public List <StoreStaff> GetStoreStaff(int storeID) { List <StoreStaff> list = new List <StoreStaff>(); try { var sql = "SELECT [ID],[StoreID],[StaffName],[Phone],[IsReceiveDelivery] FROM StoreStaff WEHER [StoreID]=@StoreID"; var pars = new List <SqlParameter>(); pars.Add(new SqlParameter("@StoreID", storeID)); var dt = SQLHelper.GetTable(sql, pars.ToArray()); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { var obj = new StoreStaff { ID = Convert.IsDBNull(dt.Rows[i]["ID"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ID"]), Store = new Store { StoreID = Convert.IsDBNull(dt.Rows[i]["StoreID"]) ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["StoreID"]), }, StaffName = Convert.IsDBNull(dt.Rows[i]["StaffName"]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["StaffName"]), Phone = Convert.IsDBNull(dt.Rows[i]["Phone"]) ? "" : Convert.ToString(dt.Rows[i]["Phone"]), IsReceiveDelivery = Convert.IsDBNull(dt.Rows[i]["IsReceiveDelivery"]) ? false : Convert.ToBoolean(dt.Rows[i]["IsReceiveDelivery"]) }; list.Add(obj); } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(list); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { Team10ADModel context = new Team10ADModel(); string id = (string)Session["AdjustVoucherId"]; int adjId = Convert.ToInt32(id); int storestaffid = (int)Session["clerkid"]; StoreStaff staff = RayBizLogic.GetStoreStaffById(storestaffid); dgvVoucherDetail.DataSource = RayBizLogic.AdjustmentVoucherDetailList(adjId); dgvVoucherDetail.DataBind(); StockAdjustmentVoucher voucher = context.StockAdjustmentVouchers.Where(v => v.VoucherID == adjId).First(); VouchderIdBox.Text = voucher.VoucherID.ToString(); DateTextBox.Text = voucher.DateIssue.ToString(); GenByTextBox.Text = voucher.StoreStaff.Name; if (staff.Title == "Supervisor" && voucher.Status == "Pending" && RayBizLogic.AdjustmentVoucherCost(adjId) <= 250) { AcknowledgeButton.Visible = true; } else if (staff.Title == "Manager" && voucher.Status == "Pending" && RayBizLogic.AdjustmentVoucherCost(adjId) > 250) { AcknowledgeButton.Visible = true; } } }
public ActionResult FindPO(string startDate, string endDate, string status) { List <PurchaseOrder> purchaseOrders = new List <PurchaseOrder>(); List <StoreStaff> creators = new List <StoreStaff>(); //if (PONumber != null && PONumber != "") //{ // int number = Convert.ToInt32(PONumber); // purchaseOrders = purchaseOrderDAO.GetPurchaseOrders(number); //} if (startDate != null && endDate != null) { DateTime start = DateTime.Parse(startDate); DateTime end = DateTime.Parse(endDate); purchaseOrders = purchaseOrderDAO.GetPurchaseOrders(start, end); } else if (status != "") { purchaseOrders = purchaseOrderDAO.GetPurchaseOrders(status); } if (purchaseOrders.Count != 0) { foreach (PurchaseOrder po in purchaseOrders) { StoreStaff storeStaff = storestaffDAO.GetStoreStaffbyPONumber(po.StaffId); creators.Add(storeStaff); } } ViewData["creators"] = creators; ViewData["purchaseOrders"] = purchaseOrders; return(View()); }
//Method1 public void SendtoManager(AdjustmentVoucher adjv, string managerID) { StoreStaffDAO stsdao = new StoreStaffDAO(); StoreStaff sts = stsdao.getstorestaffbyrole("manager"); adjv.authorisedBy = sts.role;//manager only one person context.SaveChanges(); }
private StoreStaff getStoreStaffByUsername(string username) { List <StoreStaff> staffl = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => == username).ToList(); StoreStaff staff = new StoreStaff(); staff.storeStaffID = ""; if (staffl.Count > 0) { staff = staffl.First(); } return(staff); }
public string getStoreStaffNameByID(string ID) { List <StoreStaff> list = new List <StoreStaff>(); StoreStaff s = new StoreStaff(); list = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.storeStaffID == ID).ToList(); if (list.Count() > 0) { s = list.First(); } return(s.storeStaffName); }
