public virtual StoreDictionary Bake(string name, string group, bool owned, bool equipped) { StoreDictionary values = Bake(name); values.Add(groupColumn, group); if (owned) { values.Add(balanceColumn, ownedValue); if (equipped) { values.Add(equippedColumn, equippedValue); } } return(values); }
public override IEnumerable <StoreDictionary> Get(string collection, StoreList columns, StoreDictionary where, int limit) { List <StoreDictionary> records = new List <StoreDictionary>(); JSON names = GetRecords(collection); for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (limit == 0) { break; } string name = names[i].stringValue; if (IsRecordIncluded(collection, name, where)) { StoreDictionary record = new StoreDictionary(); foreach (string column in columns) { string value = Get("collections." + collection + "." + name + "." + column); record.Add(column, value); } records.Add(record); limit--; } } return(records); }
// Non-WDB data but nevertheless data that should be saved to gameobject_template public static string GameobjectTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<Guid, GameObject> gameobjects) { if (gameobjects.Count == 0) return String.Empty; var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var goT in gameobjects) { if (templates.ContainsKey(goT.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var go = goT.Value; var template = new GameObjectTemplateNonWDB { Size = go.Size.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f), Faction = go.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(0), Flags = go.Flags.GetValueOrDefault(GameObjectFlag.None) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 0; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Triggered; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Damaged; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Destroyed; templates.Add(goT.Key.GetEntry(), template, null); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.GameObject); }
public virtual StoreDictionary Bake(string name, string group, int level, bool owned, bool equipped) { StoreDictionary values = Bake(name, group, owned, equipped); values.Add(levelColumn, level + ""); return(values); }
public StoreDictionary Bake(string name, int balance) { StoreDictionary values = Bake(name); values.Add(balanceColumn, balance + ""); return(values); }
public bool Set(string name, string value) { if (Set(name, "value", value) == 0) { StoreDictionary values = Bake(name); values.Add("value", value); return(Add(values) == 1); } return(true); }
public static string CreatureEquip(Dictionary <Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_equip_template)) { return(string.Empty); } var equips = new StoreDictionary <ushort, CreatureEquipment>(); foreach (var unit in units) { var equip = new CreatureEquipment(); var npc = unit.Value; var entry = (ushort)unit.Key.GetEntry(); if (npc.Equipment == null || npc.Equipment.Length != 3) { continue; } if (npc.Equipment[0] == 0 && npc.Equipment[1] == 0 && npc.Equipment[2] == 0) { continue; } if (equips.ContainsKey(entry)) { var existingEquip = equips[entry].Item1; if (existingEquip.ItemEntry1 != npc.Equipment[0] || existingEquip.ItemEntry2 != npc.Equipment[1] || existingEquip.ItemEntry3 != npc.Equipment[2]) { equips.Remove(entry); // no conflicts } continue; } equip.ItemEntry1 = npc.Equipment[0]; equip.ItemEntry2 = npc.Equipment[1]; equip.ItemEntry3 = npc.Equipment[2]; equips.Add(entry, equip); } var entries = equips.Keys(); var equipsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict <ushort, CreatureEquipment>(entries); return(SQLUtil.CompareDicts(equips, equipsDb, StoreNameType.Unit)); }
public static string ModelData(Dictionary <Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_model_info)) { return(string.Empty); } // Build a dictionary with model data; model is the key var models = new StoreDictionary <uint, ModelData>(); foreach (var npc in units.Select(unit => unit.Value)) { uint modelId; if (npc.Model.HasValue) { modelId = npc.Model.Value; } else { continue; } // Do not add duplicate models if (models.ContainsKey(modelId)) { continue; } float scale = npc.Size.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f); var model = new ModelData { BoundingRadius = npc.BoundingRadius.GetValueOrDefault(0.306f) / scale, CombatReach = npc.CombatReach.GetValueOrDefault(1.5f) / scale, Gender = npc.Gender.GetValueOrDefault(Gender.Male) }; models.Add(modelId, model, null); } var entries = models.Keys(); var modelsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict <uint, ModelData>(entries, "modelid"); return(SQLUtil.CompareDicts(models, modelsDb, StoreNameType.None, "modelid")); }
