public virtual PRTokeniser GetLocation(String location) { String fullName = BaseFont.RESOURCE_PATH + "cmaps." + location; Stream inp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(fullName); if (inp == null) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("the.cmap.1.was.not.found", fullName)); } return(new PRTokeniser(new RandomAccessFileOrArray(new RandomAccessSourceFactory().CreateSource(inp)))); }
private static Dictionary <string, string> GetLanguageMessages(String language, String country) { if (language == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The language cannot be null."); } Stream isp = null; try { String file; if (country != null) { file = language + "_" + country + ".lng"; } else { file = language + ".lng"; } isp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(BASE_PATH + file); if (isp != null) { return(ReadLanguageStream(isp)); } if (country == null) { return(null); } file = language + ".lng"; isp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(BASE_PATH + file); if (isp != null) { return(ReadLanguageStream(isp)); } else { return(null); } } finally { try { isp.Close(); } catch { } // do nothing } }
private static void LoadRegistry() { Stream isp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(RESOURCE_PATH_CMAP + ""); Properties p = new Properties(); p.Load(isp); isp.Close(); foreach (string key in p.Keys) { String value = p[key]; String[] sp = value.Split(cspace, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); Dictionary <String, object> hs = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (String s in sp) { hs[s] = null; } registryNames[key] = hs; } }
/** * @param key * @return a hyphenation tree */ public static HyphenationTree GetResourceHyphenationTree(String key) { try { Stream stream = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(defaultHyphLocation + key + ".xml"); if (stream == null && key.Length > 2) { stream = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(defaultHyphLocation + key.Substring(0, 2) + ".xml"); } if (stream == null) { return(null); } HyphenationTree hTree = new HyphenationTree(); hTree.LoadSimplePatterns(stream); return(hTree); } catch { return(null); } }
internal static Dictionary <String, Object> ReadFontProperties(String name) { name += ".properties"; Stream isp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(RESOURCE_PATH_CMAP + name); Properties p = new Properties(); p.Load(isp); isp.Close(); IntHashtable W = CreateMetric(p["W"]); p.Remove("W"); IntHashtable W2 = CreateMetric(p["W2"]); p.Remove("W2"); Dictionary <String, Object> map = new Dictionary <string, object>(); foreach (string key in p.Keys) { map[key] = p[key]; } map["W"] = W; map["W2"] = W2; return(map); }
/** * Creates a file specification with the file embedded. The file may * come from the file system or from a byte array. * @param writer the <CODE>PdfWriter</CODE> * @param filePath the file path * @param fileDisplay the file information that is presented to the user * @param fileStore the byte array with the file. If it is not <CODE>null</CODE> * it takes precedence over <CODE>filePath</CODE> * @param mimeType the optional mimeType * @param fileParameter the optional extra file parameters such as the creation or modification date * @param compressionLevel the level of compression * @throws IOException on error * @return the file specification * @since 2.1.3 */ public static PdfFileSpecification FileEmbedded(PdfWriter writer, String filePath, String fileDisplay, byte[] fileStore, String mimeType, PdfDictionary fileParameter, int compressionLevel) { PdfFileSpecification fs = new PdfFileSpecification(); fs.writer = writer; fs.Put(PdfName.F, new PdfString(fileDisplay)); fs.SetUnicodeFileName(fileDisplay, false); PdfEFStream stream; Stream inp = null; PdfIndirectReference refi; PdfIndirectReference refFileLength = null; try { if (fileStore == null) { refFileLength = writer.PdfIndirectReference; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { inp = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); } else { if (filePath.StartsWith("file:/") || filePath.StartsWith("http://") || filePath.StartsWith("https://")) { WebRequest wr = WebRequest.Create(filePath); wr.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials; inp = wr.GetResponse().GetResponseStream(); } else { inp = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(filePath); if (inp == null) { throw new IOException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", filePath)); } } } stream = new PdfEFStream(inp, writer); } else { stream = new PdfEFStream(fileStore); } stream.Put(PdfName.TYPE, PdfName.EMBEDDEDFILE); stream.FlateCompress(compressionLevel); PdfDictionary param = new PdfDictionary(); if (fileParameter != null) { param.Merge(fileParameter); } if (!param.Contains(PdfName.MODDATE)) { param.Put(PdfName.MODDATE, new PdfDate()); } if (fileStore == null) { stream.Put(PdfName.PARAMS, refFileLength); } else { param.Put(PdfName.SIZE, new PdfNumber(stream.RawLength)); stream.Put(PdfName.PARAMS, param); } if (mimeType != null) { stream.Put(PdfName.SUBTYPE, new PdfName(mimeType)); } refi = writer.AddToBody(stream).IndirectReference; if (fileStore == null) { stream.WriteLength(); param.Put(PdfName.SIZE, new PdfNumber(stream.RawLength)); writer.AddToBody(param, refFileLength); } } finally { if (inp != null) { try{ inp.Close(); }catch {} } } PdfDictionary f = new PdfDictionary(); f.Put(PdfName.F, refi); f.Put(PdfName.UF, refi); fs.Put(PdfName.EF, f); return(fs); }
