public AddAnimalViewModel(SearchAnimalViewModel parent) { prnt = parent; Image = new ImageModel(); Animal = new AnimalModel(); Stay = new StayModel(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Put(StayModel stay) { _unitOfWork.Stay.Update(stay); await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); return(Accepted(stay)); }
public void Test_Create_StayModel(StayModel stay) { var validationContext = new ValidationContext(stay); var actual = Validator.TryValidateObject(stay, validationContext, null, true); Assert.True(actual); }
public AddAnimalViewModel(HomeViewModel parent) { prnt1 = parent; Image = new ImageModel(); Animal = new AnimalModel(); Stay = new StayModel(); }
public void ClearNewStay() { NewStay = new StayModel(); NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => NewStayDate); NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => NewFindDate); NotifyOfPropertyChange(() => NewFindPlace); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(StayModel stay) { await _unitOfWork.Stay.InsertAsync(stay); await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); return(Accepted(stay)); }
public async void Test_Repository_Update(BookingModel booking, StayModel stay) { await _connection.OpenAsync(); try { using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); await ctx.Bookings.AddAsync(booking); await ctx.Stays.AddAsync(stay); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var rentals = new List <RentalModel>(); var rental = new RentalModel { Id = 1 }; rentals.Add(rental); booking.Rentals = rentals; var bookings = new Repository <BookingModel>(ctx); var expected = await ctx.Bookings.FirstAsync(); expected.Status = "updated"; bookings.Update(expected); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); var actual = await ctx.Bookings.FirstAsync(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var stays = new Repository <StayModel>(ctx); var expected = await ctx.Stays.FirstAsync(); expected.DateModified = DateTime.Now; stays.Update(expected); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); var actual = await ctx.Stays.FirstAsync(); Assert.Equal(expected, actual); } } finally { _connection.Close(); } }
private async Task FilterData() { IsWorking = true; await Task.Delay(150); await Task.Run(() => { AnimalStays = StayModel.GetDatedStays(Since, To); }); IsWorking = false; }
private async Task LoadData() { IsWorking = true; await Task.Delay(150); await Task.Run(() => { AnimalStays = StayModel.GetAnimalStays(AnimalID); }); IsWorking = false; }
private async Task LoadData() { IsWorking = true; await Task.Delay(150); await Task.Run(() => { Stays = StayModel.GetDatedStays(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-100), DateTime.Now.AddYears(100)); }); IsWorking = false; }
public async void Test_Repository_SelectAsync(BookingModel booking, StayModel stay) { await _connection.OpenAsync(); try { using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); await ctx.Bookings.AddAsync(booking); await ctx.Stays.AddAsync(stay); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var bookings = new Repository <BookingModel>(ctx); var actual = await bookings.SelectAsync(); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var bookings = new BookingRepository(ctx); var actual = await bookings.SelectAsync(); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var stays = new StayRepository(ctx); var actual = await stays.SelectAsync(); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); } } finally { _connection.Close(); } }
public void FilterStays() { if (StaySince == null || StayTo == null) { IsWorking = true; Stays = StayModel.GetDatedStays(DateTime.Now.AddYears(-100), DateTime.Now.AddYears(100)); IsWorking = false; } else { IsWorking = true; Stays = StayModel.GetDatedStays(StaySince, StayTo); IsWorking = false; } }
public void DeleteStay() { MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show("Opravdu chcete vymazat zvolený pobyt?", "Confirmation", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { StayModel.MarkAsDeleted((int)SelectedStay.ID); SelectedStay = null; FilterStays(); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> Post(StayModel stay) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { await _unitOfWork.Stay.InsertAsync(stay); await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync(); return(Accepted(stay)); } else { // Model state is invalid. return(BadRequest()); } }
public async void Restore() { if (Since == null || To == null || (Since > To)) { MessageBox.Show("Zvolte prosím platné datum."); } else { IsWorking = true; await Task.Delay(150); await Task.Run(() => { AdoptionModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); AnimalModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); BreedModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); CoatTypeModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); CostModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); DeathModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); DiaryModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); DonationModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); EscapeModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); FurColorModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); IncidentModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); PersonModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); MedicalRecordModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); SpeciesModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); StayModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); WalkModel.RestoreDeleted((DateTime)Since, (DateTime)To); }); ComboBoxSettings(); IsWorking = false; MessageBox.Show("Záznamy od " + Since + " do " + To + " obnoveny."); } }
public async void Test_Count(BookingModel booking, StayModel stay) { await _connection.OpenAsync(); try { using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); await ctx.Bookings.AddAsync(booking); await ctx.Stays.AddAsync(stay); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var bookings = new Repository <BookingModel>(ctx); var bookingCount = bookings.Count(); Assert.Equal(1, bookingCount); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var stays = new Repository <StayModel>(ctx); var stayCount = stays.Count(); Assert.Equal(1, stayCount); } } finally { _connection.Close(); } }
public void Test_Validate_StayModel(StayModel stay) { var validationContext = new ValidationContext(stay); Assert.Empty(stay.Validate(validationContext)); }
public async void Test_Repository_selectAsync_ByFilter(BookingModel booking, StayModel stay) { await _connection.OpenAsync(); try { using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { await ctx.Database.EnsureCreatedAsync(); await ctx.Bookings.AddAsync(booking); await ctx.Stays.AddAsync(stay); await ctx.SaveChangesAsync(); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var bookings = new Repository <BookingModel>(ctx); var actual = await bookings.SelectAsync(null, null, "", 0, 50); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); actual = await bookings.SelectAsync(null, null, "", 0, 50); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var stays = new Repository <StayModel>(ctx); var actual = await stays.SelectAsync(null, null, "", 0, 50); Assert.NotEmpty(actual); } using (var ctx = new BookingContext(_options)) { var stays = new Repository <StayModel>(ctx); List <Expression <Func <StayModel, bool> > > _filters = new List <Expression <Func <StayModel, bool> > >(); _filters.Add(s => s.Id > 0); SearchFilter <StayModel> searchFilter = new SearchFilter <StayModel> { Includes = "Booking", Filters = _filters, OrderBy = stays => stays.OrderBy(stay => stay.Id), }; var actual = await stays.SelectAsync(searchFilter); Assert.NotNull(actual); } } finally { _connection.Close(); } }
public StaysViewModel(int animalID) { AnimalID = animalID; Stay = new StayModel(); NewStay = new StayModel(); }