IndexConfig         = IndexConfigClass.get(core, adminData);
                int          ToolsAction             = core.docProperties.getInteger("dta");
                int          TargetFieldId           = core.docProperties.getInteger("fi");
                string       TargetFieldName         = core.docProperties.getText("FieldName");
                int          ColumnPointer           = core.docProperties.getInteger("dtcn");
                const string RequestNameAddField     = "addfield";
                string       FieldNameToAdd          = GenericController.toUCase(core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameAddField));
                const string RequestNameAddFieldId   = "addfieldID";
                int          FieldIDToAdd            = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNameAddFieldId);
                bool         normalizeSaveLoad       = core.docProperties.getBoolean("NeedToReloadConfig");
                bool         AllowContentAutoLoad    = false;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string Title       = "Set Columns: " + adminContent.name;
                string Description = "Use the icons to add, remove and modify your personal column prefernces for this content (" + adminContent.name + "). Hit OK when complete. Hit Reset to restore your column preferences for this content to the site's default column preferences.";
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription(Title, Description));
                // Process actions
                if (adminContent.id != 0)
                    var CDef             = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, adminContent.id);
                    int ColumnWidthTotal = 0;
                    if (ToolsAction != 0)
                        // Block contentautoload, then force a load at the end
                        AllowContentAutoLoad = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true));
                        core.siteProperties.setProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", false);
                        bool   reloadMetadata  = false;
                        int    SourceContentId = 0;
                        string SourceName      = null;
                        // Make sure the FieldNameToAdd is not-inherited, if not, create new field
                        if (FieldIDToAdd != 0)
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminContent.fields)
                                ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                                if (field.id == FieldIDToAdd)
                                    if (field.inherited)
                                        SourceContentId = field.contentId;
                                        SourceName      = field.nameLc;
                                        // -- copy the field
                                        using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            if (CSSource.open("Content Fields", "(ContentID=" + SourceContentId + ")and(Name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(SourceName) + ")"))
                                                using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                    if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                        CSTarget.set("ContentID", adminContent.id);
                                                        reloadMetadata = true;
                        // Make sure all fields are not-inherited, if not, create new fields
                        foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                            ContentFieldMetadataModel field = adminContent.fields[column.Name.ToLowerInvariant()];
                            if (field.inherited)
                                SourceContentId = field.contentId;
                                SourceName      = field.nameLc;
                                using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (CSSource.open("Content Fields", "(ContentID=" + SourceContentId + ")and(Name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(SourceName) + ")"))
                                        using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                CSTarget.set("ContentID", adminContent.id);
                                                reloadMetadata = true;
                        // get current values for Processing
                        foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                            ColumnWidthTotal += column.Width;
                        // ----- Perform any actions first
                        switch (ToolsAction)
                        case ToolsActionAddField: {
                            // Add a field to the index form
                            if (FieldIDToAdd != 0)
                                IndexConfigColumnClass column = null;
                                foreach (var columnx in IndexConfig.columns)
                                    columnx.Width = encodeInteger((columnx.Width * 80) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal);
                                    column = new IndexConfigColumnClass();
                                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        if (csData.openRecord("Content Fields", FieldIDToAdd))
                                            column.Name  = csData.getText("name");
                                            column.Width = 20;
                                    normalizeSaveLoad = true;

                        case ToolsActionRemoveField: {
                            // Remove a field to the index form
                            int columnWidthTotal = 0;
                            var dstColumns       = new List <IndexConfigColumnClass>();
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                if (column.Name != TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    columnWidthTotal += column.Width;
                            IndexConfig.columns = dstColumns;
                            normalizeSaveLoad   = true;

                        case ToolsActionMoveFieldLeft: {
                            if (IndexConfig.columns.First().Name != TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                int listIndex = 0;
                                foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                    if (column.Name == TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    listIndex += 1;
                                IndexConfig.columns.swap(listIndex, listIndex - 1);
                                normalizeSaveLoad = true;

                        case ToolsActionMoveFieldRight: {
                            if (IndexConfig.columns.Last().Name != TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                int listIndex = 0;
                                foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                    if (column.Name == TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    listIndex += 1;
                                IndexConfig.columns.swap(listIndex, listIndex + 1);
                                normalizeSaveLoad = true;

                        case ToolsActionExpand: {
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                if (column.Name == TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    column.Width = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(column.Width) * 1.1);
                                    column.Width = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(column.Width) * 0.9);
                            normalizeSaveLoad = true;

                        case ToolsActionContract: {
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                if (column.Name != TargetFieldName.ToLowerInvariant())
                                    column.Width = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(column.Width) * 1.1);
                                    column.Width = Convert.ToInt32(Convert.ToDouble(column.Width) * 0.9);
                            normalizeSaveLoad = true;
                        // Reload CDef if it changed
                        if (reloadMetadata)
                            CDef = ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, adminContent.name);
                        // save indexconfig
                        if (normalizeSaveLoad)
                            // Normalize the widths of the remaining columns
                            ColumnWidthTotal = 0;
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                ColumnWidthTotal += column.Width;
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                column.Width = encodeInteger((1000 * column.Width) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal);
                            GetHtmlBodyClass.setIndexSQL_SaveIndexConfig(cp, core, IndexConfig);
                            IndexConfig = IndexConfigClass.get(core, adminData);
                    //   Display the form
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"99%\"><tr>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"5%\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>10%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>20%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>30%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>40%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>50%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>60%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>70%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>80%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>90%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>100%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"4%\" align=\"center\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"99%\"><tr>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><img src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\" ><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\" ></nobr></td>");
                    // print the column headers
                    ColumnWidthTotal = 0;
                    int InheritedFieldCount = 0;
                    if (IndexConfig.columns.Count > 0)
                        // Calc total width
                        foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                            ColumnWidthTotal += column.Width;
                        if (ColumnWidthTotal > 0)
                            Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"90%\">");
                            // -- header
                            int    ColumnWidth = 0;
                            int    fieldId     = 0;
                            string Caption     = null;
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                // print column headers - anchored so they sort columns
                                ColumnWidth = encodeInteger(100 * (column.Width / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                ContentFieldMetadataModel field = adminContent.fields[column.Name.ToLowerInvariant()];
                                fieldId = field.id;
                                Caption = field.caption;
                                if (field.inherited)
                                    Caption             = Caption + "*";
                                    InheritedFieldCount = InheritedFieldCount + 1;
                                Stream.add("<td class=\"small\" width=\"" + ColumnWidth + "%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\" style=\"background-color:white;border: 1px solid #555;\">" + Caption + "</td>");
                            // -- body
                            foreach (var column in IndexConfig.columns)
                                // print column headers - anchored so they sort columns
                                ColumnWidth = encodeInteger(100 * (column.Width / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                ContentFieldMetadataModel field = adminContent.fields[column.Name.ToLowerInvariant()];
                                fieldId = field.id;
                                Caption = field.caption;
                                if (field.inherited)
                                    Caption             = Caption + "*";
                                    InheritedFieldCount = InheritedFieldCount + 1;
                                int    ColumnPtr = 0;
                                string link      = "?" + core.doc.refreshQueryString + "&FieldName=" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(field.nameLc) + "&fi=" + fieldId + "&dtcn=" + ColumnPtr + "&" + RequestNameAdminSubForm + "=" + AdminFormIndex_SubFormSetColumns;
                                Stream.add("<td width=\"" + ColumnWidth + "%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">");
                                Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getDeleteLink(link + "&dta=" + ToolsActionRemoveField), "text-center"));
                                Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getArrowRightLink(link + "&dta=" + ToolsActionMoveFieldRight), "text-center"));
                                Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getArrowLeftLink(link + "&dta=" + ToolsActionMoveFieldLeft), "text-center"));
                                Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getExpandLink(link + "&dta=" + ToolsActionExpand), "text-center"));
                                Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getContractLink(link + "&dta=" + ToolsActionContract), "text-center"));
                    // ----- If anything was inherited, put up the message
                    if (InheritedFieldCount > 0)
                        Stream.add("<p class=\"ccNormal\">* This field was inherited from the Content Definition's Parent. Inherited fields will automatically change when the field in the parent is changed. If you alter these settings, this connection will be broken, and the field will no longer inherit it's properties.</P class=\"ccNormal\">");
                    // ----- now output a list of fields to add
                    if (CDef.fields.Count == 0)
                        Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "This Content Definition has no fields</span><br>");
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminContent.fields)
                            ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                            // display the column if it is not in use
                            if ((IndexConfig.columns.Find(x => x.Name == field.nameLc) == null))
                                if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File)
                                    // file can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText)
                                    // filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (text file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML)
                                    // filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (html file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode)
                                    // filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (html code file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS)
                                    // css filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (css file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML)
                                    // xml filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (xml file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript)
                                    // javascript filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (javascript file field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText)
                                    // can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (long text field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML)
                                    // can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (html field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage)
                                    // can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (image field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect)
                                    // can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (redirect field)"));
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.ManyToMany)
                                    // many to many can not be search
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(iconNotAvailable + "&nbsp;" + field.caption + " (many-to-many field)"));
                                    // can be used as column header
                                    string link = "?" + core.doc.refreshQueryString + "&fi=" + field.id + "&dta=" + ToolsActionAddField + "&" + RequestNameAddFieldId + "=" + field.id + "&" + RequestNameAdminSubForm + "=" + AdminFormIndex_SubFormSetColumns;
                                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div(AdminUIController.getPlusLink(link, "&nbsp;" + field.caption)));
                // print the content tables that have index forms to Configure
                core.siteProperties.setProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", GenericController.encodeText(AllowContentAutoLoad));
                string Content = ""
                                 + Stream.text
                                 + HtmlController.inputHidden("cid", adminContent.id.ToString())
                                 + HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminForm, "1")
                                 + HtmlController.inputHidden(RequestNameAdminSubForm, AdminFormIndex_SubFormSetColumns)
                                 + "";
                // -- assemble form
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Content, ButtonOK + "," + ButtonReset);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        // ====================================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Generate the content of a tab in the Edit Screen
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <param name="RecordID"></param>
        /// <param name="ContentID"></param>
        /// <param name="record_readOnly"></param>
        /// <param name="IsLandingPage"></param>
        /// <param name="IsRootPage"></param>
        /// <param name="EditTab"></param>
        /// <param name="EditorContext"></param>
        /// <param name="return_NewFieldList"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpCnt"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpIDCache"></param>
        /// <param name="helpDefaultCache"></param>
        /// <param name="HelpCustomCache"></param>
        /// <param name="AllowHelpMsgCustom"></param>
        /// <param name="helpIdIndex"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string getTab(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv, int RecordID, int ContentID, string EditTab)
            string returnHtml = "";

            try {
                // ----- Open the panel
                if (adminData.adminContent.fields.Count <= 0)
                    // There are no visible fiels, return empty
                    LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("There is no metadata for this field."));
                    // ----- Build an index to sort the fields by EditSortOrder
                    Dictionary <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> sortingFields = new Dictionary <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel>();
                    foreach (var keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                        ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                        if (field.editTabName.ToLowerInvariant() == EditTab.ToLowerInvariant())
                            if (AdminDataModel.isVisibleUserField(core, field.adminOnly, field.developerOnly, field.active, field.authorable, field.nameLc, adminData.adminContent.tableName))
                                string AlphaSort = GenericController.getIntegerString(field.editSortPriority, 10) + "-" + GenericController.getIntegerString(field.id, 10);
                                sortingFields.Add(AlphaSort, field);
                    // ----- display the record fields
                    bool AllowHelpIcon = core.visitProperty.getBoolean("AllowHelpIcon");
                    StringBuilderLegacyController resultBody = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                    bool needUniqueEmailMessage = false;
                    foreach (var kvp in sortingFields)
                        ContentFieldMetadataModel field = kvp.Value;
                        string editorRow = EditorRowClass.getEditorRow(core, field, adminData, editorEnv);
                        resultBody.add("<tr><td colspan=2>" + editorRow + "</td></tr>");
                    // ----- add the *Required Fields footer
                    resultBody.add("<tr><td colspan=2 style=\"padding-top:10px;font-size:70%\"><div>* Field is required.</div><div>** Field must be unique.</div>");
                    if (needUniqueEmailMessage)
                        resultBody.add("<div>*** Field must be unique because this site allows login by email.</div>");
                    // ----- close the panel
                    returnHtml = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, false, "", "", AdminUIController.editTable(resultBody.text));
                    adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
                    resultBody = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CPClass cp, CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData)
            string returnForm = "";

            try {
                string            SearchValue = null;
                FindWordMatchEnum MatchOption = 0;
                int FormFieldPtr                     = 0;
                int FormFieldCnt                     = 0;
                ContentMetadataModel CDef            = null;
                string FieldName                     = null;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                int      FieldPtr                    = 0;
                bool     RowEven                     = false;
                string   RQS          = null;
                string[] FieldNames   = { };
                string[] FieldCaption = { };
                int[]    fieldId      = null;
                CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum[] fieldTypeId = { };
                string[] FieldValue             = { };
                int[]    FieldMatchOptions      = { };
                int      FieldMatchOption       = 0;
                string[] FieldLookupContentName = { };
                string[] FieldLookupList        = { };
                int      ContentId   = 0;
                int      FieldCnt    = 0;
                int      FieldSize   = 0;
                int      RowPointer  = 0;
                string   LeftButtons = "";
                string   ButtonBar   = null;
                string   Title       = null;
                string   TitleBar    = null;
                string   Content     = null;

                // Process last form
                string           Button      = core.docProperties.getText("button");
                IndexConfigClass IndexConfig = null;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Button))
                    switch (Button)
                    case ButtonSearch:
                        IndexConfig  = IndexConfigClass.get(core, adminData);
                        FormFieldCnt = core.docProperties.getInteger("fieldcnt");
                        if (FormFieldCnt > 0)
                            for (FormFieldPtr = 0; FormFieldPtr < FormFieldCnt; FormFieldPtr++)
                                FieldName   = GenericController.toLCase(core.docProperties.getText("fieldname" + FormFieldPtr));
                                MatchOption = (FindWordMatchEnum)core.docProperties.getInteger("FieldMatch" + FormFieldPtr);
                                switch (MatchOption)
                                case FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEquals:
                                case FindWordMatchEnum.MatchGreaterThan:
                                case FindWordMatchEnum.matchincludes:
                                case FindWordMatchEnum.MatchLessThan:
                                    SearchValue = core.docProperties.getText("FieldValue" + FormFieldPtr);

                                    SearchValue = "";
                                if (!IndexConfig.findWords.ContainsKey(FieldName))
                                    // fieldname not found, save if not FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore
                                    if (MatchOption != FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore)
                                        IndexConfig.findWords.Add(FieldName, new IndexConfigFindWordClass {
                                            Name        = FieldName,
                                            MatchOption = MatchOption,
                                            Value       = SearchValue
                                    // fieldname was found
                                    IndexConfig.findWords[FieldName].MatchOption = MatchOption;
                                    IndexConfig.findWords[FieldName].Value       = SearchValue;
                        GetHtmlBodyClass.setIndexSQL_SaveIndexConfig(cp, core, IndexConfig);

                    case ButtonCancel:
                IndexConfig = IndexConfigClass.get(core, adminData);
                Button      = "CriteriaSelect";
                RQS         = core.doc.refreshQueryString;
                // ----- ButtonBar
                if (adminData.ignore_legacyMenuDepth > 0)
                    LeftButtons += AdminUIController.getButtonPrimary(ButtonClose, "window.close();");
                    LeftButtons += AdminUIController.getButtonPrimary(ButtonCancel);
                LeftButtons += AdminUIController.getButtonPrimary(ButtonSearch);
                ButtonBar    = AdminUIController.getSectionButtonBar(core, LeftButtons, "");
                // ----- TitleBar
                Title = adminData.adminContent.name;
                Title = Title + " Advanced Search";
                string TitleDescription = "<div>Enter criteria for each field to identify and select your results. The results of a search will have to have all of the criteria you enter.</div>";
                TitleBar = AdminUIController.getSectionHeader(core, Title, TitleDescription);
                // ----- List out all fields
                CDef      = ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, adminData.adminContent.name);
                FieldSize = 100;
                Array.Resize(ref FieldNames, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref FieldCaption, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref fieldId, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref fieldTypeId, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref FieldValue, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref FieldMatchOptions, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref FieldLookupContentName, FieldSize + 1);
                Array.Resize(ref FieldLookupList, FieldSize + 1);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                    if (FieldPtr >= FieldSize)
                        FieldSize = FieldSize + 100;
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldNames, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldCaption, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref fieldId, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref fieldTypeId, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldValue, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldMatchOptions, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldLookupContentName, FieldSize + 1);
                        Array.Resize(ref FieldLookupList, FieldSize + 1);
                    FieldName              = GenericController.toLCase(field.nameLc);
                    FieldNames[FieldPtr]   = FieldName;
                    FieldCaption[FieldPtr] = field.caption;
                    fieldId[FieldPtr]      = field.id;
                    fieldTypeId[FieldPtr]  = field.fieldTypeId;
                    if (fieldTypeId[FieldPtr] == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup)
                        ContentId = field.lookupContentId;
                        if (ContentId > 0)
                            FieldLookupContentName[FieldPtr] = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ContentId);
                        FieldLookupList[FieldPtr] = field.lookupList;
                    // set prepoplate value from indexconfig
                    if (IndexConfig.findWords.ContainsKey(FieldName))
                        FieldValue[FieldPtr]        = IndexConfig.findWords[FieldName].Value;
                        FieldMatchOptions[FieldPtr] = (int)IndexConfig.findWords[FieldName].MatchOption;
                    FieldPtr += 1;
                FieldCnt = FieldPtr;
                // Add headers to stream
                returnForm = returnForm + "<table border=0 width=100% cellspacing=0 cellpadding=4>";
                RowPointer = 0;
                for (FieldPtr = 0; FieldPtr < FieldCnt; FieldPtr++)
                    returnForm       = returnForm + HtmlController.inputHidden("fieldname" + FieldPtr, FieldNames[FieldPtr]);
                    RowEven          = ((RowPointer % 2) == 0);
                    FieldMatchOption = FieldMatchOptions[FieldPtr];
                    switch (fieldTypeId[FieldPtr])
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Date:
                        // Date

