 private void SaveStitchedImageAeroFile(XmlSerializer xmlSerializer, StitchedImage stitchedImage, string path)
     using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(path + stitchedImage.FileName + ".aero"))
         xmlSerializer.Serialize(tw, stitchedImage);
        public async Task GenerateAFSFilesAsync(AFS2GridSquare afs2GridSquare, string stitchedTilesDirectory, string afsGridSquareDirectory, IProgress <AFSFileGeneratorProgress> progress)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                var afsFileGeneratorProgress = new AFSFileGeneratorProgress();

                StitchedImage firstStitchedImageAeroFile = null;

                // The number of stiched tiles should always be pretty manageable so we can get a list of filenames

                if (Directory.Exists(stitchedTilesDirectory))
                    string[] stitchedImagesAeroFiles = Directory.GetFiles(stitchedTilesDirectory, "*.aero");

                    int i = 0;

                    foreach (string aeroFilename in stitchedImagesAeroFiles)
                            StitchedImage stitchedImageAeroFile;

                            using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(aeroFilename))
                                stitchedImageAeroFile = (StitchedImage)xmlSerializer.Deserialize(reader);

                            if (i == 0)
                                firstStitchedImageAeroFile = stitchedImageAeroFile;

                            double stepsPerPixelX = Math.Abs((stitchedImageAeroFile.WestLongitude - stitchedImageAeroFile.EastLongitude) / stitchedImageAeroFile.Width);
                            double stepsPerPixelY = -Math.Abs((stitchedImageAeroFile.NorthLatitude - stitchedImageAeroFile.SouthLatitude) / stitchedImageAeroFile.Height);

                            var aidFile = new AIDFile();

                            aidFile.ImageFile      = stitchedImageAeroFile.FileName + "." + stitchedImageAeroFile.ImageExtension;
                            aidFile.FlipVertical   = false;
                            aidFile.StepsPerPixelX = stepsPerPixelX;
                            aidFile.StepsPerPixelY = stepsPerPixelY;
                            aidFile.X = stitchedImageAeroFile.WestLongitude;
                            aidFile.Y = stitchedImageAeroFile.NorthLatitude;

                            var aidFileStr = aidFile.ToString();

                            string path = stitchedTilesDirectory + stitchedImageAeroFile.FileName + ".aid";

                            log.InfoFormat("Writing AID file {0}", path);
                            File.WriteAllText(path, aidFileStr);
                        catch (Exception ex)


                    if (firstStitchedImageAeroFile != null)
                        this.GenerateTMCFile(afs2GridSquare, stitchedTilesDirectory, afsGridSquareDirectory, firstStitchedImageAeroFile);
                        var messageBox = new CustomMessageBox("No stiched images found for this grid square and this image detail (zoom) level.\nRun the 'Download Image Tiles' and 'Stitch Image Tiles' actions first.",

        private void GenerateTMCFile(AFS2GridSquare afs2GridSquare, string stitchedTilesDirectory, string afsGridSquareDirectory, StitchedImage firstStitchedImageAeroFile)
            // Create directories for Geoconvert output if they do not exist.
            // Better to do this here in case anyone wants to run Geoconvert manually
            var geoConvertRawDirectory = String.Format("{0}-geoconvert-raw\\", firstStitchedImageAeroFile.ZoomLevel);
            var geoConvertTTCDirectory = String.Format("{0}-geoconvert-ttc\\", firstStitchedImageAeroFile.ZoomLevel);
            var geoConvertRawPath      = afsGridSquareDirectory + geoConvertRawDirectory;
            var geoConvertTTCPath      = afsGridSquareDirectory + geoConvertTTCDirectory;

            if (!Directory.Exists(geoConvertRawPath))

            if (!Directory.Exists(geoConvertTTCPath))

            var tmcFile = new TMCFile();

            tmcFile.AlwaysOverwrite      = true;
            tmcFile.DoHeightmaps         = false;
            tmcFile.FolderDestinationRaw = geoConvertRawPath;
            tmcFile.FolderDestinationTTC = geoConvertTTCPath;
            tmcFile.FolderSourceFiles    = stitchedTilesDirectory;
            tmcFile.WriteImagesWithMask  = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.GeoConvertWriteImagesWithMask.Value;
            tmcFile.WriteRawFiles        = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.GeoConvertWriteRawFiles.Value;
            tmcFile.WriteTTCFiles        = true;

            // All TMC regions will have the same lat / lon max and min
            // Create a template Region here to base other regions off
            TMCRegion tmcRegionTemplate = new TMCRegion();

