        /// <summary>
        /// Add an instance document to the list of documents to be validated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">Stream source of the document</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">Base Uri of the source document</param>
        public void AddSource(Stream source, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new JDotNetInputStream(source));

        /// <summary>
        /// Supply the instance document to be validated in the form of a Stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">A stream containing the XML document to be parsed
        /// and validated.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI to be used for resolving any relative
        /// references, for example a reference to an <c>xsi:schemaLocation</c></param>

        public void SetSource(Stream source, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(source));

            this.source = ss;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema supplied as a Stream. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">A stream containing the source text of the schema. This method
        /// will consume the supplied stream. It is the caller's responsibility to close the stream
        /// after use.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI of the schema document, for resolving any references to other
        /// schema documents</param>

        public void Compile(Stream input, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new JDotNetInputStream(input));

        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema supplied as a Stream. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">A stream containing the source text of the schema</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI of the schema document, for resolving any references to other
        /// schema documents</param>

        public void Compile(Stream input, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(input));

            if (errorList == null)
                config.addSchemaSource(ss, new ErrorGatherer(errorList));
        /// <summary>
        /// Load an XML document supplied as raw (lexical) XML on a Stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The document is parsed using the <c>System.Xml</c> parser.</para>
        /// <para>Before calling this method, the BaseUri property must be set to identify the
        /// base URI of this document, used for resolving any relative URIs contained within it.</para>
        /// <para>Note that the Microsoft <c>System.Xml</c> parser does not report whether attributes are
        /// defined in the DTD as being of type <c>ID</c> and <c>IDREF</c>. This is true whether or not
        /// DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the
        /// <c>id()</c> and <c>idref()</c> functions.</para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">The Stream containing the XML source to be parsed</param>
        /// <returns>An <c>XdmNode</c>, the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting
        /// in-memory document
        /// </returns>

        public XdmNode Build(Stream input)
            if (baseUri == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("No base URI suppplied");
            Source source = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(input));

            source = augmentSource(source);
            StaticQueryContext env = new StaticQueryContext(config);
            //env.setURIResolver(new DotNetURIResolver(xmlResolver));
            DocumentInfo doc = env.buildDocument(source);

        /// <summary>
        /// Load an XML document supplied as raw (lexical) XML on a Stream.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>The document is parsed using the <c>System.Xml</c> parser.</para>
        /// <para>Before calling this method, the BaseUri property must be set to identify the
        /// base URI of this document, used for resolving any relative URIs contained within it.</para>
        /// <para>Note that the Microsoft <c>System.Xml</c> parser does not report whether attributes are
        /// defined in the DTD as being of type <c>ID</c> and <c>IDREF</c>. This is true whether or not
        /// DTD-based validation is enabled. This means that such attributes are not accessible to the 
        /// <c>id()</c> and <c>idref()</c> functions.</para>         
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="input">The Stream containing the XML source to be parsed</param>
        /// <returns>An <c>XdmNode</c>, the document node at the root of the tree of the resulting
        /// in-memory document
        /// </returns>

        public XdmNode Build(Stream input) {
            if (baseUri == null) {
                throw new ArgumentException("No base URI suppplied");
            Source source = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(input));
            source = augmentSource(source);
            StaticQueryContext env = new StaticQueryContext(config);
            //env.setURIResolver(new DotNetURIResolver(xmlResolver));
            DocumentInfo doc = env.buildDocument(source);
            return (XdmNode)XdmValue.Wrap(doc);
        /// <summary>
        /// Supply the instance document to be validated in the form of a Stream
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">A stream containing the XML document to be parsed
        /// and validated. This stream will be consumed by the validation process,
        /// but it will not be closed after use: that is the responsibility of the
        /// caller.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI to be used for resolving any relative
        /// references, for example a reference to an <c>xsi:schemaLocation</c></param>                  

        public void SetSource(Stream source, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(source));
            this.source = ss;
        /// <summary>
        /// Compile a schema supplied as a Stream. The resulting schema components are added
        /// to the cache.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">A stream containing the source text of the schema. This method
        /// will consume the supplied stream. It is the caller's responsibility to close the stream
        /// after use.</param>
        /// <param name="baseUri">The base URI of the schema document, for resolving any references to other
        /// schema documents</param>        

        public void Compile(Stream input, Uri baseUri)
            StreamSource ss = new StreamSource(new DotNetInputStream(input));
            if (errorList == null)
                config.addSchemaSource(ss, new ErrorGatherer(errorList));