                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchNotEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "not&nbsp;empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEquals).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "=</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchGreaterThan).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "&gt;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, encodeInteger(FindWordMatchEnum.MatchLessThan).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "&lt;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:300px;\">" + HtmlController.inputDate(core, "fieldvalue" + FieldPtr, encodeDate(FieldValue[FieldPtr])).Replace(">", " onFocus=\"ccAdvSearchText\">") + "</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Currency:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Float:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Integer:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.AutoIdIncrement:
                        // -- Numeric - changed FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEquals to MatchInclude to be compatible with Find Search
                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchNotEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "not&nbsp;empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.matchincludes).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "n" + FieldPtr) + "=</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchGreaterThan).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "&gt;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:50px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchLessThan).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "&lt;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:300px;\">" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "fieldvalue" + FieldPtr, FieldValue[FieldPtr], 1, 5, "", false, false, "ccAdvSearchText").Replace(">", " onFocus=\"var e=getElementById('n" + FieldPtr + "');e.checked=1;\">") + "</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";
                        RowPointer += 1;

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage:
                        // File
                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchNotEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "not&nbsp;empty</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";
                        RowPointer = RowPointer + 1;

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Boolean:
                        // Boolean
                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchTrue).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "true</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchFalse).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "false</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Text:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.HTMLCode:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTML:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileHTMLCode:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML:
                        // Text
                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchNotEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "not&nbsp;empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:150px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.matchincludes).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "t" + FieldPtr) + "includes</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:300px;\">" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "fieldvalue" + FieldPtr, FieldValue[FieldPtr], 1, 5, "", false, false, "ccAdvSearchText").Replace(">", " onFocus=\"var e=getElementById('t" + FieldPtr + "');e.checked=1;\">") + "</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";
                        RowPointer = RowPointer + 1;

                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Lookup:
                    case CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.MemberSelect:
                        // Lookup
                        returnForm = returnForm + "<tr>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + FieldCaption[FieldPtr] + "</td>"
                                     + "<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:800px;\">"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchIgnore).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "ignore</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:100px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.MatchNotEmpty).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "") + "not&nbsp;empty</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:150px;\">" + HtmlController.inputRadio("FieldMatch" + FieldPtr, ((int)FindWordMatchEnum.matchincludes).ToString(), FieldMatchOption.ToString(), "t" + FieldPtr) + "includes</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"display:block;float:left;width:300px;\">" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "fieldvalue" + FieldPtr, FieldValue[FieldPtr], 1, 5, "", false, false, "ccAdvSearchText").Replace(">", " onFocus=\"var e=getElementById('t" + FieldPtr + "'); e.checked= 1;\">") + "</div>"
                                     + "</div>"
                                     + "</td>"
                                     + "</tr>";
                        RowPointer = RowPointer + 1;
                returnForm = returnForm + HtmlController.tableRowStart();
                returnForm = returnForm + HtmlController.tableCellStart("120", 1, RowEven, "right") + "<img src=" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif width=120 height=1></td>";
                returnForm = returnForm + HtmlController.tableCellStart("99%", 1, RowEven, "left") + "<img src=" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif width=1 height=1></td>";
                returnForm = returnForm + kmaEndTableRow;
                returnForm = returnForm + "</table>";
                Content    = returnForm;
                // Assemble LiveWindowTable
                Stream.add("<input type=hidden name=fieldcnt VALUE=" + FieldCnt + ">");
                Stream.add("<input type=hidden name=" + RequestNameAdminSubForm + " VALUE=" + AdminFormIndex_SubFormAdvancedSearch + ">");
                returnForm = HtmlController.form(core, Stream.text);
                core.html.addTitle(adminData.adminContent.name + " Advanced Search");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Control edit tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <param name="adminData"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv)
            string result = null;

            try {
                bool disabled = false;
                var tabPanel = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(adminData.adminContent.name))
                    // Content not found or not loaded
                    if (adminData.adminContent.id == 0)
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("No content definition was specified for this page"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                        // Content Definition was not specified
                        LogController.logError(core, new GenericException("The content definition specified for this page [" + adminData.adminContent.id + "] was not found"));
                        return(HtmlController.p("No content was specified."));
                // ----- Authoring status
                bool FieldRequired = false;

                List <string> TabsFound = new List <string>();
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                    if ((field.editTabName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals("control info")) && (field.authorable) && (field.active))
                        tabPanel.add(EditorRowClass.getEditorRow(core, field, adminData, editorEnv));
                // ----- RecordID
                    string fieldValue  = (adminData.editRecord.id == 0) ? "(available after save)" : adminData.editRecord.id.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    string fieldHelp   = "This is the unique number that identifies this record within this content.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Record Number", fieldHelp, true, false, ""));
                // -- Active
                    string htmlId      = "fieldActive";
                    string fieldEditor = HtmlController.checkbox("active", adminData.editRecord.active, htmlId, disabled, "", adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly);
                    string fieldHelp   = "When unchecked, add-ons can ignore this record as if it was temporarily deleted.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Active", fieldHelp, false, false, htmlId));
                // -- GUID
                    string guidSetHtmlId   = "guidSet" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string guidInputHtmlId = "guidInput" + GenericController.getRandomInteger(core).ToString();
                    string fieldValue      = GenericController.encodeText(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["ccguid"].value);
                    string fieldEditor     = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly)
                        // -- readonly
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore", fieldValue, true, "");
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldValue))
                        // add a set button
                        string setButton        = "<input id=\"" + guidSetHtmlId + "\" type=\"submit\" value=\"Set\" class=\"btn btn-primary btn-sm\">";
                        string setButtonWrapped = "<div class=\"input-group-append\">" + setButton + "</div>";
                        string inputCell        = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", "", false, guidInputHtmlId);
                        fieldEditor = HtmlController.div(inputCell + setButtonWrapped, "input-group");
                        string newGuid   = GenericController.getGUID(true);
                        string onClickFn = "function(e){e.preventDefault();e.stopPropagation();$('#" + guidInputHtmlId + "').val('" + newGuid + "');}";
                        string script    = "$('body').on('click','#" + guidSetHtmlId + "'," + onClickFn + ")";
                        core.html.addScriptCode(script, "Admin edit control-info-tab guid set button");
                        // field is read-only except for developers
                        fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ccguid", fieldValue, !core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper(), guidInputHtmlId);
                    string FieldHelp = "This is a unique number that identifies this record globally. A GUID is not required, but when set it should never be changed. GUIDs are used to synchronize records. When empty, you can create a new guid. Only Developers can modify the guid.";
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "GUID", FieldHelp, false, false, guidInputHtmlId));
                // ----- EID (Encoded ID)
                    if (GenericController.toUCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == GenericController.toUCase("ccMembers"))
                        string htmlId      = "fieldGuid";
                        bool   AllowEId    = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true)) || (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkRecognize", true));
                        string fieldHelp   = "This string is an authentication token that can be used in the URL for the next 15 minutes to log in as this user.";
                        string fieldEditor = "";
                        if (!AllowEId)
                            fieldEditor = "(link login and link recognize are disabled in security preferences)";
                        else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                            fieldEditor = "(available after save)";
                            string eidQueryString = "eid=" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(SecurityController.encodeToken(core, adminData.editRecord.id, core.doc.profileStartTime.AddMinutes(15)));
                            string sampleUrl      = core.webServer.requestProtocol + core.webServer.requestDomain + "/" + core.siteProperties.serverPageDefault + "?" + eidQueryString;
                            if (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowLinkLogin", true))
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be logged in as this person.";
                                fieldHelp = " If " + eidQueryString + " is added to a url querystring for this site, the user be recognized in as this person, but not logged in.";
                            fieldHelp  += " To enable, disable or modify this feature, use the security tab on the Preferences page.";
                            fieldHelp  += "<br>For example: " + sampleUrl;
                            fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_eid", eidQueryString, true, htmlId);
                        tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Member Link Login Querystring", fieldHelp, true, false, htmlId));
                // ----- Controlling Content
                    string HTMLFieldString          = "";
                    string FieldHelp                = "The content in which this record is stored. This is similar to a database table.";
                    ContentFieldMetadataModel field = null;
                    if (adminData.adminContent.fields.ContainsKey("contentcontrolid"))
                        field = adminData.adminContent.fields["contentcontrolid"];
                        // if this record has a parent id, only include CDefs compatible with the parent record - otherwise get all for the table
                        FieldHelp     = GenericController.encodeText(field.helpMessage);
                        FieldRequired = GenericController.encodeBoolean(field.required);
                        int FieldValueInteger = (adminData.editRecord.contentControlId.Equals(0)) ? adminData.adminContent.id : adminData.editRecord.contentControlId;
                        if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                            HTMLFieldString = HTMLFieldString + HtmlController.inputHidden("contentControlId", FieldValueInteger);
                            string RecordContentName = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                            string TableName2        = MetadataController.getContentTablename(core, RecordContentName);
                            int    TableId           = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, "Tables", TableName2);
                            // Test for parentid
                            int  ParentId = 0;
                            bool ContentSupportsParentId = false;
                            if (adminData.editRecord.id > 0)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (csData.openRecord(RecordContentName, adminData.editRecord.id))
                                        ContentSupportsParentId = csData.isFieldSupported("ParentID");
                                        if (ContentSupportsParentId)
                                            ParentId = csData.getInteger("ParentID");
                            bool IsEmptyList = false;
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                // administrator, and either ( no parentid or does not support it), let them select any content compatible with the table
                                string sqlFilter  = "(ContentTableID=" + TableId + ")";
                                int    contentCId = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName, ContentModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                                HTMLFieldString += AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "contentcontrolid", FieldValueInteger, contentCId, ref IsEmptyList, adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly, "", "", true, sqlFilter);
                                FieldHelp        = FieldHelp + " (Only administrators have access to this control. Changing the Controlling Content allows you to change who can author the record, as well as how it is edited.)";
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HTMLFieldString))
                        HTMLFieldString = adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name;
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, HTMLFieldString, "Controlling Content", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the user who created this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.createdBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.createdBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Created Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was originally created.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.dateAdded) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.dateAdded.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_createdDate", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Created Date", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified By
                    string FieldHelp  = "The people account of the last user who modified this record.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                        int FieldValueInteger = adminData.editRecord.modifiedBy.id;
                        if (FieldValueInteger == 0)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.open("people", "(id=" + FieldValueInteger + ")", "name,active", false);
                                if (!csData.ok())
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", (deleted)";
                                    fieldValue = "#" + FieldValueInteger + ", " + csData.getText("name");
                                    if (!csData.getBoolean("active"))
                                        fieldValue += " (inactive)";
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified By", FieldHelp, FieldRequired, false, ""));
                // ----- Modified Date
                    string FieldHelp  = "The date and time when this record was last modified.";
                    string fieldValue = "";
                    if (adminData.editRecord == null)
                        fieldValue = "(not set)";
                    else if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                        fieldValue = "(available after save)";
                        if (GenericController.encodeDateMinValue(adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate) == DateTime.MinValue)
                            fieldValue = "(not set)";
                            fieldValue = adminData.editRecord.modifiedDate.ToString();
                    string fieldEditor = AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "ignore_modifiedBy", fieldValue, true, "");
                    tabPanel.add(AdminUIController.getEditRow(core, fieldEditor, "Modified Date", FieldHelp, false, false, ""));
                string s = AdminUIController.editTable(tabPanel.text);
                result = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, true, "Control Information", "", s);
                adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
                tabPanel = null;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                int    ContentId   = 0;
                string TableName   = "";
                string ContentName = "";
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string          ButtonList           = null;
                string          Description          = null;
                string          Caption     = null;
                int             NavId       = 0;
                int             ParentNavId = 0;
                DataSourceModel datasource  = DataSourceModel.create(core.cpParent, core.docProperties.getInteger("DataSourceID"));
                ButtonList  = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun;
                Caption     = "Create Content Definition";
                Description = "This tool creates a Content Definition. If the SQL table exists, it is used. If it does not exist, it is created. If records exist in the table with a blank ContentControlID, the ContentControlID will be populated from this new definition. A Navigator Menu entry will be added under Manage Site Content - Advanced.";
                //   print out the submit form
                if (core.docProperties.getText("Button") != "")
                    // Process input
                    ContentName = core.docProperties.getText("ContentName");
                    TableName   = core.docProperties.getText("TableName");
                    Stream.add("<P>Creating content [" + ContentName + "] on table [" + TableName + "] on Datasource [" + datasource.name + "].</P>");
                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TableName)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(datasource.name)))
                        using (var db = new DbController(core, datasource.name)) {
                        ContentMetadataModel.createFromSQLTable(core, datasource, TableName, ContentName);
                        ContentId   = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, ContentName);
                        ParentNavId = MetadataController.getRecordIdByUniqueName(core, NavigatorEntryModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "Manage Site Content");
                        if (ParentNavId != 0)
                            ParentNavId = 0;
                            using (var csSrc = new CsModel(core)) {
                                if (csSrc.open(NavigatorEntryModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "(name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText("Advanced") + ")and(parentid=" + ParentNavId + ")"))
                                    ParentNavId = csSrc.getInteger("ID");
                            if (ParentNavId != 0)
                                using (var csDest = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    csDest.open(NavigatorEntryModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "(name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(ContentName) + ")and(parentid=" + NavId + ")");
                                    if (!csDest.ok())
                                    if (csDest.ok())
                                        csDest.set("name", ContentName);
                                        csDest.set("parentid", ParentNavId);
                                        csDest.set("contentid", ContentId);
                        ContentId = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, ContentName);
                        Stream.add("<P>Content Definition was created. An admin menu entry for this definition has been added under 'Site Content', and will be visible on the next page view. Use the [<a href=\"?af=105&ContentID=" + ContentId + "\">Edit Content Definition Fields</a>] tool to review and edit this definition's fields.</P>");
                        Stream.add("<P>Error, a required field is missing. Content not created.</P>");
                Stream.add("Data Source<br>");
                Stream.add(core.html.selectFromContent("DataSourceID", datasource.id, "Data Sources", "", "Default"));
                Stream.add("Content Name<br>");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "ContentName", ContentName, 1, 40));
                Stream.add("Table Name<br>");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "TableName", TableName, 1, 40));
                result = AdminUIController.getToolBody(core, Caption, ButtonList, "", false, false, Description, "", 10, Stream.text);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                string Button = core.docProperties.getText("Button");
                if (Button == ButtonCancelAll)
                    // Cancel to the admin site
                    return(core.webServer.redirect(core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Tools-List, cancel button"));
                const string RequestNameAddField     = "addfield";
                const string RequestNameAddFieldId   = "addfieldID";
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Configure Admin Listing", "Configure the Administration Content Listing Page."));
                //   Load Request
                int    ToolsAction          = core.docProperties.getInteger("dta");
                int    TargetFieldID        = core.docProperties.getInteger("fi");
                int    ContentId            = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNameToolContentId);
                string FieldNameToAdd       = GenericController.toUCase(core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameAddField));
                int    FieldIDToAdd         = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNameAddFieldId);
                string ButtonList           = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSelect;
                bool   ReloadCDef           = core.docProperties.getBoolean("ReloadCDef");
                bool   AllowContentAutoLoad = false;
                // Process actions
                if (ContentId != 0)
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache;
                    string ContentName = Local_GetContentNameByID(core, ContentId);
                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel CDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, false, true);
                    string FieldName        = null;
                    int    ColumnWidthTotal = 0;
                    int    fieldId          = 0;
                    if (ToolsAction != 0)
                        // Block contentautoload, then force a load at the end
                        AllowContentAutoLoad = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true));
                        core.siteProperties.setProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", false);
                        int    SourceContentId = 0;
                        string SourceName      = null;
                        // Make sure the FieldNameToAdd is not-inherited, if not, create new field
                        if (FieldIDToAdd != 0)
                            foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.fields)
                                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                                if (field.id == FieldIDToAdd)
                                    if (field.inherited)
                                        SourceContentId = field.contentId;
                                        SourceName      = field.nameLc;
                                        using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            CSSource.open("Content Fields", "(ContentID=" + SourceContentId + ")and(Name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(SourceName) + ")");
                                            if (CSSource.ok())
                                                using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                    CSTarget.insert("Content Fields");
                                                    if (CSTarget.ok())
                                                        CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId);
                                                        ReloadCDef = true;
                        // Make sure all fields are not-inherited, if not, create new fields
                        int ColumnNumberMax = 0;
                        foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.adminColumns)
                            Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass adminColumn = keyValuePair.Value;
                            Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = CDef.fields[adminColumn.Name];
                            if (field.inherited)
                                SourceContentId = field.contentId;
                                SourceName      = field.nameLc;
                                using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (CSSource.open("Content Fields", "(ContentID=" + SourceContentId + ")and(Name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(SourceName) + ")"))
                                        using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                            if (ColumnNumberMax < field.indexColumn)
                                ColumnNumberMax = field.indexColumn;
                            ColumnWidthTotal += adminColumn.Width;
                        // ----- Perform any actions first
                        int  columnPtr      = 0;
                        bool MoveNextColumn = false;
                        switch (ToolsAction)
                        case ToolsActionAddField: {
                            // Add a field to the Listing Page
                            if (FieldIDToAdd != 0)
                                columnPtr = 0;
                                if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 1)
                                    foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.adminColumns)
                                        Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass adminColumn = keyValuePair.Value;
                                        Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = CDef.fields[adminColumn.Name];
                                        using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            csData.openRecord("Content Fields", field.id);
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr) * 10);
                                            csData.set("IndexWidth", Math.Floor((adminColumn.Width * 80) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                        columnPtr += 1;
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    if (csData.openRecord("Content Fields", FieldIDToAdd))
                                        csData.set("IndexColumn", columnPtr * 10);
                                        csData.set("IndexWidth", 20);
                                        csData.set("IndexSortPriority", 99);
                                        csData.set("IndexSortDirection", 1);
                                ReloadCDef = true;

