private bool ValidatePagesHash(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, TransactionHeader *current) { // The location of the data is the base pointer, plus the space reserved for the transaction header if uncompressed. byte *dataPtr = _journalPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, _readingPage) + sizeof(TransactionHeader); if (current->CompressedSize < 0) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; // negative size is not supported options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, $"Compresses size {current->CompressedSize} is negative", null); return(false); } if (current->CompressedSize > (_journalPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages - _readingPage) * _journalPager.PageSize) { // we can't read past the end of the journal RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, $"Compresses size {current->CompressedSize} is too big for the journal size {_journalPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages * _journalPager.PageSize}", null); return(false); } ulong hash = Hashing.XXHash64.Calculate(dataPtr, (ulong)current->CompressedSize); if (hash != current->Hash) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid hash signature for transaction: " + current->ToString(), null); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ValidatePagesHash(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, TransactionHeader *current) { byte *dataPtr = (byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader); var size = current->CompressedSize != -1 ? current->CompressedSize : current->UncompressedSize; if (size < 0) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; // negative size is not supported options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, $"Compresses size {current->CompressedSize} is negative", null); return(false); } if (size > (_journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb - _readAt4Kb) * 4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte) { // we can't read past the end of the journal RequireHeaderUpdate = true; var compressLabel = (current->CompressedSize != -1) ? "Compressed" : "Uncompressed"; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, $"Size {size} ({compressLabel}) is too big for the journal size {_journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb * 4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte}", null); return(false); } ulong hash = Hashing.XXHash64.Calculate(dataPtr, (ulong)size, (ulong)current->TransactionId); if (hash != current->Hash) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid hash signature for transaction: " + current->ToString(), null); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool ReadOneTransaction(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, bool checkCrc = true) { if (_readingPage >= _pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages) { return(false); } TransactionHeader *current; if (!TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) { return(false); } var compressedPages = (current->CompressedSize / AbstractPager.PageSize) + (current->CompressedSize % AbstractPager.PageSize == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (current->TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId) { LastTransactionHeader = current; _readingPage += compressedPages; return(true); // skipping } if (checkCrc && !ValidatePagesCrc(options, compressedPages, current)) { return(false); } var totalPageCount = current->PageCount + current->OverflowPageCount; _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(null, _recoveryPage, totalPageCount + 1); var dataPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(_recoveryPage); NativeMethods.memset(dataPage, 0, totalPageCount * AbstractPager.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), current->CompressedSize, dataPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } var tempTransactionPageTranslaction = (*current).GetTransactionToPageTranslation(_recoveryPager, ref _recoveryPage); _readingPage += compressedPages; LastTransactionHeader = current; foreach (var pagePosition in tempTransactionPageTranslaction) { _transactionPageTranslation[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value; } return(true); }
private bool ValidatePagesCrc(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, int compressedPages, TransactionHeader *current) { uint crc = Crc.Value(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), 0, compressedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize); if (crc != current->Crc) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid CRC signature for transaction " + current->TransactionId, null); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool TryReadAndValidateHeader(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, out TransactionHeader *current) { current = (TransactionHeader *)_pager.Read(_readingPage).Base; if (current->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker) { // not a transaction page, // if the header marker is zero, we are probably in the area at the end of the log file, and have no additional log records // to read from it. This can happen if the next transaction was too big to fit in the current log file. We stop reading // this log file and move to the next one. RequireHeaderUpdate = current->HeaderMarker != 0; if (RequireHeaderUpdate) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " header marker was set to garbage value, file is probably corrupted", null); } return(false); } ValidateHeader(current, LastTransactionHeader); if (current->TxMarker.HasFlag(TransactionMarker.Commit) == false) { // uncommitted transaction, probably RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", null); return(false); } _readingPage++; return(true); }
