        // Create new StreamingContent
        private void CreateNewContent()
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Title for the content");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description for the content:");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            //Maturity Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, ect):");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            //Star Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the star count for the content (5.8, a0, 1.5, ect):");
            string starAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Is this Content famliy friendly?");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if(familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Genre Number:\n" +
                "1. Horror\n" +
                "2. ROmCom\n" +
                "3. Scfi\n" +
                "4. Documentary\n" +
                "5. Bromance\n" +
                "6. Drama\n" +
                "7. Action");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int genreAsInt = int.Parse(genreAsString);
            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt;

        public void StreamingContentRepository_AddContentToList_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            List <StreamingContent> contentList = _contentRepoTest.GetContentList();
            StreamingContent        content     = new StreamingContent();

            var actual   = contentList.Count;
            var expected = 1;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        private void CreateAndAddContentToList()
            // Initialize a new streaming content object
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            // Get Title
            Console.Write("Please enter a title: ");
            content.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            // Get Description
            Console.Write("Please enter a description: ");
            content.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            // Get RunTime in minutes
            Console.Write("Please enter a run time in minutes: ");
            string runTime = Console.ReadLine();

            content.RunTimeInMinutes = double.Parse(runTime);

            // Get Star Rating
            Console.Write("Please enter the star rating (1-5): ");
            content.StarRating = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // Get Maturity Rating
            Console.Write("Please enter the maturity rating (G, PG, etc.): ");
            content.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            // Get IsFamilyFriendly
            Console.Write("This is family friendly (true/false): ");
            content.IsFamilyFriendly = bool.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            // Get GenreType
            Console.WriteLine("What is the genre?\n" +
                              "1. Noir\n" +
                              "2. Horror\n" +
                              "3. RomCom\n" +
                              "4. SciFi\n" +
                              "5. WildWest\n" +
                              "6. Documentary\n" +
                              "7. Bromance\n" +
                              "8. Drama\n" +
                              "9. Action");

            int genreNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            content.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreNumber;

            // Add streaming content to repository list
        //create new streaming content
        private void CreateNewContent()
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Title for the content:");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Description for the content: ");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, R): ");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Star Count for the content:");
            string starsAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starsAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Is this family friendly content?");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();
            if(familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;


            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Genre NUmber: \n" +
                "1. Horror\n" +
                "2. RomCom\n" +
                "3. SciFi\n" +
                "4. Documentary\n" +
                "5. Romance\n" +
                "6. Drama\n" +
                "7. Action\n");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int genreAsInt = int.Parse(genreAsString);
            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenereType)genreAsInt;

        //Create new Streaming Content
        private void CreateNewContent()
            Console.Clear();  //Clears the menu off the string
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the title for the content:");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description for the content:");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();
            //Maturity Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, etc):");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            //Star Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the star count for the content:");
            string starsAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starsAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Is this content family friendly? (Y/N)");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Genre Number:\n" +
                              "1. Horror\n" +
                              "2. RomCom\n" +
                              "3. SciFi\n" +
                              "4. Documentary\n" +
                              "5. Bromance\n" +
                              "6. Drama\n" +
                              "7. Action");
            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    genreAsInt    = int.Parse(genreAsString); //turns the string into an integer

            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt;  //turns the integer untl Genre type (casting)

        public void StreamingContentUpdateTest()
            // Arrange -- TestInitialize
            // Act

            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent("Toy Story 2", GenreType.Bromance, "You've got a friend in me.", 120.5d, 10d, "G", true);

            _contentRepo.UpdateExistingContent("Toy Story", newContent);

            StreamingContent updatedContent = _contentRepo.GetContentByTitle("Toy Story 2");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(updatedContent.Description, newContent.Description);
        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();
            _content = new StreamingContent("Happy Gilmore", "Funny Golf Movie", "PG-13", 10, true, GenreType.Comedy);