                        case ToolsActionRemoveField: {
                            // Remove a field to the Listing Page
                            if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 1)
                                columnPtr = 0;
                                foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.adminColumns)
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass adminColumn = keyValuePair.Value;
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = CDef.fields[adminColumn.Name];
                                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        csData.openRecord("Content Fields", field.id);
                                        if (fieldId == TargetFieldID)
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", 0);
                                            csData.set("IndexWidth", 0);
                                            csData.set("IndexSortPriority", 0);
                                            csData.set("IndexSortDirection", 0);
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr) * 10);
                                            csData.set("IndexWidth", Math.Floor((adminColumn.Width * 100) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                    columnPtr += 1;
                                ReloadCDef = true;

                        case ToolsActionMoveFieldRight: {
                            // Move column field right
                            if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 1)
                                MoveNextColumn = false;
                                columnPtr      = 0;
                                foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.adminColumns)
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass adminColumn = keyValuePair.Value;
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = CDef.fields[adminColumn.Name];
                                    FieldName = adminColumn.Name;
                                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        csData.openRecord("Content Fields", field.id);
                                        if ((CDef.fields[FieldName.ToLowerInvariant()].id == TargetFieldID) && (columnPtr < CDef.adminColumns.Count))
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr + 1) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = true;
                                        else if (MoveNextColumn)
                                            // This is one past target
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr - 1) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = false;
                                            // not target or one past target
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = false;
                                        csData.set("IndexWidth", Math.Floor((adminColumn.Width * 100) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                    columnPtr += 1;
                                ReloadCDef = true;
                            // end case

                        case ToolsActionMoveFieldLeft: {
                            // Move Index column field left
                            if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 1)
                                MoveNextColumn = false;
                                columnPtr      = 0;
                                foreach (var keyValuePair in CDef.adminColumns.Reverse())
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass adminColumn = keyValuePair.Value;
                                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = CDef.fields[adminColumn.Name];
                                    FieldName = adminColumn.Name;
                                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        csData.openRecord("Content Fields", field.id);
                                        if ((field.id == TargetFieldID) && (columnPtr < CDef.adminColumns.Count))
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr - 1) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = true;
                                        else if (MoveNextColumn)
                                            // This is one past target
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr + 1) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = false;
                                            // not target or one past target
                                            csData.set("IndexColumn", (columnPtr) * 10);
                                            MoveNextColumn = false;
                                        csData.set("IndexWidth", Math.Floor((adminColumn.Width * 100) / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                    columnPtr += 1;
                                ReloadCDef = true;

                        default: {
                            // do nothing
                        // Get a new copy of the content definition
                        CDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, false, true);
                    if (Button == ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache)
                        return(core.webServer.redirect("?af=" + AdminFormToolConfigureListing + "&ContentID=" + ContentId, "Tools-ConfigureListing, Save and Invalidate Cache, Go to back ConfigureListing tools"));
                    //   Display the form
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName))
                        Stream.add("<br><br><B>" + ContentName + "</b><br>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"99%\"><tr>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"5%\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>10%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>20%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>30%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>40%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>50%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>60%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>70%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>80%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>90%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\" align=\"center\" class=\"ccAdminSmall\"><nobr>100%</nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"4%\" align=\"center\">&nbsp;</td>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"99%\"><tr>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    Stream.add("<td width=\"9%\"><nobr><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.gif\" width=\"1\" height=\"10\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"10\"></nobr></td>");
                    // print the column headers
                    ColumnWidthTotal = 0;
                    int InheritedFieldCount = 0;
                    if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 0)
                        // Calc total width
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass> kvp in CDef.adminColumns)
                            ColumnWidthTotal += kvp.Value.Width;
                        if (ColumnWidthTotal > 0)
                            Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"90%\">");
                            int ColumnCount = 0;
                            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass> kvp in CDef.adminColumns)
                                // print column headers - anchored so they sort columns
                                int ColumnWidth = encodeInteger(100 * (kvp.Value.Width / (double)ColumnWidthTotal));
                                FieldName = kvp.Value.Name;
                                var tempVar = CDef.fields[FieldName.ToLowerInvariant()];
                                fieldId = tempVar.id;
                                string Caption = tempVar.caption;
                                if (tempVar.inherited)
                                    Caption             += "*";
                                    InheritedFieldCount += 1;
                                string AStart = "<A href=\"" + core.webServer.requestPage + "?" + RequestNameToolContentId + "=" + ContentId + "&af=" + AdminFormToolConfigureListing + "&fi=" + fieldId + "&dtcn=" + ColumnCount;
                                Stream.add("<td width=\"" + ColumnWidth + "%\" valign=\"top\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + Caption + "<br>");
                                Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/black.GIF\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\">");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionRemoveField + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonDeleteUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionMoveFieldRight + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonMoveRightUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionMoveFieldLeft + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonMoveLeftUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionSetAZ + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonSortazUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionSetZA + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonSortzaUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionExpand + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonOpenUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A><br>");
                                Stream.add(AStart + "&dta=" + ToolsActionContract + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonCloseUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A>");
                                ColumnCount += 1;
                    // ----- If anything was inherited, put up the message
                    if (InheritedFieldCount > 0)
                        Stream.add("<P class=\"ccNormal\">* This field was inherited from the Content Definition's Parent. Inherited fields will automatically change when the field in the parent is changed. If you alter these settings, this connection will be broken, and the field will no longer inherit it's properties.</P class=\"ccNormal\">");
                    // ----- now output a list of fields to add
                    if (CDef.fields.Count == 0)
                        Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "This Content Definition has no fields</SPAN><br>");
                        Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "<br>");
                        bool skipField = false;
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> keyValuePair in CDef.fields)
                            Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                            // test if this column is in use
                            skipField = false;
                            if (CDef.adminColumns.Count > 0)
                                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.MetaAdminColumnClass> kvp in CDef.adminColumns)
                                    if (field.nameLc == kvp.Value.Name)
                                        skipField = true;
                            // display the column if it is not in use
                            if (skipField)
                                if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileText)
                                    // text filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (text file field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileCSS)
                                    // text filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (css file field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileXML)
                                    // text filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (xml file field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileJavascript)
                                    // text filename can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (javascript file field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.LongText)
                                    // long text can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (long text field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage)
                                    // long text can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (image field)<br>");
                                else if (field.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.Redirect)
                                    // long text can not be search
                                    Stream.add("<IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/Spacer.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"> " + field.caption + " (redirect field)<br>");
                                    // can be used as column header
                                    Stream.add("<A href=\"" + core.webServer.requestPage + "?" + RequestNameToolContentId + "=" + ContentId + "&af=" + AdminFormToolConfigureListing + "&fi=" + field.id + "&dta=" + ToolsActionAddField + "&" + RequestNameAddFieldId + "=" + field.id + "\"><IMG src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.contensive.com/assets/20200122/images/LibButtonAddUp.gif\" width=\"50\" height=\"15\" border=\"0\"></A> " + field.caption + "<br>");
                // print the content tables that have Listing Pages to Configure
                string FormPanel = SpanClassAdminNormal + "Select a Content Definition to Configure its Listing Page<br>";
                FormPanel += core.html.selectFromContent("ContentID", ContentId, "Content");
                core.siteProperties.setProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", AllowContentAutoLoad);
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("ReloadCDef", ReloadCDef));
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        // ====================================================================================================
        /// <summary>
        /// Create the tabs for editing a record
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adminData.content"></param>
        /// <param name="editRecord"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData)
            string returnHtml = "";

            try {
                if ((!core.doc.userErrorList.Count.Equals(0)) && adminData.editRecord.loaded)
                    // block load if there was a user error and it is already loaded (assume error was from response )
                else if (adminData.adminContent.id <= 0)
                    // Invalid Content
                    Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.addUserError(core, "There was a problem identifying the content you requested. Please return to the previous form and verify your selection.");
                else if (adminData.editRecord.loaded && !adminData.editRecord.saved)
                    //   File types need to be reloaded from the Db, because...
                    //       LoadDb - sets them to the path-page
                    //       LoadResponse - sets the blank if no change, filename if there is an upload
                    //       SaveEditRecord - if blank, no change. If a filename it saves the uploaded file
                    //       GetForm_Edit - expects the Db value to be in EditRecordValueVariants (path-page)
                    // xx This was added to bypass the load for the editrefresh case (reload the response so the editor preference can change)
                    // xx  I do not know why the following section says "reload even if it is loaded", but lets try this
                    foreach (var keyValuePair in adminData.adminContent.fields)
                        ContentFieldMetadataModel field = keyValuePair.Value;
                        if ((keyValuePair.Value.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.File) || (keyValuePair.Value.fieldTypeId == CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum.FileImage))
                            adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc[field.nameLc].value = adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc[field.nameLc].dbValue;
                    // otherwise, load the record, even if it was loaded during a previous form process
                    adminData.loadEditRecord(core, true);
                if (!AdminDataModel.userHasContentAccess(core, ((adminData.editRecord.contentControlId.Equals(0)) ? adminData.adminContent.id : adminData.editRecord.contentControlId)))
                    Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.addUserError(core, "Your account on this system does not have access rights to edit this content.");
                // Setup Edit Referer
                string EditReferer = core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameEditReferer);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditReferer))
                    EditReferer = core.webServer.requestReferer;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(EditReferer))
                        // special case - if you are coming from the advanced search, go back to the list page
                        EditReferer = GenericController.strReplace(EditReferer, "&af=39", "");
                        // if referer includes AdminWarningMsg (admin hint message), remove it -- this edit may fix the problem
                        int Pos = EditReferer.IndexOf("AdminWarningMsg=", StringComparison.CurrentCulture);
                        if (Pos >= 0)
                            EditReferer = EditReferer.left(Pos - 2);
                core.doc.addRefreshQueryString(RequestNameEditReferer, EditReferer);
                // load user's editor preferences to fieldEditorPreferences() - this is the editor this user has picked when there are >1
                //   fieldId:addonId,fieldId:addonId,etc
                //   with custom FancyBox form in edit window with button "set editor preference"
                //   this button causes a 'refresh' action, reloads fields with stream without save
                // ----- determine contentType for editor
                CPHtml5BaseClass.EditorContentType contentType;
                if (GenericController.toLCase(adminData.adminContent.name) == "email templates")
                    contentType = CPHtml5BaseClass.EditorContentType.contentTypeEmailTemplate;
                else if (GenericController.toLCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == "cctemplates")
                    contentType = CPHtml5BaseClass.EditorContentType.contentTypeWebTemplate;
                else if (GenericController.toLCase(adminData.adminContent.tableName) == "ccemail")
                    contentType = CPHtml5BaseClass.EditorContentType.contentTypeEmail;
                    contentType = CPHtml5BaseClass.EditorContentType.contentTypeWeb;