// Non-WDB data but nevertheless data that should be saved to gameobject_template public static string GameobjectTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary <Guid, GameObject> gameobjects) { if (gameobjects.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.gameobject_template)) { return(string.Empty); } var templates = new StoreDictionary <uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var goT in gameobjects) { if (templates.ContainsKey(goT.Key.GetEntry())) { continue; } var go = goT.Value; var template = new GameObjectTemplateNonWDB { Size = go.Size.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f), Faction = go.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(0), Flags = go.Flags.GetValueOrDefault(GameObjectFlag.None) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions { template.Faction = 0; } template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Triggered; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Damaged; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Destroyed; templates.Add(goT.Key.GetEntry(), template, null); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict <uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return(SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.GameObject)); }
// Non-WDB data but nevertheless data that should be saved to creature_template public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary <Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) { return(string.Empty); } var levels = GetLevels(units); var templates = new StoreDictionary <uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) { continue; } var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), Faction2 = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint)npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint)npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint)npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint)npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint)npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions { template.Faction = 35; } template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template, null); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict <uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return(SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit)); }
public void GetPGPages(Boolean live) { int debugged = 0; StreamWriter swr; if (settings.countries.Contains("All")) { swr = new StreamWriter(debugpgfilename); } else { swr = new StreamWriter(debugpgfilename, true); } string[] tempbl; if (settings.blacklist != "") { tempbl = settings.blacklist.Split(new char[] { ',', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); foreach (string blentry in tempbl) { if (!blacklistdic.ContainsKey(blentry)) { blacklistdic.Add(blentry, true); } } } SetProgressBar(calcitems.Count); storesWithItemsList.Clear(); // Added by CAC, 6/24/15 foreach (Item item in calcitems) { if (!calcWorker.CancellationPending) { string page; if (!db_blitems[].pgpage.ContainsKey(item.colour)) { item.availqty = 0; item.availstores = 0; AddStatus("Getting Price Guide information for " + db_colours[item.colour].name + " " + db_blitems[].name + Environment.NewLine); swr.Write(DateTime.Now + "downloading" + item.type + "=" + item.number + "&colorID=" + item.colour + Environment.NewLine); if (live) { page = GetPage("" + item.type + "=" + item.number + "&colorID=" + item.colour, settings.login); // Uncomment these three lines to save prices guide information so that it is used instead of live data. // Comment them when done. //if (!Directory.Exists("PGCache")) { Directory.CreateDirectory("PGCache"); } //System.IO.StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter("PGCache\\" + item.type + "_" + item.number + "_" + item.colour + ".txt"); //file.Write(page); } else { try { StreamReader pageReader = new StreamReader("PGCache\\" + item.type + "_" + item.number + "_" + item.colour + ".txt"); page = pageReader.ReadToEnd(); } catch (Exception e) { page = ""; } } if (debugged == 0) { swr.Write(page); debugged = 1; } if (page == null || page == "##PageFail##") { AddStatus("Error downloading price guide" + Environment.NewLine); calcfail = true; swr.Close(); break; } db_blitems[].pgpage.Add(item.colour, page); } else { AddStatus("Using cached Price Guide information for " + db_colours[item.colour].name + " " + db_blitems[].name + Environment.NewLine); page = db_blitems[].pgpage[item.colour]; } List <string> chunks = page.Split(new string[] { "<B>Currently Available</B>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); List <string> rawpgitems; if (chunks.Count > 1) { rawpgitems = chunks[1].Split(new string[] { "</TD></TR>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); } else { AddStatus("Error downloading price guide (got page, but there was nothing on it)" + Environment.NewLine); calcfail = true; swr.Close(); break; } rawpgitems.Add("#usedstart#"); if (chunks.Count() > 2) { rawpgitems.AddRange(chunks[2].Split(new string[] { "</TD></TR>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList()); } int usedmarker = 0; foreach (string raw in rawpgitems) { if (raw == "#usedstart#") { usedmarker = 1; continue; } if ((item.condition == "N") && (usedmarker == 1)) { break; } if (raw.Contains("nbsp;(S)</")) { AddStatus("skip "); continue; } Match linematch = Regex.Match(raw, ".*<TR ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"RIGHT" + "\"" + @"><TD NOWRAP>.*?<A HREF=" + "\"" + @"/store.asp\?sID=(\d*?)&.*?<IMG SRC=" + "\"" + @"/images/box16(.).png" + "\"" + @".*?TITLE=" + "\"" + @"Store: (.*?)" + "\"" + @" ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"ABSMIDDLE" + "\"" + @">.*?</TD><TD>(\d*)</TD><TD.*? \D*([\d,]*)\.