public static void ProcessTrackButtonClick( StorageInterface storage, EventsConnectionManager eventConnectionManager, GpsLocationManager locationManager, PathView pathView) { eventConnectionManager.ConnectForTracking(); locationManager.Start(); }
public async Task PickDeployFolder() { string folderPath = await StorageInterface.PickDeployFolder(); if (folderPath != String.Empty) { DeployFolderPath = folderPath; } }
public ClienteModule() : base("/cliente") { myStorage = ListClienteStorage.getInstance(); Get("/all", parameters => getAllClientes()); Post("/insert", parameters => insertCliente()); Put("/{id:int}", parameters => editCliente(; Delete("/{id:int}", parameters => deleteCliente(; Get("/{id:int}", parameters => getClienteById(; }
public async Task LoadDeployFolder() { StorageFolder folder = await StorageInterface.GetDeployFolder(); if (folder != null) { DeployFolderPath = folder.Path; } else { DeployFolderPath = Res.GetString("ST_CurrentFolderPath"); } }
void Awake() { _bg = background.GetComponent <Image>(); _text = textBox.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Text>(); _textBoxRect = textBox.GetComponent <RectTransform>(); _prevButton = prevButton.GetComponent <Button>(); _nextButton = nextButton.GetComponent <Button>(); _menuButton = menuButton.GetComponent <Button>(); _textBoxButton = textBoxButton.GetComponent <Button>(); _songCanvas = songCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>(); _overlayCanvas = overlayCanvas.GetComponent <Canvas>(); _playButton = playButton.GetComponent <Button>(); storage = storageScript.GetComponent <StorageInterface>(); }
private static PathInformation GetPathData(StorageInterface storage) { var locations = storage.GetAllGpsLocations(); var pathPoints = GpsUtils.GetPathPointsFromLocations(locations, 3000 /*ms*/); var initialCount = PointUtils.GetPointsCount(pathPoints); PointUtils.RemoveShortPaths(pathPoints, 1000 /*m*/); var afterFirstRemovalOfShortPaths = PointUtils.GetPointsCount(pathPoints); PointUtils.EnrichWithIntemediatePoints(pathPoints, 2 /*m*/); var enrichedCount = PointUtils.GetPointsCount(pathPoints); return(pathPoints); }
public static void ProcessDrawButtonClick(StorageInterface storage, PathView pathView) { var pathPoints = GetPathData(storage); var xyMinMax = PointUtils.GetXYMinMax(pathPoints); pathView.XMin = xyMinMax.Item1; pathView.YMin = xyMinMax.Item2; pathView.XMax = xyMinMax.Item3; pathView.YMax = xyMinMax.Item4; var gpsCoordinates = PointUtils.PathDataToGpsCoordinates(pathPoints); pathView.SetPoints(gpsCoordinates); pathView.Invalidate(); }
public static void FinalizeApplication() { mGlobalStringMap = null; mNativeClassNames?.Clear(); mNativeClassNames = null; mConsoleOutput = null; mMessageMapper = null; mStorage = null; mArrayClass = null; mDictionaryClass = null; mVAPool = null; NULL_ARG = null; ArrayObject.FinalizeApplication(); TjsByteCodeLoader.FinalizeApplication(); CustomObject.FinalizeApplication(); DictionaryObject.FinalizeApplication(); MathClass.FinalizeApplication(); Variant.FinalizeApplication(); LexicalAnalyzer.FinalizeApplication(); }
public Service(StorageInterface storedResults, List <SearchEngineInterface> searchEngines) { this.searchEngines = searchEngines; this.storedResults = storedResults; }
public void OnStorageAWSClick(View v) { m_storage?.Close(); m_storage = new StorageAWS(); }
public void OnStorageDBClick(View v) { m_storage?.Close(); m_storage = new StorageLocalDB(); }
/// <summary> /// Opens file picker and populates files list /// </summary> public async Task OpenDeployFiles() { // check if user has a worker folder if (StorageInterface.IsDeployFolderAvailable) { // get worker folder StorageFolder folder = await StorageInterface.GetDeployFolder(); // get files from worker folder IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await StorageInterface.GetDeployFiles(); // handle each file if (files?.Count > 0) { // new list FilesList = new ObservableCollection <DeployFile>(); // get each file and add it to collection foreach (StorageFile file in files) { // check for allowed extensions if (Path.GetExtension(file.Path).ToLower() == ".sig") { // this type of file will be use latter, not now continue; } else if (Path.GetExtension(file.Path).ToLower() != ".nmf" && Path.GetExtension(file.Path).ToLower() != ".hex") { // file as different or no extension // allowed files without extension are ER_FLASH, ER_RAM, ER_CONFIG, ER_DAT, ER_ResetVector if (file.DisplayName != "ER_FLASH" && file.DisplayName != "ER_RAM" && file.DisplayName != "ER_CONFIG" && file.DisplayName != "ER_DAT" && file.DisplayName != "ER_ResetVector") { // file not allowed continue; } } // add new files FilesList.Add(new DeployFile(file)); } // any file if (FilesList.Count == 0) { var dummy = await DialogSrv.ShowMessageAsync(Res.GetString("DP_NoValidFiles")); return; } FilesListLoaded?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } else { var dummy = await DialogSrv.ShowMessageAsync(Res.GetString("DP_NoFiles")); } } else { // user haven't pick a folder yet, notify him List <Tuple <string, Action> > buttons = new List <Tuple <string, Action> > { new Tuple <string, Action>(Res.GetString("DP_GoToSettings"), () => NavigationService.Navigate(Pages.SettingsPage, 0)), new Tuple <string, Action>(Res.GetString("DP_Close"), null) }; await DialogSrv.ShowMessageWithActionsAsync(Res.GetString("DP_NoWorkerFolder"), "", buttons, 0, 1); } }
public static void FinalizeApplication() { mGlobalStringMap = null; if (mNativeClassNames != null) { mNativeClassNames.Clear(); } mNativeClassNames = null; mConsoleOutput = null; mMessageMapper = null; mStorage = null; mArrayClass = null; mDictionayClass = null; mVAPool = null; NULL_ARG = null; ArrayObject.FinalizeApplication(); ByteCodeLoader.FinalizeApplication(); CustomObject.FinalizeApplication(); DictionaryObject.FinalizeApplication(); MathClass.FinalizeApplication(); Variant.FinalizeApplication(); LexicalAnalyzer.FinalizeApplication(); }