                EditorEnvironmentModel editorEnv = new EditorEnvironmentModel {
                    allowHelpMsgCustom     = false,
                    editorAddonListJSON    = core.html.getWysiwygAddonList(contentType),
                    isRootPage             = adminData.adminContent.tableName.ToLowerInvariant().Equals(PageContentModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower) && (adminData.editRecord.parentId == 0) && (adminData.editRecord.id != 0),
                    needUniqueEmailMessage = false,
                    record_readOnly        = adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly,
                    styleList       = "",
                    styleOptionList = "",
                    formFieldList   = ""
                // ----- determine access details
                var  userContentPermissions = PermissionController.getUserContentPermissions(core, adminData.adminContent);
                bool allowDelete            = adminData.adminContent.allowDelete && userContentPermissions.allowDelete && (adminData.editRecord.id != 0);
                bool allowAdd          = adminData.adminContent.allowAdd && userContentPermissions.allowAdd;
                var  editButtonBarInfo = new EditButtonBarInfoClass(core, adminData, allowDelete, true, userContentPermissions.allowSave, allowAdd);
                string adminContentTableNameLc = adminData.adminContent.tableName.ToLowerInvariant();
                bool   allowLinkAlias          = adminContentTableNameLc.Equals(PageContentModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower);
                bool   allowPeopleGroups       = adminContentTableNameLc.Equals(PersonModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower);;
                //-----Create edit page
                if (adminContentTableNameLc.Equals(EmailModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower))
                    LogController.logTrace(core, "getFormEdit, treat as email, adminContentTableNameLower [" + adminContentTableNameLc + "]");
                    // -- email
                    bool     emailSubmitted            = false;
                    bool     emailSent                 = false;
                    DateTime LastSendTestDate          = DateTime.MinValue;
                    bool     AllowEmailSendWithoutTest = (core.siteProperties.getBoolean("AllowEmailSendWithoutTest", false));
                    if (adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc.ContainsKey("lastsendtestdate"))
                        LastSendTestDate = GenericController.encodeDate(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["lastsendtestdate"].value);
                    if (adminData.adminContent.id.Equals(ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "System Email")))
                        LogController.logTrace(core, "getFormEdit, System email");
                        // System Email
                        emailSubmitted = false;
                        if (adminData.editRecord.id != 0)
                            if (adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc.ContainsKey("testmemberid"))
                                if (encodeInteger(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["testmemberid"].value) == 0)
                                    adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["testmemberid"].value = core.session.user.id;
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSave     = (userContentPermissions.allowSave && adminData.editRecord.allowUserSave && (!emailSubmitted) && (!emailSent));
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSendTest = ((!emailSubmitted) && (!emailSent));
                    else if (adminData.adminContent.id.Equals(ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "Conditional Email")))
                        // Conditional Email
                        emailSubmitted            = false;
                        editorEnv.record_readOnly = adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly || emailSubmitted;
                        if (adminData.editRecord.id != 0)
                            if (adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc.ContainsKey("submitted"))
                                emailSubmitted = GenericController.encodeBoolean(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["submitted"].value);
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowActivate   = !emailSubmitted && ((LastSendTestDate != DateTime.MinValue) || AllowEmailSendWithoutTest);
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowDeactivate = emailSubmitted;
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSave       = userContentPermissions.allowSave && adminData.editRecord.allowUserSave && !emailSubmitted;
                        // Group Email
                        if (adminData.editRecord.id != 0)
                            emailSubmitted = encodeBoolean(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["submitted"].value);
                            emailSent      = encodeBoolean(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["sent"].value);
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSave     = !emailSubmitted && (userContentPermissions.allowSave && adminData.editRecord.allowUserSave);
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSend     = !emailSubmitted && ((LastSendTestDate != DateTime.MinValue) || AllowEmailSendWithoutTest);
                        editButtonBarInfo.allowSendTest = !emailSubmitted;
                        editorEnv.record_readOnly       = adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly || emailSubmitted || emailSent;
                else if (adminContentTableNameLc.Equals(PageContentModel.tableMetadata.tableNameLower))
                    // Page Content
                    editButtonBarInfo.allowMarkReviewed = true;
                    editButtonBarInfo.isPageContent     = true;
                    editButtonBarInfo.hasChildRecords   = true;
                    allowLinkAlias = true;
                    // All other tables (User definined)
                    var pageContentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, "page content");
                    editButtonBarInfo.isPageContent     = pageContentMetadata.isParentOf(core, adminData.adminContent.id);
                    editButtonBarInfo.hasChildRecords   = adminData.adminContent.containsField(core, "parentid");
                    editButtonBarInfo.allowMarkReviewed = core.db.isSQLTableField(adminData.adminContent.tableName, "DateReviewed");
                // Print common form elements
                var Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add("\r<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"fieldEditorPreference\" id=\"fieldEditorPreference\" value=\"\">");
                string editSectionButtonBar = AdminUIController.getSectionButtonBarForEdit(core, editButtonBarInfo);
                var headerInfo = new RecordEditHeaderInfoClass {
                    recordId              = adminData.editRecord.id,
                    recordLockById        = adminData.editRecord.editLock.editLockByMemberId,
                    recordLockExpiresDate = encodeDate(adminData.editRecord.editLock.editLockExpiresDate),
                    recordName            = adminData.editRecord.nameLc
                string titleBarDetails = AdminUIController.getEditForm_TitleBarDetails(core, headerInfo, adminData.editRecord);
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getSectionHeader(core, "", titleBarDetails));
                    var editTabs = new EditTabModel();
                    EditViewTabList.addContentTabs(core, adminData, editTabs, editorEnv);
                    if (allowPeopleGroups)
                        EditViewTabList.addCustomTab(core, editTabs, "Groups", GroupRuleEditor.get(core, adminData));
                    if (allowLinkAlias)
                        EditViewTabList.addCustomTab(core, editTabs, "Link Aliases", LinkAliasEditor.getForm_Edit_LinkAliases(core, adminData, adminData.editRecord.userReadOnly));
                    EditViewTabList.addCustomTab(core, editTabs, "Control&nbsp;Info", EditViewTabControlInfo.get(core, adminData, editorEnv));
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("FormFieldList", editorEnv.formFieldList));
                returnHtml = wrapForm(core, Stream.text, adminData, AdminFormEdit);
                // -- update page title
                if (adminData.editRecord.id == 0)
                    core.html.addTitle("Add " + adminData.adminContent.name);
                else if (adminData.editRecord.nameLc == "")
                    core.html.addTitle("Edit #" + adminData.editRecord.id + " in " + adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name);
                    core.html.addTitle("Edit " + adminData.editRecord.nameLc + " in " + adminData.editRecord.contentControlId_Name);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string tempGetForm_QuickStats = null;

            try {
                string sql        = null;
                string RowColor   = null;
                string Panel      = null;
                int    VisitID    = 0;
                int    VisitCount = 0;
                double PageCount  = 0;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                // --- Start a form to make a refresh button
                Stream.add(core.html.getPanelButtons(ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRefresh));
                Stream.add("<input TYPE=\"hidden\" NAME=\"asf\" VALUE=\"" + AdminFormQuickStats + "\">");
                Stream.add(core.html.getPanel(" "));

                // --- Indented part (Title Area plus page)
                Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"20\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\"><tr><td>" + SpanClassAdminNormal);
                Stream.add("<h1>Real-Time Activity Report</h1>");
                // --- set column width
                Stream.add("<h2>Visits Today</h2>");
                Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\" style=\"background-color:white;border-top:1px solid #888;\">");
                // ----- All Visits Today
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    sql = "SELECT Count(ccVisits.ID) AS VisitCount, Avg(ccVisits.PageVisits) AS PageCount FROM ccVisits WHERE ((ccVisits.StartTime)>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.Date) + ");";
                    if (csData.ok())
                        VisitCount = csData.getInteger("VisitCount");
                        PageCount  = csData.getNumber("pageCount");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "All Visits</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"width:150px;border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=3&DateFrom=" + core.doc.profileStartTime + "&DateTo=" + core.doc.profileStartTime.ToShortDateString()) + "\">" + VisitCount + "</A>, " + string.Format("{0:N2}", PageCount) + " pages/visit.</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "This includes all visitors to the website, including guests, bots and administrators. Pages/visit includes page hits and not ajax or remote method hits.</span></td>");
                // ----- Non-Bot Visits Today
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    sql = "SELECT Count(ccVisits.ID) AS VisitCount, Avg(ccVisits.PageVisits) AS PageCount FROM ccVisits WHERE (ccVisits.CookieSupport=1)and((ccVisits.StartTime)>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.Date) + ");";
                    if (csData.ok())
                        VisitCount = csData.getInteger("VisitCount");
                        PageCount  = csData.getNumber("pageCount");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Non-bot Visits</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=3&DateFrom=" + core.doc.profileStartTime.ToShortDateString() + "&DateTo=" + core.doc.profileStartTime.ToShortDateString()) + "\">" + VisitCount + "</A>, " + string.Format("{0:N2}", PageCount) + " pages/visit.</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "This excludes hits from visitors identified as bots. Pages/visit includes page hits and not ajax or remote method hits.</span></td>");
                // ----- Visits Today by new visitors
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    sql = "SELECT Count(ccVisits.ID) AS VisitCount, Avg(ccVisits.PageVisits) AS PageCount FROM ccVisits WHERE (ccVisits.CookieSupport=1)and(ccVisits.StartTime>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.Date) + ")AND(ccVisits.VisitorNew<>0);";
                    if (csData.ok())
                        VisitCount = csData.getInteger("VisitCount");
                        PageCount  = csData.getNumber("pageCount");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Visits by New Visitors</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=3&ExcludeOldVisitors=1&DateFrom=" + core.doc.profileStartTime.ToShortDateString() + "&DateTo=" + core.doc.profileStartTime.ToShortDateString()) + "\">" + VisitCount + "</A>, " + string.Format("{0:N2}", PageCount) + " pages/visit.</span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #888;\" valign=top>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "This includes only new visitors not identified as bots. Pages/visit includes page hits and not ajax or remote method hits.</span></td>");
                // ----- Visits currently online
                    Panel = "";
                    Stream.add("<h2>Current Visits</h2>");
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        sql = "SELECT ccVisits.HTTP_REFERER as referer,ccVisits.remote_addr as Remote_Addr, ccVisits.LastVisitTime as LastVisitTime, ccVisits.PageVisits as PageVisits, ccMembers.Name as MemberName, ccVisits.ID as VisitID, ccMembers.ID as MemberID"
                              + " FROM ccVisits LEFT JOIN ccMembers ON ccVisits.memberId = ccMembers.ID"
                              + " WHERE (((ccVisits.LastVisitTime)>" + DbController.encodeSQLDate(core.doc.profileStartTime.AddHours(-1)) + "))"
                              + " ORDER BY ccVisits.LastVisitTime DESC;";
                        if (csData.ok())
                            Panel    = Panel + "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"1\" cellpadding=\"2\">";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<tr bgcolor=\"#B0B0B0\">";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "User</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "IP&nbsp;Address</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"20%\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Last&nbsp;Page&nbsp;Hit</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"10%\" align=\"right\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Page&nbsp;Hits</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"10%\" align=\"right\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Visit</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "<td width=\"30%\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Referer</td>";
                            Panel    = Panel + "</tr>";
                            RowColor = "ccPanelRowEven";
                            while (csData.ok())
                                VisitID = csData.getInteger("VisitID");
                                Panel   = Panel + "<tr class=\"" + RowColor + "\">";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=16&MemberID=" + csData.getInteger("MemberID")) + "\">" + csData.getText("MemberName") + "</A></span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + csData.getText("Remote_Addr") + "</span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + csData.getDate("LastVisitTime").ToString("") + "</span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"right\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=10&VisitID=" + VisitID + "\">" + csData.getText("PageVisits") + "</A></span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"right\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "<a target=\"_blank\" href=\"/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute + "?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormReports + "&rid=17&VisitID=" + VisitID + "\">" + VisitID + "</A></span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "<td align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "&nbsp;" + csData.getText("referer") + "</span></td>";
                                Panel   = Panel + "</tr>";
                                if (RowColor == "ccPanelRowEven")
                                    RowColor = "ccPanelRowOdd";
                                    RowColor = "ccPanelRowEven";
                            Panel = Panel + "</table>";
                    Stream.add(core.html.getPanel(Panel, "ccPanel", "ccPanelShadow", "ccPanelHilite", "100%", 0));
                tempGetForm_QuickStats = HtmlController.form(core, Stream.text);
                core.html.addTitle("Quick Stats");
                // ----- Error Trap
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Remove all Content Fields and rebuild them from the fields found in a table
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="core"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                string Button = core.docProperties.getText("Button");
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                //   print out the submit form
                Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"11\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">");
                Stream.add("<tr><td colspan=\"2\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal);
                Stream.add("Delete the current content field definitions for this Content Definition, and recreate them from the table referenced by this content.");
                Stream.add("<TD>" + SpanClassAdminNormal + "Content Name</SPAN></td>");
                Stream.add("<TD><Select name=\"ContentName\">");
                int ItemCount = 0;
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    csData.open("Content", "", "name");
                    while (csData.ok())
                        Stream.add("<option value=\"" + csData.getText("name") + "\">" + csData.getText("name") + "</option>");
                        ItemCount = ItemCount + 1;
                if (ItemCount == 0)
                    Stream.add("<option value=\"-1\">System</option>");
                Stream.add("<TD>" + HtmlController.inputSubmit(ButtonCreateFields) + "</td>");
                Stream.add("<td width=\"150\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"150\" height=\"1\"></td>");
                Stream.add("<td width=\"99%\"><IMG alt=\"\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "Images/spacer.gif\" width=\"100%\" height=\"1\"></td>");
                //   process the button if present
                if (Button == ButtonCreateFields)
                    string ContentName = core.docProperties.getText("ContentName");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentName))
                        Stream.add("Select a content before submitting. Fields were not changed.");
                        int ContentId = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, ContentName);
                        if (ContentId == 0)
                            Stream.add("GetContentID failed. Fields were not changed.");
                            MetadataController.deleteContentRecords(core, "Content Fields", "ContentID=" + DbController.encodeSQLNumber(ContentId));
                            // todo -- looks like the tool code did not come with the migration ?
                string ButtonList = "";
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        //   Editor features are stored in the \config\EditorFeatures.txt file
        //   This is a crlf delimited list, with each row including:
        //       admin:featurelist
        //       contentmanager:featurelist
        //       public:featurelist
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = null;

            try {
                string Description = "This tool is used to configure the wysiwyg content editor for different uses. Check the Administrator column if you want administrators to have access to this feature when editing a page. Check the Content Manager column to allow non-admins to have access to this feature. Check the Public column if you want those on the public site to have access to the feature when the editor is used for public forms.";
                string Button      = core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                if (Button == ButtonCancel)
                    // Cancel button pressed, return with nothing goes to root form
                    StringBuilderLegacyController Content = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                    string ButtonList = null;
                    // From here down will return a form
                    if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                        // Does not have permission
                        ButtonList = ButtonCancel;
                        core.html.addTitle("Style Editor");
                        result = AdminUIController.getToolBody(core, "Site Styles", ButtonList, "", true, true, Description, "", 0, Content.text);
                        string AdminList   = "";
                        string CMList      = "";
                        string PublicList  = "";
                        int    Ptr         = 0;
                        string FeatureName = null;
                        // OK to see and use this form
                        if (Button == ButtonSave || Button == ButtonOK)
                            // Save the Previous edits
                            core.siteProperties.setProperty("Editor Background Color", core.docProperties.getText("editorbackgroundcolor"));
                            for (Ptr = 0; Ptr <= ((string[])null).GetUpperBound(0); Ptr++)
                                FeatureName = ((string[])null)[Ptr];
                                if (GenericController.toLCase(FeatureName) == "styleandformatting")
                                    // must always be on or it throws js error (editor bug I guess)
                                    AdminList  = AdminList + "," + FeatureName;
                                    CMList     = CMList + "," + FeatureName;
                                    PublicList = PublicList + "," + FeatureName;
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean(FeatureName + ".admin"))
                                        AdminList = AdminList + "," + FeatureName;
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean(FeatureName + ".cm"))
                                        CMList = CMList + "," + FeatureName;
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean(FeatureName + ".public"))
                                        PublicList = PublicList + "," + FeatureName;
                            core.privateFiles.saveFile(InnovaEditorFeaturefilename, "admin:" + AdminList + Environment.NewLine + "contentmanager:" + CMList + Environment.NewLine + "public:" + PublicList);
                            // Clear the editor style rules template cache so next edit gets new background color
                            string EditorStyleRulesFilename = GenericController.strReplace(EditorStyleRulesFilenamePattern, "$templateid$", "0", 1, 99, 1);
                            using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                csData.openSql("select id from cctemplates");
                                while (csData.ok())
                                    EditorStyleRulesFilename = GenericController.strReplace(EditorStyleRulesFilenamePattern, "$templateid$", csData.getText("ID"), 1, 99, 1);
                        if (Button != ButtonOK)
                            // Draw the form
                            string FeatureList = core.cdnFiles.readFileText(InnovaEditorFeaturefilename);
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FeatureList))
                                FeatureList = "admin:" + InnovaEditorFeatureList + Environment.NewLine + "contentmanager:" + InnovaEditorFeatureList + Environment.NewLine + "public:" + InnovaEditorPublicFeatureList;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FeatureList))
                                string[] Features = stringSplit(FeatureList, Environment.NewLine);
                                AdminList = Features[0].Replace("admin:", "");
                                if (Features.GetUpperBound(0) > 0)
                                    CMList = Features[1].Replace("contentmanager:", "");
                                    if (Features.GetUpperBound(0) > 1)
                                        PublicList = Features[2].Replace("public:", "");
                            string Copy = Environment.NewLine + "<tr class=\"ccAdminListCaption\">"
                                          + "<td align=left style=\"width:200;\">Feature</td>"
                                          + "<td align=center style=\"width:100;\">Administrators</td>"
                                          + "<td align=center style=\"width:100;\">Content&nbsp;Managers</td>"
                                          + "<td align=center style=\"width:100;\">Public</td>"
                                          + "</tr>";
                            int RowPtr = 0;
                            for (Ptr = 0; Ptr <= ((string[])null).GetUpperBound(0); Ptr++)
                                FeatureName = ((string[])null)[Ptr];
                                if (GenericController.toLCase(FeatureName) == "styleandformatting")
                                    // hide and force on during process - editor bug I think.
                                    string TDLeft      = HtmlController.tableCellStart("", 0, encodeBoolean(RowPtr % 2), "left");
                                    string TDCenter    = HtmlController.tableCellStart("", 0, encodeBoolean(RowPtr % 2), "center");
                                    bool   AllowAdmin  = GenericController.encodeBoolean("," + AdminList + ",".IndexOf("," + FeatureName + ",", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1);
                                    bool   AllowCM     = GenericController.encodeBoolean("," + CMList + ",".IndexOf("," + FeatureName + ",", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1);
                                    bool   AllowPublic = GenericController.encodeBoolean("," + PublicList + ",".IndexOf("," + FeatureName + ",", System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + 1);
                                    Copy += Environment.NewLine + "<tr>"
                                            + TDLeft + FeatureName + "</td>"
                                            + TDCenter + HtmlController.checkbox(FeatureName + ".admin", AllowAdmin) + "</td>"
                                            + TDCenter + HtmlController.checkbox(FeatureName + ".cm", AllowCM) + "</td>"
                                            + TDCenter + HtmlController.checkbox(FeatureName + ".public", AllowPublic) + "</td>"
                                            + "</tr>";
                                    RowPtr = RowPtr + 1;
                            Copy = ""
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<div><b>body background style color</b> (default='white')</div>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<div>" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "editorbackgroundcolor", core.siteProperties.getText("Editor Background Color", "white")) + "</div>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<div>&nbsp;</div>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<div><b>Toolbar features available</b></div>"
                                   + Environment.NewLine + "<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"4\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"500px\" align=left>" + GenericController.nop(Copy) + Environment.NewLine + kmaEndTable;
                            Copy = Environment.NewLine + HtmlController.tableStart(20, 0, 0) + "<tr><td>" + GenericController.nop(Copy) + "</td></tr>\r\n" + kmaEndTable;
                            ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRefresh + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK;
                            Content.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminSourceForm, AdminFormEditorConfig));
                            core.html.addTitle("Editor Settings");
                            result = AdminUIController.getToolBody(core, "Editor Configuration", ButtonList, "", true, true, Description, "", 0, Content.text);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            string tempGetForm_HouseKeepingControl = null;