(\d+)$"); if (linematch.Success) { string id = linematch.Groups[1].ToString(); if (blacklistdic.ContainsKey(id)) { continue; } string ship = linematch.Groups[2].ToString(); string storename = linematch.Groups[3].ToString(); int qty = System.Convert.ToInt32(linematch.Groups[4].ToString()); string price1 = linematch.Groups[5].ToString().Replace(",", ""); decimal price = ConvertToDecimal(price1 + "." + linematch.Groups[6].ToString()); if (ship == "Y") { if (((StoreDictionary.ContainsKey(storename)) || (settings.countries.Contains("All"))) && (true)) // blacklist { item.availqty = item.availqty + qty; if (!storeid.ContainsKey(storename)) { storeid.Add(storename, id); } if (!StoreDictionary.ContainsKey(storename)) { StoreDictionary.Add(storename, new Dictionary <string, StoreItem>()); } if (!StoreDictionary[storename].ContainsKey(item.extid)) { StoreDictionary[storename].Add(item.extid, new StoreItem()); } if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty == 0) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty = qty; StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price = price; item.availstores++; } else if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty > 0) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty = StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty + qty; item.availqty = item.availqty + qty; if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price < price) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price = price; } } storesWithItemsList.Add(storename); // Added by CAC, 6/24/15 } } } else { if (Regex.Match(raw, "<TR ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"RIGHT" + "\"" + @"><TD NOWRAP>").Success) { AddStatus("No Match: " + raw + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); } } } if (item.availqty < item.qty) { AddStatus("Error: " + db_colours[item.colour].name + " " + db_blitems[].name + ":Either this is not available from any stores you've selected or you need to log in." + Environment.NewLine); calcfail = true; ResetProgressBar(); swr.Close(); break; } else { AddStatus("Available from " + item.availstores + " stores" + Environment.NewLine); //Progress(); } } } swr.Close(); }
public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary <WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) { return(string.Empty); } if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) { return(string.Empty); } var levels = GetLevels(units); var templates = new StoreDictionary <uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) { continue; } var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint)npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint)npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint)npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint)npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint)npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions { template.Faction = 35; } template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByAllThreatList; // has trainer flag but doesn't have prof nor class trainer flag if ((template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.Trainer) != 0 && ((template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer) == 0 || (template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.ClassTrainer) == 0)) { var name = StoreGetters.GetName(StoreNameType.Unit, (int)unit.Key.GetEntry(), false); var firstIndex = name.LastIndexOf('<'); var lastIndex = name.LastIndexOf('>'); if (firstIndex != -1 && lastIndex != -1) { var subname = name.Substring(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex - firstIndex - 1); if (_professionTrainers.Contains(subname)) { template.NpcFlag |= (uint)NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer; } else if (_classTrainers.Contains(subname)) { template.NpcFlag |= (uint)NPCFlags.ClassTrainer; } } } templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict <uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return(SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit)); }
public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WarlordsOfDraenor)) return string.Empty; if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) return string.Empty; var levels = GetLevels(units); var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = (int) levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = (int) levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint) npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint) npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint) npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint) npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint) npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 35; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByAllThreatList; // has trainer flag but doesn't have prof nor class trainer flag if ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.Trainer) != 0 && ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer) == 0 || (template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ClassTrainer) == 0)) { UnitTemplate unitData; var subname = GetSubName((int)unit.Key.GetEntry(), false); // Fall back if (Storage.UnitTemplates.TryGetValue(unit.Key.GetEntry(), out unitData)) { if (unitData.SubName.Length > 0) template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(unitData.SubName); else // If the SubName doesn't exist or is cached, fall back to DB method template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(subname); } else // In case we have NonWDB data which doesn't have an entry in UnitTemplates template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(subname); } templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit); }