private bool TryReadAndValidateHeader(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, out TransactionHeader *current) { current = (TransactionHeader *)_journalPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, _readingPage); if (current->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker) { // not a transaction page, // if the header marker is zero, we are probably in the area at the end of the log file, and have no additional log records // to read from it. This can happen if the next transaction was too big to fit in the current log file. We stop reading // this log file and move to the next one. RequireHeaderUpdate = current->HeaderMarker != 0; if (RequireHeaderUpdate) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " header marker was set to garbage value, file is probably corrupted", null); } return(false); } ValidateHeader(current, LastTransactionHeader); _journalPager.EnsureMapped(this, _readingPage, GetNumberOfPagesFromSize(options, sizeof(TransactionHeader) + current->CompressedSize)); current = (TransactionHeader *)_journalPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, _readingPage); if ((current->TxMarker & TransactionMarker.Commit) != TransactionMarker.Commit) { // uncommitted transaction, probably RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", null); return(false); } return(true); }
private unsafe bool TryDecompressTransactionPages(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, TransactionHeader *current, byte *dataPage) { try { LZ4.Decode64(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), current->CompressedSize, dataPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ValidatePagesHash(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, TransactionHeader *current) { // The location of the data is the base pointer, plus the space reserved for the transaction header if uncompressed. byte *dataPtr = _pager.AcquirePagePointer(null, _readingPage) + (current->Compressed == true ? sizeof(TransactionHeader) : 0); ulong hash = Hashing.XXHash64.Calculate(dataPtr, current->Compressed == true ? current->CompressedSize : current->UncompressedSize); if (hash != current->Hash) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid hash signature for transaction " + current->TransactionId, null); return(false); } return(true); }
public bool ReadOneTransactionToDataFile(StorageEnvironmentOptions options) { if (_readAt4Kb >= _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { return(false); } TransactionHeader *current; if (TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current) == false) { var lastValid4Kb = _readAt4Kb; _readAt4Kb++; while (_readAt4Kb < _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { if (TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; break; } _readAt4Kb++; } _readAt4Kb = lastValid4Kb; return(false); } bool performDecompression = current->CompressedSize != -1; var size = current->CompressedSize != -1 ? current->CompressedSize : current->UncompressedSize; var transactionSizeIn4Kb = (size + sizeof(TransactionHeader)) / (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte) + ((size + sizeof(TransactionHeader)) % (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte) == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (current->TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId) { _readAt4Kb += transactionSizeIn4Kb; LastTransactionHeader = current; return(true); // skipping } _readAt4Kb += transactionSizeIn4Kb; TransactionHeaderPageInfo *pageInfoPtr; byte *outputPage; if (performDecompression) { var numberOfPages = GetNumberOfPagesFor(current->UncompressedSize); _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(0, numberOfPages); _recoveryPager.EnsureMapped(this, 0, numberOfPages); outputPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, 0); UnmanagedMemory.Set(outputPage, 0, (long)numberOfPages * Constants.Storage.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64LongBuffers((byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader), current->CompressedSize, outputPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } pageInfoPtr = (TransactionHeaderPageInfo *)outputPage; } else { var numberOfPages = GetNumberOfPagesFor(current->UncompressedSize); _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(0, numberOfPages); _recoveryPager.EnsureMapped(this, 0, numberOfPages); outputPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, 0); UnmanagedMemory.Set(outputPage, 0, (long)numberOfPages * Constants.Storage.PageSize); Memory.Copy(outputPage, (byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader), current->UncompressedSize); pageInfoPtr = (TransactionHeaderPageInfo *)outputPage; } long totalRead = sizeof(TransactionHeaderPageInfo) * current->PageCount; if (totalRead > current->UncompressedSize) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Attempted to read position {totalRead} from transaction data while the transaction is size {current->UncompressedSize}"); } for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { if (pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber > current->LastPageNumber) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Transaction {current->TransactionId} contains refeence to page {pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber} which is after the last allocated page {current->LastPageNumber}"); } } for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { if (totalRead > current->UncompressedSize) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Attempted to read position {totalRead} from transaction data while the transaction is size {current->UncompressedSize}"); } Debug.Assert(_journalPager.Disposed == false); if (performDecompression) { Debug.Assert(_recoveryPager.Disposed == false); } var numberOfPagesOnDestination = GetNumberOfPagesFor(pageInfoPtr[i].Size); _dataPager.EnsureContinuous(pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); _dataPager.EnsureMapped(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); // We are going to overwrite the page, so we don't care about its current content var pagePtr = _dataPager.AcquirePagePointerForNewPage(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); var pageNumber = *(long *)(outputPage + totalRead); if (pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber != pageNumber) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Expected a diff for page {pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber} but got one for {pageNumber}"); } totalRead += sizeof(long); _dataPager.UnprotectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); if (pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize == 0) { Memory.Copy(pagePtr, outputPage + totalRead, pageInfoPtr[i].Size); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].Size; } else { _diffApplier.Destination = pagePtr; _diffApplier.Diff = outputPage + totalRead; _diffApplier.Size = pageInfoPtr[i].Size; _diffApplier.DiffSize = pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; _diffApplier.Apply(pageInfoPtr[i].IsNewDiff); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; } _dataPager.ProtectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); } LastTransactionHeader = current; return(true); }
private bool TryReadAndValidateHeader(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, out TransactionHeader *current) { if (_readAt4Kb > _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { current = null; return(false); // end of jouranl } const int pageTo4KbRatio = Constants.Storage.PageSize / (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte); var pageNumber = _readAt4Kb / pageTo4KbRatio; var positionInsidePage = (_readAt4Kb % pageTo4KbRatio) * (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte); current = (TransactionHeader *) (_journalPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, pageNumber) + positionInsidePage); // due to the reuse of journals we no longer can assume we have zeros in the end of the journal // we might have there random garbage or old transactions we can ignore, so we have the following scenarios: // * TxId <= current Id :: we can ignore old transaction of the reused journal and continue // * TxId == current Id + 1 :: valid, but if hash is invalid. Transaction hasn't been committed // * TxId > current Id + 1 :: if hash is invalid we can ignore reused/random, but if hash valid then we might missed TXs if (current->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker) { // not a transaction page, // if the header marker is zero or garbage, we are probably in the area at the end of the log file, and have no additional log records // to read from it. This can happen if the next transaction was too big to fit in the current log file. We stop reading // this log file and move to the next one, or it might have happened becuase of reuse of journal file // note : we might encounter a "valid" TransactionHeaderMarker which is still garbage, so we will test that later on RequireHeaderUpdate = false; return(false); } if (current->TransactionId < 0) { return(false); } current = EnsureTransactionMapped(current, pageNumber, positionInsidePage); if (options.EncryptionEnabled) { // We use temp buffers to hold the transaction before decrypting, and release the buffers afterwards. var pagesSize = current->CompressedSize != -1 ? current->CompressedSize : current->UncompressedSize; var size = (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte) * GetNumberOf4KbFor(sizeof(TransactionHeader) + pagesSize); var ptr = NativeMemory.Allocate4KbAlignedMemory(size, out var thread); var buffer = new EncryptionBuffer { Pointer = ptr, Size = size, AllocatingThread = thread }; _encryptionBuffers.Add(buffer); Memory.Copy(buffer.Pointer, (byte *)current, size); current = (TransactionHeader *)buffer.Pointer; try { DecryptTransaction((byte *)current, options); } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", ex); return(false); } } bool hashIsValid = ValidatePagesHash(options, current); if (LastTransactionHeader == null) { return(hashIsValid); } var txIdDiff = current->TransactionId - LastTransactionHeader->TransactionId; // 1 is a first storage transaction which does not increment transaction counter after commit if (current->TransactionId != 1) { if (txIdDiff < 0) { return(false); } if (txIdDiff > 1 || txIdDiff == 0) { if (hashIsValid) { // TxId is bigger then the last one by nore the '1' but has valid hash which mean we lost transactions in the middle throw new InvalidDataException( $"Transaction has valid(!) hash with invalid transaction id {current->TransactionId}, the last valid transaction id is {LastTransactionHeader->TransactionId}." + $" Journal file {_journalPager.FileName} might be corrupted"); } } // if (txIdDiff == 1) : if (current->LastPageNumber <= 0) { throw new InvalidDataException("Last page number after committed transaction must be greater than 0"); } } if (hashIsValid == false) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", null); return(false); } return(true); }