            try {
                StringBuilderLegacyController Content = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string   Copy                  = null;
                string   SQL                   = null;
                string   Button                = null;
                int      PagesTotal            = 0;
                string   Caption               = null;
                DateTime DateValue             = default(DateTime);
                string   AgeInDays             = null;
                int      ArchiveRecordAgeDays  = 0;
                string   ArchiveTimeOfDay      = null;
                bool     ArchiveAllowFileClean = false;
                string   ButtonList            = "";
                string   Description           = null;
                Button = cp.core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                if (Button == ButtonCancel)
                    return(cp.core.webServer.redirect("/" + cp.core.appConfig.adminRoute, "HouseKeepingControl, Cancel Button Pressed"));
                else if (!cp.core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel;
                    string tableBody = "";
                    // Set defaults
                    ArchiveRecordAgeDays  = (cp.core.siteProperties.getInteger("ArchiveRecordAgeDays", 0));
                    ArchiveTimeOfDay      = cp.core.siteProperties.getText("ArchiveTimeOfDay", "12:00:00 AM");
                    ArchiveAllowFileClean = (cp.core.siteProperties.getBoolean("ArchiveAllowFileClean", false));
                    // Process Requests
                    switch (Button)
                    case ButtonOK:
                    case ButtonSave:
                        ArchiveRecordAgeDays = cp.core.docProperties.getInteger("ArchiveRecordAgeDays");
                        cp.core.siteProperties.setProperty("ArchiveRecordAgeDays", GenericController.encodeText(ArchiveRecordAgeDays));
                        ArchiveTimeOfDay = cp.core.docProperties.getText("ArchiveTimeOfDay");
                        cp.core.siteProperties.setProperty("ArchiveTimeOfDay", ArchiveTimeOfDay);
                        ArchiveAllowFileClean = cp.core.docProperties.getBoolean("ArchiveAllowFileClean");
                        cp.core.siteProperties.setProperty("ArchiveAllowFileClean", GenericController.encodeText(ArchiveAllowFileClean));
                    if (Button == ButtonOK)
                        return(cp.core.webServer.redirect("/" + cp.core.appConfig.adminRoute, "StaticPublishControl, OK Button Pressed"));
                    // ----- Status
                    tableBody += HtmlController.tableRowStart() + "<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"ccPanel3D ccAdminEditSubHeader\"><b>Status</b>" + tableCellEnd + kmaEndTableRow;
                    // ----- Visits Found
                    PagesTotal = 0;
                    SQL        = "SELECT Count(ID) as Result FROM ccVisits;";
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                        if (csData.ok())
                            PagesTotal = csData.getInteger("Result");
                    tableBody += AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, SpanClassAdminNormal + PagesTotal, "Visits Found", "", false, false, "");
                    // ----- Oldest Visit
                    Copy      = "unknown";
                    AgeInDays = "unknown";
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                        SQL = cp.core.db.getSQLSelect("ccVisits", "DateAdded", "", "ID", "", 1);
                        if (csData.ok())
                            DateValue = csData.getDate("DateAdded");
                            if (DateValue != DateTime.MinValue)
                                Copy      = GenericController.encodeText(DateValue);
                                AgeInDays = GenericController.encodeText(encodeInteger(Math.Floor(encodeNumber(cp.core.doc.profileStartTime - DateValue))));
                    tableBody += (AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, SpanClassAdminNormal + Copy + " (" + AgeInDays + " days)", "Oldest Visit", "", false, false, ""));
                    // ----- Viewings Found
                    PagesTotal = 0;
                    SQL        = "SELECT Count(ID) as result  FROM ccViewings;";
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                        if (csData.ok())
                            PagesTotal = csData.getInteger("Result");
                    tableBody += (AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, SpanClassAdminNormal + PagesTotal, "Viewings Found", "", false, false, ""));
                    tableBody += (HtmlController.tableRowStart() + "<td colspan=\"3\" class=\"ccPanel3D ccAdminEditSubHeader\"><b>Options</b>" + tableCellEnd + kmaEndTableRow);
                    Caption    = "Archive Age";
                    Copy       = HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(cp.core, "ArchiveRecordAgeDays", ArchiveRecordAgeDays.ToString(), -1, 20) + "&nbsp;Number of days to keep visit records. 0 disables housekeeping.";
                    tableBody += (AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, Copy, Caption));
                    Caption    = "Housekeeping Time";
                    Copy       = HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(cp.core, "ArchiveTimeOfDay", ArchiveTimeOfDay, -1, 20) + "&nbsp;The time of day when record deleting should start.";
                    tableBody += (AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, Copy, Caption));
                    Caption    = "Purge Content Files";
                    Copy       = HtmlController.checkbox("ArchiveAllowFileClean", ArchiveAllowFileClean) + "&nbsp;Delete Contensive content files with no associated database record.";
                    tableBody += (AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, Copy, Caption));
                    Content.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminSourceForm, AdminformHousekeepingControl));
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel + ",Refresh," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK;
                Caption     = "Data Housekeeping Control";
                Description = "This tool is used to control the database record housekeeping process. This process deletes visit history records, so care should be taken before making any changes.";
                tempGetForm_HouseKeepingControl = AdminUIController.getToolBody(cp.core, Caption, ButtonList, "", false, false, Description, "", 0, Content.text);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            try {
                string   Button        = null;
                string   SQL           = null;
                string   RQS           = null;
                int      PageSize      = 0;
                int      PageNumber    = 0;
                int      TopCount      = 0;
                int      RowPointer    = 0;
                int      DataRowCount  = 0;
                string   PreTableCopy  = "";
                string   PostTableCopy = "";
                int      ColumnPtr     = 0;
                string[] ColCaption    = null;
                string[] ColAlign      = null;
                string[] ColWidth      = null;
                string[,] Cells = null;
                string AdminURL                    = null;
                int    RowCnt                      = 0;
                int    RowPtr                      = 0;
                int    ContentId                   = 0;
                string Format                      = null;
                string Name                        = null;
                string title                       = null;
                string Description                 = null;
                string ButtonCommaListLeft         = null;
                string ButtonCommaListRight        = null;
                int    ContentPadding              = 0;
                string ContentSummary              = "";
                StringBuilderLegacyController Tab0 = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                StringBuilderLegacyController Tab1 = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string Content                     = "";
                string SQLFieldName                = null;
                var    adminMenu                   = new EditTabModel();
                const int ColumnCnt = 4;
                Button    = core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                ContentId = core.docProperties.getInteger("ContentID");
                Format    = core.docProperties.getText("Format");
                title                = "Custom Report Manager";
                Description          = "Custom Reports are a way for you to create a snapshot of data to view or download. To request a report, select the Custom Reports tab, check the report(s) you want, and click the [Request Download] Button. When your report is ready, it will be available in the <a href=\"?" + rnAdminForm + "=30\">Download Manager</a>. To create a new custom report, select the Request New Report tab, enter a name and SQL statement, and click the Apply button.";
                ContentPadding       = 0;
                ButtonCommaListLeft  = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonDelete + "," + ButtonRequestDownload;
                ButtonCommaListRight = "";
                SQLFieldName         = "SQLQuery";
                if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                    // Must be a developer
                    Description = Description + "You can not access the Custom Report Manager because your account is not configured as an administrator.";
                    // Process Requests
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Button))
                        switch (Button)
                        case ButtonCancel:
                            return(core.webServer.redirect("/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute, "CustomReports, Cancel Button Pressed"));

                        case ButtonDelete:
                            RowCnt = core.docProperties.getInteger("RowCnt");
                            if (RowCnt > 0)
                                for (RowPtr = 0; RowPtr < RowCnt; RowPtr++)
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean("Row" + RowPtr))
                                        MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Custom Reports", core.docProperties.getInteger("RowID" + RowPtr));

                        case ButtonRequestDownload:
                        case ButtonApply:
                            Name = core.docProperties.getText("name");
                            SQL  = core.docProperties.getText(SQLFieldName);
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL))
                                if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(Name)) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL)))
                                    Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.addUserError(core, "A name and SQL Query are required to save a new custom report.");
                                    int customReportId = 0;
                                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                        csData.insert("Custom Reports");
                                        if (csData.ok())
                                            customReportId = csData.getInteger("id");
                                            csData.set("Name", Name);
                                            csData.set(SQLFieldName, SQL);
                                    requestDownload(core, customReportId);
                            RowCnt = core.docProperties.getInteger("RowCnt");
                            if (RowCnt > 0)
                                for (RowPtr = 0; RowPtr < RowCnt; RowPtr++)
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean("Row" + RowPtr))
                                        int customReportId = core.docProperties.getInteger("RowID" + RowPtr);
                                        using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                            csData.openRecord("Custom Reports", customReportId);
                                            if (csData.ok())
                                                SQL  = csData.getText(SQLFieldName);
                                                Name = csData.getText("Name");
                                        requestDownload(core, customReportId);
                    // Build Tab0
                    Tab0.add("<p>The following is a list of available custom reports.</p>");
                    RQS      = core.doc.refreshQueryString;
                    PageSize = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNamePageSize);
                    if (PageSize == 0)
                        PageSize = 50;
                    PageNumber = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNamePageNumber);
                    if (PageNumber == 0)
                        PageNumber = 1;
                    AdminURL = "/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute;
                    TopCount = PageNumber * PageSize;
                    // Setup Headings
                    ColCaption = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    ColAlign   = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    ColWidth   = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    Cells      = new string[PageSize + 1, ColumnCnt + 1];
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Select<br><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=10 height=1>";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "center";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "10";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Name";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "100%";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Created By<br><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=100 height=1>";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "100";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Date Created<br><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=150 height=1>";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "150";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    //   Get Data
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        RowPointer = 0;
                        if (!csData.open("Custom Reports"))
                            Cells[0, 1] = "There are no custom reports defined";
                            RowPointer  = 1;
                            DataRowCount = csData.getRowCount();
                            while (csData.ok() && (RowPointer < PageSize))
                                int customReportId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                                Cells[RowPointer, 0] = HtmlController.checkbox("Row" + RowPointer) + HtmlController.inputHidden("RowID" + RowPointer, customReportId);
                                Cells[RowPointer, 1] = csData.getText("name");
                                Cells[RowPointer, 2] = csData.getText("CreatedBy");
                                Cells[RowPointer, 3] = csData.getDate("DateAdded").ToShortDateString();
                                RowPointer           = RowPointer + 1;
                    string Cell = null;
                    Tab0.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("RowCnt", RowPointer));
                    Cell = AdminUIController.getReport(core, RowPointer, ColCaption, ColAlign, ColWidth, Cells, PageSize, PageNumber, PreTableCopy, PostTableCopy, DataRowCount, "ccPanel");
                    Tab0.add("<div>" + Cell + "</div>");
                    // Build RequestContent Form
                    Tab1.add("<p>Use this form to create a new custom report. Enter the SQL Query for the report, and a name that will be used as a caption.</p>");
                    Tab1.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"3\" cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%\">");
                    Tab1.add("<td align=right>Name</td>");
                    Tab1.add("<td>" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "Name", "", 1, 40) + "</td>");
                    Tab1.add("<td align=right>SQL Query</td>");
                    Tab1.add("<td>" + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, SQLFieldName, "", 8, 40) + "</td>");
                    Tab1.add("<tr><td width=\"120\"><img alt=\"space\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/spacer.gif\" width=\"120\" height=\"1\"></td><td width=\"100%\">&nbsp;</td></tr></table>");
                    // Build and add tabs
                    adminMenu.addEntry("Custom&nbsp;Reports", Tab0.text, "ccAdminTab");
                    adminMenu.addEntry("Request&nbsp;New&nbsp;Report", Tab1.text, "ccAdminTab");
                    Content = adminMenu.getTabs(core);
                core.html.addTitle("Custom Reports");
                return(AdminUIController.getToolBody(core, title, ButtonCommaListLeft, ButtonCommaListRight, true, true, Description, ContentSummary, ContentPadding, Content));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        // Create a child content
        private string GetForm_CreateChildContent(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                int    ParentContentId               = 0;
                string ChildContentName              = "";
                bool   AddAdminMenuEntry             = false;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Create a Child Content from a Content Definition", "This tool creates a Content Definition based on another Content Definition."));
                //   print out the submit form
                if (core.docProperties.getText("Button") != "")
                    // Process input
                    ParentContentId = core.docProperties.getInteger("ParentContentID");
                    var parentContentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ParentContentId);
                    ChildContentName  = core.docProperties.getText("ChildContentName");
                    AddAdminMenuEntry = core.docProperties.getBoolean("AddAdminMenuEntry");
                    if ((parentContentMetadata == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ChildContentName)))
                        Stream.add("<p>You must select a parent and provide a child name.</p>");
                        // Create Definition
                        Stream.add("<P>Creating content [" + ChildContentName + "] from [" + parentContentMetadata + "]");
                        var childContentMetadata = parentContentMetadata.createContentChild(core, ChildContentName, core.session.user.id);
                        Stream.add("<br>Reloading Content Definitions...");
                Stream.add("Parent Content Name<br>");
                Stream.add(core.html.selectFromContent("ParentContentID", ParentContentId, "Content", ""));
                Stream.add("Child Content Name<br>");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "ChildContentName", ChildContentName, 1, 40));
                Stream.add("Add Admin Menu Entry under Parent's Menu Entry<br>");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.checkbox("AddAdminMenuEntry", AddAdminMenuEntry));
                //Stream.Add( core.main_GetFormInputHidden(RequestNameAdminForm, AdminFormToolCreateChildContent)
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string getForm_Edit_LinkAliases(CoreController core, AdminDataModel adminData, bool readOnlyField)
            string tempGetForm_Edit_LinkAliases = null;