public static string ModelData(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_model_info)) return string.Empty; // Build a dictionary with model data; model is the key var models = new StoreDictionary<uint, ModelData>(); foreach (var npc in units.Select(unit => unit.Value)) { if (Settings.AreaFilters.Length > 0) if (!(npc.Area.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.AreaFilters))) continue; if (Settings.MapFilters.Length > 0) if (!(npc.Map.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.MapFilters))) continue; uint modelId; if (npc.Model.HasValue) modelId = npc.Model.Value; else continue; // Do not add duplicate models if (models.ContainsKey(modelId)) continue; float scale = npc.Size.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f); var model = new ModelData { BoundingRadius = npc.BoundingRadius.GetValueOrDefault(0.306f) / scale, CombatReach = npc.CombatReach.GetValueOrDefault(1.5f) / scale, Gender = npc.Gender.GetValueOrDefault(Gender.Male) }; models.Add(modelId, model); } var entries = models.Keys(); var modelsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, ModelData>(entries, "DisplayID"); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(models, modelsDb, StoreNameType.None, "DisplayID"); }
public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { /* if (ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WarlordsOfDraenor)) return string.Empty;*/ if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; /*if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) return string.Empty;*/ var levels = GetLevels(units); var result = string.Empty; const string tableName = "creature_template"; var rowsIns = new List<QueryBuilder.SQLUpdateRow>(); uint count = 0; var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var row = new QueryBuilder.SQLUpdateRow(); var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { //GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = (int) levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = (int) levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint) npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed /*BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint) npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint) npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint) npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint) npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f)*/ }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 35; /* template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; if (!ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WarlordsOfDraenor)) { template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByAllThreatList; } else { template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.TappedByAllThreatList; }*/ // has trainer flag but doesn't have prof nor class trainer flag if ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.Trainer) != 0 && ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer) == 0 || (template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ClassTrainer) == 0)) { UnitTemplate unitData; var subname = GetSubName((int)unit.Key.GetEntry(), false); // Fall back if (Storage.UnitTemplates.TryGetValue(unit.Key.GetEntry(), out unitData)) { if (unitData.SubName.Length > 0) template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(unitData.SubName); else // If the SubName doesn't exist or is cached, fall back to DB method template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(subname); } else // In case we have NonWDB data which doesn't have an entry in UnitTemplates template.NpcFlag |= ProcessNpcFlags(subname); } row.AddValue("minlevel", template.MinLevel); row.AddValue("maxlevel", template.MaxLevel); row.AddValue("faction", template.Faction); row.AddValue("npcflag", template.NpcFlag); row.AddValue("speed_walk", template.SpeedWalk); row.AddValue("speed_run", template.SpeedRun); row.AddWhere("entry", unit.Key.GetEntry()); row.Table = tableName; rowsIns.Add(row); count++; templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template); } //result += new QueryBuilder.SQLDelete(Tuple.Create("@ID+0", "@ID+" + (count - 1)), "entry", tableName).Build(); result += new QueryBuilder.SQLUpdate(rowsIns).Build(); return result; /*var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit);*/ }