        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();
            _content = new StreamingContent("Rubber", "A car tire comes to life with the power to make people explode and goes on a murderous rampage through the Californian desert.", "R", 5.8, false, GenreType.Drama);

        public void StreamingContentRepositoryAddToList()
            StreamingContentRepository contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();
            StreamingContent           content     = new StreamingContent("Toy story", GenreType.Bromance, "Good",
                                                                          120d, 8d, "PG13", true);


            int expected = 1;
            int actual   = contentRepo.GetStreamingContentList().Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

            contentRepo.GetContentByTitle("Toy story");

            string expectedTitle = "Toy story";

            Assert.AreEqual(content, contentRepo.GetContentByTitle(expectedTitle));

            int expectedRemoveCount = 0;

            int actualRemoveCount = contentRepo.GetStreamingContentList().Count;

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedRemoveCount, actualRemoveCount);
        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();
            _content = new StreamingContent("Rubber", "Car tire comes to life and goes on a killing spree.", "R", 5.8, false, GenreType.Documentary);

        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();
            _content = new StreamingContent("Revenge of the Sith", "You were a brother to me!", "PG-13", 9.9, true, GenreType.Documentary);

        public void StreamingContentRepository_AddToList_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            StreamingContent           music = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContent           movie = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContentRepository repo  = new StreamingContentRepository();


            int actual   = repo.GetStreamingContentList().Count;
            int expected = 2;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void StreamingContentRepository_AddToList_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            StreamingContent           content    = new StreamingContent("hello", "horror", 1.3f, false, 5);
            StreamingContent           contentTwo = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContentRepository repo       = new StreamingContentRepository();


            int actual   = repo.GetStreamingContentList().Count;
            int expected = 2;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        [TestInitialize] // This says that everything right after this must run first

        public void Arrange()
            _repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();                                                                           // streaming repository field that has content
            _content = new StreamingContent("Rubber", "A car tyre comes to life with teh power to make people explode and goes on a " +
                                            "murderous rampage through the Californian desert", "R", 5.8, false, GenreType.Drama); // added some content

            _repo.AddContentToList(_content);                                                                                      //
        private void CreateContent()
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("\nCreating new content");
            Console.WriteLine("Please enter a title: ");
            content.Title = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter content description: ");
            content.Description = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Enter content run time in minutes: ");
            content.RunTimeInMinutes = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); //convert
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Content Star rating (1-10)");
            content.StarRating = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Enter Maturity rating (G, PG, etc): ");
            content.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();
            Console.WriteLine("Is the content Family Friendly? (True/False)");
            content.IsFamilyFriendly = bool.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Please choose a genre." +
                              "1. Action\n" +
                              "2. Bromance\n" +
                              "3. Documentary\n" +
                              "4. Drama\n" +
                              "5. Horror\n" +
                              "6. Noir\n" +
                              "7. RomCom\n" +
                              "8. SciFi\n" +
                              "9. WildWest");
            int genreNumber = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            content.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreNumber; //called casting

            Console.WriteLine($"Added content to List:\n" +
                              $"\n{content.Title} - {content.Description}\n" +
                              $"{content.StarRating} Stars\n" +
                              $"Run time: {content.RunTimeInMinutes} minutes\n" +
                              $"Maturity rating: {content.MaturityRating}\n" +
                              $"Family Friendly: {content.IsFamilyFriendly}\n" +
                              $"Genre: {content.TypeOfGenre}");
            Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to continue...");
        public void StreamingContentRepository_RemoveFromList_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            // Arrange
            StreamingContentRepository _contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();
            List <StreamingContent>    contentList  = _contentRepo.GetContentList();

            //Two instances of the StreamingContent class, our POCO (Plain Old CSharp Object)
            StreamingContent content    = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContent contentTwo = new StreamingContent();



            // Act
            int actual   = contentList.Count;
            int expected = 1;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void GetContentByTitleTest()
            StreamingContentRepository contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();
            StreamingContent           content     = new StreamingContent("Toy Story", GenreType.Bromance, "Two enemies becomes friends.", 120d, 10d, "G", true);

            StreamingContent actual = contentRepo.GetContentByTitle("Toy Story");