            // Really NW Corner
            tmcRegionTemplate.LatMin = afs2GridSquare.NorthLatitude;
            tmcRegionTemplate.LonMin = afs2GridSquare.WestLongitude;

            // Realy SE Corner
            tmcRegionTemplate.LatMax = afs2GridSquare.SouthLatitude;
            tmcRegionTemplate.LonMax = afs2GridSquare.EastLongitude;

            tmcFile.Regions = this.GenerateTMCFileRegions(tmcRegionTemplate);

            var tmcFileStr = tmcFile.ToString();

            var filenameParts = firstStitchedImageAeroFile.FileName.Split('_');
            var tmcFilename   = String.Format("{0}_{1}_{2}", filenameParts[0], filenameParts[1], filenameParts[2]);

            string path = String.Format("{0}{1}.tmc", stitchedTilesDirectory, tmcFilename);

            File.WriteAllText(path, tmcFileStr);
        public async Task StitchImageTilesAsync(string tileDownloadDirectory, string stitchedTilesDirectory, bool deleteOriginals, IProgress <TileStitcherProgress> progress)
            await Task.Run(() =>
                var tileStitcherProgress = new TileStitcherProgress();

                this.xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(ImageTile));
                this.stitchedImageXmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(StitchedImage));

                int startTileX;
                int startTileY;
                int endTileX;
                int endTileY;

                // Get the top left tile X & Y and the bottom right tile X & Y
                // We can work everything else out from this
                this.GetStartingAndEndTileXY(tileDownloadDirectory, out startTileX, out startTileY, out endTileX, out endTileY);

                //Debug.WriteLine("startTileX " + startTileX);
                //Debug.WriteLine("startTileY " + startTileY);
                //Debug.WriteLine("endTileX " + endTileX);
                //Debug.WriteLine("endTileY " + endTileY);

                int numberOfTilesX = (endTileX - startTileX) + 1;
                int numberOfTilesY = (endTileY - startTileY) + 1;

                //Debug.WriteLine("Tiles X " + numberOfTilesX);
                //Debug.WriteLine("Tiles Y " + numberOfTilesY);
                //Debug.WriteLine("Filename prefix " + filenamePrefix);

                var firstImageTile = this.LoadImageTile(tileDownloadDirectory, startTileX, startTileY);

                // Get some info from the first tile. We can assume all tiles have these
                // properties or something is very wrong
                var imageSource = firstImageTile.Source;
                var zoomLevel   = firstImageTile.ZoomLevel;
                var tileWidth   = firstImageTile.Width;
                var tileHeight  = firstImageTile.Height;

                int maxTilesPerStitchedImageX = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.MaximumStitchedImageSize.Value;
                int maxTilesPerStitchedImageY = AeroSceneryManager.Instance.Settings.MaximumStitchedImageSize.Value;

                // Calculate the size of our stitched images in each direction
                var imageSizeX = maxTilesPerStitchedImageX * tileWidth;
                var imageSizeY = maxTilesPerStitchedImageY * tileHeight;

                // Calculate how many images we need
                var requiredStitchedImagesX = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)numberOfTilesX / (float)maxTilesPerStitchedImageX);
                var requiredStitchedImagesY = (int)Math.Ceiling((float)numberOfTilesY / (float)maxTilesPerStitchedImageY);
                var requiredStichedImages   = requiredStitchedImagesX * requiredStitchedImagesY;

                int imageTileOffsetX = 0;
                int imagetileOffsetY = 0;

                tileStitcherProgress.TotalStitchedImages = requiredStichedImages;

                // Loop through each stitched image that we will need
                for (int stitchedImagesYIx = 0; stitchedImagesYIx < requiredStitchedImagesY; stitchedImagesYIx++)
                    for (int stitchedImagesXIx = 0; stitchedImagesXIx < requiredStitchedImagesX; stitchedImagesXIx++)
                        imageTileOffsetX = stitchedImagesXIx * maxTilesPerStitchedImageX;
                        imagetileOffsetY = stitchedImagesYIx * maxTilesPerStitchedImageY;

                        // This might not be right, but it's a reasonable estimate. We wont know until we read each file
                        tileStitcherProgress.TotalImageTilesForCurrentStitchedImage = maxTilesPerStitchedImageX * maxTilesPerStitchedImageY;

                        int columnsUsed = 0;
                        int rowsUsed    = 0;

                        // By giving these incorrect values, we can be sure they will we overwritten without having
                        // to make them nullable and do null checks
                        double northLatitude = -500;
                        double westLongitude = 500;
                        double southLatitude = 500;
                        double eastLongitude = -500;

                        using (Bitmap bitmap = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(imageSizeX, imageSizeY))

