        public static string RequestUserStats()
            // initiate the StringBuilder class so we can use it
            // to concat strings, so the code looks nicer
            // and we define less variables
            StringBuilder strBuild = new StringBuilder();

            // if this succeeds, we format some text letting us
            // know that the request was successful
            // among other shit
            if (SteamUserStats.RequestCurrentStats())
                // requesting the steam name of the currently logged in account
                //  to display in this string, just for aesthetics basically
                strBuild.AppendFormat("Sucessfully requested user statistics for user: {0}\n", SteamFriends.GetPersonaName());
                strBuild.AppendFormat("Country associated with current IP Address: {0}\n", SteamUtils.GetIPCountry());
                strBuild.AppendFormat("Current language being used: {0}\n", SteamUtils.GetSteamUILanguage());

                // is the current steam account banned? Yes or no, simple answer.
                // we get this from the SteamApps interface, however this doesn't
                // display if game banned.
                // and there isn't a f*****g function for that for some reason.
                strBuild.AppendFormat("Is VAC Banned: {0}\n", SteamApps.BIsVACBanned() ? "true" : "false");
                // the request failed dumbshit
                strBuild.AppendFormat("Failed to request user statistics for user {0}\n", SteamFriends.GetPersonaName());

            // returning the strings we formatted and built using
            // string builder ya
    public void RenderOnGUI()
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsSubscribed() : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribed());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsLowViolence() : " + SteamApps.BIsLowViolence());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsCybercafe() : " + SteamApps.BIsCybercafe());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsVACBanned() : " + SteamApps.BIsVACBanned());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetCurrentGameLanguage() : " + SteamApps.GetCurrentGameLanguage());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetAvailableGameLanguages() : " + SteamApps.GetAvailableGameLanguages());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsSubscribedApp(SteamUtils.GetAppID()) : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribedApp(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsDlcInstalled(110902) : " + SteamApps.BIsDlcInstalled((AppId_t)110902));         // pieterw test DLC
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime(SteamUtils.GetAppID()) : " + SteamApps.GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend() : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend());
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetDLCCount() : " + SteamApps.GetDLCCount());

        for (int iDLC = 0; iDLC < SteamApps.GetDLCCount(); ++iDLC)
            AppId_t AppID;
            bool    Available;
            string  Name;
            bool    ret = SteamApps.BGetDLCDataByIndex(iDLC, out AppID, out Available, out Name, 128);
            GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BGetDLCDataByIndex(" + iDLC + ", out AppID, out Available, out Name, 128) : " + ret + " -- " + AppID + " -- " + Available + " -- " + Name);

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.InstallDLC(110902)"))
            SteamApps.InstallDLC((AppId_t)110902);             // pieterw test DLC

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.UninstallDLC(110902)"))
            SteamApps.UninstallDLC((AppId_t)110902);             // pieterw test DLC

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey(SteamUtils.GetAppID())"))

            string Name;
            bool   ret = SteamApps.GetCurrentBetaName(out Name, 128);
            if (Name == null)
                Name = "";
            GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetCurrentBetaName(out Name, 128) : " + ret + " -- " + Name);

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.MarkContentCorrupt(true)"))
            print("SteamApps.MarkContentCorrupt(true) : " + SteamApps.MarkContentCorrupt(true));

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32)"))
            DepotId_t[] Depots = new DepotId_t[32];
            uint        ret    = SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32);
            for (int i = 0; i < ret; ++i)
                print("SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32) : " + ret + " -- #" + i + " -- " + Depots[i]);

            string Folder;
            uint   ret = SteamApps.GetAppInstallDir(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), out Folder, 260);
            if (Folder == null)
                Folder = "";

            GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetAppInstallDir(480, out Folder, 260) : " + ret + " -- " + Folder);

        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.BIsAppInstalled(480) : " + SteamApps.BIsAppInstalled(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetAppOwner() : " + SteamApps.GetAppOwner());

        // Run the test and then use steam://run/480//?test=testing;param2=value2; in your browser to try this out
        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetLaunchQueryParam(\"test\") : " + SteamApps.GetLaunchQueryParam("test"));

            ulong BytesDownloaded;
            ulong BytesTotal;
            bool  ret = SteamApps.GetDlcDownloadProgress((AppId_t)110902, out BytesDownloaded, out BytesTotal);
            GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetDlcDownloadProgress((AppId_t)110902, out BytesDownloaded, out BytesTotal): " + ret + " -- " + BytesDownloaded + " -- " + BytesTotal);

        GUILayout.Label("SteamApps.GetAppBuildId(): " + SteamApps.GetAppBuildId());
#if _PS3
        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.RegisterActivationCode(\"???\")"))
            SteamAPICall_t handle = SteamApps.RegisterActivationCode("???");
            new CallResult <RegisterActivationCodeResponse_t>(OnRegisterActivationCodeResponse, handle);
            new CallResult <AppProofOfPurchaseKeyResponse_t>(OnAppProofOfPurchaseKeyResponse, handle);
 public override void OnEnter()
     isVACBanned.Value = SteamApps.BIsVACBanned();
    public void RenderOnGUI()
        m_ScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(m_ScrollPos, GUILayout.Width(Screen.width - 215), GUILayout.Height(Screen.height - 33));