            try {
                // Link Alias value from the admin data
                string TabDescription = "Link Aliases are URLs used for this content that are more friendly to users and search engines. If you set the Link Alias field, this name will be used on the URL for this page. If you leave the Link Alias blank, the page name will be used. Below is a list of names that have been used previously and are still active. All of these entries when used in the URL will resolve to this page. The first entry in this list will be used to create menus on the site. To move an entry to the top, type it into the Link Alias field and save.";
                string tabContent     = "&nbsp;";
                if (!core.siteProperties.allowLinkAlias)
                    // Disabled
                    TabDescription = "<p>The Link Alias feature is currently disabled. To enable Link Aliases, check the box marked 'Allow Link Alias' on the Page Settings page found on the Navigator under 'Settings'.</p><p>" + TabDescription + "</p>";
                    // Link Alias Field
                    string linkAlias = "";
                    if (adminData.adminContent.fields.ContainsKey("linkalias"))
                        linkAlias = GenericController.encodeText(adminData.editRecord.fieldsLc["linkalias"].value);
                    StringBuilderLegacyController form = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                    form.add("<tr><td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "Link Alias</td>");
                    form.add("<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\" align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal);
                    if (readOnlyField)
                        form.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "LinkAlias", linkAlias));
                    // Override Duplicates
                    form.add("<tr><td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "Override Duplicates</td>");
                    form.add("<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\" align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal);
                    if (readOnlyField)
                        form.add(HtmlController.checkbox("OverrideDuplicate", false));
                    // Table of old Link Aliases
                    // todo
                    int    LinkCnt  = 0;
                    string LinkList = "";
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open("Link Aliases", "pageid=" + adminData.editRecord.id, "ID Desc", true, 0, "name");
                        while (csData.ok())
                            LinkList += "<div style=\"margin-left:4px;margin-bottom:4px;\">" + HtmlController.encodeHtml(csData.getText("name")) + "</div>";
                            LinkCnt  += 1;
                    if (LinkCnt > 0)
                        form.add("<tr><td class=\"ccAdminEditCaption\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "Previous Link Alias List</td>");
                        form.add("<td class=\"ccAdminEditField\" align=\"left\" colspan=\"2\">" + SpanClassAdminNormal);
                    tabContent = AdminUIController.editTable(form.text);
                tempGetForm_Edit_LinkAliases     = AdminUIController.getEditPanel(core, true, "Link Aliases", TabDescription, tabContent);
                adminData.editSectionPanelCount += 1;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        // Create a child content
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            string result = "";

            try {
                bool   IsEmptyList       = false;
                int    ParentContentId   = 0;
                string ChildContentName  = "";
                int    ChildContentId    = 0;
                bool   AddAdminMenuEntry = false;
                StringBuilderLegacyController Content = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string FieldValue   = null;
                bool   NewGroup     = false;
                int    GroupId      = 0;
                string NewGroupName = "";
                string Button       = null;
                string Caption      = null;
                string Description  = "";
                string ButtonList   = "";
                bool   BlockForm    = false;
                Button = cp.core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                if (Button == ButtonCancel)
                    return(cp.core.webServer.redirect("/" + cp.core.appConfig.adminRoute, "GetContentChildTool, Cancel Button Pressed"));
                else if (!cp.core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel;
                    if (Button != ButtonOK)
                        // Load defaults
                        ParentContentId = cp.core.docProperties.getInteger("ParentContentID");
                        if (ParentContentId == 0)
                            ParentContentId = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(cp.core, "Page Content");
                        AddAdminMenuEntry = true;
                        GroupId           = 0;
                        // Process input
                        ParentContentId = cp.core.docProperties.getInteger("ParentContentID");
                        var parentContentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(cp.core, ParentContentId);
                        ChildContentName  = cp.core.docProperties.getText("ChildContentName");
                        AddAdminMenuEntry = cp.core.docProperties.getBoolean("AddAdminMenuEntry");
                        GroupId           = cp.core.docProperties.getInteger("GroupID");
                        NewGroup          = cp.core.docProperties.getBoolean("NewGroup");
                        NewGroupName      = cp.core.docProperties.getText("NewGroupName");
                        if ((parentContentMetadata == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ChildContentName)))
                            Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.addUserError(cp.core, "You must select a parent and provide a child name.");
                            // Create Definition
                            Description = Description + "<div>&nbsp;</div>"
                                          + "<div>Creating content [" + ChildContentName + "] from [" + parentContentMetadata.name + "]</div>";
                            var childContentMetadata = parentContentMetadata.createContentChild(cp.core, ChildContentName, cp.core.session.user.id);

                            ChildContentId = ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(cp.core, ChildContentName);
                            // Create Group and Rule
                            if (NewGroup && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NewGroupName)))
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                                    csData.open("Groups", "name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(NewGroupName));
                                    if (csData.ok())
                                        Description = Description + "<div>Group [" + NewGroupName + "] already exists, using existing group.</div>";
                                        GroupId     = csData.getInteger("ID");
                                        Description = Description + "<div>Creating new group [" + NewGroupName + "]</div>";
                                        if (csData.ok())
                                            GroupId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                                            csData.set("Name", NewGroupName);
                                            csData.set("Caption", NewGroupName);
                            if (GroupId != 0)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(cp.core)) {
                                    csData.insert("Group Rules");
                                    if (csData.ok())
                                        Description = Description + "<div>Assigning group [" + MetadataController.getRecordName(cp.core, "Groups", GroupId) + "] to edit content [" + ChildContentName + "].</div>";
                                        csData.set("GroupID", GroupId);
                                        csData.set("ContentID", ChildContentId);
                            // Add Admin Menu Entry
                            if (AddAdminMenuEntry)
                                // Add Navigator entries
                            Description = Description + "<div>&nbsp;</div>"
                                          + "<div>Your new content is ready. <a href=\"?" + rnAdminForm + "=22\">Click here</a> to create another Content Definition, or hit [Cancel] to return to the main menu.</div>";
                            ButtonList = ButtonCancel;
                            BlockForm  = true;
                    // Get the form
                    if (!BlockForm)
                        string tableBody = "";
                        FieldValue = "<select size=\"1\" name=\"ParentContentID\" ID=\"\"><option value=\"\">Select One</option>";
                        FieldValue = FieldValue + GetContentChildTool_Options(cp, 0, ParentContentId);
                        FieldValue = FieldValue + "</select>";
                        tableBody += AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, FieldValue, "Parent Content Name", "", false, false, "");
                        FieldValue = HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(cp.core, "ChildContentName", ChildContentName, 1, 40);
                        tableBody += AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, FieldValue, "New Child Content Name", "", false, false, "");
                        FieldValue = ""
                                     + HtmlController.inputRadio("NewGroup", false.ToString(), NewGroup.ToString()) + cp.core.html.selectFromContent("GroupID", GroupId, "Groups", "", "", "", ref IsEmptyList) + "(Select a current group)"
                                     + "<br>" + HtmlController.inputRadio("NewGroup", true.ToString(), NewGroup.ToString()) + HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(cp.core, "NewGroupName", NewGroupName) + "(Create a new group)";
                        tableBody += AdminUIController.getEditRowLegacy(cp.core, FieldValue, "Content Manager Group", "", false, false, "");
                        Content.add("</td></tr>" + kmaEndTable);
                        ButtonList = ButtonOK + "," + ButtonCancel;
                    Content.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminSourceForm, AdminFormContentChildTool));
                Caption     = "Create Content Definition";
                Description = "<div>This tool is used to create content definitions that help segregate your content into authorable segments.</div>" + Description;
                result      = AdminUIController.getToolBody(cp.core, Caption, ButtonList, "", false, false, Description, "", 0, Content.text);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(cp.core, ex);
        //   Print the manual query form
        public static string getForm_CacheTool(CPClass cp)
            CoreController core = cp.core;

            try {
                var form = cp.AdminUI.NewToolForm();
                form.Title       = "Cache Tool";
                form.Description = "Use this tool to get/store/invalidate the application's cache.";
                //Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Cache Tool", "Use this tool to get/store/invalidate the application's cache."));
                string cacheKey   = cp.Doc.GetText("cacheKey");
                string cacheValue = cp.Doc.GetText("cacheValue");
                string button     = cp.Doc.GetText("button");
                StringBuilderLegacyController formBody = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                if (button == ButtonCacheGet)
                    // -- Get Cache
                    formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " cache.getObject(" + cacheKey + ")</div>");
                    object resultObj = cp.Cache.GetObject(cacheKey);
                    if (resultObj == null)
                        formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " NULL returned</div>");
                        try {
                            cacheValue = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(resultObj);
                            formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + "CacheValue object returned, json serialized, length [" + cacheValue.Length + "]</div>");
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " exception during serialization, ex [" + ex + "]</div>");
                    formBody.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                else if (button == ButtonCacheStore)
                    // -- Store Cache
                    formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " cache.store(" + cacheKey + "," + cacheValue + ")</div>");
                    cp.Cache.Store(cacheKey, cacheValue);
                    formBody.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                else if (button == ButtonCacheInvalidate)
                    // -- Invalidate
                    cacheValue = "";
                    formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " cache.Invalidate(" + cacheKey + ")</div>");
                    formBody.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                else if (button == ButtonCacheInvalidateAll)
                    // -- Store Cache
                    cacheValue = "";
                    formBody.add("<div>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " cache.InvalidateAll()</div>");
                    formBody.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                // Display form
                    // -- cache key
                    formBody.add(cp.Html5.H4("Cache Key"));
                    formBody.add(cp.Html5.Div(cp.AdminUI.GetTextEditor("cacheKey", cacheKey, "cacheKey", false)));
                    // -- cache value
                    formBody.add(cp.Html5.H4("Cache Value"));
                    formBody.add(cp.Html5.Div(cp.AdminUI.GetTextEditor("cacheValue", cacheValue, "cacheValue", false)));
                // -- assemble form
                form.Body = formBody.text;
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Run manual query
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            string         returnHtml = "";
            CoreController core       = cp.core;

            try {
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Run Manual Query", "This tool runs an SQL statement on a selected datasource. If there is a result set, the set is printed in a table."));
                // Get the members SQL Queue
                string SQLFilename = core.userProperty.getText("SQLArchive");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQLFilename))
                    SQLFilename = "SQLArchive" + core.session.user.id.ToString("000000000") + ".txt";
                    core.userProperty.setProperty("SQLArchive", SQLFilename);
                string SQLArchive = core.cdnFiles.readFileText(SQLFilename);
                // Read in arguments if available
                int Timeout = core.docProperties.getInteger("Timeout");
                if (Timeout == 0)
                    Timeout = 30;
                int pageSize = core.docProperties.getInteger("PageSize");
                if (pageSize == 0)
                    pageSize = 10;
                int pageNumber = core.docProperties.getInteger("PageNumber");
                if (pageNumber == 0)
                    pageNumber = 1;
                string SQL = core.docProperties.getText("SQL");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL))
                    SQL = core.docProperties.getText("SQLList");
                DataSourceModel datasource = DataSourceModel.create(core.cpParent, core.docProperties.getInteger("dataSourceid"));
                if ((core.docProperties.getText("button")) == ButtonRun)
                    // Add this SQL to the members SQL list
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQL))
                        string SQLArchiveOld = SQLArchive.Replace(SQL + Environment.NewLine, "");
                        SQLArchive = SQL.Replace(Environment.NewLine, " ") + Environment.NewLine;
                        int LineCounter = 0;
                        while ((LineCounter < 10) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SQLArchiveOld)))
                            string line = getLine(ref SQLArchiveOld).Trim();
                            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                                SQLArchive += line + Environment.NewLine;
                        core.cdnFiles.saveFile(SQLFilename, SQLArchive);
                    // Run the SQL
                    string errBefore = ErrorController.getDocExceptionHtmlList(core);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errBefore))
                        // -- error in interface, should be fixed before attempting query
                        Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL NOT executed. The following errors were detected before execution");
                        Stream.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Executing sql [" + SQL + "] on DataSource [" + datasource.name + "]");
                        DataTable dt = null;
                        try {
                            dt = core.db.executeQuery(SQL, DbController.getStartRecord(pageSize, pageNumber), pageSize);
                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            // ----- error
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL execution returned the following error");
                            Stream.add("<br>" + ex.Message);
                        string errSql = ErrorController.getDocExceptionHtmlList(core);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errSql))
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL execution returned the following error");
                            Stream.add("<br>" + errSql);
                            Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL executed successfully");
                            if (dt == null)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL returned invalid data.");
                            else if (dt.Rows == null)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " SQL returned invalid data rows.");
                            else if (dt.Rows.Count == 0)
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The SQL returned no data.");
                                // ----- print results
                                Stream.add("<br>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The following results were returned");
                                // --- Create the Fields for the new table
                                int FieldCount = dt.Columns.Count;
                                Stream.add("<table class=\"table table-bordered table-hover table-sm table-striped\">");
                                Stream.add("<thead class=\"thead - inverse\"><tr>");
                                foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns)
                                    Stream.add("<th>" + dc.ColumnName + "</th>");
                                string[,] resultArray = core.db.convertDataTabletoArray(dt);
                                int    RowMax      = resultArray.GetUpperBound(1);
                                int    ColumnMax   = resultArray.GetUpperBound(0);
                                string RowStart    = "<tr>";
                                string RowEnd      = "</tr>";
                                string ColumnStart = "<td>";
                                string ColumnEnd   = "</td>";
                                int    RowPointer  = 0;
                                for (RowPointer = 0; RowPointer <= RowMax; RowPointer++)
                                    int ColumnPointer = 0;
                                    for (ColumnPointer = 0; ColumnPointer <= ColumnMax; ColumnPointer++)
                                        string CellData = resultArray[ColumnPointer, RowPointer];
                                        if (isNull(CellData))
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[null]" + ColumnEnd);
                                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellData))
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                            Stream.add(ColumnStart + HtmlController.encodeHtml(GenericController.encodeText(CellData)) + ColumnEnd);
                    Stream.add("<p>" + core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</p>");
                // Display form
                    // -- sql form
                    int SQLRows = core.docProperties.getInteger("SQLRows");
                    if (SQLRows == 0)
                        SQLRows = core.userProperty.getInteger("ManualQueryInputRows", 5);
                        core.userProperty.setProperty("ManualQueryInputRows", SQLRows.ToString());
                    Stream.add(AdminUIEditorController.getHtmlCodeEditor(core, "SQL", SQL, false, "SQL", false));
                    Stream.add("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=\"Text\" TabIndex=-1 NAME=\"SQLRows\" SIZE=\"3\" VALUE=\"" + SQLRows + "\" ID=\"\"  onchange=\"SQL.rows=SQLRows.value; return true\"> Rows");
                // -- data source
                bool isEmptyList = false;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Data Source", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, "DataSourceID", datasource.id, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "data sources"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                    // -- sql list
                    string        js          = "var e = document.getElementById('SQLList');SQL.value=e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;";
                    List <string> lookupList  = SQLArchive.Split(new string[] { Environment.NewLine }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList();
                    string        inputSelect = AdminUIEditorController.getLookupListEditor(core, "SQLList", 0, lookupList, false, "SQLList", "", false);
                    inputSelect = inputSelect.Replace("<select ", "<select onChange=\"" + js + "\" ");
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Previous Queries", inputSelect));
                // -- page size
                if (isNull(pageSize))
                    pageSize = 100;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Page Size", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "PageSize", pageSize.ToString())));
                // -- page number
                if (isNull(pageNumber))
                    pageNumber = 1;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Page Number", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "PageNumber", pageNumber.ToString())));
                // -- timeout
                if (isNull(Timeout))
                    Timeout = 30;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Timeout (sec)", AdminUIEditorController.getTextEditor(core, "Timeout", Timeout.ToString())));
                // -- assemble form
                returnHtml = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        //   Print the manual query form
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                bool   StatusOK      = false;
                int    FieldCount    = 0;
                object Retries       = null;
                int    RowMax        = 0;
                int    RowPointer    = 0;
                int    ColumnMax     = 0;
                int    ColumnPointer = 0;
                string ColumnStart   = null;
                string ColumnEnd     = null;
                string RowStart      = null;
                string RowEnd        = null;
                string[,] arrayOfSchema = null;
                string CellData  = null;
                string TableName = "";
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                string    ButtonList       = null;
                DataTable RSSchema         = null;
                var       tmpList          = new List <string> {
                DataSourceModel datasource = DataSourceModel.create(core.cpParent, core.docProperties.getInteger("DataSourceID"), ref tmpList);
                ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRun;
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Query Database Schema", "This tool examines the database schema for all tables available."));
                StatusOK = true;
                if ((core.docProperties.getText("button")) != ButtonRun)
                    // First pass, initialize
                    Retries = 0;
                    // Read in arguments
                    TableName = core.docProperties.getText("TableName");
                    // Run the SQL
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "<br><br>");
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Opening Table Schema on DataSource [" + datasource.name + "]<br>");
                    RSSchema = core.db.getTableSchemaData(TableName);
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " GetSchema executed successfully<br>");
                    if (!DbController.isDataTableOk(RSSchema))
                        // ----- no result
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " A schema was returned, but it contains no records.<br>");
                        // ----- print results
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The following results were returned<br>");
                        // --- Create the Fields for the new table
                        FieldCount = RSSchema.Columns.Count;
                        Stream.add("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                        foreach (DataColumn RecordField in RSSchema.Columns)
                            Stream.add("<TD><B>" + SpanClassAdminSmall + RecordField.ColumnName + "</b></SPAN></td>");
                        arrayOfSchema = core.db.convertDataTabletoArray(RSSchema);
                        RowMax      = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(1);
                        ColumnMax   = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(0);
                        RowStart    = "<tr>";
                        RowEnd      = "</tr>";
                        ColumnStart = "<td class=\"ccadminsmall\">";
                        ColumnEnd   = "</td>";
                        for (RowPointer = 0; RowPointer <= RowMax; RowPointer++)
                            for (ColumnPointer = 0; ColumnPointer <= ColumnMax; ColumnPointer++)
                                CellData = arrayOfSchema[ColumnPointer, RowPointer];
                                if (isNull(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[null]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if ((CellData == null))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + CellData + ColumnEnd);
                        RSSchema = null;
                    // Index Schema
                    //    RSSchema = DataSourceConnectionObjs(DataSourcePointer).Conn.OpenSchema(SchemaEnum.adSchemaColumns, Array(Empty, Empty, TableName, Empty))
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "<br><br>");
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Opening Index Schema<br>");
                    RSSchema = core.db.getIndexSchemaData(TableName);
                    if (!DbController.isDataTableOk(RSSchema))
                        // ----- no result
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " A schema was returned, but it contains no records.<br>");
                        // ----- print results
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The following results were returned<br>");
                        // --- Create the Fields for the new table
                        FieldCount = RSSchema.Columns.Count;
                        Stream.add("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                        foreach (DataColumn RecordField in RSSchema.Columns)
                            Stream.add("<TD><B>" + SpanClassAdminSmall + RecordField.ColumnName + "</b></SPAN></td>");