private bool ValidatePagesCrc(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, int compressedPages, TransactionHeader* current) { uint crc = Crc.Value(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), 0, compressedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize); if (crc != current->Crc) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid CRC signature for transaction " + current->TransactionId, null); return false; } return true; }
private bool TryReadAndValidateHeader(StorageEnvironmentOptions options,out TransactionHeader* current) { current = (TransactionHeader*)_pager.Read(_readingPage).Base; if (current->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker) { // not a transaction page, // if the header marker is zero, we are probably in the area at the end of the log file, and have no additional log records // to read from it. This can happen if the next transaction was too big to fit in the current log file. We stop reading // this log file and move to the next one. RequireHeaderUpdate = current->HeaderMarker != 0; if (RequireHeaderUpdate) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " header marker was set to garbage value, file is probably corrupted", null); } return false; } ValidateHeader(current, LastTransactionHeader); if (current->TxMarker.HasFlag(TransactionMarker.Commit) == false) { // uncommitted transaction, probably RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", null); return false; } _readingPage++; return true; }
private unsafe bool TryDecompressTransactionPages(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, TransactionHeader* current, byte* dataPage) { try { LZ4.Decode64(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), current->CompressedSize, dataPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return false; } return true; }
public bool ReadOneTransaction(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, bool checkCrc = true) { if (_readingPage >= _pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages) { return(false); } TransactionHeader *current; if (!TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) { return(false); } var compressedPages = (current->CompressedSize / AbstractPager.PageSize) + (current->CompressedSize % AbstractPager.PageSize == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (current->TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId) { LastTransactionHeader = current; _readingPage += compressedPages; return(true); // skipping } if (checkCrc) { uint crc = Crc.Value(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), 0, compressedPages * AbstractPager.PageSize); if (crc != current->Crc) { RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Invalid CRC signature for transaction " + current->TransactionId, null); return(false); } } _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(null, _recoveryPage, (current->PageCount + current->OverflowPageCount) + 1); var dataPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(_recoveryPage); NativeMethods.memset(dataPage, 0, (current->PageCount + current->OverflowPageCount) * AbstractPager.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), current->CompressedSize, dataPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } var tempTransactionPageTranslaction = new Dictionary <long, JournalFile.PagePosition>(); for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { Debug.Assert(_pager.Disposed == false); Debug.Assert(_recoveryPager.Disposed == false); var page = _recoveryPager.Read(_recoveryPage); tempTransactionPageTranslaction[page.PageNumber] = new JournalFile.PagePosition { JournalPos = _recoveryPage, TransactionId = current->TransactionId }; if (page.IsOverflow) { var numOfPages = _recoveryPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages(page.OverflowSize); _recoveryPage += numOfPages; } else { _recoveryPage++; } } _readingPage += compressedPages; LastTransactionHeader = current; foreach (var pagePosition in tempTransactionPageTranslaction) { _transactionPageTranslation[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value; } return(true); }
public bool ReadOneTransactionToDataFile(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, bool checkCrc = true) { if (_readingPage >= _journalPager.NumberOfAllocatedPages) { return(false); } if (MaxPageToRead != null && _readingPage >= MaxPageToRead.Value) { return(false); } TransactionHeader *current; if (!TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) { return(false); } var transactionSize = GetNumberOfPagesFromSize(options, current->CompressedSize + sizeof(TransactionHeader)); if (current->TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId) { _readingPage += transactionSize; LastTransactionHeader = current; return(true); // skipping } if (checkCrc && !ValidatePagesHash(options, current)) { return(false); } _readingPage += transactionSize; var numberOfPages = _recoveryPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages(current->UncompressedSize); _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(0, numberOfPages); _recoveryPager.EnsureMapped(this, 0, numberOfPages); var outputPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, 0); UnmanagedMemory.Set(outputPage, 0, (long)numberOfPages * options.