            Assert.AreEqual(content, actual);
        public void RemoveFromListTest()
            // Arrange
            StreamingContentRepository contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();
            StreamingContent           content     = new StreamingContent("Toy Story", GenreType.Bromance, "Two enemies becomes friends.", 120d, 10d, "G", true);

            // Act
            bool wasRemoved = contentRepo.RemoveContentFromList(content);

            // Assert
        public void AddToList_ShouldGetNotNull()
            //Arrange --> Setting up the Playing Field
            StreamingContent           content    = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContentRepository repository = new StreamingContentRepository();

            //Act --> Get/run the code we want to test
            StreamingContent contentFromDirectory = repository.GetContentByTitle("Toy Story");

            //Assert --> Use the assert class to verify the expected outcome.
        public void AddToList_ShouldGetNotNull()
            // Arrange = Setting up the playing field.
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            content.Title = "Friday";
            StreamingContentRepository repository = new StreamingContentRepository();

            // Act = Get/run the code we want to test.
            StreamingContent contentFromDirectory = repository.GetContentByTitle("Friday");

            // Assert = Use the Assert class to verify the expected outcome.
        public void AddToList_ShouldGetNotNull()
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            content.Title = "Toy Story";
            StreamingContentRepository repo = new StreamingContentRepository();

            StreamingContent contentFromDirectory = repo.GetContentByTitle("Toy Story");

        public void StreamingContentRepository_EnqueueFromList_BoolShouldReturnTrue()
            // Arrange
            StreamingContentRepository _contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();

            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            content.ContentTitle = "Star Wars";
            content.Genre        = Genre.Action;
            StreamingContent contentTwo = new StreamingContent();

            contentTwo.ContentTitle = "Spider-Man";
            contentTwo.Genre        = Genre.Action;


            // Act
            var actual   = _contentRepo.EnqueueFromList("Spider-Man", Genre.Action);
            var expected = true;

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void StreamingContentRepository_AddContentToList_ShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            StreamingContentRepository contentRepo = new StreamingContentRepository();
            var list = contentRepo.GetContentList();
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            var actual   = list.Count;
            var expected = 1;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void SCRepository_AddToList_GetShouldReturnCorrectCount()
            // Arrange -- Set up the playing field
            StreamingContent           content = new StreamingContent();
            StreamingContentRepository repo    = new StreamingContentRepository();


            // Act -- Get/run the code we want to test
            List <StreamingContent> actualList = repo.GetContentList();

            int expected = 1;
            int actual   = actualList.Count;

            //Assert -- Use the Assert class to verify the expected outcome
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
        public void AddToList_ShouldGetNotNull()
            // Arrange --> Setting up the playing field
            // Adding a new StreamingContent object
            StreamingContent content = new StreamingContent();

            // setting a value for one of the new StreamingContent object's properties
            content.Title = "Toy Story";
            // Adding a new StreamingContentRepository object
            StreamingContentRepository repository = new StreamingContentRepository();

            // Act --> Get/run the code we want to test
            // Adding the title property value of the new content object to the repository object

            /* Assigning contentFromDirectory object value to the string value of "Toy Story"
             * through the GetContentByTitle method of the repository object. */
            StreamingContent contentFromDirectory = repository.GetContentByTitle("Toy Story");

            // Assert --> Use the assert class to verify the expected outcome
            // contentFromDirectory should have a value if the AddContentToList method worked
        private void CreateNewContent()
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the title for the content:");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the decription for the content:");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            //maturity rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content(g, pg, pg-13, etc):");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            //star rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the sta count for the content 5.8, 10, 3.5, ect:");
            string starsAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse("starsAsStrings");

            Console.WriteLine("Is this content family friendly? (y/n)");
            string familyFriendlystring = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (familyFriendlystring == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Gene number:/n" +
                              "1. Horror/n" +
                              "2. Romcom/n" +
                              "3. Scify/n" +
                              "4. Documentary/n" +
                              "5. Romance/n" +
                              "6. Drama/n" +
                              "7. Action/n" +
                              "7. Action/n");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    genreAsInt    = int.Parse(genreAsString);

            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt;


            // Horror = 1,

            /* Romcom,
             * Scify,
             * Documentary,
             *  Romance,
             *   Drama,
             *  Action */
        // Create new StreamingContent
        private void CreateNewContent()
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent(); //Made a Reference connection here to Repository and then hit CTRL + . to link.

