        /// <summary>
        /// generate Doxyfile and write to file
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>doxyfile path</returns>
        private string GenerateDoxyfile(BuildContext context)
            ConfigModel config             = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;
            string      intermediateFolder = StepUtility.GetIntermediateOutputPath(config.OutputPath);

            if (Directory.Exists(intermediateFolder))
                Directory.Delete(intermediateFolder, recursive: true);
            string doxyfile = Path.Combine(intermediateFolder, "Doxyfile");

            using (var sw = new StreamWriter(doxyfile))
                using (var writer = new DoxyfileWriter(sw))
                    var content = DoxyfileParser.ParseDoxyfile(typeof(RunDoxygen).Assembly.GetManifestResourceStream(DoxyFileTemplate));

                    // update with config
                    content[Constants.Doxyfile.INPUT] = (from i in config.InputPaths
                                                         select PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetFullPath(i))).ToList();
                    content[Constants.Doxyfile.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY] = PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetFullPath(intermediateFolder));
                    if (config.ExcludePaths != null)
                        content[Constants.Doxyfile.EXCLUDE] = (from e in config.ExcludePaths
                                                               select PathUtility.MakeRelativePath(Environment.CurrentDirectory, Path.GetFullPath(e))).ToList();

        protected virtual void Save(object obj, string comment, string fileName)
            if (obj == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))

            var    fullFileName   = fileName + Constants.Constants.YamlExtension;
            string sdpymlfilePath = Path.Combine(StepUtility.GetSDPYmlOutputPath(_outputFolder), fullFileName);

            YamlUtility.Serialize(sdpymlfilePath, obj, comment);
        protected virtual void Save(object obj, string comment, string fileName, string memberType)
            if (obj == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName))

            string sdpymlfilePath = "";
            string fullFileName = "", fullFileNameWithType = "";

            fullFileName         = fileName + Constants.Constants.YamlExtension;
            fullFileNameWithType = (fileName + '(' + (memberType == null ? "unknown" : memberType.ToLower()) + ')') + Constants.Constants.YamlExtension;

            sdpymlfilePath = Path.Combine(StepUtility.GetSDPYmlOutputPath(_outputFolder), fullFileName);

            if (File.Exists(sdpymlfilePath))
                sdpymlfilePath = Path.Combine(StepUtility.GetSDPYmlOutputPath(_outputFolder), fullFileNameWithType);

            YamlUtility.Serialize(sdpymlfilePath, obj, comment);
        public Task RunAsync(BuildContext context)
            var config = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;

            if (config == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Config));

            var    extendedIdMappings = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.ExtendedIdMappings) as ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>;
            string inputPath          = StepUtility.GetProcessedXmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);

            // Parse Index file
            string indexFile = Path.Combine(inputPath, Constants.IndexFileName);

            using (var stream = File.OpenRead(indexFile))
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(stream);
                _changeDict = (from ele in doc.Root.Elements("compound")
                               let uid = (string)ele.Attribute("refid")
                                         let type = ParseType((string)ele.Attribute("kind"))
                                                    where uid != null && type.HasValue
                                                    select new HierarchyChange
                    Uid = uid,
                    Name = (string)ele.Element("name"),
                    File = extendedIdMappings.ContainsKey(uid) ? extendedIdMappings[uid] + Constants.XmlExtension : uid + Constants.XmlExtension,
                    Type = type.Value,
                }).ToDictionary(c => c.Uid);

            // Parse File to get parent/children info and package-private/private items
            // assume that couldn't define public class inside package-private/private class
            var itemsToRemove = new List <string>();

            foreach (var pair in _changeDict)
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(inputPath, pair.Value.File)))
                    HashSet <string> children = new HashSet <string>();
                    string           parent   = pair.Key;
                    XDocument        doc      = XDocument.Load(stream);
                    var def = doc.Root.Element("compounddef");
                    if (def == null)
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("there is no compounddef section for {0}", parent));

                    // filter out package-private item
                    var prot = (string)def.Attribute("prot");
                    if (YamlUtility.IsFiltered(prot))

                        // add innerclass because Doxygen would still output nested public classes
                        var inner = def.Elements("innerclass").Select(i => (string)i.Attribute("refid"));

