public static Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <StrandsWebTemplateData> > LoadAllWebTemplates()
            StrandsApiClient strandsApiClient = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));

            var groups = from webTemplate in strandsApiClient.GetAvailableWebTemplates()
                         group webTemplate by webTemplate.Type
                         into webTemplateGroups
                         orderby webTemplateGroups.Key
                         select webTemplateGroups;

                       g => g.Key.ToStringRepresentation(),
                       g => g.OrderBy(GetTemplateOrder).Select(EncodeWebTemplate)));
        catch (StrandsException ex)
            EventLogProvider.LogException("Strands Recommender", "LOADALLWEBTEMPLATES", ex);

            // Since it is not possible to send exception with custom properties via AJAX when request failed,
            // throw regular exception and provide nice UI message as its base message
            throw new Exception(ex.UIMessage, ex);
    public static Dictionary<string, IEnumerable<StrandsWebTemplateData>> LoadAllWebTemplates()
            StrandsApiClient strandsApiClient = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));

            var groups = from webTemplate in strandsApiClient.GetAvailableWebTemplates()
                         group webTemplate by webTemplate.Type
                         into webTemplateGroups
                         orderby webTemplateGroups.Key
                         select webTemplateGroups;

            return groups.ToDictionary(
                g => g.Key.ToStringRepresentation(),
                g => g.OrderBy(GetTemplateOrder).Select(EncodeWebTemplate));
        catch (StrandsException ex)
            EventLogProvider.LogException("Strands Recommender", "LOADALLWEBTEMPLATES", ex);

            // Since it is not possible to send exception with custom properties via AJAX when request failed,
            // throw regular exception and provide nice UI message as its base message
            throw new Exception(ex.UIMessage, ex);
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads names of all available email templates from Strands API.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Collection containing names of all available email templates</returns>
    private List<string> LoadEmailTemplateNames()
        var provider = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));

            // Return collection if everything is alright
            return provider.GetAvailableEmailTemplates().Select(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode).ToList();
        catch (StrandsException ex)
            ProcessErrorMessage(ex, ex.UIMessage ?? ex.Message);
            return null;
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Usually an exception thrown when there is a problem when communicating with Strands
            ProcessErrorMessage(ex, GetString("strands.exception"));
            return null;
    /// <summary>
    /// Loads names of all available email templates from Strands API.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>Collection containing names of all available email templates</returns>
    private List <string> LoadEmailTemplateNames()
        var provider = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));

            // Return collection if everything is alright
        catch (StrandsException ex)
            ProcessErrorMessage(ex, ex.UIMessage ?? ex.Message);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Usually an exception thrown when there is a problem when communicating with Strands
            ProcessErrorMessage(ex, GetString("strands.exception"));
    public static string LoadSpecificEmailTemplate(string name)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            var    provider = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));
            string template = provider.GetEmailTemplate(name);

            template = AddTitleParameter(template);

        catch (Exception ex)
            EventLogProvider.LogException("Strands Recommender", "LOADSPECIFISEMAILTEMPLATE", ex);
    public static string LoadSpecificEmailTemplate(string name)
            if (name == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("name");

            var provider = new StrandsApiClient(StrandsSettings.GetApiID(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName));
            string template = provider.GetEmailTemplate(name);

            template = AddTitleParameter(template);

            return template;
        catch (Exception ex)
            EventLogProvider.LogException("Strands Recommender", "LOADSPECIFISEMAILTEMPLATE", ex);