        protected override async Task OnInitialize(ModelDescriptor modelDescriptor, Properties status)
            if (!(modelDescriptor is FileDescriptor fileDescriptor))
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            if (session == null)
                Owner         = fileDescriptor.Owner;
                filePath      = fileDescriptor.FilePath;
                DocumentTitle = fileDescriptor.FilePath.FileName;

                figmaDelegate = new FigmaDesignerDelegate();

                var localPath = Path.Combine(filePath.ParentDirectory.FullPath, FigmaBundle.ResourcesDirectoryName);

                fileProvider = new ControlFileNodeProvider(localPath)
                    File = filePath.FullPath
                rendererService = new ControlViewRenderingService(fileProvider);

                //we generate a new file provider for embeded windows
                var tmpRemoteProvider = new FileNodeProvider(localPath)
                    File = filePath.FullPath
                rendererService.CustomConverters.Add(new EmbededWindowConverter(tmpRemoteProvider)
                    LiveButtonAlwaysVisible = false
                rendererService.CustomConverters.Add(new EmbededSheetDialogConverter(tmpRemoteProvider));

                layoutManager = new StoryboardLayoutManager();
                session       = new FigmaDesignerSession(fileProvider, rendererService, layoutManager);
                //session.ModifiedChanged += HandleModifiedChanged;
                session.ReloadFinished += Session_ReloadFinished;

                surface = new FigmaDesignerSurface(figmaDelegate, session)
                    Session = session

                surface.FocusedViewChanged += Surface_FocusedViewChanged;

                var window = NSApplication.SharedApplication.MainWindow;
                surface.SetWindow(new WindowInternalWrapper(window));

                //IdeApp.Workbench.ActiveDocumentChanged += OnActiveDocumentChanged;
                IdeApp.Workbench.DocumentOpened += OnDocumentOpened;
            await RefreshAll();

            await base.OnInitialize(modelDescriptor, status);
        static void Main(string[] args)

            NSApplication.SharedApplication.ActivationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicy.Regular;

            var stackView = new StackView()
                Orientation = LayoutOrientation.Vertical

            scrollView = new ScrollView();

            var mainWindow = new Window(new Rectangle(0, 0, 540, 800))
                Content = scrollView

            mainWindow.Closing += delegate { NSRunningApplication.CurrentApplication.Terminate(); };

            //TIP: the render consist in 2 steps:
            //1) generate all the views, decorating and calculate sizes
            //2) with this views we generate the hierarchy and position all the views based in the
            //native toolkit positioning system

            //in this case we want use a remote file provider (figma url from our document)
            var fileProvider = new FigmaRemoteFileProvider();

            //we initialize our renderer service, this uses all the converters passed
            //and generate a collection of NodesProcessed which is basically contains <FigmaModel, IView, FigmaParentModel>
            var rendererService = new FigmaViewRendererService(fileProvider);

            rendererService.Start(fileName, scrollView.ContentView);

            //now we have all the views processed and the relationship we can distribute all the views into the desired base view
            var layoutManager = new StoryboardLayoutManager();

            layoutManager.Run(scrollView.ContentView, rendererService);

            //NOTE: some toolkits requires set the real size of the content of the scrollview before position layers

            //mainWindow.Title = manager.WindowTitle;

        public ExampleViewManager(IScrollView scrollView)
            //we get the default basic view converters from the current loaded toolkit
            var converters = FigmaSharp.AppContext.Current.GetFigmaConverters();

            //TIP: the render consist in 2 steps:
            //1) generate all the views, decorating and calculate sizes
            //2) with this views we generate the hierarchy and position all the views based in the
            //native toolkit positioning system

            //in this case we want use a remote file provider (figma url from our document)
            fileProvider = new FigmaRemoteFileProvider();

            //we initialize our renderer service, this uses all the converters passed
            //and generate a collection of NodesProcessed which is basically contains <FigmaModel, IView, FigmaParentModel>
            var rendererService = new FigmaViewRendererService(fileProvider, converters);

            rendererService.Start(fileName, scrollView);

            //now we have all the views processed and the relationship we can distribute all the views into the desired base view
            //var distributionService = new FigmaViewRendererDistributionService(rendererService);

            var layoutManager = new StoryboardLayoutManager();

            layoutManager.Run(scrollView.ContentView, rendererService);

            //We want know the background color of the figma camvas and apply to our scrollview
            var canvas = fileProvider.Nodes.OfType <FigmaCanvas>().FirstOrDefault();

            if (canvas != null)
                scrollView.BackgroundColor = canvas.backgroundColor;

            //NOTE: some toolkits requires set the real size of the content of the scrollview before position layers
        public override IView ConvertToView(FigmaNode currentNode, ViewNode parentNode, ViewRenderService rendererService)
            string title = "";
            var    frame = (FigmaFrame)currentNode;

            var nativeView = new FakeWindowView(title);

            nativeView.LiveButtonAlwaysVisible = LiveButtonAlwaysVisible;

            var view = new View(nativeView);

            var windowComponent = currentNode.GetDialogInstanceFromParentContainer();

            if (windowComponent != null)
                var optionsNode = windowComponent.Options();
                if (optionsNode is IFigmaNodeContainer figmaNodeContainer)
                    nativeView.CloseButtonHidden = (figmaNodeContainer.HasChildrenVisible("close") == false);
                    nativeView.MinButtonHidden   = (figmaNodeContainer.HasChildrenVisible("min") == false);
                    nativeView.MaxButtonHidden   = (figmaNodeContainer.HasChildrenVisible("max") == false);

                    var titleText = (FigmaText)optionsNode.GetChildren().FirstOrDefault(s => s.name == "title" && s.visible);

                    if (titleText != null)
                        nativeView.Title = titleText.characters;

            nativeView.LiveButton.Activated += async(s, e) => {
                var window = new Window(view.Allocation);

                LivePreviewLoading?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

                await newWindowProvider.LoadAsync(rendererService.NodeProvider.File);

                var secondaryRender = new ControlViewRenderingService(newWindowProvider);

                var options = new ViewRenderServiceOptions()
                    GenerateMainView = false
                secondaryRender.RenderInWindow(window, currentNode, options);

                var mainNodes = currentNode.GetChildren()

                ViewNode[] processedNodes = secondaryRender.GetProcessedNodes(mainNodes);

                var layoutManager = new StoryboardLayoutManager()
                    UsesConstraints = true
                layoutManager.Run(processedNodes, window.Content, secondaryRender);

                var nativeWindow = (NSWindow)window.NativeObject;
                nativeWindow.Appearance     = nativeView.EffectiveAppearance;
                nativeWindow.ContentMinSize = nativeWindow.ContentView.Frame.Size;


                LivePreviewLoaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);

 public FigmaDesignerSession(INodeProvider figmaFileProvider, ViewRenderService figmaViewRendererService, StoryboardLayoutManager figmaViewRendererDistributionService)
     fileProvider        = figmaFileProvider;
     rendererService     = figmaViewRendererService;
     distributionService = figmaViewRendererDistributionService;