                    // check innerclass's access label because Doxygen would still output nested private/package-private classes
                    var innerClasses = def.Elements("innerclass").Where(e => !YamlUtility.IsFiltered((string)e.Attribute("prot")));
                    foreach (var inner in innerClasses)
                        string          innerId = (string)inner.Attribute("refid");
                        HierarchyChange change;
                        if (innerId == null || !_changeDict.TryGetValue(innerId, out change))
                            throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Inner {0} isn't in change dict.", innerId));
                        change.Parent = parent;
                    pair.Value.Children = children;
            foreach (var key in itemsToRemove)

            // remove namespace that is empty and update its parent
            var dict = new Dictionary <string, HierarchyChange>(_changeDict);

            foreach (var change in from c in _changeDict.Values
                     where c.Type == HierarchyType.Namespace
                     orderby c.Children.Count
                     select c)
                if (change.Children.Count() == 0)
                    if (!dict.Remove(change.Uid))
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("fail to remove empty namespace change: {0}", change.Uid));

                    if (change.Parent != null)
            _changeDict = dict;

            // update innerclass's parent to its outerclass's parent recursively until namespace
            foreach (var pair in _changeDict)
                string parent         = pair.Value.Parent;
                string originalParent = parent;
                while (parent != null)
                    var parentChange = _changeDict[parent];
                    if (parentChange.Type == HierarchyType.Namespace)
                        pair.Value.Parent = parent;
                        if (originalParent != parent)
                    parent = parentChange.Parent;

            context.SetSharedObject(Constants.Changes, _changeDict);
        public async Task RunAsync(BuildContext context)
            var config = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;

            if (config == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Config));

            string inputPath           = StepUtility.GetDoxygenXmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);
            var    processedOutputPath = StepUtility.GetProcessedXmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);

            if (Directory.Exists(processedOutputPath))
                Directory.Delete(processedOutputPath, recursive: true);
            var dirInfo = Directory.CreateDirectory(processedOutputPath);

            // workaround for Doxygen Bug: it generated xml whose encoding is ANSI while the xml meta is encoding='UTF-8'
            // preprocess in string level: fix style for type with template parameter
            Directory.EnumerateFiles(inputPath, "*.xml").AsParallel().ForAll(
                p =>
                var content   = File.ReadAllText(p, Encoding.UTF8);
                content       = TemplateLeftTagRegex.Replace(content, "$1");
                content       = TemplateRightTagRegex.Replace(content, "$1");
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Parse(content);

            // get friendly uid
            var uidMapping           = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>();
            var compounddefIdMapping = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>();
            await Directory.EnumerateFiles(inputPath, "*.xml").ForEachInParallelAsync(
                p =>
                XDocument doc             = XDocument.Load(p);
                var def                   = doc.Root.Element("compounddef");
                var formatedCompoundDefId = string.Empty;
                if (def != null)
                    if (KindToDeletedCollection.Contains(def.Attribute("kind").Value))
                    var id = def.Attribute("id").Value;
                    formatedCompoundDefId    = def.Element("compoundname").Value.Replace(Constants.NameSpliter, Constants.IdSpliter);
                    uidMapping[id]           = formatedCompoundDefId;
                    compounddefIdMapping[id] = formatedCompoundDefId;
                foreach (var node in doc.XPathSelectElements("//memberdef[@id]"))
                    var id         = node.Attribute("id").Value;
                    uidMapping[id] = PreprocessMemberUid(node, formatedCompoundDefId);

            // workaround for Doxygen Bug: it generated extra namespace for code `public string namespace(){ return ""; }`.
            // so if we find namespace which has same name with class, remove it from index file and also remove its file.
            string    indexFile      = Path.Combine(inputPath, Constants.IndexFileName);
            XDocument indexDoc       = XDocument.Load(indexFile);
            var       duplicateItems = (from ele in indexDoc.Root.Elements("compound")
                                        let uid = (string)ele.Attribute("refid")
                                                  group ele by RegularizeUid(uid) into g
                                                  let duplicate = g.FirstOrDefault(e => (string)e.Attribute("kind") == "namespace")
                                                                  where g.Count() > 1 && duplicate != null
                                                                  select(string) duplicate.Attribute("refid")).ToList();