public static string CreatureDifficultyMisc(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (!ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WarlordsOfDraenor)) return string.Empty; if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) return string.Empty; var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, CreatureDifficultyMisc>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (SQLDatabase.CreatureDifficultyStores != null) { foreach (var creatureDiff in SQLDatabase.CreatureDifficultyStores) { if (!Utilities.EqualValues(unit.Key.GetEntry(), creatureDiff.Value.CreatureID)) continue; if (templates.ContainsKey(creatureDiff.Key)) continue; var npc = unit.Value; var template = new CreatureDifficultyMisc { CreatureId = unit.Key.GetEntry(), GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, NpcFlag = (uint)npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint)npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint)npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint)npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint)npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; if (!ClientVersion.AddedInVersion(ClientType.WarlordsOfDraenor)) { template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByAllThreatList; } else { template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlagsWOD.TappedByAllThreatList; } // has trainer flag but doesn't have prof nor class trainer flag if ((template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.Trainer) != 0 && ((template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer) == 0 || (template.NpcFlag & (uint)NPCFlags.ClassTrainer) == 0)) { var name = StoreGetters.GetName(StoreNameType.Unit, (int)unit.Key.GetEntry(), false); var firstIndex = name.LastIndexOf('<'); var lastIndex = name.LastIndexOf('>'); if (firstIndex != -1 && lastIndex != -1) { var subname = name.Substring(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex - firstIndex - 1); if (_professionTrainers.Contains(subname)) template.NpcFlag |= (uint)NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer; else if (_classTrainers.Contains(subname)) template.NpcFlag |= (uint)NPCFlags.ClassTrainer; } } templates.Add(creatureDiff.Key, template); } } } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, CreatureDifficultyMisc>(templates.Keys(), "Id"); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit, "Id"); }
public static string CreatureEquip(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_equip_template)) return string.Empty; var rows = new List<QueryBuilder.SQLInsertRow>(); var equips = new StoreDictionary<uint, CreatureEquipment>(); foreach (var unit in units) { var equip = new CreatureEquipment(); var npc = unit.Value; var CreatureID = unit.Key.GetEntry(); var row = new QueryBuilder.SQLInsertRow(); if (Settings.AreaFilters.Length > 0) if (!(npc.Area.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.AreaFilters))) continue; if (Settings.MapFilters.Length > 0) if (!(npc.Map.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.MapFilters))) continue; if (npc.Equipment == null || npc.Equipment.Length != 3) continue; if (npc.Equipment[0] == 0 && npc.Equipment[1] == 0 && npc.Equipment[2] == 0) continue; if (equips.ContainsKey(CreatureID)) { var existingEquip = equips[CreatureID].Item1; if (existingEquip.ItemEntry1 != npc.Equipment[0] || existingEquip.ItemEntry2 != npc.Equipment[1] || existingEquip.ItemEntry3 != npc.Equipment[2]) equips.Remove(CreatureID); // no conflicts continue; } /*equip.ID = 1; equip.ItemEntry1 = npc.Equipment[0]; equip.ItemEntry2 = npc.Equipment[1]; equip.ItemEntry3 = npc.Equipment[2];*/ row.AddValue("CreatureID", CreatureID); row.AddValue("ID", 1); row.AddValue("ItemID1", npc.Equipment[0]); row.AddValue("ItemID2", npc.Equipment[1]); row.AddValue("ItemID3", npc.Equipment[2]); equips.Add(CreatureID, equip); rows.Add(row); } var entries = equips.Keys(); //var equipsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, CreatureEquipment>(entries); //return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(equips, equipsDb, StoreNameType.Unit); return new QueryBuilder.SQLInsert("creature_equip_template", rows, withDelete: true).Build(); }
// Non-WDB data but nevertheless data that should be saved to creature_template public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) return string.Empty; var levels = GetLevels(units); var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), Faction2 = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint) npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint) npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint) npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint) npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint) npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 35; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template, null); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit); }
public static string CreatureEquip(Dictionary<Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_equip_template)) return string.Empty; var equips = new StoreDictionary<ushort, CreatureEquipment>(); foreach (var unit in units) { var equip = new CreatureEquipment(); var npc = unit.Value; var entry = (ushort)unit.Key.GetEntry(); if (npc.Equipment == null || npc.Equipment.Length != 3) continue; if (npc.Equipment[0] == 0 && npc.Equipment[1] == 0 && npc.Equipment[2] == 0) continue; if (equips.ContainsKey(entry)) { var existingEquip = equips[entry].Item1; if (existingEquip.ItemEntry1 != npc.Equipment[0] || existingEquip.ItemEntry2 != npc.Equipment[1] || existingEquip.ItemEntry3 != npc.Equipment[2]) equips.Remove(entry); // no conflicts continue; } equip.ItemEntry1 = npc.Equipment[0]; equip.ItemEntry2 = npc.Equipment[1]; equip.ItemEntry3 = npc.Equipment[2]; equips.Add(entry, equip); } var entries = equips.Keys(); var equipsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<ushort, CreatureEquipment>(entries); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(equips, equipsDb, StoreNameType.Unit); }
