public unsafe NativeArray <BlobAssetReference <MeshSourceData> > LoadSources(int surfaceId) { string path; if (surfaceId == -1) { path = GetGlobalPath(typeof(MeshSourceData).Name); } else { path = GetPath(surfaceId, typeof(MeshSourceData).Name, null); } using (StreamBinaryReader reader = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { int sourceCount = reader.ReadInt(); NativeArray <BlobAssetReference <MeshSourceData> > sources = new NativeArray <BlobAssetReference <MeshSourceData> >(sourceCount, Allocator.Temp); for (int i = 0; i < sourceCount; i++) { int sizeInBytes = reader.ReadInt(); NativeArray <int> indices = new NativeArray <int>(sizeInBytes, Allocator.Temp); reader.ReadBytes(indices.GetUnsafePtr(), sizeInBytes); sizeInBytes = reader.ReadInt(); NativeArray <float3> vertices = new NativeArray <float3>(sizeInBytes, Allocator.Temp); reader.ReadBytes(vertices.GetUnsafePtr(), sizeInBytes); sources[i] = MeshSourceData.Create(indices, vertices); indices.Dispose(); vertices.Dispose(); } return(sources); } }
protected override void OnUpdate() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.H)) { Debug.Log($"Saving world..."); using (var writer = new StreamBinaryWriter(FullPath)) { EntityManager.CompleteAllJobs(); var q = EntityManager.CreateEntityQuery(typeof(Terminal)); EntityManager.DestroyEntity(q); SerializeUtilityHybrid.Serialize(EntityManager, writer, out _refs); int refCount = _refs == null ? 0 : _refs.Array.Length; Debug.Log($"RefCount: {refCount}"); } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.L)) { Debug.Log("Loading World..."); var loadWorld = new World("Loading World"); var em = loadWorld.EntityManager; using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(FullPath)) { SerializeUtilityHybrid.Deserialize(em, reader, _refs); } EntityManager.CompleteAllJobs(); EntityManager.DestroyEntity(EntityManager.UniversalQuery); EntityManager.MoveEntitiesFrom(em); loadWorld.Dispose(); } }
public unsafe bool LoadTiles(int surfaceId, Dictionary <int2, NavMeshTile> tiles) { string path = GetPath(surfaceId, typeof(NavMeshTile).Name, null); if (!File.Exists(path)) { //Debug.LogFormat("Tiles not found id:{0}", surfaceId); return(false); } using (StreamBinaryReader reader = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { int tileCount = reader.ReadInt(); for (int i = 0; i < tileCount; i++) { int tileSize = reader.ReadInt(); byte[] data = new byte[tileSize]; fixed(byte *dataPtr = data) { reader.ReadBytes(dataPtr, tileSize); } NavMeshTile tile = new NavMeshTile(); tile.Data = data; tiles[tile.Coord] = tile; } } return(true); }
static unsafe EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs ReadSceneWithBuildConfiguration(string path) { EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs sceneWithBuildConfiguration = default; using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(path, sizeof(EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs))) { reader.ReadBytes(&sceneWithBuildConfiguration, sizeof(EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs)); } return(sceneWithBuildConfiguration); }
static unsafe EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildSettingsGUIDs ReadSceneWithBuildSettings(string path) { EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildSettingsGUIDs sceneWithBuildSettings = default; using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { reader.ReadBytes(&sceneWithBuildSettings, sizeof(EntityScenesPaths.SceneWithBuildSettingsGUIDs)); } return(sceneWithBuildSettings); }
public static unsafe SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs ReadFromFile(string path) { SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs sceneWithBuildConfiguration = default; using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { reader.ReadBytes(&sceneWithBuildConfiguration, sizeof(SceneWithBuildConfigurationGUIDs)); } return(sceneWithBuildConfiguration); }