public ActionResult ApprovePO(string status, string remarks, int id) { purchaseOrderDAO.SetPOStatus(status, remarks, id); PurchaseOrder purchaseOrder = purchaseOrderDAO.GetPurchaseOrder(id); StoreStaff storeStaff = storestaffDAO.GetStaffbyId(purchaseOrder.StaffId); List <string> emails = new List <string>(); emails.Add(storeStaff.StaffEmail); string subj = "Status of PO: " + purchaseOrder.OrderId.ToString(); string msg = "Dear " + storeStaff.StaffName + ",\n Your PO: " + purchaseOrder.OrderId.ToString() + " has been " + purchaseOrder.Status + "."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); return(RedirectToAction("FindPO")); }
public ActionResult StoreLogin(string username, string password) { string session = (string)Session["StoreSession"]; if (session != null) { //return RedirectToAction("Index", "Inventory"); } if (username == null || password == null) { return(View()); } StoreStaff user = db.StoreStaff.Where(x => x.Username == username && x.Password == password).SingleOrDefault(); if (user == null) { return(View()); } string sessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); if (user != null) { user.SessionId = sessionId; db.SaveChanges(); } Session["StoreSession"] = sessionId; Session["StoreStaff"] = user; if (user.StaffType == "Clerk") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Inventory")); } else if (user.StaffType == "Supervisor") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Supervisor")); } else if (user.StaffType == "Manager") { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Manager")); } else { return(View()); } }
public ActionResult addcart() { StoreStaff user = (StoreStaff)Session["user"]; int form_number; List <AdjustmentDetail> cart_list; List <ProductViewModel> items; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { //items = db.Product.ToList(); items = getProducts(db); form_number = db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentId); cart_list = db.AdjustmentDetail.Include(ad => ad.Product).Where(x => x.AdjustmentId == form_number).ToList(); } ViewData["cart_list"] = cart_list; ViewData["form_number"] = form_number; ViewData["items"] = items; return(View("create_form")); }
public string[] getUser(string username) { if (getDeptStaffByUsername(username).staffID != "") {//is a department staff DeptStaff staff = getDeptStaffByUsername(username); result[0] = staff.staffID; result[1] = staff.role; result[2] = staff.password; result[3] = staff.staffName; } else if (getStoreStaffByUsername(username).storeStaffID != "") {//is a store staff StoreStaff staff = getStoreStaffByUsername(username); result[0] = staff.storeStaffID; result[1] = staff.role; result[2] = staff.password; result[3] = staff.storeStaffName; } return(result); }
public ActionResult DetailedDisbursementList(int id) { Disbursement disbursement = new Disbursement(); Department department = new Department(); List <DisbursementDetail> disbursementDetails = new List <DisbursementDetail>(); List <Product> disbursedProducts = new List <Product>(); StoreStaff storeStaff = new StoreStaff(); //To create via the session object DepartmentStaff receiver = new DepartmentStaff(); CollectionPoint cp = new CollectionPoint(); using (db = new LogicEntities()) { var result = from d in db.Disbursement where d.DisId == id select d; disbursement = result.First(); department = disbursement.Department; disbursementDetails = disbursement.DisbursementDetails.ToList(); foreach (DisbursementDetail dd in disbursementDetails) { disbursedProducts.Add(dd.Product); } } if (disbursement.StoreStaffId != null) { storeStaff = storestaffDAO.GetStaffbyId(disbursement.StoreStaffId.Value); } else { storeStaff = (StoreStaff)Session["StoreStaff"];//StoreStaff from session } receiver = departmentStaffDAO.GetStaffById(disbursement.ReceiveStaffId); cp = collectionPointDAO.GetCollectionPoint(disbursement.CollectionPointId); ViewData["receiver"] = receiver; ViewData["storestaff"] = storeStaff; ViewData["disbursement"] = disbursement; ViewData["disbursementdetails"] = disbursementDetails; ViewData["CollectionPoint"] = cp; return(View()); }
