         * @param shouldIncludeContinueRecords caller can pass <c>false</c> if loose
         * {@link ContinueRecord}s should be skipped (this is sometimes useful in event based
         * processing).
        public RecordFactoryInputStream(Stream in1, bool shouldIncludeContinueRecords)
            RecordInputStream    rs      = new RecordInputStream(in1);
            List <Record>        records = new List <Record>();
            StreamEncryptionInfo sei     = new StreamEncryptionInfo(rs, records);

            if (sei.HasEncryption)
                rs = sei.CreateDecryptingStream(in1);
                // typical case - non-encrypted stream

            if (records.Count != 0)
                _unreadRecordBuffer = new Record[records.Count];
                _unreadRecordBuffer = records.ToArray();
                _unreadRecordIndex  = 0;
            _recStream = rs;
            _shouldIncludeContinueRecords = shouldIncludeContinueRecords;
            _lastRecord = sei.LastRecord;

             * How to recognise end of stream?
             * In the best case, the underlying input stream (in) ends just after the last EOF record
             * Usually however, the stream is pAdded with an arbitrary byte count.  Excel and most apps
             * reliably use zeros for pAdding and if this were always the case, this code could just
             * skip all the (zero sized) records with sid==0.  However, bug 46987 Shows a file with
             * non-zero pAdding that is read OK by Excel (Excel also fixes the pAdding).
             * So to properly detect the workbook end of stream, this code has to identify the last
             * EOF record.  This is not so easy because the worbook bof+eof pair do not bracket the
             * whole stream.  The worksheets follow the workbook, but it is not easy to tell how many
             * sheet sub-streams should be present.  Hence we are looking for an EOF record that is not
             * immediately followed by a BOF record.  One extra complication is that bof+eof sub-
             * streams can be nested within worksheet streams and it's not clear in these cases what
             * record might follow any EOF record.  So we also need to keep track of the bof/eof
             * nesting level.
            _bofDepth = sei.HasBOFRecord ? 1 : 0;
            _lastRecordWasEOFLevelZero = false;
         * @param shouldIncludeContinueRecords caller can pass <code>false</code> if loose
         * {@link ContinueRecord}s should be skipped (this is sometimes useful in event based
         * processing).
        public RecordFactoryInputStream(Stream in1, bool shouldIncludeContinueRecords)
            RecordInputStream rs = new RecordInputStream(in1);
            List<Record> records = new List<Record>();
            StreamEncryptionInfo sei = new StreamEncryptionInfo(rs, records);
            if (sei.HasEncryption)
                rs = sei.CreateDecryptingStream(in1);
                // typical case - non-encrypted stream

            if (records.Count != 0)
                _unreadRecordBuffer = new Record[records.Count];
                _unreadRecordBuffer = records.ToArray();
                _unreadRecordIndex = 0;
            _recStream = rs;
            _shouldIncludeContinueRecords = shouldIncludeContinueRecords;
            _lastRecord = sei.LastRecord;

            * How to recognise end of stream?
            * In the best case, the underlying input stream (in) ends just after the last EOF record
            * Usually however, the stream is pAdded with an arbitrary byte count.  Excel and most apps
            * reliably use zeros for pAdding and if this were always the case, this code could just
            * skip all the (zero sized) records with sid==0.  However, bug 46987 Shows a file with
            * non-zero pAdding that is read OK by Excel (Excel also fixes the pAdding).
            * So to properly detect the workbook end of stream, this code has to identify the last
            * EOF record.  This is not so easy because the worbook bof+eof pair do not bracket the
            * whole stream.  The worksheets follow the workbook, but it is not easy to tell how many
            * sheet sub-streams should be present.  Hence we are looking for an EOF record that is not
            * immediately followed by a BOF record.  One extra complication is that bof+eof sub-
            * streams can be nested within worksheet streams and it's not clear in these cases what
            * record might follow any EOF record.  So we also need to keep track of the bof/eof
            * nesting level.
            _bofDepth = sei.HasBOFRecord ? 1 : 0;
            _lastRecordWasEOFLevelZero = false;