            // Get duplicate Ids when ignore case
            var results       = duplicateItems.Where(id => compounddefIdMapping.ContainsKey(id)).Select(k => compounddefIdMapping.TryRemove(k, out _)).ToList();
            var duplicatedIds = compounddefIdMapping.GroupBy(k => k.Value.ToLower())
                                .Where(g => g.Count() > 1)
                                .Select(kg => kg.Select(kv => kv.Key))
                                .SelectMany(ke => ke).ToList();

            var extendedIdMaping = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, string>();
            await Directory.EnumerateFiles(inputPath, "*.xml").ForEachInParallelAsync(
                p =>
                XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(p);
                if (Path.GetFileName(p) == Constants.IndexFileName)
                    var toBeRemoved = (from item in duplicateItems
                                       select doc.XPathSelectElement($"//compound[@refid='{item}']")).ToList();
                    foreach (var element in toBeRemoved)
                else if (duplicateItems.Contains(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p)))
                    // workaround for Doxygen Bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=710175
                    // so if we find package section func/attrib, first check its type, if it starts with `public` or `protected`, move it to related section
                    var toBeMoved      = new Dictionary <string, List <XElement> >();
                    var packageMembers = doc.XPathSelectElements("//memberdef[@prot='package']").ToList();
                    foreach (var member in packageMembers)
                        string kind = (string)member.Parent.Attribute("kind");
                        var type    = member.Element("type");
                        string regulized, access;
                        if (type != null && TryRegularizeReturnType(type.CreateNavigator().InnerXml, out regulized, out access))
                            if (regulized == string.Empty)
                            member.Attribute("prot").Value = access;
                            var belongToSection            = GetSectionKind(access, kind);
                            List <XElement> elements;
                            if (!toBeMoved.TryGetValue(belongToSection, out elements))
                                elements = new List <XElement>();
                                toBeMoved[belongToSection] = elements;
                    foreach (var pair in toBeMoved)
                        var section = doc.XPathSelectElement($"//sectiondef[@kind='{pair.Key}']");
                        if (section == null)
                            section = new XElement("sectiondef", new XAttribute("kind", pair.Key));
                        foreach (var c in pair.Value)
                foreach (var node in doc.XPathSelectElements("//node()[@refid]"))
                    node.Attribute("refid").Value = RegularizeUid(node.Attribute("refid").Value, uidMapping);
                foreach (var node in doc.XPathSelectElements("//node()[@id]"))
                    node.Attribute("id").Value = RegularizeUid(node.Attribute("id").Value, uidMapping);

                // remove copyright comment
                foreach (var node in doc.XPathSelectElements("//para").ToList())
                    if (CopyRightCommentCollection.Contains(node.Value.Trim()))

                string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p);
                if (compounddefIdMapping.TryGetValue(fileName, out string formatedFileName))
                    formatedFileName = RegularizeUid(formatedFileName);
                    if (duplicatedIds.Contains(fileName))
                        fileName = string.Format(Constants.RenamedFormat, formatedFileName, TryGetType(fileName));
                        extendedIdMaping[formatedFileName] = fileName;
                        fileName = formatedFileName;
                doc.Save(Path.Combine(dirInfo.FullName, fileName + Path.GetExtension(p)));

            context.SetSharedObject(Constants.ExtendedIdMappings, extendedIdMaping);
        public async Task RunAsync(BuildContext context)
            var config = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;

            if (config == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Config));
            string inputPath   = StepUtility.GetProcessedXmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);
            string outputPath  = config.OutputPath;
            var    changesDict = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Changes) as Dictionary <string, HierarchyChange>;

            if (changesDict == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Changes));

            var infoDict = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, ArticleItemYaml>();

            context.SetSharedObject(Constants.ArticleItemYamlDict, infoDict);
            var pages = await changesDict.Values.SelectInParallelAsync(
                async change =>
                using (var input = File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(inputPath, change.File)))
                    XDocument doc = XDocument.Load(input);
                    var cloned    = context.Clone();
                    cloned.SetSharedObject(Constants.CurrentChange, change);
                    HierarchyChange parent = change.Parent != null ? changesDict[change.Parent] : null;
                    cloned.SetSharedObject(Constants.ParentChange, parent);

                    IArticleGenerator generator = (IArticleGenerator)Generator.Clone();
                    PageModel page = await generator.GenerateArticleAsync(cloned, doc);
                    foreach (var item in page.Items)
                        if (!infoDict.TryAdd(item.Uid, item))
                                new LogEntry
                                Phase   = StepName,
                                Level   = LogLevel.Warning,
                                Message = $"Duplicate items {item.Uid} found in {change.File}.",

