private HealthCheckStatus DisplayCurrentServerIdentity()
            string           resultMessage = $"Identity: {Environment.MachineName}";
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

            // If default DatabaseServerRegistrar is in use, get server identity from ServerRegistrationService
            var currentServerRegistrar = (IServerRegistrar2)ServerRegistrarResolver.Current.Registrar;

            if (currentServerRegistrar is DatabaseServerRegistrar)
                var serverRegistrationService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ServerRegistrationService;
                // wonder if it's useful to see what the ServerRegistrationService returns for role
                var currentServerRole     = serverRegistrationService.GetCurrentServerRole();
                var currentServerIdentity = serverRegistrationService.CurrentServerIdentity;
                resultMessage = $"Identity: {currentServerIdentity} | Role: {currentServerRole}";
            // If running as an Azure WebApp add additional info
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_SITE_NAME")))
                resultMessage += $" | Azure WebApp name: {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_SITE_NAME")} | WebApp Hostname: {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_HOSTNAME")} | Instance id: {Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBSITE_INSTANCE_ID")}";

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether appsetting has disabled election, eg on Cloud
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckElectionDisabledForSingleServer()
            string           resultMessage = String.Empty;
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

            //if appsetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer is set - election won't occur (used on cloud) - server is a single server and no election / flexible load balancing will take place
            var isElectionForSingleServerDisabled = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer"]);

            if (isElectionForSingleServerDisabled)
                resultMessage = resultMessage + "The appsetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer has been set to true - Turning off Flexible Load Balancing - correct setting for Umbraco Cloud";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
                // show this message when it's not there or turned off?
                resultMessage = resultMessage + "The appsetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer is false - (This is correct for flexible load balancing)";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckMostVersionedContent(bool isUnversionInstalled, int noOfVersions)
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            int         noOfContentItemsWithMoreThan = 0;
            VersionInfo highestVersionedContentItem  = default(VersionInfo);
            int         highestNumberOfVersions      = 1;
            IEnumerable <VersionInfo> contentWithMoreVersionsThan = GetContentWithMoreVersionsThan(noOfVersions);
            var message = "You have {0} content items with more than {1} versions - The highest versioned content item is '{2}' with {3} versions";

            if (contentWithMoreVersionsThan != null && contentWithMoreVersionsThan.Any())
                resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                noOfContentItemsWithMoreThan = contentWithMoreVersionsThan.Count();
                highestVersionedContentItem  = contentWithMoreVersionsThan.FirstOrDefault();
                highestNumberOfVersions      = highestVersionedContentItem != null ? highestVersionedContentItem.VersionCount : 1;
                message = String.Format(message, noOfContentItemsWithMoreThan, noOfVersions, highestVersionedContentItem.text, highestNumberOfVersions);
                resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
                message    = String.Format("You don't have any 'overly versioned' individual content items, each item has less than {0} content versions.", noOfVersions);
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

                (new HealthCheckStatus(message)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// check to see if the Umbraco local temp location has been set by an app setting
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayUmbracoLocalTempStorage()
            var resultMessage           = "Umbraco local temporary location hasn't been set by an app setting, default \"~/App_Data/ location is in use";
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var currentUmbracoVersion = UmbracoVersion.GetSemanticVersion();

            var tempSettings = new List <string>();

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.ContainsKey("umbracoLocalTempStorage"))
                var umbracoLocalTempStorage = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoLocalTempStorage"];
                resultMessage =
                    $"Umbraco local temporary location is set to {umbracoLocalTempStorage} using the umbracoLocalTempStorage app setting";