unsafe void ReceiveResponseSubSceneTargetHash(MessageEventArgs args) { using (var subSceneAssets = args.ReceiveArray <ResolvedSubSceneID>()) { foreach (var subSceneAsset in subSceneAssets) { if (_WaitingForSubScenes.ContainsKey(subSceneAsset.SubSceneGUID)) { return; } var headerPath = EntityScenesPaths.GetLiveLinkCachePath(subSceneAsset.TargetHash, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesHeader, -1); if (File.Exists(headerPath)) { LiveLinkMsg.LogInfo($"ReceiveResponseSubSceneTargetHash => {subSceneAsset.SubSceneGUID} | {subSceneAsset.TargetHash}, File.Exists => 'True', {Path.GetFullPath(headerPath)}"); //TODO: This is a hack to make sure assets are managed by asset manifest when loading from cache for first run if (!BlobAssetReference <SceneMetaData> .TryRead(headerPath, SceneMetaDataSerializeUtility.CurrentFileFormatVersion, out var sceneMetaDataRef)) { Debug.LogError("Loading Entity Scene failed because the entity header file was an old version: " + subSceneAsset.SubSceneGUID); return; } ref var sceneMetaData = ref sceneMetaDataRef.Value; var waitingSubScene = new WaitingSubScene { TargetHash = subSceneAsset.TargetHash, SubSections = new List <NativeArray <RuntimeGlobalObjectId> >(), SubSectionCount = sceneMetaData.Sections.Length }; for (int i = 0; i < sceneMetaData.Sections.Length; i++) { if (sceneMetaData.Sections[i].ObjectReferenceCount != 0) { var refObjGUIDsPath = EntityScenesPaths.GetLiveLinkCachePath(subSceneAsset.TargetHash, EntityScenesPaths.PathType.EntitiesUnityObjectReferences, i); using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(refObjGUIDsPath)) { var numObjRefGUIDs = reader.ReadInt(); NativeArray <RuntimeGlobalObjectId> objRefGUIDs = new NativeArray <RuntimeGlobalObjectId>(numObjRefGUIDs, Allocator.Persistent); reader.ReadArray(objRefGUIDs, numObjRefGUIDs); waitingSubScene.SubSections.Add(objRefGUIDs); } } else { waitingSubScene.SubSections.Add(new NativeArray <RuntimeGlobalObjectId>(0, Allocator.Persistent)); } } _WaitingForSubScenes[subSceneAsset.SubSceneGUID] = waitingSubScene; }
static void LoadHybrid(EntityManager entityManager, ReferencedUnityObjects objectTable) { string filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/testHyb.bin"; using (var binaryReader = new StreamBinaryReader(filePath)) { //ExclusiveEntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.BeginExclusiveEntityTransaction(); SerializeUtilityHybrid.Deserialize(entityManager, binaryReader, objectTable); //entityManager.EndExclusiveEntityTransaction(); } }
static void LoadWorld(EntityManager entityManager, object[] objectTable) { string filePath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/test.bin"; using (var binaryReader = new StreamBinaryReader(filePath)) { ExclusiveEntityTransaction transaction = entityManager.BeginExclusiveEntityTransaction(); SerializeUtility.DeserializeWorld(transaction, binaryReader, objectTable); entityManager.EndExclusiveEntityTransaction(); } }
public static unsafe void ReadPlayerLiveLinkCacheGUID() { var cacheGUIDPath = $"{EntityScenesPaths.GetLiveLinkCacheDirPath()}/livelinkcacheguid"; if (File.Exists(cacheGUIDPath)) { using (var rdr = new StreamBinaryReader(cacheGUIDPath)) { Hash128 guid = default; rdr.ReadBytes(&guid, sizeof(Hash128)); LiveLinkCacheGUID = guid; } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads bytes from a fileName, validates the expected serialized version, and deserializes them into a new blob asset. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path of the blob data to read.</param> /// <param name="version">Expected version number of the blob data.</param> /// <param name="result">The resulting BlobAssetReference if the data was read successful.</param> /// <returns>A bool if the read was successful or not.</returns> public static bool TryRead(string path, int version, out BlobAssetReference <T> result) { using (var binaryReader = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { var storedVersion = binaryReader.ReadInt(); if (storedVersion != version) { result = default; return(false); } result = binaryReader.Read <T>(); return(true); } }