                            using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap))
                                tileStitcherProgress.CurrentTilesRenderedForCurrentStitchedImage = 0;

                                // Work left to right, top to bottom
                                // Loop through rows
                                for (int yIx = 0; yIx < maxTilesPerStitchedImageY; yIx++)
                                    bool rowHasImages = false;

                                    // Loop through columns
                                    for (int xIx = 0; xIx < maxTilesPerStitchedImageX; xIx++)
                                        int currentTileX = xIx + imageTileOffsetX + startTileX;
                                        int currentTileY = yIx + imagetileOffsetY + startTileY;

                                        var imageTileData = this.LoadImageTile(tileDownloadDirectory, currentTileX, currentTileY);

                                        if (imageTileData != null)
                                            // Even if all the images in this row are invalid, the aero files are present
                                            // so an attempt was made to download something
                                            rowHasImages = true;

                                            // Update our overall stitched image lat and long maxima and minima
                                            // We want the highest NorthLatitude value of any image tile for this stitched image
                                            if (imageTileData.NorthLatitude > northLatitude)
                                                northLatitude = imageTileData.NorthLatitude;

                                            // We want the lowest SouthLatitude value of any image tile for this stitched image
                                            if (imageTileData.SouthLatitude < southLatitude)
                                                southLatitude = imageTileData.SouthLatitude;

                                            // We want the lowest WestLongitude value of any image tile for this stitched image
                                            if (imageTileData.WestLongitude < westLongitude)
                                                westLongitude = imageTileData.WestLongitude;

                                            // We want the highest EastLongitude value of any image tile for this stitched image
                                            if (imageTileData.EastLongitude > eastLongitude)
                                                eastLongitude = imageTileData.EastLongitude;

                                            var imageTileFilename = tileDownloadDirectory + imageTileData.FileName + "." + imageTileData.ImageExtension;

                                            Image tile = null;

                                                tile = Image.FromFile(imageTileFilename);

                                                if (tile != null)
                                                    var imagePointX = (xIx * imageTileData.Width);
                                                    var imagePointY = (yIx * imageTileData.Width);

                                                    g.DrawImage(tile, new PointF(imagePointX, imagePointY));

                                            catch (Exception)
                                                // The image file was probably invalid, but there's not a lot we can do
                                                // Leave it transparent
                                                // Even if the image was invalid, we still had an aero file for it
                                                // so it counts as a used column
                                                var colsUsedInThisRow = xIx + 1;

                                                if (columnsUsed < colsUsedInThisRow)
                                                    columnsUsed = colsUsedInThisRow;

                                                if (tile != null)

                                    if (rowHasImages)

                            var stitchFilename = String.Format("{0}_{1}_stitch_{2}_{3}.png", imageSource, zoomLevel, stitchedImagesXIx + 1, stitchedImagesYIx + 1);
                            var stitchedImage  = new StitchedImage();

                            stitchedImage.ImageExtension   = "png";
                            stitchedImage.NorthLatitude    = northLatitude;
                            stitchedImage.WestLongitude    = westLongitude;
                            stitchedImage.SouthLatitude    = southLatitude;
                            stitchedImage.EastLongitude    = eastLongitude;
                            stitchedImage.Width            = columnsUsed * tileWidth;
                            stitchedImage.Height           = rowsUsed * tileHeight;
                            stitchedImage.Source           = imageSource;
                            stitchedImage.ZoomLevel        = zoomLevel;
                            stitchedImage.StichedImageSetX = stitchedImagesXIx + 1;
                            stitchedImage.StichedImageSetY = stitchedImagesYIx + 1;

                            //Debug.WriteLine("Rows Used " + rowsUsed);
                            //Debug.WriteLine("Columns Used " + columnsUsed);

                            // Have we drawn an image to the maximum number of rows and columns for this image?
                            if (columnsUsed == maxTilesPerStitchedImageX && rowsUsed == maxTilesPerStitchedImageY)
                                // Save the bitmap as it is
                                log.InfoFormat("Saving stitched image {0}", stitchFilename);
                                bitmap.Save(stitchedTilesDirectory + stitchFilename, ImageFormat.Png);
                                // Resize the bitmap down to the used number of rows and columns
                                log.InfoFormat("Cropping stitched image {0}", stitchFilename);
                                CropBitmap(bitmap, new Rectangle(0, 0, columnsUsed *tileWidth, rowsUsed *tileHeight), stitchedTilesDirectory, stitchFilename);

                            this.SaveStitchedImageAeroFile(this.stitchedImageXmlSerializer, stitchedImage, stitchedTilesDirectory);

                if (deleteOriginals)