                        arrayOfSchema = core.db.convertDataTabletoArray(RSSchema);
                        RowMax      = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(1);
                        ColumnMax   = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(0);
                        RowStart    = "<tr>";
                        RowEnd      = "</tr>";
                        ColumnStart = "<td class=\"ccadminsmall\">";
                        ColumnEnd   = "</td>";
                        for (RowPointer = 0; RowPointer <= RowMax; RowPointer++)
                            for (ColumnPointer = 0; ColumnPointer <= ColumnMax; ColumnPointer++)
                                CellData = arrayOfSchema[ColumnPointer, RowPointer];
                                if (isNull(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[null]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if ((CellData == null))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + CellData + ColumnEnd);
                        RSSchema = null;
                    // Column Schema
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "<br><br>");
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Opening Column Schema<br>");
                    RSSchema = core.db.getColumnSchemaData(TableName);
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " GetSchema executed successfully<br>");
                    if (DbController.isDataTableOk(RSSchema))
                        // ----- no result
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " A schema was returned, but it contains no records.<br>");
                        // ----- print results
                        Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " The following results were returned<br>");
                        // --- Create the Fields for the new table
                        FieldCount = RSSchema.Columns.Count;
                        Stream.add("<table border=\"1\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                        foreach (DataColumn RecordField in RSSchema.Columns)
                            Stream.add("<TD><B>" + SpanClassAdminSmall + RecordField.ColumnName + "</b></SPAN></td>");
                        arrayOfSchema = core.db.convertDataTabletoArray(RSSchema);
                        RowMax      = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(1);
                        ColumnMax   = arrayOfSchema.GetUpperBound(0);
                        RowStart    = "<tr>";
                        RowEnd      = "</tr>";
                        ColumnStart = "<td class=\"ccadminsmall\">";
                        ColumnEnd   = "</td>";
                        for (RowPointer = 0; RowPointer <= RowMax; RowPointer++)
                            for (ColumnPointer = 0; ColumnPointer <= ColumnMax; ColumnPointer++)
                                CellData = arrayOfSchema[ColumnPointer, RowPointer];
                                if (isNull(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[null]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if ((CellData == null))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CellData))
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + "[empty]" + ColumnEnd);
                                    Stream.add(ColumnStart + CellData + ColumnEnd);
                        RSSchema = null;
                    if (!StatusOK)
                        Stream.add("There was a problem executing this query that may have prevented the results from printing.");
                    Stream.add(core.dateTimeNowMockable + " Done</SPAN>");
                // Display form
                Stream.add("Table Name<br>");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "Tablename", TableName));
                Stream.add("Data Source<br>");
                Stream.add(core.html.selectFromContent("DataSourceID", datasource.id, "Data Sources", "", "Default"));
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the Configure Edit
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cp"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string get(CPClass cp)
            CoreController core = cp.core;

            try {
                KeyPtrController Index = new KeyPtrController();
                int    ContentId       = cp.Doc.GetInteger(RequestNameToolContentId);
                var    contentMetadata = ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                int    RecordCount     = 0;
                int    formFieldId     = 0;
                string StatusMessage   = "";
                string ErrorMessage    = "";
                bool   ReloadCDef      = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("ReloadCDef");
                if (contentMetadata != null)
                    string ToolButton = cp.Doc.GetText("Button");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToolButton))
                        bool AllowContentAutoLoad = false;
                        if (ToolButton != ButtonCancel)
                            // Save the form changes
                            AllowContentAutoLoad = cp.Site.GetBoolean("AllowContentAutoLoad", true);
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", "false");
                            // ----- Save the input
                            RecordCount = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaRecordCount"));
                            if (RecordCount > 0)
                                int RecordPointer = 0;
                                for (RecordPointer = 0; RecordPointer < RecordCount; RecordPointer++)
                                    string formFieldName = cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaName." + RecordPointer);
                                    CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum formFieldTypeId = (CPContentBaseClass.FieldTypeIdEnum)cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaType." + RecordPointer);
                                    formFieldId = GenericController.encodeInteger(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaID." + RecordPointer));
                                    bool formFieldInherited = cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaInherited." + RecordPointer);
                                    // problem - looking for the name in the Db using the form's name, but it could have changed.
                                    // have to look field up by id
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> cdefFieldKvp in contentMetadata.fields)
                                        if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.id == formFieldId)
                                            // Field was found in CDef
                                            if (cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was inherited, but make a copy of the field
                                                using (var CSTarget = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                    if (CSTarget.insert("Content Fields"))
                                                        using (var CSSource = new CsModel(core)) {
                                                            if (CSSource.openRecord("Content Fields", formFieldId))
                                                        formFieldId = CSTarget.getInteger("ID");
                                                        CSTarget.set("ContentID", ContentId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (formFieldInherited))
                                                // Was a field, make it inherit from it's parent
                                                MetadataController.deleteContentRecord(core, "Content Fields", formFieldId);
                                                ReloadCDef = true;
                                            else if ((!cdefFieldKvp.Value.inherited) && (!formFieldInherited))
                                                // not inherited, save the field values and mark for a reload
                                                    if (formFieldName.IndexOf(" ") != -1)
                                                        // remoave spaces from new name
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was renamed [" + GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "") + "] because the field name can not include spaces.</LI>";
                                                        formFieldName = GenericController.strReplace(formFieldName, " ", "");
                                                    string SQL = null;
                                                    if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) && ((int)formFieldTypeId != 0) && ((cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc == "") || (cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId == 0)))
                                                        // Create Db field, Field is good but was not before
                                                        core.db.createSQLTableField(contentMetadata.tableName, formFieldName, formFieldTypeId);
                                                        StatusMessage = StatusMessage + "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition and a database field was created in [" + contentMetadata.tableName + "].</LI>";
                                                    else if ((string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName)) || ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                        // name blank or type=0 - do nothing but tell them
                                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(formFieldName) && ((int)formFieldTypeId == 0))
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a name and field type are required.</LI>";
                                                        else if (formFieldName == "unnamedfield" + formFieldId.ToString())
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field number " + (RecordPointer + 1) + " was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field name is required.</LI>";
                                                            ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] was saved to this content definition but no database field was created because a field type are required.</LI>";
                                                    else if ((formFieldName == cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc) && (formFieldTypeId != cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId))
                                                        // Field Type changed, must be done manually
                                                        ErrorMessage += "<LI>Field [" + formFieldName + "] changed type from [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)cdefFieldKvp.Value.fieldTypeId) + "] to [" + DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)formFieldTypeId) + "]. This may have caused a problem converting content.</LI>";
                                                        int DataSourceTypeId = core.db.getDataSourceType();
                                                        switch (DataSourceTypeId)
                                                        case DataSourceTypeODBCMySQL:
                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " change " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";

                                                            SQL = "alter table " + contentMetadata.tableName + " alter column " + cdefFieldKvp.Value.nameLc + " " + core.db.getSQLAlterColumnType(formFieldTypeId) + ";";
                                                    SQL = "Update ccFields"
                                                          + " Set name=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(formFieldName)
                                                          + ",type=" + (int)formFieldTypeId
                                                          + ",caption=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaCaption." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",DefaultValue=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditSortPriority=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(GenericController.encodeText(cp.Doc.GetInteger("dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordPointer)))
                                                          + ",Active=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaActive." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",ReadOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Authorable=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Required=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaRequired." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",UniqueName=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",TextBuffered=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Password="******"dtfaPassword." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",HTMLContent=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",EditTab=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(cp.Doc.GetText("dtfaEditTab." + RecordPointer))
                                                          + ",Scramble=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaScramble." + RecordPointer)) + "";
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                                        SQL += ",adminonly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                                        SQL += ",DeveloperOnly=" + DbController.encodeSQLBoolean(cp.Doc.GetBoolean("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordPointer));
                                                    SQL += " where ID=" + formFieldId;
                                                    ReloadCDef = true;
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonAdd)
                            // ----- Insert a blank Field
                            var defaultValues = ContentMetadataModel.getDefaultValueDict(core, ContentFieldModel.tableMetadata.contentName);
                            var field         = ContentFieldModel.addDefault <ContentFieldModel>(core.cpParent, defaultValues);
                            field.name             = "unnamedField" + field.id.ToString();
                            field.contentId        = ContentId;
                            field.editSortPriority = 0;
                            ReloadCDef = true;
                        // ----- Button Reload CDef
                        if (ToolButton == ButtonSaveandInvalidateCache)
                        // ----- Restore Content Autoload site property
                        if (AllowContentAutoLoad)
                            cp.Site.SetProperty("AllowContentAutoLoad", AllowContentAutoLoad.ToString());
                        // ----- Cancel or Save, reload CDef and go
                        if ((ToolButton == ButtonCancel) || (ToolButton == ButtonOK))
                            // ----- Exit back to menu
                            return(core.webServer.redirect(core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Tool-ConfigureContentEdit, ok or cancel button, go to root."));
                //   Print Output
                string description = ""
                                     + HtmlController.p("Use this tool to add or modify content definition fields and the underlying sql table fields.")
                                     + ((ContentId.Equals(0)) ? "" : ""
                                        + HtmlController.ul(""
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Content", "?aa=0&cid=3&id=" + ContentId + "&tx=&ad=0&asf=1&af=4", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Edit Records", "?cid=" + ContentId, "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            + HtmlController.li(HtmlController.a("Select Different Fields", "?af=105", "nav-link btn btn-primary"), "nav-item mr-1")
                                                            , "nav")
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Manage Admin Edit Fields", description));
                // -- status of last operation
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(StatusMessage))
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormRow(core, "<UL>" + StatusMessage + "</UL>"));
                // -- errors with last operations
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ErrorMessage))
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.div("There was a problem saving these changes" + "<UL>" + ErrorMessage + "</UL>", "ccError"));
                if (ReloadCDef)
                    contentMetadata = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ContentId, true, true);
                string ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSelect;
                if (ContentId == 0)
                    // content tables that have edit forms to Configure
                    bool isEmptyList = false;
                    Stream.add(AdminUIController.getToolFormInputRow(core, "Select a Content Definition to Configure", AdminUIEditorController.getLookupContentEditor(core, RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId, ContentMetadataModel.getContentId(core, "Content"), ref isEmptyList, false, "", "", false, "")));
                    // Configure edit form
                    Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden(RequestNameToolContentId, ContentId));
                    ButtonList = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonSave + "," + ButtonOK + "," + ButtonAdd;
                    // Get a new copy of the content definition
                    Stream.add(SpanClassAdminNormal + "<P><B>" + contentMetadata.name + "</b></P>");
                    Stream.add("<table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"100%\">");
                    int  ParentContentId  = contentMetadata.parentId;
                    bool AllowCDefInherit = false;
                    Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel ParentCDef = null;
                    if (ParentContentId == -1)
                        AllowCDefInherit = false;
                        AllowCDefInherit = true;
                        string ParentContentName = MetadataController.getContentNameByID(core, ParentContentId);
                        ParentCDef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.create(core, ParentContentId, true, true);
                    bool NeedFootNote1 = false;
                    bool NeedFootNote2 = false;
                    if (contentMetadata.fields.Count > 0)
                        // -- header row
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\"></td>");
                        if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited*</b></span></td>");
                            NeedFootNote1 = true;
                            Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Inherited</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Field</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Caption</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Edit Tab</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"100\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Default</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Type</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Edit<br>Order</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Active</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Read<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Auth</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Req</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Unique</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Buffer</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>Pass</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Text<br>Scrm</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b><br>HTML</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Admin<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        Stream.add("<td valign=\"bottom\" width=\"50\" class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "<b>Dev<br>Only</b></span></td>");
                        RecordCount = 0;
                        // Build a select template for Type
                        string TypeSelectTemplate = core.html.selectFromContent("menuname", -1, "Content Field Types", "", "unknown");
                        // Index the sort order
                        List <FieldSortClass> fieldList = new List <FieldSortClass>();
                        int FieldCount = contentMetadata.fields.Count;
                        foreach (var keyValuePair in contentMetadata.fields)
                            FieldSortClass fieldSort = new FieldSortClass();
                            string         sortOrder = "";
                            fieldSort.field = keyValuePair.Value;
                            sortOrder       = "";
                            if (fieldSort.field.active)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            if (fieldSort.field.authorable)
                                sortOrder += "0";
                                sortOrder += "1";
                            sortOrder     += fieldSort.field.editTabName + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.editSortPriority, 10) + getIntegerString(fieldSort.field.id, 10);
                            fieldSort.sort = sortOrder;
                        fieldList.Sort((p1, p2) => p1.sort.CompareTo(p2.sort));
                        StringBuilderLegacyController StreamValidRows = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                        var contentFieldsCdef = Processor.Models.Domain.ContentMetadataModel.createByUniqueName(core, "content fields");
                        foreach (FieldSortClass fieldsort in fieldList)
                            StringBuilderLegacyController streamRow = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                            bool rowValid = true;
                            // If Field has name and type, it is locked and can not be changed
                            bool FieldLocked = (fieldsort.field.nameLc != "") && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId != 0);
                            // put the menu into the current menu format
                            formFieldId = fieldsort.field.id;
                            streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaID." + RecordCount, formFieldId));
                            // edit button
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\">" + AdminUIController.getRecordEditAnchorTag(core, contentFieldsCdef, formFieldId) + "</td>");
                            // Inherited
                            if (!AllowCDefInherit)
                                // no parent
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False</span></td>");
                            else if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                // inherited property
                                streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                                Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel parentField = null;
                                // CDef has a parent, but the field is non-inherited, test for a matching Parent Field
                                if (ParentCDef == null)
                                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Processor.Models.Domain.ContentFieldMetadataModel> kvp in ParentCDef.fields)
                                        if (kvp.Value.nameLc == fieldsort.field.nameLc)
                                            parentField = kvp.Value;
                                if (parentField == null)
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + SpanClassAdminSmall + "False**</span></td>");
                                    NeedFootNote2 = true;
                                    streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"center\">" + HtmlController.checkbox("dtfaInherited." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.inherited) + "</td>");
                            // name
                            bool tmpValue = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fieldsort.field.nameLc);
                            rowValid = rowValid && !tmpValue;
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "&nbsp;</SPAN><input type=hidden name=dtfaName." + RecordCount + " value=\"" + fieldsort.field.nameLc + "\">");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.nameLc, 1, 10));
                            // caption
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.caption + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaCaption." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.caption, 1, 10));
                            // Edit Tab
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editTabName + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditTab." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editTabName, 1, 10));
                            // default
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue) + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaDefaultValue." + RecordCount, GenericController.encodeText(fieldsort.field.defaultValue), 1, 10));
                            // type
                            rowValid = rowValid && (fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId > 0);
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                                    csData.openRecord("Content Field Types", (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId);
                                    if (!csData.ok())
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + "Unknown[" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "]</SPAN>");
                                        streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + csData.getText("Name") + "</SPAN>");
                            else if (FieldLocked)
                                streamRow.add(DbBaseModel.getRecordName <ContentFieldTypeModel>(core.cpParent, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId) + HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaType." + RecordCount, (int)fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId));
                                string TypeSelect = TypeSelectTemplate;
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "menuname", "dtfaType." + RecordCount, 1, 99, 1);
                                TypeSelect = GenericController.strReplace(TypeSelect, "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\"", "=\"" + fieldsort.field.fieldTypeId + "\" selected", 1, 99, 1);
                            // sort priority
                            streamRow.add("<td class=\"ccPanelInput\" align=\"left\"><nobr>");
                            if (fieldsort.field.inherited)
                                streamRow.add(SpanClassAdminSmall + fieldsort.field.editSortPriority + "</SPAN>");
                                streamRow.add(HtmlController.inputText_Legacy(core, "dtfaEditSortPriority." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.editSortPriority.ToString(), 1, 10));
                            // active
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaActive." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.active, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // read only
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaReadOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.readOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // authorable
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAuthorable." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.authorable, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // required
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaRequired." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.required, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // UniqueName
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaUniqueName." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.uniqueName, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // text buffered
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaTextBuffered." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.textBuffered, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // password
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaPassword." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.password, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // scramble
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaScramble." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.scramble, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // HTML Content
                            streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaHTMLContent." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.htmlContent, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Admin Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaAdminOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.adminOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            // Developer Only
                            if (core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper())
                                streamRow.add(configureEdit_CheckBox("dtfaDeveloperOnly." + RecordCount, fieldsort.field.developerOnly, fieldsort.field.inherited));
                            RecordCount = RecordCount + 1;
                            // rows are built - put the blank rows at the top
                            if (!rowValid)
                        Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("dtfaRecordCount", RecordCount));
                    if (NeedFootNote1)
                        Stream.add("<br>*Field Inheritance is not allowed because this Content Definition has no parent.");
                    if (NeedFootNote2)
                        Stream.add("<br>**This field can not be inherited because the Parent Content Definition does not have a field with the same name.");
                Stream.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("ReloadCDef", ReloadCDef));
                // -- assemble form
                return(AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonList));
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        // Find and Replace launch tool
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string result = "";