public static string ModelData(Dictionary<Guid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_model_info)) return string.Empty; // Build a dictionary with model data; model is the key var models = new StoreDictionary<uint, ModelData>(); foreach (var npc in units.Select(unit => unit.Value)) { uint modelId; if (npc.Model.HasValue) modelId = npc.Model.Value; else continue; // Do not add duplicate models if (models.ContainsKey(modelId)) continue; var model = new ModelData { BoundingRadius = npc.BoundingRadius.GetValueOrDefault(0.306f), CombatReach = npc.CombatReach.GetValueOrDefault(1.5f), Gender = npc.Gender.GetValueOrDefault(Gender.Male) }; models.Add(modelId, model, null); } var entries = models.Keys(); var modelsDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, ModelData>(entries, "modelid"); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(models, modelsDb, StoreNameType.None, "modelid"); }
public static string GameobjectTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<WowGuid, GameObject> gameobjects) { if (gameobjects.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.gameobject_template)) return string.Empty; var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var goT in gameobjects) { if (templates.ContainsKey(goT.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var go = goT.Value; if (Settings.AreaFilters.Length > 0) if (!(go.Area.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.AreaFilters))) continue; if (Settings.MapFilters.Length > 0) if (!(go.Map.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).MatchesFilters(Settings.MapFilters))) continue; var template = new GameObjectTemplateNonWDB { Size = go.Size.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f), Faction = go.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(0), Flags = go.Flags.GetValueOrDefault(GameObjectFlag.None) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 0; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Triggered; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Damaged; template.Flags &= ~GameObjectFlag.Destroyed; templates.Add(goT.Key.GetEntry(), template); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, GameObjectTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.GameObject); }
private void GetValidStores() { if (settings.countries.Contains("All")) { return; } StreamWriter swr = new StreamWriter(debugpgfilename); bool pagefail = false; foreach (string country in settings.countries) { if (!calcWorker.CancellationPending) { string page; int tmpstores = 0; if ((country == "North America") || (country == "Europe") || (country == "Asia")) { continue; } if (!db_countrystores.ContainsKey(country)) { swr.Write(DateTime.Now + "downloading" + db_countries[country] + Environment.NewLine); page = GetPage("" + db_countries[country]); db_countrystores.Add(country, page); if (page == "##PageFail##") { pagefail = true; swr.Close(); break; } } else { swr.Write(DateTime.Now + "Using cached copy of" + db_countries[country] + Environment.NewLine); page = db_countrystores[country]; } List <string> chunks = page.Split(new string[] { "Open Stores" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); List <string> rawstores = new List <string>(); try { rawstores = chunks[1].Split(new string[] { "<BR>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); } catch { rawstores.Add(page); } foreach (string rawstore in rawstores) { Match storenamecheck = Regex.Match(rawstore, @"<A HREF='store.asp\?p=(.*?)'>(.*?)</A>", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (storenamecheck.Success) { //validstores.Add(storenamecheck.Groups[2].ToString()); string storename = storenamecheck.Groups[2].ToString(); StoreDictionary.Add(storename, new Dictionary <string, StoreItem>()); tmpstores++; } } AddStatus(tmpstores + " stores found in " + country + Environment.NewLine); } } swr.Close(); if (pagefail == true) { return; } AddStatus(Environment.NewLine); }
public static string NpcTemplateNonWDB(Dictionary<WowGuid, Unit> units) { if (units.Count == 0) return string.Empty; if (!Settings.SQLOutputFlag.HasAnyFlagBit(SQLOutput.creature_template)) return string.Empty; var levels = GetLevels(units); var templates = new StoreDictionary<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(); foreach (var unit in units) { if (templates.ContainsKey(unit.Key.GetEntry())) continue; var npc = unit.Value; var template = new UnitTemplateNonWDB { GossipMenuId = npc.GossipId, MinLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item1, MaxLevel = levels[unit.Key.GetEntry()].Item2, Faction = npc.Faction.GetValueOrDefault(35), NpcFlag = (uint) npc.NpcFlags.GetValueOrDefault(NPCFlags.None), SpeedRun = npc.Movement.RunSpeed, SpeedWalk = npc.Movement.WalkSpeed, BaseAttackTime = npc.MeleeTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), RangedAttackTime = npc.RangedTime.GetValueOrDefault(2000), UnitClass = (uint) npc.Class.GetValueOrDefault(Class.Warrior), UnitFlag = (uint) npc.UnitFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags.None), UnitFlag2 = (uint) npc.UnitFlags2.GetValueOrDefault(UnitFlags2.None), DynamicFlag = (uint) npc.DynamicFlags.GetValueOrDefault(UnitDynamicFlags.None), VehicleId = npc.Movement.VehicleId, HoverHeight = npc.HoverHeight.GetValueOrDefault(1.0f) }; if (template.Faction == 1 || template.Faction == 2 || template.Faction == 3 || template.Faction == 4 || template.Faction == 5 || template.Faction == 6 || template.Faction == 115 || template.Faction == 116 || template.Faction == 1610 || template.Faction == 1629 || template.Faction == 2203 || template.Faction == 2204) // player factions template.Faction = 35; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.IsInCombat; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PetIsAttackingTarget; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PlayerControlled; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.Silenced; template.UnitFlag &= ~(uint)UnitFlags.PossessedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Lootable; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.Tapped; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByPlayer; template.DynamicFlag &= ~(uint)UnitDynamicFlags.TappedByAllThreatList; // has trainer flag but doesn't have prof nor class trainer flag if ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.Trainer) != 0 && ((template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer) == 0 || (template.NpcFlag & (uint) NPCFlags.ClassTrainer) == 0)) { var name = StoreGetters.GetName(StoreNameType.Unit, (int) unit.Key.GetEntry(), false); var firstIndex = name.LastIndexOf('<'); var lastIndex = name.LastIndexOf('>'); if (firstIndex != -1 && lastIndex != -1) { var subname = name.Substring(firstIndex + 1, lastIndex - firstIndex - 1); if (_professionTrainers.Contains(subname)) template.NpcFlag |= (uint) NPCFlags.ProfessionTrainer; else if (_classTrainers.Contains(subname)) template.NpcFlag |= (uint) NPCFlags.ClassTrainer; } } templates.Add(unit.Key.GetEntry(), template); } var templatesDb = SQLDatabase.GetDict<uint, UnitTemplateNonWDB>(templates.Keys()); return SQLUtil.CompareDicts(templates, templatesDb, StoreNameType.Unit); }
public bool ParsePage(string page, Item item, string colour) { if (page == null) { return(false); } List <string> chunks = page.Split(new string[] { "<B>Currently Available</B>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); List <string> rawpgitems; if (chunks.Count > 1) { rawpgitems = chunks[1].Split(new string[] { "</TD></TR>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList(); } else { AddStatus("Error downloading price guide (got page, but there was nothing on it)" + Environment.NewLine); return(false); } rawpgitems.Add("#usedstart#"); if (chunks.Count() > 2) { rawpgitems.AddRange(chunks[2].Split(new string[] { "</TD></TR>" }, StringSplitOptions.None).ToList()); } int usedmarker = 0; foreach (string raw in rawpgitems) { if (raw == "#usedstart#") { usedmarker = 1; continue; } if ((item.condition == "N") && (usedmarker == 1)) { break; } if (raw.Contains("nbsp;(S)</")) { AddStatus("skip "); continue; } // what is this madness? var pattern = ".*<TR ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"RIGHT" + "\"" + @"><TD NOWRAP>.*?<A HREF=" + "\"" + @"/store.asp\?sID=(\d*?)&.*?<IMG SRC=" + "\"" + @"/images/box16(.).png" + "\"" + @".*?TITLE=" + "\"" + @"Store: (.*?)" + "\"" + @" ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"ABSMIDDLE" + "\"" + @">.*?</TD><TD>(\d*)</TD><TD.*? \D*([\d,]*)\.(\d+)$"; Match linematch = Regex.Match(raw, pattern); if (linematch.Success) { string id = linematch.Groups[1].ToString(); if (blacklistdic.ContainsKey(id)) { continue; } string ship = linematch.Groups[2].ToString(); string storename = linematch.Groups[3].ToString(); int qty = System.Convert.ToInt32(linematch.Groups[4].ToString()); string price1 = linematch.Groups[5].ToString().Replace(",", ""); decimal price = ConvertToDecimal(price1 + "." + linematch.Groups[6].ToString()); if (ship == "Y") { if (((StoreDictionary.ContainsKey(storename)) || (settings.countries.Contains("All"))) && (true)) // blacklist { item.availqty += qty; if (!storeid.ContainsKey(storename)) { storeid.Add(storename, id); } if (!StoreDictionary.ContainsKey(storename)) { StoreDictionary.Add(storename, new Dictionary <string, StoreItem>()); } if (!StoreDictionary[storename].ContainsKey(item.extid)) { item.availstores++; StoreDictionary[storename].Add(item.extid, new StoreItem()); } if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty == 0) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty = qty; StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price = price; StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].colour = colour; } else if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty > 0) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty = StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].qty + qty; item.availqty = item.availqty + qty; if (StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price > price) { StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].price = price; StoreDictionary[storename][item.extid].colour = colour; } } storesWithItemsList.Add(storename); // Added by CAC, 2015-06-24 } } } else { if (Regex.Match(raw, "<TR ALIGN=" + "\"" + @"RIGHT" + "\"" + @"><TD NOWRAP>").Success) { AddStatus("No Match: " + raw + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine); } } } return(true); }