public ActionResult SavePO(string supplierId) { StoreStaff storeStaff = (StoreStaff)Session["StoreStaff"]; StoreStaff supervisor = storestaffDAO.GetStoreStaffbyRole("Supervisor"); string[] productIds = Request.Form.GetValues("itemCode"); string[] requiredQty = Request.Form.GetValues("quantity"); int id = storeStaff.StaffId; int poNum = purchaseOrderDAO.SaveNewPO(supplierId, productIds, requiredQty, id); List <string> emails = new List <string>(); emails.Add(supervisor.StaffEmail); string subj = "PO for Approval"; string msg = "Dear " + supervisor.StaffName + ",\n" + storeStaff.StaffName + " has created PO: " + poNum.ToString() + " for your approval."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); return(RedirectToAction("FindPO")); }
public ActionResult DetailedPO(int id) { PurchaseOrder po = new PurchaseOrder(); StoreStaff creator = new StoreStaff(); Supplier supplier = new Supplier(); List <PurchaseOrderDetail> poDetails = new List <PurchaseOrderDetail>(); List <Product> poProducts = new List <Product>(); List <SupplierProduct> priceList = new List <SupplierProduct>(); //method cannot be put in a seperate class (DAO), otherwise the other fields cannot be populated using (db) { var result = from o in db.PurchaseOrder where o.OrderId == id select o; po = result.First(); var result2 = from ss in db.StoreStaff where ss.StaffId == po.StaffId select ss; creator = result2.First(); supplier = po.Supplier; priceList = po.Supplier.SupplierProduct.ToList(); poDetails = po.RequestDetails.ToList(); //Not sure why, but this section of code prevents an exception from happening foreach (PurchaseOrderDetail pod in poDetails) { poProducts.Add(pod.Product); } } ViewData["PO"] = po; ViewData["creator"] = creator; ViewData["supplier"] = supplier; ViewData["poDetails"] = poDetails; ViewData["priceList"] = priceList; return(View()); }
protected void btn_SendToManager_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { AdjustmentVoucher adjv = adjvdao.findAdjustmentVoucherByadjvId(adjvoucherID); adjvdao.SendtoManageranother(adjv);//Method2 //send email and notification to rep SA45_Team09_LogicUEntities context = new SA45_Team09_LogicUEntities(); string supervisorName = Session["loginName"].ToString(); StoreStaff manager = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.role == "manager").ToList().First(); string managerID = manager.storeStaffID; string managerName = manager.storeStaffName; string confirmDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); NotificationDAO nDAO = new NotificationDAO(); nDAO.addStoreNotification(managerID, supervisorName + " has send an adjustment voucher!" + confirmDate, DateTime.Now); Email email = new Email(); email.sendAdjustmentEmailToManager(supervisorName, managerName); Response.Redirect("./SS_ViewAdjustment.aspx"); }
public ActionResult Logout(string type) { if (type == "d") { string session = (string)Session["DeptSession"]; DepartmentStaff ds = db.DepartmentStaff.Where(x => x.SessionId == session).SingleOrDefault(); ds.SessionId = null; Session.Remove("DeptSession"); Session.Remove("DeptStaff"); Session.Remove("TempHead"); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("DepartmentLogin")); } else { string session = (string)Session["StoreSession"]; StoreStaff ss = db.StoreStaff.Where(x => x.SessionId == session).SingleOrDefault(); ss.SessionId = null; Session.Remove("StoreSession"); Session.Remove("StoreStaff"); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("StoreLogin")); } }
public bool AddStoreStaff(StoreStaff storeStaff) { return(dal.AddStoreStaff(storeStaff)); }
public ActionResult ApproveForm(string approve, string reject, string remarks, int id) { using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { Adjustment rd = db.Adjustment.Find(id); StoreStaff staff = db.StoreStaff.Find(rd.StaffId); List <string> emails = new List <string>(); emails.Add(staff.StaffEmail); string subj = "Status - Adjustment Form: " + rd.AdjustmentId; if (approve == "Approve") { rd.Status = approve; rd.Remark = remarks; db.SaveChanges(); List <AdjustmentDetail> adjustmentDetails = db.AdjustmentDetail.Where(x => x.AdjustmentId == id).ToList(); foreach (var detail in adjustmentDetails) { var res = db.Product.