static unsafe void ReadEditorLiveLinkCacheGUID() { if (File.Exists(k_LiveLinkEditorCacheGUIDPath)) { using (var rdr = new StreamBinaryReader(k_LiveLinkEditorCacheGUIDPath)) { Hash128 guid = default; rdr.ReadBytes(&guid, sizeof(Hash128)); s_CacheGUID = guid; } } else { GenerateNewEditorLiveLinkCacheGUID(); } }
static unsafe void ReadBootstrap() { var path = bootstrapPath; using (var rdr = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { Hash128 guid = default; long id = 0; rdr.ReadBytes(&guid, sizeof(Hash128)); rdr.ReadBytes(&id, sizeof(long)); BuildConfigurationGUID = guid; LiveLinkId = id; } }
protected override string GetFileSignature(FileSystemPath targetFilePath) { if (!targetFilePath.ExistsFile) { Console.Error.WriteLine("PDB file does not exists " + targetFilePath); return(null); } if (targetFilePath.GetFileLength() == 0) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Empty PDB file " + targetFilePath); return(null); } if (PdbUtils.GetPdbType(targetFilePath) == DebugInfoType.Windows) { using (var pdbStream = targetFilePath.OpenFileForReading()) { var pdbFile = new WindowsPdbFile(pdbStream); var dbiStream = pdbFile.GetDbiStream(); var ageFromDbi = 1; if (dbiStream.Length > 0) { var binaryStream = new StreamBinaryReader(dbiStream); var dbiHeader = new DbiHeader(binaryStream); ageFromDbi = dbiHeader.PdbAge; } var root = pdbFile.GetRoot(); var signature = root.PdbSignature; return(string.Format("{0}{1:X}", signature.ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant(), ageFromDbi)); } } var debugInfo = PdbUtils.TryGetPdbDebugInfo(targetFilePath); if (debugInfo == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("Unsupport PDB file " + targetFilePath); return(null); } return(string.Format("{0}{1:X}", debugInfo.Signature.ToString("N").ToUpperInvariant(), debugInfo.AgeOrTimestamp)); }
/// <summary> /// Reads bytes from a fileName, validates the expected serialized version, and deserializes them into a new blob asset. /// </summary> /// <param name="path">The path of the blob data to read.</param> /// <param name="version">Expected version number of the blob data.</param> /// <param name="result">The resulting BlobAssetReference if the data was read successful.</param> /// <returns>A bool if the read was successful or not.</returns> public static bool TryRead(string path, int version, out BlobAssetReference <T> result) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path)) { result = default; return(false); } using (var binaryReader = new StreamBinaryReader(path, UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <T>() + sizeof(int))) { var storedVersion = binaryReader.ReadInt(); if (storedVersion != version) { result = default; return(false); } result = binaryReader.Read <T>(); return(true); } }
public static void Load() { if (World.All.Count < 1) { return; } // need an empty world to do this var world = new World("LoadingWorld"); using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(WorldLocation)) //GetFullPathByName(fileName)) { var objectRefAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <ReferencedUnityObjects>(WorldReferencesLocation); // Load objects as binary file SerializeUtilityHybrid.Deserialize(world.EntityManager, reader, objectRefAsset); } World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.DestroyEntity(World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.UniversalQuery); World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.MoveEntitiesFrom(world.EntityManager); Debug.Log("Loaded"); }
