        // Component methods

        void OnEnable()
            if (vehicle != null)
                m_input    = vehicle.GetComponent <VPStandardInput>();
                m_settings = vehicle.GetComponent <VPSettingsSwitcher>();
                m_input    = null;
                m_settings = null;

            if (drivingAidsPanel != null)

            // Switching steering mode when no gyro is available is not handled properly.
            // It may take a bit to the filter to catch up with the current acceleration.
            // TO-DO: This should be deprecated and use a n-averaged value instead.

            m_acceleration = Input.acceleration;

            // Fallback to regular touch mode if no accelerometer nor gyro are present

            if (!SystemInfo.supportsAccelerometer && !SystemInfo.supportsGyroscope)
                steeringMode = SteeringMode.Touch;
        /// <summary>
        /// Set "Steering Mode Packet"
        /// </summary>
        public void SetSteeringMode(SteeringMode sm)
            int n;

            byte[] buff;
            n            = g_SCI2_TX_LEN;
            Tx_Buff[n++] = ( int )MessageType.SteeringModeChanged; //Type Of Data
            Tx_Buff[n++] = 6;                                      //Packet Length

            buff = BitConverter.GetBytes(( int )sm);

            Tx_Buff[n++]  = buff[0];                //dummy
            Tx_Buff[n++]  = buff[1];                //dummy
            Tx_Buff[n++]  = buff[2];                //dummy
            Tx_Buff[n++]  = buff[3];                //dummy
            g_SCI2_TX_LEN = n;
    private float SteeringDecision(float leftSideDistance, float rightSideDistance, float leftDistance, float rightDistance, float frontMinDistance, bool frontContact, SteeringMode style)
        float localSteeringAngle = steerAngle;
        float result = 0;

        switch (style)
            case SteeringMode.Cautious:
                if (leftSideDistance == 0 && ((leftDistance == 0 && rightDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && leftDistance > rightDistance)
                    || (leftDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (rightDistance > leftDistance && frontMinDistance > 0) || (frontContact==false && rightSideDistance > 0)))
                    result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;
                    //Debug.Log(" 1 leftDistance: " + leftDistance + ";rightDistance: " + rightDistance);

                //nach rechts lenken
                //Kein "(leftSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (rightSideDistance == 0 && ((rightDistance == 0 && leftDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && rightDistance > leftDistance)
                    || (rightDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (leftDistance > rightDistance && frontMinDistance > 0) || (frontContact == false && leftSideDistance > 0)))
                    result = localSteeringAngle;

            case SteeringMode.Tough:
                //nach links lenken
                //Kein "(rightSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (leftSideDistance == 0 && ((leftDistance == 0 && rightDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && leftDistance > rightDistance)
                    || (leftDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (rightDistance > leftDistance && frontMinDistance > 0)))
                    result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;
                    //Debug.Log(" 1 leftDistance: " + leftDistance + ";rightDistance: " + rightDistance);

                //nach rechts lenken
                //Kein "(leftSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (rightSideDistance == 0 && ((rightDistance == 0 && leftDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && rightDistance > leftDistance)
                    || (rightDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (leftDistance > rightDistance && frontMinDistance > 0)))
                    result = localSteeringAngle;

        return result;
    private float SteeringDecision(float leftSideDistance, float rightSideDistance, float leftDistance, float rightDistance, float frontMinDistance, bool frontContact, SteeringMode style)
        //float localSteeringAngle = steerAngle;
        float localSteeringAngle = m_currentMaxSteerAngle;

        float result = 0;
        //keine Prozent sonder von 0 bis 1;
        float rightPercent = 1;
        float rightSidePercent = 1;
        float leftPercent = 1;
        float leftSidePercent = 1;

        if (frontContact && (frontMinDistance < 2))
            m_backwardDriving = true;

        switch (style)
            case SteeringMode.Cautious:
             	//steer left
                if (leftSideDistance == 0 && ((leftDistance == 0 && rightDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && leftDistance > rightDistance)
         					|| (leftDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (rightDistance < leftDistance && frontMinDistance > 0 && rightDistance != 0) || (frontContact==false && rightSideDistance > 0)))
                                          //|| (leftDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (rightDistance > leftDistance && frontMinDistance > 0) || (frontContact==false && rightSideDistance > 0)))
                    if (!steerAbsolute)
                        //result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle; old
                        if (frontMinDistance > 0)
                            result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;
                            //rightPercent = frontMinDistance / m_frontDistanceLength;
                            //result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightPercent);

                            if (rightSideDistance > 0)
                                rightSidePercent = rightSideDistance / m_leftRightSideDistanceLength;

                            if (rightDistance > 0)
                                rightPercent = rightDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                            if (rightSidePercent < rightPercent)
                                result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightSidePercent);
                                result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightPercent);

                        result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;


                //steer right
                //Kein "(leftSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (rightSideDistance == 0 && ((rightDistance == 0 && leftDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && rightDistance > leftDistance)
                    || (rightDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (leftDistance < rightDistance && frontMinDistance > 0 && leftDistance != 0) || (frontContact == false && leftSideDistance > 0 )))
                    //|| (rightDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (leftDistance > rightDistance && frontMinDistance > 0) || (frontContact == false && leftSideDistance > 0)))
                    if (!steerAbsolute)
                        if (frontMinDistance > 0)
                            result = localSteeringAngle;
                            //leftPercent = frontMinDistance / m_frontDistanceLength;
                            //result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftPercent);

                            if (leftSideDistance > 0)
                                leftSidePercent = leftSideDistance / m_leftRightSideDistanceLength;

                            if (leftDistance > 0)
                                leftPercent = leftDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                            if (leftSidePercent < leftPercent)
                                result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftSidePercent);
                                result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftPercent);