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == detail.ProductId); //var res2 = db.StockTransaction.SingleOrDefault(p => p.ProductId == detail.ProductId); if (res != null) { res.Qty += detail.Qty; db.SaveChanges(); } StockTransaction st = new StockTransaction { TranDate = DateTime.Now, ProductId = detail.ProductId, Qty = detail.Qty, Remarks = "Inventory Adjustment: " + detail.reason, TotalBalance = res.Qty }; db.StockTransaction.Add(st); db.SaveChanges(); //if (res2 != null) //{ // res2.Qty += detail.Qty; // db.SaveChanges(); //} } //Send email to notify that adjustment voucher has been approved string msg = "Dear " + staff.StaffName + ",\n Your Adjustment voucher has been approved."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); } else if (reject == "Reject") { rd.Status = reject; rd.Remark = remarks; db.SaveChanges(); //Send email to notify that adjustment has been rejected string msg = "Dear " + staff.StaffName + ",\n Your Adjustment voucher has been rejected."; EmailService.SendEmail(emails, subj, msg); } } return(RedirectToAction("ViewVoucherList")); }
public string getStoreStaffIDbyName(string name) { StoreStaff s = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.storeStaffName == name).First(); return(s.storeStaffID); }
protected void Submit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string name = this.staffID; SA45_Team09_LogicUEntities m = new DBEntities().getDBInstance(); List <AdjustmentVoucherItemcart> lac = new List <AdjustmentVoucherItemcart>(); lac = (List <AdjustmentVoucherItemcart>)Session["adjvcart"]; if (lac.Count > 0) { int num = 0; int judge = 0; foreach (Control i in cartRepeater.Items) //get Quantity { LinkButton deletebtn = i.FindControl("cart_deleteButton") as LinkButton; //get itemID TextBox cartqty = i.FindControl("cart_qtyTextBox") as TextBox; //get quantity TextBox cartrecord = i.FindControl("cart_recordTextBox") as TextBox; //get record lac[num].ItemID = deletebtn.CommandArgument.ToString(); if (cartqty.Text.Trim() == "") { judge = 1; break; } try { lac[num].Qty = Int32.Parse(cartqty.Text.ToString()); } catch { judge = 1; break; } if ((lac[num].Qty % 1 != 0) || (lac[num].Qty == 0)) { judge = 1; break; } if ((lac[num].Qty < 0) && (Math.Abs(lac[num].Qty) > itemDAO.getItemByitemID(lac[num].ItemID).First().qtyOnHand)) { judge = 2; break; } lac[num].Record = cartrecord.Text; num++; } if (judge == 0) { AdjustmentVoucherDAO adjvdao = new AdjustmentVoucherDAO(); adjvdao.addAdjustmentVoucher(name, lac); lac = new List <AdjustmentVoucherItemcart>();//clear the cart session Session["adjvcart"] = lac; //send email and notification to rep SA45_Team09_LogicUEntities context = new SA45_Team09_LogicUEntities(); string clerkName = Session["loginName"].ToString(); StoreStaff supervisor = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.role == "supervisor").ToList().First(); string supervisorID = supervisor.storeStaffID; string supervisorName = supervisor.storeStaffName; string confirmDate = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(); NotificationDAO nDAO = new NotificationDAO(); nDAO.addStoreNotification(supervisorID, clerkName + " has send an adjustment voucher!" + confirmDate, DateTime.Now); Email email = new Email(); email.sendAdjustmentEmailToSupervisor(clerkName, supervisorName); HttpContext.Current.Response.Redirect("SC_ViewAdjustmentVoucher.aspx"); } else { if (judge == 1) { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "myscript", "<script>win.alert('Notice', 'Input must be integer!');</script>"); } else { ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(ClientScript.GetType(), "myscript", "<script>win.alert('Notice', 'Input must be lower than qty on hand!');</script>"); } } } else { ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(), "alertMessage2", "alert('Nothing in cart')", true); return; } }
public WCFStoreStaff GetStoreStaffById(string storeStaffID) { StoreStaff s = sDAO.getStoreStaffInfoById(storeStaffID); return(new WCFStoreStaff(s.storeStaffID, s.storeStaffName, s.role,,, s.password)); }
