private void DataGrid1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { DataGridItem item = this.DataGrid1.SelectedItem; if (this.txtCheckCount.Text.Trim() == "" || !this.JudgeIsNum(this.txtCheckCount.Text.Trim())) { this.Popup("盘点存量不能为空且必须是数字!"); return; } StorageCheckLog scl = new StorageCheckLog(); scl.cnvcDeptID = this.ddlDept.SelectedValue; scl.cnvcWhCode = this.ddlWhouse.SelectedValue; scl.cnvcInvCode = item.Cells[0].Text.Trim(); scl.cnnSysCount = Math.Round(decimal.Parse(item.Cells[5].Text.Trim()), 2); scl.cnnCheckCount = Math.Round(decimal.Parse(this.txtCheckCount.Text.Trim()), 2); scl.cnvcUnitCode = item.Cells[2].Text.Trim(); scl.cnvcOperName = this.oper.strOperName; scl.cnvcFlag = "0"; string strMdate = ""; string strExpdate = ""; if (item.Cells[6].Text.Trim() != "") { scl.cndMdate = DateTime.Parse(item.Cells[6].Text.Trim()); strMdate = scl.cndMdate.Year.ToString(); if (scl.cndMdate.Month < 10) { strMdate += "0" + scl.cndMdate.Month.ToString(); } else { strMdate += scl.cndMdate.Month.ToString(); } if (scl.cndMdate.Day < 10) { strMdate += "0" + scl.cndMdate.Day.ToString(); } else { strMdate += scl.cndMdate.Day.ToString(); } } if (item.Cells[7].Text.Trim() != "") { scl.cndExpDate = DateTime.Parse(item.Cells[7].Text.Trim()); strExpdate = scl.cndExpDate.Year.ToString(); if (scl.cndExpDate.Month < 10) { strExpdate += "0" + scl.cndExpDate.Month.ToString(); } else { strExpdate += scl.cndExpDate.Month.ToString(); } if (scl.cndExpDate.Day < 10) { strExpdate += "0" + scl.cndExpDate.Day.ToString(); } else { strExpdate += scl.cndExpDate.Day.ToString(); } } string strcheckno = ""; string strisexist = ""; if (strMdate == "" && strExpdate == "") { strisexist = Helper.Query("select count(*) from tbStorageCheckLog where cnvcWhCode='" + scl.cnvcWhCode + "' and cnvcInvCode='" + scl.cnvcInvCode + "' and cnvcFlag='0' and cnvcCheckNo like convert(char(8),getdate(),112)+'%'").Rows[0][0].ToString(); } else { strisexist = Helper.Query("select count(*) from tbStorageCheckLog where cnvcWhCode='" + scl.cnvcWhCode + "' and cnvcInvCode='" + scl.cnvcInvCode + "' and cnvcFlag='0' and cnvcCheckNo like convert(char(8),getdate(),112)+'%' and convert(char(8),cndMdate,112)='" + strMdate + "' and convert(char(8),cndExpDate,112)='" + strExpdate + "'").Rows[0][0].ToString(); } if (strisexist != "0") { this.Popup("本仓库的" + item.Cells[1].Text.Trim() + "在今日内还有未确认的盘点记录,不可添加!"); return; } else { StorageFacade sto = new StorageFacade(); int ret = sto.AddStorageCheckLog(scl, this.txtCheckNo.Text.Trim(), out strcheckno); if (ret > 0) { this.Popup("添加盘点存货成功!"); this.ddlState.SelectedIndex = this.ddlState.Items.IndexOf(this.ddlState.Items.FindByValue("0")); DataTable dtcheckno = Helper.Query("select distinct cnvcCheckNo as cnvcCode,cnvcCheckNo as cnvcName from tbStorageCheckLog where cnvcWhCode='" + this.ddlWhouse.SelectedValue + "' and cnvcCheckNo like '" + this.txtCheckNo.Text.Trim() + "%'"); this.FillDropDownList(dtcheckno, this.ddlDayCheckNo); this.ddlDayCheckNo.SelectedIndex = this.ddlDayCheckNo.Items.IndexOf(this.ddlDayCheckNo.Items.FindByValue(strcheckno)); this.ddlDept.Enabled = false; this.ddlWhouse.Enabled = false; this.ddlDayCheckNo.Enabled = false; this.ddlState.Enabled = false; this.btnCheckOk.Enabled = true; } else { if (ret < 0) { this.Popup("该仓库在盘点序号“" + strcheckno + "”中已经有此存货的盘点记录,请重试!"); } else { this.Popup("添加盘点存货失败!"); } } this.DataGrid1.DataSource = null; this.DataGrid1.DataBind(); this.DBBind(); } }