// You may also change texts, positions and more by editing directly the method
        // generatePrinterFriendlyVersion() below.
        // ####################################################################################################

        // GET: PrinterFriendlyPadesRestPki?userfile={id}
        public ActionResult Index(string userfile)
            // Locate document and read content from storage. Our action only works if the a valid fileId is
            // given.
            byte[] fileContent;
            try {
                fileContent = StorageMock.Read(userfile);
            } catch (FileNotFoundException) {

            // Check if doc already has a verification code registered on storage.
            var verificationCode = StorageMock.GetVerificationCode(userfile);

            if (verificationCode == null)
                // If not, generate a code an register it.
                verificationCode = Util.GenerateVerificationCode();
                StorageMock.SetVerificationCode(userfile, verificationCode);

            // Generate the printer-friendly version.
            var pfvContent = generatePrinterFriendlyVersion(fileContent, verificationCode);

            // Return printer-friendly version as a downloadable file.
            return(File(pfvContent, "application/pdf", "printer-friendly.pdf"));