private void CreateStockChart(StockChartPanel ui) { StockUIs.Add(ui); ui.Size = new Size(UIList.Width - 10, 250); ui.Resize += UIList_Pack; ui.CloseButton.MouseUp += (sender, e) => { StockUIs.Remove(ui); UIList.Controls.Remove(ui); }; ui.BuyButton.MouseUp += (sender, e) => { BuySell.ShowOrderMenu(((StockChartPanel)ui).Symbol, Broker.Order.BuySellType.BUY); }; ui.SellButton.MouseUp += (sender, e) => { BuySell.ShowOrderMenu(((StockChartPanel)ui).Symbol, Broker.Order.BuySellType.SELL); }; ui.Chart.Updated += () => { float currentPrice = (float)ui.Chart.Source.Rows[ui.Chart.Source.Rows.Count - 1][StockChart.PRICE_DATA_TAG]; float changePercent = (currentPrice / (float)ui.Chart.DailyData.Rows[ui.Chart.DailyData.Rows.Count - 1][StockChart.PRICE_DATA_TAG]) - 1.0f; ui.UpdateSummaryText(string.Format("{0} {1:c} ({2:P2})", ui.Symbol, currentPrice, changePercent)); }; UIList.Controls.Add(ui); }
private void CreateStockChart(string symbol) { //if(!System.Windows.Input.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(System.Windows.Input.Key.LeftShift)) { // Check if a chart already exists for the stock foreach (var stock in StockUIs) { if (symbol.Equals(stock.Symbol)) { // Scroll to the stock UiScrollBar.Value += stock.Location.Y; return; } } } // Add the stock to the chart list StockChartPanel ui = new StockChartPanel(symbol); CreateStockChart(ui); UIList_Pack(this, EventArgs.Empty); UiScrollBar.Value += ui.Location.Y; }
public HomePageForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.FormClosing += HomePageForm_FormClosing; // Load the configuration this.Config = UserConfig.Load(UserConfig.CONFIG_FILE); // Create the interface to the stock data Robinhood = new RobinhoodInterface(); DataAccessor.SetAccessor(new DataTableCache(Robinhood)); Broker.SetBroker(Robinhood); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.DeviceToken)) { Config.DeviceToken = Broker.Instance.GenerateDeviceToken(); Config.Save(UserConfig.CONFIG_FILE); } UIList = new Panel(); UIList.HorizontalScroll.Maximum = 0; UIList.AutoScroll = false; UIList.VerticalScroll.Enabled = false; UIList.Resize += (sender, e) => { foreach (Control c in UIList.Controls) { c.Size = new Size(UIList.Width - 10, c.Height); } }; UIList.ControlAdded += UIList_Pack; UIList.ControlRemoved += UIList_Pack; UIList.Location = new Point(340, 20); this.Controls.Add(UIList); UiScrollBar = new CustomControls.CustomScrollbar(); UiScrollBar.Minimum = 0; UiScrollBar.Maximum = UIList.Height; UiScrollBar.LargeChange = UiScrollBar.Maximum / UiScrollBar.Height; UiScrollBar.SmallChange = 15; UiScrollBar.Value = 0; UiScrollBar.Scroll += (sender, e) => { //UIList.AutoScrollPosition = new Point(0, UiScrollBar.Value); UiScrollBar.Invalidate(); //Application.DoEvents(); UIList_Pack(sender, e); }; UIList.Resize += (sender, e) => { UiScrollBar.Bounds = new Rectangle(UIList.Right + 5, UIList.Top, 10, UIList.Height); }; this.Controls.Add(UiScrollBar); // Create the account summary panel AccountSummaryPanel = new Panel(); AccountSummaryPanel.Location = new Point(50, 20); AccountSummaryPanel.Size = new Size(270, 60); AccountSummaryPanel.Visible = true; Controls.Add(AccountSummaryPanel); AccountSummaryPanel.Controls.Add(SummaryTotalLabel = new Label()); AccountSummaryPanel.Controls.Add(SummaryBuyingPowerLabel = new Label()); int idx = 0; foreach (Label l in AccountSummaryPanel.Controls) { l.Size = new Size(AccountSummaryPanel.Width / AccountSummaryPanel.Controls.Count, AccountSummaryPanel.Height); l.Location = new Point(l.Width * idx++, 0); l.BackColor = GuiStyle.BACKGROUND_COLOR; l.ForeColor = GuiStyle.TEXT_COLOR; l.Font = new Font(GuiStyle.Font.Name, 12, FontStyle.Bold); l.