        /// <summary>
        /// This will begin the connection for TCP, this is a thread blocking operation until the connection
        /// is either established or has failed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostAddress">[] Ip Address to host from</param>
        /// <param name="port">[15937] Port to allow connections from</param>
        public void Connect(string hostAddress = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostAddress))
                throw new BaseNetworkException("An ip address must be specified to bind to. If you are unsure, you can set to");

            // Check to see if this server is being bound to a "loopback" address, if so then bind to any, otherwise bind to specified address
            if (hostAddress == "" || hostAddress == "localhost")
                ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
                ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostAddress);

                // Setup and start the base C# TcpListner
                listener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, port);

                Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, "", true, listener, this);
                Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString();

                // Create the thread that will be listening for clients and start its execution
                //Thread connectionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForConnections));
                listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(ListenForConnections, listener);

                // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution

                // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts

                // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind

                //Let myself know I connected successfully
                // Set myself as a connected client
                Me.Connected = true;

                //Set the port
            catch (Exception e)
                // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure

                throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// This will begin the connection for TCP, this is a thread blocking operation until the connection
        /// is either established or has failed
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="hostAddress">[] Ip Address to host from</param>
        /// <param name="port">[15937] Port to allow connections from</param>
        public void Connect(string hostAddress = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT)
            if (Disposed)
                throw new ObjectDisposedException("TCPServer", "This object has been disposed and can not be used to connect, please use a new TCPServer");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostAddress))
                throw new BaseNetworkException("An ip address must be specified to bind to. If you are unsure, you can set to");

            // Check to see if this server is being bound to a "loopback" address, if so then bind to any, otherwise bind to specified address
            if (hostAddress == "" || hostAddress == "localhost")
                ipAddress = IPAddress.Any;
                ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostAddress);

                // Setup and start the base C# TcpListner
                listener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, port);

                Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, "", true, listener, this);
                Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString();

                // Create the thread that will be listening for clients and start its execution
                //Thread connectionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForConnections));
                listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(ListenForConnections, listener);

                // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind

                // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution

                // 创建将检查播放器超时的线程
                // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts
                Task.Queue(() =>
                    // TODO ZF 关闭检测超时
                    //commonServerLogic.CheckClientTimeout((player) =>
                    //    Disconnect(player, true);
                    //    OnPlayerTimeout(player);
                    //    CleanupDisconnections();

                //Let myself know I connected successfully
                // Set myself as a connected client
                Me.Connected = true;

                //Set the port
            catch (Exception e)
                // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure

                throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Async method for handling up new incoming TCP connections
        /// </summary>
        private void TCPConnectionReceivedAsync(IAsyncResult ar)
            if (!IsListening)

                TcpClient      newTCPClient      = listenerInstance.EndAcceptTcpClient(ar);
                ConnectionInfo newConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo(ConnectionType.TCP, (IPEndPoint)newTCPClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint, (IPEndPoint)newTCPClient.Client.LocalEndPoint, ApplicationLayerProtocol, this);

                if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                    NetworkComms.Logger.Info("New incoming TCP connection from " + newConnectionInfo);

                //We have to use our own thread pool here as the performance of the .Net one is awful
                NetworkComms.IncomingConnectionEstablishThreadPool.EnqueueItem(QueueItemPriority.Normal, new WaitCallback((obj) =>
                    #region Pickup The New Connection

                        TCPConnection.GetConnection(newConnectionInfo, ListenerDefaultSendReceiveOptions, newTCPClient, true, SSLOptions);
                    catch (ConfirmationTimeoutException)
                        //If this exception gets thrown its generally just a client closing a connection almost immediately after creation
                    catch (CommunicationException)
                        //If this exception gets thrown its generally just a client closing a connection almost immediately after creation
                    catch (ConnectionSetupException)
                        //If we are the server end and we did not pick the incoming connection up then tooo bad!
                    catch (SocketException)
                        //If this exception gets thrown its generally just a client closing a connection almost immediately after creation
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        //For some odd reason SocketExceptions don't always get caught above, so another check
                        if (ex.GetBaseException().GetType() != typeof(SocketException))
                            //Can we catch the socketException by looking at the string error text?
                            if (ex.ToString().StartsWith("System.Net.Sockets.SocketException"))
                                LogTools.LogException(ex, "ConnectionSetupError_SE");
                                LogTools.LogException(ex, "ConnectionSetupError");

                    #endregion Pickup The New Connection
                }), null);
            catch (SocketException)
                //If this exception gets thrown its generally just a client closing a connection almost immediately after creation
            catch (Exception ex)
                //For some odd reason SocketExceptions don't always get caught above, so another check
                if (ex.GetBaseException().GetType() != typeof(SocketException))
                    //Can we catch the socketException by looking at the string error text?
                    if (ex.ToString().StartsWith("System.Net.Sockets.SocketException"))
                        LogTools.LogException(ex, "ConnectionSetupError_SE");
                        LogTools.LogException(ex, "ConnectionSetupError");
                listenerInstance.BeginAcceptTcpClient(TCPConnectionReceivedAsync, null);
        /// <inheritdoc />
        internal override void StartListening(EndPoint desiredLocalListenEndPoint, bool useRandomPortFailOver)
            if (desiredLocalListenEndPoint.GetType() != typeof(IPEndPoint))
                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid desiredLocalListenEndPoint type provided.", "desiredLocalListenEndPoint");
            if (IsListening)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Attempted to call StartListening when already listening.");

            IPEndPoint desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)desiredLocalListenEndPoint;

                listenerInstance = new StreamSocketListener();
                listenerInstance.ConnectionReceived += newListenerInstance_ConnectionReceived;
                listenerInstance.BindEndpointAsync(new Windows.Networking.HostName(desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address.ToString()), desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Port.ToString()).AsTask().Wait();
                listenerInstance = new TcpListener(desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint);
                listenerInstance.BeginAcceptTcpClient(TCPConnectionReceivedAsync, null);
            catch (SocketException)
                //If the port we wanted is not available
                if (useRandomPortFailOver)
                        listenerInstance.BindEndpointAsync(new Windows.Networking.HostName(desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address.ToString()), "").AsTask().Wait();
                        listenerInstance = new TcpListener(desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address, 0);
                        listenerInstance.BeginAcceptTcpClient(TCPConnectionReceivedAsync, null);
                    catch (SocketException)
                        //If we get another socket exception this appears to be a bad IP. We will just ignore this IP
                        if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                            NetworkComms.Logger.Error("It was not possible to open a random port on " + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address + ". This endPoint may not support listening or possibly try again using a different port.");
                        throw new CommsSetupShutdownException("It was not possible to open a random port on " + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address + ". This endPoint may not support listening or possibly try again using a different port.");
                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                        NetworkComms.Logger.Error("It was not possible to open port #" + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Port.ToString() + " on " + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address + ". This endPoint may not support listening or possibly try again using a different port.");
                    throw new CommsSetupShutdownException("It was not possible to open port #" + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Port.ToString() + " on " + desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address + ". This endPoint may not support listening or possibly try again using a different port.");

            this.LocalListenEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(desiredLocalListenIPEndPoint.Address, int.Parse(listenerInstance.Information.LocalPort));
            this.LocalListenEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)listenerInstance.LocalEndpoint;
            this.IsListening = true;