public static int GenerateAdjustmentVoucherDetails(List <RetrievalDetail> suggested, List <RetrievalDetail> userinput, int clerkid) { using (Team10ADModel context = new Team10ADModel()) { //To be returned for redirecting to the correct adjustment detail int adjustmentVoucherId = 0; //Counter to check whether there is any item that need adjustment int needAdjustment = 0; //StockAdjustmentVoucher adjNew = new StockAdjustmentVoucher(); List <StockAdjustmentVoucherDetail> adjDetailList = new List <StockAdjustmentVoucherDetail>(); foreach (RetrievalDetail sDetail in suggested) { foreach (RetrievalDetail uDetail in userinput) { if (sDetail.ItemCode == uDetail.ItemCode) { //Check that there is a change in suggested quantity and that the balance is below the requested quantity //This is to give clerk the flexibility to still reduce the quantity and not trigger an adjustment if (sDetail.RetrievedQuantity < sDetail.RequestedQuantity && sDetail.RetrievedQuantity != uDetail.RetrievedQuantity) { needAdjustment++; if (needAdjustment == 1) { StockAdjustmentVoucher adj = new StockAdjustmentVoucher(); adj.StoreStaffID = clerkid; adj.DateIssue = DateTime.Now; adj.Status = "Pending"; context.StockAdjustmentVouchers.Add(adj); context.SaveChanges(); //adjNew = context.StockAdjustmentVouchers.OrderByDescending(x => x.VoucherID).First(); //adjustmentVoucherId = adjNew.VoucherID; adjustmentVoucherId = adj.VoucherID; } StockAdjustmentVoucherDetail adjDetail = new StockAdjustmentVoucherDetail(); adjDetail.VoucherID = adjustmentVoucherId; adjDetail.ItemCode = uDetail.ItemCode; adjDetail.QuantityAdjusted = -(uDetail.Catalogue.BalanceQuantity - uDetail.RetrievedQuantity); Catalogue item = context.Catalogues.Where(x => x.ItemCode == adjDetail.ItemCode).First(); item.BalanceQuantity -= (uDetail.Catalogue.BalanceQuantity - uDetail.RetrievedQuantity); adjDetail.QuantityAfter = item.BalanceQuantity; adjDetailList.Add(adjDetail); context.SaveChanges(); } } } } if (needAdjustment > 0) { foreach (StockAdjustmentVoucherDetail detail in adjDetailList) { context.StockAdjustmentVoucherDetails.Add(detail); context.SaveChanges(); } } StoreStaff supervisor = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.Title == "Supervisor").First(); StoreStaff manager = context.StoreStaffs.Where(x => x.Title == "Manager").First(); if (adjustmentVoucherId > 0 && AdjustmentVoucherCost(adjustmentVoucherId) <= 250) { LogicUtility.Instance.SendAdjustmentEmail(adjustmentVoucherId, supervisor.StoreStaffID); } else if (adjustmentVoucherId > 0 && AdjustmentVoucherCost(adjustmentVoucherId) > 250) { LogicUtility.Instance.SendAdjustmentEmail(adjustmentVoucherId, manager.StoreStaffID); } return(adjustmentVoucherId); } }
public ActionResult create_form() { StoreStaff user = new StoreStaff(); user = (StoreStaff)Session["StoreStaff"]; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { db.Adjustment.RemoveRange(db.Adjustment.Where(x => x.Status == "temp").ToList()); db.SaveChanges(); } int form_number = 1; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { if (db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().ToList().Count != 0) { form_number = db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentId); //Debug.WriteLine("***************** before" + form_number); form_number = form_number + 1; //Debug.WriteLine("***************** after" + form_number); } else { form_number = 1; } } //Debug.WriteLine("*****************" + form_number); using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { db.Adjustment.Add(new Adjustment { AdjustmentId = form_number, Remark = "--", AdjustedDate = DateTime.Now.Date, StaffId = user.StaffId, Status = "temp" }); db.SaveChanges(); } List <ProductViewModel> items; int num_new; using (LogicEntities db = new LogicEntities()) { //items = db.Product.Select(p => new Product //{ // ProductId = p.ProductId, // Category = p.Category, // Description = p.Description, // Qty = p.Qty //}).ToList(); //items = db.Product.ToList(); items = getProducts(db); num_new = db.Adjustment.AsEnumerable().Max(p => p.AdjustmentId); } ViewData["form_number"] = num_new; ViewData["items"] = items; ViewData["msg"] = num_new.ToString(); return(View()); }
public bool AddStoreStaff(StoreStaff storeStaff) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public bool UpdateStoreStaff(StoreStaff storeStaff) { return(dal.UpdateStoreStaff(storeStaff)); }