            // update type declaration/reference and save yaml
            await pages.ForEachInParallelAsync(
                async page =>
                // update declaration
                var cloned = context.Clone();
                await Generator.PostGenerateArticleAsync(cloned, page);

                // update reference
                foreach (var reference in page.References)
                    ArticleItemYaml yaml;
                    if (infoDict.TryGetValue(reference.Uid, out yaml))
                        reference.Name         = yaml.Name;
                        reference.Type         = yaml.Type;
                        reference.NameWithType = yaml.NameWithType;
                        reference.FullName     = yaml.FullName;
                        reference.Href         = yaml.Href;
                        reference.Parent       = yaml.Parent;
                        reference.Syntax       = yaml.Syntax;
                        reference.Summary      = yaml.Summary;
                    else if (reference.SpecForJava != null)
                        foreach (var spec in reference.SpecForJava)
                            if (spec.Uid != null)
                                var specYaml  = infoDict[spec.Uid];
                                spec.Name     = specYaml.NameWithoutTypeParameter ?? specYaml.Name;
                                spec.FullName = specYaml.FullNameWithoutTypeParameter ?? specYaml.FullName;
                                spec.Href     = specYaml.Href;
                using (var writer = new StreamWriter(Path.Combine(outputPath, page.Items[0].Href)))
                    YamlSerializer.Value.Serialize(writer, page);
        public Task RunAsync(BuildContext context)
            var config = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;

            if (config == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Config));

            string sdpYmlFolder = StepUtility.GetSDPYmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);

            if (!Directory.Exists(sdpYmlFolder))
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("SDPYmlOutputPath: {0} doesn't exist.", sdpYmlFolder));

            var inputPaths = config.InputPaths;

            foreach (var inputPath in inputPaths)
                    var tocFilePath = Path.Combine(inputPath, "toc.yml");
                    if (!File.Exists(tocFilePath))
                        throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("toc.yml: toc.yml doesn't exist in the {0} directory.", inputPath));

                    var     content = File.ReadAllText(tocFilePath, Encoding.UTF8);
                    TocYaml toc;
                    using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(content))
                        toc = YamlUtility.Deserialize <TocYaml>(reader);

                    TocExpression javaTocExpression = new TocExpression(config.OutputPath);
                    javaTocExpression.Interpreter(toc, context);

                        new LogEntry
                        Phase   = StepName,
                        Level   = LogLevel.Info,
                        Message = $"Succeed to interpret Merf file: Toc.yml.",
                catch (Exception ex)
                        new LogEntry
                        Phase   = StepName,
                        Level   = LogLevel.Error,
                        Message = $"Fail to interpret Merf file: Toc.yml.Exception: {ex}"


        public Task RunAsync(BuildContext context)
            var config = context.GetSharedObject(Constants.Config) as ConfigModel;

            if (config == null)
                throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Key: {0} doesn't exist in build context", Constants.Config));

            string sdpYmlFolder = StepUtility.GetSDPYmlOutputPath(config.OutputPath);

            if (Directory.Exists(sdpYmlFolder))
                Directory.Delete(sdpYmlFolder, recursive: true);


            var inputPaths = config.InputPaths;

            foreach (var inputPath in inputPaths)
                Directory.EnumerateFiles(inputPath, "*.yml").AsParallel().ForAll(
                    p =>
                    var filename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p);
                        var content = File.ReadAllText(p, Encoding.UTF8);

                        if (filename != "toc")
                            PageModel pageModel;
                            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(content))
                                pageModel = YamlUtility.Deserialize <PageModel>(reader);
                            List <AbstractExpression> expressions = new List <AbstractExpression>();
                            expressions.Add(new PackageExpression(config.OutputPath, filename));
                            expressions.Add(new TypeExpress(config.OutputPath, filename));
                            expressions.Add(new EnumExpression(config.OutputPath, filename));

                            if (pageModel == null)

                            foreach (var expression in expressions)
                                if (!expression.Interpret(pageModel, context))

                                new LogEntry
                                Phase   = StepName,
                                Level   = LogLevel.Info,
                                Message = $"Succeed to interpret Merf file: {filename}.yml.",
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        var sb = new StringBuilder();
                        sb.Append($"Fail to interpret Merf file: {filename}.yml.");
                        sb.AppendLine("     ");
                        sb.Append($"Exception: { ex}");
                            new LogEntry
                            Phase   = StepName,
                            Level   = LogLevel.Error,
                            Message = sb.ToString()