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64LongBuffers((byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader), current->CompressedSize, outputPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } var pageInfoPtr = (TransactionHeaderPageInfo *)outputPage; long totalRead = sizeof(TransactionHeaderPageInfo) * current->PageCount; for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { if (totalRead > current->UncompressedSize) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Attempted to read position {totalRead} from transaction data while the transaction is size {current->UncompressedSize}"); } Debug.Assert(_journalPager.Disposed == false); Debug.Assert(_recoveryPager.Disposed == false); var numberOfPagesOnDestination = GetNumberOfPagesFromSize(options, pageInfoPtr[i].Size); _dataPager.EnsureContinuous(pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); _dataPager.EnsureMapped(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); var pagePtr = _dataPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber); var diffPageNumber = *(long *)(outputPage + totalRead); if (pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber != diffPageNumber) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Expected a diff for page {pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber} but got one for {diffPageNumber}"); } totalRead += sizeof(long); _dataPager.UnprotectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); if (pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize == 0) { Memory.Copy(pagePtr, outputPage + totalRead, pageInfoPtr[i].Size); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].Size; } else { _diffApplier.Destination = pagePtr; _diffApplier.Diff = outputPage + totalRead; _diffApplier.Size = pageInfoPtr[i].Size; _diffApplier.DiffSize = pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; _diffApplier.Apply(); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; } _dataPager.ProtectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); } LastTransactionHeader = current; return(true); }
private bool TryReadAndValidateHeader(StorageEnvironmentOptions options, out TransactionHeader *current) { if (_readAt4Kb > _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { current = null; return(false); // end of jouranl } const int pageTo4KbRatio = Constants.Storage.PageSize / (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte); var pageNumber = _readAt4Kb / pageTo4KbRatio; var positionInsidePage = (_readAt4Kb % pageTo4KbRatio) * (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte); current = (TransactionHeader *) (_journalPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, pageNumber) + positionInsidePage); // due to the reuse of journals we no longer can assume we have zeros in the end of the journal // we might have there random garbage or old transactions we can ignore, so we have the following scenarios: // * TxId <= current Id :: we can ignore old transaction of the reused journal and continue // * TxId == current Id + 1 :: valid, but if hash is invalid. Transaction hasn't been committed // * TxId > current Id + 1 :: if hash is invalid we can ignore reused/random, but if hash valid then we might missed TXs if (current->HeaderMarker != Constants.TransactionHeaderMarker) { // not a transaction page, // if the header marker is zero or garbage, we are probably in the area at the end of the log file, and have no additional log records // to read from it. This can happen if the next transaction was too big to fit in the current log file. We stop reading // this log file and move to the next one, or it might have happened because of reuse of journal file // note : we might encounter a "valid" TransactionHeaderMarker which is still garbage, so we will test that later on RequireHeaderUpdate = false; return(false); } if (current->TransactionId < 0) { return(false); } current = EnsureTransactionMapped(current, pageNumber, positionInsidePage); bool hashIsValid; if (options.Encryption.IsEnabled) { // We use temp buffers to hold the transaction before decrypting, and release the buffers afterwards. var pagesSize = current->CompressedSize != -1 ? current->CompressedSize : current->UncompressedSize; var size = (4 * Constants.Size.Kilobyte) * GetNumberOf4KbFor(sizeof(TransactionHeader) + pagesSize); var ptr = PlatformSpecific.NativeMemory.Allocate4KbAlignedMemory(size, out var thread); var buffer = new EncryptionBuffer { Pointer = ptr, Size = size, AllocatingThread = thread }; _encryptionBuffers.Add(buffer); Memory.Copy(buffer.Pointer, (byte *)current, size); current = (TransactionHeader *)buffer.Pointer; try { DecryptTransaction((byte *)current, options); hashIsValid = true; } catch (InvalidOperationException ex) { if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Unable to decrypt data of transaction which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). " + "Safely continuing the startup recovery process.", ex); return(true); } RequireHeaderUpdate = true; options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Transaction " + current->TransactionId + " was not committed", ex); return(false); } } else { hashIsValid = ValidatePagesHash(options, current); } long lastTxId; if (LastTransactionHeader != null) { lastTxId = LastTransactionHeader->TransactionId; } else { // this is first transaction being processed in the recovery process if (_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId == -1 || current->TransactionId <= _journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId) { if (hashIsValid == false && CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Invalid hash of data of first transaction which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). " + "Safely continuing the startup recovery process.", null); return(true); } if (hashIsValid && _firstValidTransactionHeader == null) { _firstValidTransactionHeader = current; } return(hashIsValid); } lastTxId = _journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId; } var txIdDiff = current->TransactionId - lastTxId; // 1 is a first storage transaction which does not increment transaction counter after commit if (current->TransactionId != 1) { if (txIdDiff < 0) { if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Encountered integrity error of transaction data which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). Negative tx id diff: {txIdDiff}. " + "Safely continuing the startup recovery process.", null); return(true); } return(false); } if (txIdDiff > 1 || txIdDiff == 0) { if (hashIsValid) { // TxId is bigger then the last one by more than '1' but has valid hash which mean we lost transactions in the middle if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { // when running in ignore data integrity errors mode then we could skip corrupted but already sync data // so it's expected in this case that txIdDiff > 1, let it continue to work then options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Encountered integrity error of transaction data which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). Tx diff is: {txIdDiff}. " + $"Safely continuing the startup recovery process. Debug details - file header {_currentFileHeader}", null); return(true); } if (LastTransactionHeader != null) { throw new InvalidJournalException( $"Transaction has valid(!) hash with invalid transaction id {current->TransactionId}, the last valid transaction id is {LastTransactionHeader->TransactionId}. Tx diff is: {txIdDiff}." + $" Journal file {_journalPager.FileName} might be corrupted. Debug details - file header {_currentFileHeader}", _journalInfo); } throw new InvalidJournalException( $"The last synced transaction id was {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId} (in journal: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedJournal}) but the first transaction being read in the recovery process is {current->TransactionId} (transaction has valid hash). Tx diff is: {txIdDiff}. " + $"Some journals are missing. Current journal file {_journalPager.FileName}. Debug details - file header {_currentFileHeader}", _journalInfo); } } // if (txIdDiff == 1) : if (current->LastPageNumber <= 0) { if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Invalid last page number ({current->LastPageNumber}) in the header of transaction which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). " + $"Safely continuing the startup recovery process. Debug details - file header {_currentFileHeader}", null); return(true); } throw new InvalidDataException("Last page number after committed transaction must be greater than 0. Debug details - file header {_currentFileHeader}"); } } if (hashIsValid == false) { if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { options.InvokeIntegrityErrorOfAlreadySyncedData(this, $"Invalid hash of data of transaction which has been already synced (tx id: {current->TransactionId}, last synced tx: {_journalInfo.LastSyncedTransactionId}, journal: {_journalInfo.CurrentJournal}). " + "Safely continuing the startup recovery process.", null); return(true); } RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } if (_firstValidTransactionHeader == null) { _firstValidTransactionHeader = current; } return(true); }
public bool ReadOneTransactionToDataFile(StorageEnvironmentOptions options) { if (_readAt4Kb >= _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { return(false); } if (TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out TransactionHeader * current) == false) { var lastValid4Kb = _readAt4Kb; _readAt4Kb++; while (_readAt4Kb < _journalPagerNumberOfAllocated4Kb) { if (TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) { if (CanIgnoreDataIntegrityErrorBecauseTxWasSynced(current, options)) { SkipCurrentTransaction(current); return(true); } RequireHeaderUpdate = true; break; } _readAt4Kb++; } _readAt4Kb = lastValid4Kb; return(false); } if (IsAlreadySyncTransaction(current)) { SkipCurrentTransaction(current); return(true); } var performDecompression = current->CompressedSize != -1; var transactionSizeIn4Kb = GetTransactionSizeIn4Kb(current); _readAt4Kb += transactionSizeIn4Kb; TransactionHeaderPageInfo *pageInfoPtr; byte *outputPage; if (performDecompression) { var numberOfPages = GetNumberOfPagesFor(current->UncompressedSize); _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(0, numberOfPages); _recoveryPager.EnsureMapped(this, 0, numberOfPages); outputPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, 0); Memory.Set(outputPage, 0, (long)numberOfPages * Constants.Storage.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64LongBuffers((byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader), current->CompressedSize, outputPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return(false); } pageInfoPtr = (TransactionHeaderPageInfo *)outputPage; } else { var numberOfPages = GetNumberOfPagesFor(current->UncompressedSize); _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(0, numberOfPages); _recoveryPager.EnsureMapped(this, 0, numberOfPages); outputPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(this, 0); Memory.Set(outputPage, 0, (long)numberOfPages * Constants.Storage.PageSize); Memory.Copy(outputPage, (byte *)current + sizeof(TransactionHeader), current->UncompressedSize); pageInfoPtr = (TransactionHeaderPageInfo *)outputPage; } long totalRead = sizeof(TransactionHeaderPageInfo) * current->PageCount; if (totalRead > current->UncompressedSize) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Attempted to read position {totalRead} from transaction data while the transaction is size {current->UncompressedSize}"); } for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { if (pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber > current->LastPageNumber) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Transaction {current->TransactionId} contains reference to page {pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber} which is after the last allocated page {current->LastPageNumber}"); } } for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { if (totalRead > current->UncompressedSize) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Attempted to read position {totalRead} from transaction data while the transaction is size {current->UncompressedSize}"); } Debug.Assert(_journalPager.Disposed == false); if (performDecompression) { Debug.Assert(_recoveryPager.Disposed == false); } var numberOfPagesOnDestination = GetNumberOfPagesFor(pageInfoPtr[i].Size); _dataPager.EnsureContinuous(pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); _dataPager.EnsureMapped(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); // We are going to overwrite the page, so we don't care about its current content var pagePtr = _dataPager.AcquirePagePointerForNewPage(this, pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); _dataPager.MaybePrefetchMemory(pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber, numberOfPagesOnDestination); var pageNumber = *(long *)(outputPage + totalRead); if (pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber != pageNumber) { throw new InvalidDataException($"Expected a diff for page {pageInfoPtr[i].PageNumber} but got one for {pageNumber}"); } totalRead += sizeof(long); _modifiedPages.Add(pageNumber); for (var j = 1; j < numberOfPagesOnDestination; j++) { _modifiedPages.Remove(pageNumber + j); } _dataPager.UnprotectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); if (pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize == 0) { if (pageInfoPtr[i].Size == 0) { // diff contained no changes continue; } var journalPagePtr = outputPage + totalRead; if (options.Encryption.IsEnabled == false) { var pageHeader = (PageHeader *)journalPagePtr; var checksum = StorageEnvironment.CalculatePageChecksum((byte *)pageHeader, pageNumber, out var expectedChecksum); if (checksum != expectedChecksum) { ThrowInvalidChecksumOnPageFromJournal(pageNumber, current, expectedChecksum, checksum, pageHeader); } } Memory.Copy(pagePtr, journalPagePtr, pageInfoPtr[i].Size); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].Size; if (options.Encryption.IsEnabled) { var pageHeader = (PageHeader *)pagePtr; if ((pageHeader->Flags & PageFlags.Overflow) == PageFlags.Overflow) { // need to mark overlapped buffers as invalid for commit var encryptionBuffers = ((IPagerLevelTransactionState)this).CryptoPagerTransactionState[_dataPager]; var numberOfPages = VirtualPagerLegacyExtensions.GetNumberOfOverflowPages(pageHeader->OverflowSize); for (var j = 1; j < numberOfPages; j++) { if (encryptionBuffers.TryGetValue(pageNumber + j, out var buffer)) { buffer.SkipOnTxCommit = true; } } } } } else { _diffApplier.Destination = pagePtr; _diffApplier.Diff = outputPage + totalRead; _diffApplier.Size = pageInfoPtr[i].Size; _diffApplier.DiffSize = pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; _diffApplier.Apply(pageInfoPtr[i].IsNewDiff); totalRead += pageInfoPtr[i].DiffSize; } _dataPager.ProtectPageRange(pagePtr, (ulong)pageInfoPtr[i].Size); } LastTransactionHeader = current; return(true); }
public bool ReadOneTransaction(StorageEnvironmentOptions options,bool checkCrc = true) { if (_readingPage >= _pager.NumberOfAllocatedPages) return false; TransactionHeader* current; if (!TryReadAndValidateHeader(options, out current)) return false; var compressedPages = (current->CompressedSize / AbstractPager.PageSize) + (current->CompressedSize % AbstractPager.PageSize == 0 ? 0 : 1); if (current->TransactionId <= _lastSyncedTransactionId) { LastTransactionHeader = current; _readingPage += compressedPages; return true; // skipping } if (checkCrc && !ValidatePagesCrc(options, compressedPages, current)) return false; _recoveryPager.EnsureContinuous(null, _recoveryPage, (current->PageCount + current->OverflowPageCount) + 1); var dataPage = _recoveryPager.AcquirePagePointer(_recoveryPage); NativeMethods.memset(dataPage, 0, (current->PageCount + current->OverflowPageCount) * AbstractPager.PageSize); try { LZ4.Decode64(_pager.AcquirePagePointer(_readingPage), current->CompressedSize, dataPage, current->UncompressedSize, true); } catch (Exception e) { options.InvokeRecoveryError(this, "Could not de-compress, invalid data", e); RequireHeaderUpdate = true; return false; } var tempTransactionPageTranslaction = new Dictionary<long, JournalFile.PagePosition>(); for (var i = 0; i < current->PageCount; i++) { Debug.Assert(_pager.Disposed == false); Debug.Assert(_recoveryPager.Disposed == false); var page = _recoveryPager.Read(_recoveryPage); tempTransactionPageTranslaction[page.PageNumber] = new JournalFile.PagePosition { JournalPos = _recoveryPage, TransactionId = current->TransactionId }; if (page.IsOverflow) { var numOfPages = _recoveryPager.GetNumberOfOverflowPages(page.OverflowSize); _recoveryPage += numOfPages; } else { _recoveryPage++; } } _readingPage += compressedPages; LastTransactionHeader = current; foreach (var pagePosition in tempTransactionPageTranslaction) { _transactionPageTranslation[pagePosition.Key] = pagePosition.Value; } return true; }