 protected override void AwakeInit()
         new MessageRegistrationTuple {
         type = InstantMessageType.GUIWhiteCurtainFaded, handler = OnGUIWhiteCurtainFaded
         new MessageRegistrationTuple {
         type = InstantMessageType.GUIFullScreenButtonPressed, handler = OnGUIFullScreenButtonPressed
     normalStoryImage   = new StoryImage(normalImage);
     stressedStoryImage = new StoryImage(stressedImage);
     frameId            = -1;
        void SetImageSize(StoryImage storyImage)
            float xyRatio         = GlobalManager.MLevel.GetDescriptor(storyMessages[frameId].pictureId).init.finalXYScale;
            float imageWidth      = storyImage.originalRect.width;
            float imageHeight     = storyImage.originalRect.height;
            float originalXYRatio = imageWidth / imageHeight;

            //Debug.Log("Original rect size: " + imageWidth.ToString() + " x " + imageHeight.ToString());
            if (xyRatio < originalXYRatio)
                imageWidth = imageHeight * xyRatio;
                imageHeight = imageWidth / xyRatio;
            //Debug.Log("Set " + storyImage.fader.gameObject.name + " size to " + imageWidth.ToString() + " x " + imageHeight.ToString() + " (" + xyRatio + ")");
            storyImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, imageWidth);
            storyImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, imageHeight);
            //storyImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Horizontal, storyImage.originalRect.width);
            //storyImage.rectTransform.SetSizeWithCurrentAnchors(RectTransform.Axis.Vertical, storyImage.originalRect.height);
        public GamePage BindData()
            App.SlowWriter.Target = StoryBlock;
            /* LOCATION NAME */
            Binding BindingName = new Binding("CurrentLocationName")
                Source = App.LocationViewModel

            StoryHeader.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, BindingName);

            /* LOCATION IMAGE */
            Binding BindingImage = new Binding("CurrentLocationImage")
                Source = App.LocationViewModel

            StoryImage.SetBinding(Image.SourceProperty, BindingImage);

            /* LOCATION FILTER */
            Binding BindingSliderFilter = new Binding("BackgroundOptionsIntTransparent")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel.Player

            FilterSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, BindingSliderFilter);
            Binding BindingSliderColor = new Binding("BackgroundOptionsIntBlue")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel.Player

            ColorSlider.SetBinding(Slider.ValueProperty, BindingSliderColor);

            /* PLAYER'S HEALTH BAR */
            Binding BindingHealth = new Binding("HealthBarValue")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                      // value bind
            Binding BindingBarsWidth = new Binding("HealthThirstHungerBarWidth")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                                     // bar width bind
            Binding BindingHealthText = new Binding("HealthBarString")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                             // text value bind

            HealthBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, BindingHealth);                // value bind
            HealthBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.WidthProperty, BindingBarsWidth);             // bar width bind - same for health, thirst and hunger
            HealthBarString.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, BindingHealthText); // text value bind

            /* PLAYER'S ENERGY BAR */
            Binding BindingEnergy = new Binding("EnergyBarValue")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                      // value bind
            Binding BindingEneryWidth = new Binding("EnergyBarWidth")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                           // bar width bind
            Binding BindingEnergyText = new Binding("EnergyBarString")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                             // text value bind

            EnergyBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, BindingEnergy);                // value bind
            EnergyBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.WidthProperty, BindingEneryWidth);            // bar width bind
            EnergyBarString.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, BindingEnergyText); // text value bind

            /* PLAYER'S HUNGER BAR */
            Binding BindingHunger = new Binding("HungerBarValue")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                      // value bind
            Binding BindingHungerText = new Binding("HungerBarString")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                             // text value bind

            HungerBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, BindingHunger);                // value bind
            HungerBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.WidthProperty, BindingBarsWidth);             // bar width bind - same for health, thirst and hunger
            HungerBarString.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, BindingHungerText); // text value bind

            /* PLAYER'S THIRST BAR */
            Binding BindingThirst = new Binding("ThirstBarValue")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                                      // value bind
            Binding BindingThirstText = new Binding("ThirstBarString")
                Source = App.PlayerViewModel
            };                                                                             // text value bind

            ThirstBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.ValueProperty, BindingThirst);                // value bind
            ThirstBar.SetBinding(ProgressBar.WidthProperty, BindingBarsWidth);             // bar width bind - same for health, thirst and hunger
            ThirstBarString.SetBinding(ContentControl.ContentProperty, BindingThirstText); // text value bind

            /* CHECK ALIVE */
            timer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 333);
            timer.Tick    += (sender, args) => { CheckAlive(); };
 public void Histoire()