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the title for the content:");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description for the content:");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            //Maturity Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, etc):");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            //Star Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the star count for the content (5.8, 10, 1.5, etc):");
            string starsAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starsAsString);

            Console.WriteLine("Is this content family friendly?");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the genre number:\n" +
                              "1. Horror\n" +
                              "2. RomCom\n" +
                              "3. SciFi\n" +
                              "4. Documentary\n" +
                              "5. Bromance\n" +
                              "6. Drama\n" +
                              "7. Action");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    genreAsInt    = int.Parse(genreAsString);

            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt; //This is Casting. Moving from string to int and casting as a specific number from the enum function.


             *   Horror = 1,
             *   RomCom,
             *   SciFi,
             *   Documentary,
             *   Bromance,
             *   Drama,
             *   Action
        // Create new StreamingContent
        private void CreateNewContent()
            Console.Clear();                                      // clears the content
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent(); // Creates a blank streamingcontent object; we can then immediately assign them upon user input

            // Title
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the title for the content:");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            // Description
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description for the new content: ");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            // Maturity Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, etc): ");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            // Star Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the star count for the content (5.8, 10, 1.5, etc: ");
            string starAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starAsString);

            // Is family friendly
            Console.WriteLine("Is this content family friendly (y/n): ");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower(); //converts to lowercase

            if (familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;

            // Genre Type

            /*Horror =1, //resets starting value from 0 t0 1
             * RomCom,
             * SciFi,
             * Documentary,
             * Bromance,
             * Drama,
             * Action*/
            // Setting the enum numbers to input
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the Genre Number: /n" +
                              "1. Horror /n" +
                              "2. RomCom /n" +
                              "3. SciFir /n" +
                              "4. Documentary /n" +
                              "5. Bromance /n" +
                              "6. Drama /n" +
                              "7. Action");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    genreAsInt    = int.Parse(genreAsString);

            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt; // I have a number genreAsInt and an Enum GenreType, I am going to cast the int to the enum which is a genre type;

        //Create new streaming content
        private void CreateNewContent()
            StreamingContent newContent = new StreamingContent();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the title of the content: ");
            newContent.Title = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the description for the new content: ");
            newContent.Description = Console.ReadLine();

            //Maturity Rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the rating for the content (G, PG, PG-13, etc.): ");
            newContent.MaturityRating = Console.ReadLine();

            //Star rating
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the star count for the content(5, 6.9, 10, etc.): ");
            string starsAsString = Console.ReadLine();

            newContent.StarRating = double.Parse(starsAsString); //converts string to double

            //double starAsDouble = Console.Read();
            //newContent.StarRating = starAsDouble; // trying out another way but doesn't work right

            //newContent.StarRating = Console.Read(); //tried this way but return was 56 or 57 for star rating even though input was 8

            Console.WriteLine("Is this content family-friendly? (y/n)");
            string familyFriendlyString = Console.ReadLine().ToLower();

            if (familyFriendlyString == "y")
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = true;
                newContent.IsFamilyFriendly = false;

            //Genre Type

            Console.WriteLine("Enter the genre number: \n" +
                              "1.  Horror\n" +
                              "2.  RomCom\n" +
                              "3.  SciFi\n" +
                              "4.  Documentary\n" +
                              "5.  Bromance\n" +
                              "6.  Drame\n" +
                              "7.  Action\n" +
                              "8.  Comedy");

            string genreAsString = Console.ReadLine();
            int    genreAsInt    = int.Parse(genreAsString); //converts string to int

            newContent.TypeOfGenre = (GenreType)genreAsInt;  //WHY DO I HAVE TO USE (GenreType) instead of just = genreAsInt???

            _contentRepo.AddContentToList(newContent);       // this line adds new created object to list