        //public Byte[] ToByteArray()
        //    MemoryStream ms
        //        = new MemoryStream(128);

        //    BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);

        //    byte[] paddedName = new byte[64];
        //    Array.Copy(entryName, paddedName, entryName.Length);

        //    bw.Write(paddedName);
        //    bw.Write(nameLength);
        //    bw.Write((byte)stgType);
        //    bw.Write((byte)stgColor);
        //    bw.Write(leftSibling);
        //    bw.Write(rightSibling);
        //    bw.Write(child);
        //    bw.Write(storageCLSID.ToByteArray());
        //    bw.Write(stateBits);
        //    bw.Write(creationDate);
        //    bw.Write(modifyDate);
        //    bw.Write(startSetc);
        //    bw.Write(size);

        //    return ms.ToArray();

        public void Read(Stream stream)
            StreamRW rw = new StreamRW(stream);

            entryName  = rw.ReadBytes(64);
            nameLength = rw.ReadUInt16();
            stgType    = (StgType)rw.ReadByte();
            //rw.ReadByte();//Ignore color, only black tree
            stgColor     = (StgColor)rw.ReadByte();
            leftSibling  = rw.ReadInt32();
            rightSibling = rw.ReadInt32();
            child        = rw.ReadInt32();

            // Thanks to bugaccount (BugTrack id 3519554)
            if (stgType == StgType.StgInvalid)
                leftSibling  = NOSTREAM;
                rightSibling = NOSTREAM;
                child        = NOSTREAM;

            storageCLSID = new Guid(rw.ReadBytes(16));
            stateBits    = rw.ReadInt32();
            creationDate = rw.ReadBytes(8);
            modifyDate   = rw.ReadBytes(8);
            startSetc    = rw.ReadInt32();
            size         = rw.ReadInt64();
        //public Byte[] ToByteArray()
        //    MemoryStream ms
        //        = new MemoryStream(128);

        //    BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms);

        //    byte[] paddedName = new byte[64];
        //    Array.Copy(entryName, paddedName, entryName.Length);

        //    bw.Write(paddedName);
        //    bw.Write(nameLength);
        //    bw.Write((byte)stgType);
        //    bw.Write((byte)stgColor);
        //    bw.Write(leftSibling);
        //    bw.Write(rightSibling);
        //    bw.Write(child);
        //    bw.Write(storageCLSID.ToByteArray());
        //    bw.Write(stateBits);
        //    bw.Write(creationDate);
        //    bw.Write(modifyDate);
        //    bw.Write(startSetc);
        //    bw.Write(size);

        //    return ms.ToArray();

        public void Read(Stream stream, CFSVersion ver = CFSVersion.Ver_3)
            IStreamReader rw = stream.ToStreamReader();

            entryName  = rw.ReadBytes(64);
            nameLength = rw.ReadUInt16();
            stgType    = (StgType)rw.ReadByte();
            //rw.ReadByte();//Ignore color, only black tree
            stgColor     = (StgColor)rw.ReadByte();
            leftSibling  = rw.ReadInt32();
            rightSibling = rw.ReadInt32();
            child        = rw.ReadInt32();

            // Thanks to bugaccount (BugTrack id 3519554)
            if (stgType == StgType.StgInvalid)
                leftSibling  = NOSTREAM;
                rightSibling = NOSTREAM;
                child        = NOSTREAM;

            storageCLSID = new Guid(rw.ReadBytes(16));
            stateBits    = rw.ReadInt32();
            CreationDate = rw.ReadBytes(8);
            ModifyDate   = rw.ReadBytes(8);
            startSetc    = rw.ReadInt32();

            if (ver == CFSVersion.Ver_3)
                // avoid dirty read for version 3 files (max size: 32bit integer)
                // where most significant bits are not initialized to zero

                size = rw.ReadInt32();
                rw.ReadInt32(); //rw.ReadBytes(4); //discard most significant 4 (possibly) dirty bytes
                size = rw.ReadInt64();