public bool Init(Stream stream, ShaderEffectSamplerAnisotropy anisotropyOverride) { // read shader effect desc var desc = new ShaderEffectDesc(); // TODO: read/create ShaderEffectDesc. if (anisotropyOverride != ShaderEffectSamplerAnisotropy.Default && desc.samplers != null) { for (int i = 0; i != desc.samplers.Length; ++i) { desc.samplers[i].anisotropy = anisotropyOverride; } } // read shaders var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(stream); int shaderCount = stream.ReadByte(); for (int i = 0; i != shaderCount; ++i) { // read shader type var type = (ShaderType)stream.ReadByte(); // read shader data int shaderSize = reader.ReadInt32(); var shaderData = new byte[shaderSize]; int read = stream.Read(shaderData, 0, shaderSize); if (read < shaderSize) { throw new Exception("End of file reached"); } // create shader if (!CreateShader(shaderData, type)) { return(false); } } return(InitFinish(ref desc)); }
private void LoadData() { if (!File.Exists("Saves/Save.bin")) { return; } if (World.All.Count < 1) { return; } var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); var saveFile = File.Open("Saves/Save.bin", FileMode.Open); var deserializedObject = formatter.Deserialize(saveFile); var objects = deserializedObject as List <Object>; var refObjects = objects[0] as ReferencedUnityObjects; // To generate the file we'll test against var binaryPath = _FileLocation + "\\" + ""; // need an empty world to do this var loadingWorld = new World("SavingWorld"); var em = loadingWorld.EntityManager; using (var reader = new StreamBinaryReader(binaryPath)) //GetFullPathByName(fileName)) { var referencedObjectsPath = "Assets/ReferencedUnityWorldObjects.asset"; // path forward slash for asset access var objectRefAsset = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath <ReferencedUnityObjects>(referencedObjectsPath); // Load objects as binary file SerializeUtilityHybrid.Deserialize(em, reader, refObjects); } World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.DestroyEntity(World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.UniversalQuery); World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld.EntityManager.MoveEntitiesFrom(em); Debug.Log("Loaded"); }
// index -1 means 'use current index' public static int ReadContainerFromDisk(this PersistentSceneSystem persistentSceneSystem, Hash128 containerIdentifier, int index = -1) { // Path string path = CalculateStreamingAssetsPath(containerIdentifier); Debug.Assert(File.Exists(path)); // Read From Disk using (var fileStream = new StreamBinaryReader(path)) { PersistentDataStorage dataStorage = persistentSceneSystem.PersistentDataStorage; int amountEntitiesInFile = fileStream.ReadInt(); if (!dataStorage.IsInitialized(containerIdentifier)) { // Read before the scene has been loaded once this session int amountBytesOfRawData = fileStream.ReadInt(); NativeArray <byte> rawData = new NativeArray <byte>(amountBytesOfRawData, Allocator.Persistent); fileStream.ReadArray(rawData, rawData.Length); dataStorage.AddUninitializedSceneContainer(containerIdentifier, rawData); } else { int currentEntityCapacity = dataStorage.GetEntityCapacity(containerIdentifier, out bool isPool); if (amountEntitiesInFile != currentEntityCapacity) { if (isPool) { persistentSceneSystem.InstantChangePoolCapacity(containerIdentifier, amountEntitiesInFile); } else { throw new InvalidDataException($"The data in \"{path}\" is invalid. (.sav data only stays valid as long as the subscene doesn't change)"); } } // Container (Important that it happens after potential capacity change!) PersistentDataContainer container; if (index == -1) { container = dataStorage.GetWriteContainerForCurrentIndex(containerIdentifier); } else { int oldIndex = dataStorage.NonWrappedIndex; dataStorage.ToIndex(index); container = dataStorage.GetWriteContainerForCurrentIndex(containerIdentifier); dataStorage.ToIndex(oldIndex); } // Read Data From Disk NativeArray <byte> rawData = container.GetRawData(); int amountBytesOfRawData = fileStream.ReadInt(); if (amountBytesOfRawData != rawData.Length) { // Extra integrity Check throw new InvalidDataException($"The data in \"{path}\" is invalid. (maybe component data structs changed?)"); } fileStream.ReadArray(rawData, rawData.Length); } return(amountEntitiesInFile); } }