        GUILayout.Label("BIsSubscribed() : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribed());

        GUILayout.Label("BIsLowViolence() : " + SteamApps.BIsLowViolence());

        GUILayout.Label("BIsCybercafe() : " + SteamApps.BIsCybercafe());

        GUILayout.Label("BIsVACBanned() : " + SteamApps.BIsVACBanned());

        GUILayout.Label("GetCurrentGameLanguage() : " + SteamApps.GetCurrentGameLanguage());

        GUILayout.Label("GetAvailableGameLanguages() : " + SteamApps.GetAvailableGameLanguages());

        GUILayout.Label("BIsSubscribedApp(SteamUtils.GetAppID()) : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribedApp(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));

        GUILayout.Label("BIsDlcInstalled(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC) : " + SteamApps.BIsDlcInstalled(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC));

        GUILayout.Label("GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime(SteamUtils.GetAppID()) : " + SteamApps.GetEarliestPurchaseUnixTime(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));

        GUILayout.Label("BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend() : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribedFromFreeWeekend());

        GUILayout.Label("GetDLCCount() : " + SteamApps.GetDLCCount());

        for (int iDLC = 0; iDLC < SteamApps.GetDLCCount(); ++iDLC)
            AppId_t AppID;
            bool    Available;
            string  Name;
            bool    ret = SteamApps.BGetDLCDataByIndex(iDLC, out AppID, out Available, out Name, 128);
            GUILayout.Label("BGetDLCDataByIndex(" + iDLC + ", out AppID, out Available, out Name, 128) : " + ret + " -- " + AppID + " -- " + Available + " -- " + Name);

        if (GUILayout.Button("InstallDLC(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC)"))
            print("SteamApps.InstallDLC(" + TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("UninstallDLC(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC)"))
            print("SteamApps.UninstallDLC(" + TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC + ")");

        if (GUILayout.Button("RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey(SteamUtils.GetAppID())"))
            print("SteamApps.RequestAppProofOfPurchaseKey(" + SteamUtils.GetAppID() + ")");

            string Name;
            bool   ret = SteamApps.GetCurrentBetaName(out Name, 128);
            if (Name == null)
                Name = "";
            GUILayout.Label("GetCurrentBetaName(out Name, 128) : " + ret + " -- " + Name);

        if (GUILayout.Button("MarkContentCorrupt(true)"))
            bool ret = SteamApps.MarkContentCorrupt(true);
            print("SteamApps.MarkContentCorrupt(" + true + ") : " + ret);

        if (GUILayout.Button("SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32)"))
            DepotId_t[] Depots = new DepotId_t[32];
            uint        ret    = SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32);
            for (int i = 0; i < ret; ++i)
                print("SteamApps.GetInstalledDepots(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), Depots, 32) : " + ret + " -- #" + i + " -- " + Depots[i]);

            string Folder;
            uint   ret = SteamApps.GetAppInstallDir(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), out Folder, 260);
            if (Folder == null)
                Folder = "";
            GUILayout.Label("GetAppInstallDir(SteamUtils.GetAppID(), out Folder, 260) : " + ret + " -- " + Folder);

        GUILayout.Label("BIsAppInstalled(SteamUtils.GetAppID()) : " + SteamApps.BIsAppInstalled(SteamUtils.GetAppID()));

        GUILayout.Label("GetAppOwner() : " + SteamApps.GetAppOwner());

            // Run the test and then use steam://run/480//?test=testing;param2=value2; in your browser to try this out
            string ret = SteamApps.GetLaunchQueryParam("test");
            GUILayout.Label("GetLaunchQueryParam(\"test\") : " + ret);

            ulong BytesDownloaded;
            ulong BytesTotal;
            bool  ret = SteamApps.GetDlcDownloadProgress(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC, out BytesDownloaded, out BytesTotal);
            GUILayout.Label("GetDlcDownloadProgress(TestConstants.Instance.k_AppId_PieterwTestDLC, out BytesDownloaded, out BytesTotal) : " + ret + " -- " + BytesDownloaded + " -- " + BytesTotal);

        GUILayout.Label("GetAppBuildId() : " + SteamApps.GetAppBuildId());

        if (GUILayout.Button("RequestAllProofOfPurchaseKeys()"))

        if (GUILayout.Button("GetFileDetails(\"steam_api.dll\")"))
            SteamAPICall_t handle = SteamApps.GetFileDetails("steam_api.dll");
            print("SteamApps.GetFileDetails(" + "\"steam_api.dll\"" + ") : " + handle);

            string CommandLine;
            int    ret = SteamApps.GetLaunchCommandLine(out CommandLine, 260);
            if (CommandLine == null)
                CommandLine = "";
            GUILayout.Label("GetLaunchCommandLine(out CommandLine, 260) : " + ret + " -- " + CommandLine);

        GUILayout.Label("BIsSubscribedFromFamilySharing() : " + SteamApps.BIsSubscribedFromFamilySharing());