                        result = localSteeringAngle;

                if (rightSideDistance != 0 && leftSideDistance != 0)
                    if (rightDistance > 0)
                        rightPercent = rightDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                    if (leftDistance > 0)
                        leftPercent = leftDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                    if (rightPercent < leftPercent || leftPercent == 0)
                        result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightPercent);

                    else if (rightPercent > leftPercent || rightPercent == 0)
                        result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftPercent);


            case SteeringMode.Tough:
                //steer left
                //Kein "(rightSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (leftSideDistance == 0 && ((leftDistance == 0 && rightDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && leftDistance > rightDistance)
                    || (leftDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (rightDistance > leftDistance && frontMinDistance > 0)))
                    if (!steerAbsolute)

                        if (frontMinDistance > 0)
                            result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;
                            //rightPercent = frontMinDistance / m_frontDistanceLength;
                            //result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightPercent);

                            if (rightDistance > 0)
                                rightPercent = rightDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                            result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle * (1 - rightPercent);

                        result = (-1) * localSteeringAngle;

                //steer right
                //Kein "(leftSideDistance > 0) ||" weil kein Abdrengeln möglich sein soll
                if (rightSideDistance == 0 && ((rightDistance == 0 && leftDistance > 0) || (rightDistance != 0 && leftDistance != 0 && rightDistance > leftDistance)
                    || (rightDistance == 0 && frontMinDistance > 0) || (leftDistance > rightDistance && frontMinDistance > 0)))
                    if (!steerAbsolute)
                        //result = localSteeringAngle;
                        if (frontMinDistance > 0)
                            result = localSteeringAngle;
                            //leftPercent = frontMinDistance / m_frontDistanceLength;
                            //result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftPercent);

                            if (leftDistance > 0)
                                leftPercent = leftDistance / m_leftRightDistanceLength;

                            result = localSteeringAngle * (1 - leftPercent);

                        result = localSteeringAngle;

        return result;
        public RailedMoveBlock(Vector2 position, int width, int height, Vector2 node, SteeringMode steeringMode, float speed)
            : base(position, width, height, safe: false)
            start  = position;
            target = node;

            if (speed <= 0f)
                steeringMode = SteeringMode.None;
                moveSpeed = speed;

            dir    = Calc.SafeNormalize(target - start);
            length = Vector2.Distance(start, target);

            if (dir == Vector2.Zero)
                steeringMode = SteeringMode.None;
                if (dir.Y == 0 & (steeringMode == SteeringMode.Both || steeringMode == SteeringMode.Vertical))
                    steeringMode = SteeringMode.Horizontal;
                if (dir.X == 0 & (steeringMode == SteeringMode.Both || steeringMode == SteeringMode.Horizontal))
                    steeringMode = SteeringMode.Vertical;
            this.steeringMode = steeringMode;
            hasSideButtons    = steeringMode == SteeringMode.Both || steeringMode == SteeringMode.Horizontal;
            hasTopButtons     = steeringMode == SteeringMode.Both || steeringMode == SteeringMode.Vertical;

            int tilesWidth  = width / 8;
            int tilesHeight = height / 8;

            MTexture button = GFX.Game["objects/moveBlock/button"];
            MTexture block;

            switch (steeringMode)
                block    = GFX.Game["objects/moveBlock/base"];
                idleIcon = GFX.Game["objects/CommunalHelper/railedMoveBlock/o"];

            case SteeringMode.Both:
                block    = GFX.Game["objects/CommunalHelper/railedMoveBlock/base_both"];
                idleIcon = GFX.Game["objects/CommunalHelper/railedMoveBlock/both"];

            case SteeringMode.Vertical:
                block    = GFX.Game["objects/moveBlock/base_h"];
                idleIcon = GFX.Game["objects/CommunalHelper/railedMoveBlock/v"];

            case SteeringMode.Horizontal:
                block    = GFX.Game["objects/moveBlock/base_v"];
                idleIcon = GFX.Game["objects/CommunalHelper/railedMoveBlock/h"];
            icon = idleIcon;

            if (hasTopButtons)
                for (int i = 0; i < tilesWidth; i++)
                    int num3 = ((i != 0) ? ((i < tilesWidth - 1) ? 1 : 2) : 0);
                    AddImage(button.GetSubtexture(num3 * 8, 0, 8, 8), new Vector2(i * 8, -4f), 0f, new Vector2(1f, 1f), topButton);

            if (hasSideButtons)
                for (int j = 0; j < tilesHeight; j++)
                    int num4 = ((j != 0) ? ((j < tilesHeight - 1) ? 1 : 2) : 0);
                    AddImage(button.GetSubtexture(num4 * 8, 0, 8, 8), new Vector2(-4f, j * 8), (float)Math.PI / 2f, new Vector2(1f, -1f), leftButton);
                    AddImage(button.GetSubtexture(num4 * 8, 0, 8, 8), new Vector2((tilesWidth - 1) * 8 + 4, j * 8), (float)Math.PI / 2f, new Vector2(1f, 1f), rightButton);

            for (int i = 0; i < tilesWidth; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < tilesHeight; j++)
                    int tx = (i != 0) ? ((i < tilesWidth - 1) ? 1 : 2) : 0;
                    int ty = (j != 0) ? ((j < tilesHeight - 1) ? 1 : 2) : 0;
                    AddImage(block.GetSubtexture(tx * 8, ty * 8, 8, 8), new Vector2(i, j) * 8f, 0f, new Vector2(1f, 1f), body);

            Add(sfx = new SoundSource()
                Position = new Vector2(width / 2f, Height / 2f)
            sfx.Play(CustomSFX.game_railedMoveBlock_railedmoveblock_move, "arrow_stop", 1f);
            Add(new LightOcclude(0.5f));

            platformData = new DynData <Platform>(this);