            try {
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                Stream.add(AdminUIController.getHeaderTitleDescription("Find and Replace", "This tool runs a find and replace operation on content throughout the site."));
                // Process the form
                string Button      = core.docProperties.getText("button");
                bool   IsDeveloper = core.session.isAuthenticatedDeveloper();
                int    RowPtr      = 0;
                string CDefList    = "";
                string FindText    = "";
                string ReplaceText = "";
                string lcName      = null;
                if (Button == ButtonFindAndReplace)
                    int RowCnt = core.docProperties.getInteger("CDefRowCnt");
                    if (RowCnt > 0)
                        for (RowPtr = 0; RowPtr < RowCnt; RowPtr++)
                            if (core.docProperties.getBoolean("Cdef" + RowPtr))
                                lcName = GenericController.toLCase(core.docProperties.getText("CDefName" + RowPtr));
                                if (IsDeveloper || (lcName == "page content") || (lcName == "copy content") || (lcName == "page templates"))
                                    CDefList = CDefList + "," + lcName;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CDefList))
                            CDefList = CDefList.Substring(1);
                        FindText    = core.docProperties.getText("FindText");
                        ReplaceText = core.docProperties.getText("ReplaceText");
                        //string QS = "app=" + encodeNvaArgument(core.appConfig.name) + "&FindText=" + encodeNvaArgument(FindText) + "&ReplaceText=" + encodeNvaArgument(ReplaceText) + "&CDefNameList=" + encodeNvaArgument(CDefList);
                        var cmdDetail = new TaskModel.CmdDetailClass {
                            addonId   = 0,
                            addonName = "GetForm_FindAndReplace",
                            args      = new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <string, string> {
                                { "app", core.appConfig.name },
                                { "FindText", FindText },
                                { "ReplaceText", ReplaceText },
                                { "CDefNameList", CDefList }
                        TaskSchedulerController.addTaskToQueue(core, cmdDetail, false);
                        Stream.add("Find and Replace has been requested for content definitions [" + CDefList + "], finding [" + FindText + "] and replacing with [" + ReplaceText + "]");
                    CDefList    = "Page Content,Copy Content,Page Templates";
                    FindText    = "";
                    ReplaceText = "";
                // Display form
                int FindRows = core.docProperties.getInteger("SQLRows");
                if (FindRows == 0)
                    FindRows = core.userProperty.getInteger("FindAndReplaceFindRows", 1);
                    core.userProperty.setProperty("FindAndReplaceFindRows", FindRows.ToString());
                int ReplaceRows = core.docProperties.getInteger("ReplaceRows");
                if (ReplaceRows == 0)
                    ReplaceRows = core.userProperty.getInteger("FindAndReplaceReplaceRows", 1);
                    core.userProperty.setProperty("FindAndReplaceReplaceRows", ReplaceRows.ToString());
                Stream.add("<TEXTAREA NAME=\"FindText\" ROWS=\"" + FindRows + "\" ID=\"FindText\" STYLE=\"width: 800px;\">" + FindText + "</TEXTAREA>");
                Stream.add("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=\"Text\" TabIndex=-1 NAME=\"FindTextRows\" SIZE=\"3\" VALUE=\"" + FindRows + "\" ID=\"\"  onchange=\"FindText.rows=FindTextRows.value; return true\"> Rows");
                Stream.add("<div>Replace it with</div>");
                Stream.add("<TEXTAREA NAME=\"ReplaceText\" ROWS=\"" + ReplaceRows + "\" ID=\"ReplaceText\" STYLE=\"width: 800px;\">" + ReplaceText + "</TEXTAREA>");
                Stream.add("&nbsp;<INPUT TYPE=\"Text\" TabIndex=-1 NAME=\"ReplaceTextRows\" SIZE=\"3\" VALUE=\"" + ReplaceRows + "\" ID=\"\"  onchange=\"ReplaceText.rows=ReplaceTextRows.value; return true\"> Rows");
                string TopHalf    = "";
                string BottomHalf = "";
                using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                    while (csData.ok())
                        string RecordName = csData.getText("Name");
                        lcName = GenericController.toLCase(RecordName);
                        if (IsDeveloper || (lcName == "page content") || (lcName == "copy content") || (lcName == "page templates"))
                            int RecordId = csData.getInteger("ID");
                            if (GenericController.strInstr(1, "," + CDefList + ",", "," + RecordName + ",") != 0)
                                TopHalf = TopHalf + "<div>" + HtmlController.checkbox("Cdef" + RowPtr, true) + HtmlController.inputHidden("CDefName" + RowPtr, RecordName) + "&nbsp;" + csData.getText("Name") + "</div>";
                                BottomHalf = BottomHalf + "<div>" + HtmlController.checkbox("Cdef" + RowPtr, false) + HtmlController.inputHidden("CDefName" + RowPtr, RecordName) + "&nbsp;" + csData.getText("Name") + "</div>";
                        RowPtr += 1;
                Stream.add(TopHalf + BottomHalf + HtmlController.inputHidden("CDefRowCnt", RowPtr));
                result = AdminUIController.getToolForm(core, Stream.text, ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonFindAndReplace);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        public static string get(CoreController core)
            string tempGetForm_Downloads = null;

            try {
                string Button = core.docProperties.getText(RequestNameButton);
                if (Button == ButtonCancel)
                    return(core.webServer.redirect("/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute, "Downloads, Cancel Button Pressed"));
                string ButtonListLeft  = "";
                string ButtonListRight = "";
                string Content         = "";
                if (!core.session.isAuthenticatedAdmin())
                    // Must be a developer
                    ButtonListLeft  = ButtonCancel;
                    ButtonListRight = "";
                    Content         = Content + AdminUIController.getFormBodyAdminOnly();
                    int    ContentId = core.docProperties.getInteger("ContentID");
                    string Format    = core.docProperties.getText("Format");
                    // Process Requests
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Button))
                        int RowCnt = 0;
                        switch (Button)
                        case ButtonDelete:
                            RowCnt = core.docProperties.getInteger("RowCnt");
                            if (RowCnt > 0)
                                int RowPtr = 0;
                                for (RowPtr = 0; RowPtr < RowCnt; RowPtr++)
                                    if (core.docProperties.getBoolean("Row" + RowPtr))
                                        DownloadModel.delete <DownloadModel>(core.cpParent, core.docProperties.getInteger("RowID" + RowPtr));
                    // Build Tab0
                    string RQS      = core.doc.refreshQueryString;
                    int    PageSize = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNamePageSize);
                    if (PageSize == 0)
                        PageSize = 50;
                    int PageNumber = core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNamePageNumber);
                    if (PageNumber == 0)
                        PageNumber = 1;
                    string AdminURL = "/" + core.appConfig.adminRoute;
                    int    TopCount = PageNumber * PageSize;
                    const int ColumnCnt = 5;
                    // Setup Headings
                    string[] ColCaption = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    string[] ColAlign   = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    string[] ColWidth   = new string[ColumnCnt + 1];
                    string[,] Cells = new string[PageSize + 1, ColumnCnt + 1];
                    int ColumnPtr = 0;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "&nbsp;";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "center";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "10px";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Name";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "For";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "200px";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "Requested";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "200px";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    ColCaption[ColumnPtr] = "File";
                    ColAlign[ColumnPtr]   = "Left";
                    ColWidth[ColumnPtr]   = "100px";
                    ColumnPtr             = ColumnPtr + 1;
                    //   Get Downloads available
                    int DataRowCount = 0;
                    var downloadList = DbBaseModel.createList <DownloadModel>(core.cpParent, "", "id desc", PageSize, PageNumber);
                    int RowPointer   = 0;
                    if (downloadList.Count == 0)
                        Cells[0, 1] = "There are no download requests";
                        RowPointer  = 1;
                        RowPointer   = 0;
                        DataRowCount = DbBaseModel.getCount <DownloadModel>(core.cpParent);
                        string LinkPrefix = "<a href=\"" + core.appConfig.cdnFileUrl;
                        string LinkSuffix = "\" target=_blank>Download</a>";
                        foreach (var download in downloadList)
                            if (RowPointer >= PageSize)
                            var requestedBy = DbBaseModel.create <PersonModel>(core.cpParent, download.requestedBy);
                            Cells[RowPointer, 0] = HtmlController.checkbox("Row" + RowPointer) + HtmlController.inputHidden("RowID" + RowPointer, download.id);
                            Cells[RowPointer, 1] = download.name;
                            Cells[RowPointer, 2] = (requestedBy == null) ? "unknown" : requestedBy.name;
                            Cells[RowPointer, 3] = download.dateRequested.ToString();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(download.resultMessage))
                                Cells[RowPointer, 4] = "\r\n<div id=\"pending" + RowPointer + "\">Pending <img src=\"/ccLib/images/ajax-loader-small.gif\" width=16 height=16></div>";
                            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(download.filename.filename))
                                Cells[RowPointer, 4] = "<div id=\"pending" + RowPointer + "\">" + LinkPrefix + download.filename.filename + LinkSuffix + "</div>";
                                Cells[RowPointer, 4] = "<div id=\"pending" + RowPointer + "\">error</div>";
                            RowPointer = RowPointer + 1;
                    StringBuilderLegacyController Tab0 = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                    Tab0.add(HtmlController.inputHidden("RowCnt", RowPointer));
                    string PreTableCopy  = "";
                    string PostTableCopy = "";
                    string Cell          = AdminUIController.getReport(core, RowPointer, ColCaption, ColAlign, ColWidth, Cells, PageSize, PageNumber, PreTableCopy, PostTableCopy, DataRowCount, "ccPanel");
                    Content         = Tab0.text;
                    ButtonListLeft  = ButtonCancel + "," + ButtonRefresh + "," + ButtonDelete;
                    ButtonListRight = "";
                    Content         = Content + HtmlController.inputHidden(rnAdminSourceForm, AdminFormDownloads);
                string Caption     = "Download Manager";
                string Description = ""
                                     + "<p>The Download Manager holds all downloads requested from anywhere on the website. It also provides tools to request downloads from any Content.</p>"
                                     + "<p>To add a new download of any content in Contensive, click Export on the filter tab of the content listing page. To add a new download from a SQL statement, use Custom Reports under Reports on the Navigator.</p>";
                int    ContentPadding = 0;
                string ContentSummary = "";
                tempGetForm_Downloads = AdminUIController.getToolBody(core, Caption, ButtonListLeft, ButtonListRight, true, true, Description, ContentSummary, ContentPadding, Content);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);
        //   Print the root form
        public static string getForm_Root(CoreController core)
            string returnHtml = "";

            try {
                StringBuilderLegacyController Stream = new StringBuilderLegacyController();
                int    addonId     = 0;
                string AddonIDText = null;
                // This is really messy -- there must be a better way
                addonId = 0;
                if (core.session.visit.id == core.docProperties.getInteger(RequestNameDashboardReset))
                    //$$$$$ cache this
                    using (var csData = new CsModel(core)) {
                        csData.open(AddonModel.tableMetadata.contentName, "ccguid=" + DbController.encodeSQLText(addonGuidDashboard));
                        if (csData.ok())
                            addonId = csData.getInteger("id");
                            core.siteProperties.setProperty("AdminRootAddonID", GenericController.encodeText(addonId));
                if (addonId == 0)
                    // Get AdminRootAddon
                    AddonIDText = core.siteProperties.getText("AdminRootAddonID", "");
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(AddonIDText))
                        // the desktop is likely unset, auto set it to dashboard
                        addonId = -1;
                    else if (AddonIDText == "0")
                        // the desktop has been set to none - go with default desktop
                        addonId = 0;
                    else if (AddonIDText.isNumeric())
                        // it has been set to a non-zero number
                        addonId = GenericController.encodeInteger(AddonIDText);
                        // Verify it so there is no error when it runs
                        if (DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, addonId) == null)
                            addonId = -1;
                            core.siteProperties.setProperty("AdminRootAddonID", "");
                    if (addonId == -1)
                        // This has never been set, try to get the dashboard ID
                        var addon = DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, addonGuidDashboard);
                        if (addon != null)
                            addonId = addon.id;
                            core.siteProperties.setProperty("AdminRootAddonID", addonId);
                if (addonId != 0)
                    // Display the Addon
                    if (!core.doc.userErrorList.Count.Equals(0))
                        returnHtml = returnHtml + "<div style=\"clear:both;margin-top:20px;\">&nbsp;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"clear:both;margin-top:20px;\">" + Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.getUserError(core) + "</div>";
                    returnHtml += core.addon.execute(DbBaseModel.create <AddonModel>(core.cpParent, addonId), new BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonExecuteContext {
                        addonType           = BaseClasses.CPUtilsBaseClass.addonContext.ContextAdmin,
                        errorContextMessage = "executing addon id:" + addonId + " set as Admin Root addon"
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(returnHtml))
                    // Nothing Displayed, show default root page
                    returnHtml = returnHtml + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"padding:20px;height:450px\">"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div><a href=http://www.Contensive.com target=_blank><img style=\"border:1px solid #000;\" src=\"" + cdnPrefix + "images/ContensiveAdminLogo.GIF\" border=0 ></A></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div><strong>Contensive/" + CoreController.codeVersion() + "</strong></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"clear:both;height:18px;margin-top:10px\"><div style=\"float:left;width:200px;\">Domain Name</div><div style=\"float:left;\">" + core.webServer.requestDomain + "</div></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"clear:both;height:18px;\"><div style=\"float:left;width:200px;\">Login Member Name</div><div style=\"float:left;\">" + core.session.user.name + "</div></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"clear:both;height:18px;\"><div style=\"float:left;width:200px;\">Quick Reports</div><div style=\"float:left;\"><a Href=\"?" + rnAdminForm + "=" + AdminFormQuickStats + "\">Real-Time Activity</A></div></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"clear:both;height:18px;\"><div style=\"float:left;width:200px;\"><a Href=\"?" + RequestNameDashboardReset + "=" + core.session.visit.id + "\">Run Dashboard</A></div></div>"
                                 + Environment.NewLine + "<div style=\"clear:both;height:18px;\"><div style=\"float:left;width:200px;\"><a Href=\"?addonguid=" + addonGuidAddonManager + "\">Add-on Manager</A></div></div>";
                    if (!core.doc.userErrorList.Count.Equals(0))
                        returnHtml = returnHtml + "<div style=\"clear:both;margin-top:20px;\">&nbsp;</div>"
                                     + "<div style=\"clear:both;margin-top:20px;\">" + Processor.Controllers.ErrorController.getUserError(core) + "</div>";
                    returnHtml = returnHtml + Environment.NewLine + "</div>"
                                 + "";
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                LogController.logError(core, ex);