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopCenter; } UiUpdateTick = new Timer(); UiUpdateTick.Tick += (sender, e) => { AccountSummaryPanel.Visible = AccountSummaryPanel.Bounds.Contains(PointToClient(MousePosition)); }; UiUpdateTick.Interval = 50; UiUpdateTick.Start(); // Create the labels to show the account value and daily change CashLabel = new Label(); CashLabel.Location = new Point(50, 20); CashLabel.Size = new Size(270, 40); CashLabel.BackColor = GuiStyle.BACKGROUND_COLOR; CashLabel.ForeColor = GuiStyle.TEXT_COLOR; CashLabel.Font = new Font(GuiStyle.Font.Name, 18, FontStyle.Bold); CashLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Controls.Add(CashLabel); ChangeLabel = new Label(); ChangeLabel.Location = new Point(CashLabel.Location.X, CashLabel.Location.Y + CashLabel.Height); ChangeLabel.Size = new Size(CashLabel.Size.Width, 20); ChangeLabel.BackColor = GuiStyle.BACKGROUND_COLOR; ChangeLabel.ForeColor = GuiStyle.TEXT_COLOR; ChangeLabel.Font = new Font(GuiStyle.Font.Name, 8, FontStyle.Bold); ChangeLabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter; Controls.Add(ChangeLabel); // Create the buy/sell menu BuySell = new BuySellPanel(); BuySell.Location = new Point(0, AccountSummaryPanel.Location.Y + AccountSummaryPanel.Height); BuySell.Size = new Size(AccountSummaryPanel.Location.X + AccountSummaryPanel.Width, this.Height - BuySell.Location.Y); BuySell.Visible = false; //BuySell.SubmitOrderButton.MouseClick += (sender, e) => { System.Threading.Tasks.Task orderMonitor = new Task((Action)(() => { List <Broker.Order> orders; while ((orders = Broker.Instance.GetOrders()).Count > 0) { // Check if the order gui matches the current state List <StockList.StockLine> guiOrders = StockListHome.Stocks[StockList.ORDERS]; foreach (Broker.Order o in orders) { if (guiOrders.Find((a) => { return(a.Symbol.Equals(o.Symbol)); }) == null) { // Add the new order StockListHome.Add(StockList.ORDERS, o.Symbol, new StockList.OrderSummary(o)); } } // Remove inactive orders from the GUI if needed if (orders.Count < guiOrders.Count) { for (int i = 0; i < guiOrders.Count; i++) { if (orders.Find((a) => { return(a.Symbol.Equals(guiOrders[i].Symbol)); }) == null) { // Remove the order guiOrders.RemoveAt(i--); } } } System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(250); } })); orderMonitor.Start(); //}; Controls.Add(BuySell); // Create the search box SearchHome = new SearchList(); SearchHome.Size = new Size(CashLabel.Width, 50); SearchHome.Location = new Point(CashLabel.Location.X, ChangeLabel.Location.Y + ChangeLabel.Height); SearchHome.AutoSize = true; SearchHome.AddToWatchlist += (string symbol) => { StockListHome.Add("Watchlist", symbol); }; SearchHome.AddStockUi += CreateStockChart; Controls.Add(SearchHome); // Create the list of stocks being examined StockListHome = new StockList(); StockListHome.Location = new Point(SearchHome.Location.X, SearchHome.Location.Y + 100); StockListHome.Size = new Size(300, 300); StockListHome.AddStockUi += CreateStockChart; StockListHome.GroupOrder = new List <string>() { StockList.NOTIFICATIONS, StockList.ORDERS, StockList.POSITIONS, StockList.WATCHLIST }; Controls.Add(StockListHome); // Create the menu Menu = new MenuBar(Config); Menu.ToggleButton.Location = new Point(20, 20); Menu.LogIn.RememberLogIn.Checked = Config.RememberLogin; Menu.LogIn.LogInButton.MouseUp += (sender, e) => { HomePageForm_AccountUpdate(); if (Broker.Instance.IsSignedIn()) { SaveConfig(); } }; Controls.Add(Menu.ToggleButton); // Set up the resize handler this.ResizeEnd += HomePageForm_ResizeEnd; HomePageForm_ResizeEnd(this, EventArgs.Empty); // Sign in if authentification is available if (Config.RememberLogin && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Config.AuthenticationToken)) { Broker.Instance.SignIn(Config.AuthenticationToken); } // Wait to request stock data until after the window has been created this.HandleCreated += (sender, e) => { foreach (var configObj in Config.StockCharts) { CreateStockChart(StockChartPanel.LoadConfig(configObj)); } foreach (string symbol in Config.LocalWatchlist) { StockListHome.Add(StockList.WATCHLIST, symbol); } HomePageForm_AccountUpdate(); }; }