/** Creates a new Type1 font. * @param ttfAfm the AFM file if the input is made with a <CODE>byte</CODE> array * @param pfb the PFB file if the input is made with a <CODE>byte</CODE> array * @param afmFile the name of one of the 14 built-in fonts or the location of an AFM file. The file must end in '.afm' * @param enc the encoding to be applied to this font * @param emb true if the font is to be embedded in the PDF * @throws DocumentException the AFM file is invalid * @throws IOException the AFM file could not be read */ internal Type1Font(string afmFile, string enc, bool emb, byte[] ttfAfm, byte[] pfb, bool forceRead) { if (emb && ttfAfm != null && pfb == null) { throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("")); } if (emb && ttfAfm != null) { this.pfb = pfb; } encoding = enc; embedded = emb; fileName = afmFile; FontType = FONT_TYPE_T1; RandomAccessFileOrArray rf = null; Stream istr = null; if (BuiltinFonts14.ContainsKey(afmFile)) { embedded = false; builtinFont = true; byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; try { istr = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(RESOURCE_PATH + afmFile + ".afm"); if (istr == null) { string msg = MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", afmFile); Console.Error.WriteLine(msg); throw new DocumentException(msg); } MemoryStream ostr = new MemoryStream(); while (true) { int size = istr.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (size == 0) { break; } ostr.Write(buf, 0, size); } buf = ostr.ToArray(); } finally { if (istr != null) { try { istr.Close(); } catch { // empty on purpose } } } try { rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(buf); Process(rf); } finally { if (rf != null) { try { rf.Close(); } catch { // empty on purpose } } } } else if (afmFile.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".afm")) { try { if (ttfAfm == null) { rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(afmFile, forceRead); } else { rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ttfAfm); } Process(rf); } finally { if (rf != null) { try { rf.Close(); } catch { // empty on purpose } } } } else if (afmFile.ToLower(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).EndsWith(".pfm")) { try { MemoryStream ba = new MemoryStream(); if (ttfAfm == null) { rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(afmFile, forceRead); } else { rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ttfAfm); } Pfm2afm.Convert(rf, ba); rf.Close(); rf = new RandomAccessFileOrArray(ba.ToArray()); Process(rf); } finally { if (rf != null) { try { rf.Close(); } catch { // empty on purpose } } } } else { throw new DocumentException(MessageLocalization.GetComposedMessage("", afmFile)); } EncodingScheme = EncodingScheme.Trim(); if (EncodingScheme.Equals("AdobeStandardEncoding") || EncodingScheme.Equals("StandardEncoding")) { fontSpecific = false; } if (!encoding.StartsWith("#")) { PdfEncodings.ConvertToBytes(" ", enc); // check if the encoding exists } CreateEncoding(); }
static GlyphList() { Stream istr = null; try { istr = StreamUtil.GetResourceStream(BaseFont.RESOURCE_PATH + "glyphlist.txt"); if (istr == null) { String msg = "glyphlist.txt not found as resource."; throw new Exception(msg); } byte[] buf = new byte[1024]; MemoryStream outp = new MemoryStream(); while (true) { int size = istr.Read(buf, 0, buf.Length); if (size == 0) { break; } outp.Write(buf, 0, size); } istr.Close(); istr = null; String s = PdfEncodings.ConvertToString(outp.ToArray(), null); StringTokenizer tk = new StringTokenizer(s, "\r\n"); while (tk.HasMoreTokens()) { String line = tk.NextToken(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) { continue; } StringTokenizer t2 = new StringTokenizer(line, " ;\r\n\t\f"); String name = null; String hex = null; if (!t2.HasMoreTokens()) { continue; } name = t2.NextToken(); if (!t2.HasMoreTokens()) { continue; } hex = t2.NextToken(); int num = int.Parse(hex, NumberStyles.HexNumber); unicode2names[num] = name; names2unicode[name] = new int[] { num }; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.Error.WriteLine("glyphlist.txt loading error: " + e.Message); } finally { if (istr != null) { try { istr.Close(); } catch { // empty on purpose } } } }