            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.ContainsKey("umbracoContentXMLStorage"))
                var umbracoContentXMLStorage = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoContentXMLStorage"];
                resultMessage = $"Umbraco local temporary location is set to {umbracoContentXMLStorage} using the umbracoContentXMLStorage app setting";
                if (currentUmbracoVersion >= new SemVersion(7, 7, 3))
                    resultMessage = $"{resultMessage}, it is recommended that you change to using umbracoLocalTempStorage";
                    resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
            if (ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.ContainsKey("umbracoContentXMLUseLocalTemp"))
                var umbracoContentXMLUseLocalTemp = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoContentXMLUseLocalTemp"];
                resultMessage = $"Umbraco local temporary location is set to {umbracoContentXMLUseLocalTemp} using the umbracoContentXMLStorage app setting";
                if (currentUmbracoVersion >= new SemVersion(7, 7, 3))
                    resultMessage = $"{resultMessage}, it is recommended that you change to using umbracoLocalTempStorage";
                    resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
                else if (currentUmbracoVersion >= new SemVersion(7, 6))
                    resultMessage = $"{resultMessage}, it is recommended that you change to using umbracoContentXMLStorage";
                    resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;

            // check for multiple temp location settings, this will override all above checks
            if (tempSettings.Count > 1)
                resultMessage = $"Multiple Umbraco local temporary settings are in use, there should be only one! {string.Join(", ", tempSettings.ToArray())} found to be in use";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Error;

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// check if the UmbracoApplicationUrl has been configured, whether it has been done so correctly eg does it end with /umbraco - a common mistake
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckUmbracoApplicationUrlEndsWithUmbraco()
            string           resultMessage = string.Empty;
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl = UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().WebRouting.UmbracoApplicationUrl;

            if (!configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                var umbracoApplicationUri = new Uri(configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl);
                //check it ends in /umbraco
                var lastSegment = umbracoApplicationUri.Segments[umbracoApplicationUri.Segments.Length - 1];
                if (!"umbraco".InvariantEquals(lastSegment))
                    resultMessage = "umbracoApplicationUrl needs to end in /umbraco - check the configuration in umbracoSettings.config routing element";
                    //ToDo resultMessage = _textService.Localize("healthcheck/umbracoApplicationUrlEndingInUmbraco");
                    resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                resultMessage = "Umbraco Application Url ends in /Umbraco";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Success;
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// quick check to see if the umbracoApplicationUrl has been set in the config or left blank
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayHowUmbracoApplicationUrlSet()
            string           resultMessage;
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl = UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().WebRouting.UmbracoApplicationUrl;

            if (!configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                resultMessage = "umbracoApplicationUrl has been configured in umbracoSettings.config routing element";
                // it may have been set by a custom registraar or Umbraco has guessed based on the first request
                // not sure yet how to tell the difference here
                resultMessage = "umbracoApplicationUrl has been set during Application Start up based on the Url of the first request made to Umbraco or by a custom Registrar implementation";
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// List out active servers from umbracoServer database table
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayFlexibleLoadBalancingServers()
            string           resultMessage = "";
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            //finally for Slave and Master configurations we can look up in the umbracoServer table to see what other servers are in play...

            var serverRegistrationService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ServerRegistrationService;
            var currentServerRole         = serverRegistrationService.GetCurrentServerRole();
            var activeServers             = serverRegistrationService.GetActiveServers();

            if (activeServers.Any())
                //how many servers
                if (activeServers.Count() == 1)
                    resultMessage = "There is only one active Server in the Flexible Load Balancing Pool";
                    resultMessage = "There are " + activeServers.Count() + " active servers in the Flexible Load Balancing Pool";
                //is it appropriate to use html here?
                resultMessage = resultMessage + "<ul>";
                foreach (var server in activeServers)
                    resultMessage = resultMessage + "<li>";
                    resultMessage = resultMessage + server.ServerAddress + " | " + server.ServerIdentity + " | Registered: " + server.Registered + " | Master: " + server.IsMaster + " | Last Accessed: " + server.Accessed;
                    resultMessage = resultMessage + "</li>";
                resultMessage = resultMessage + "</ul>";
                resultMessage = "0 Active servers in the Flexible Load Balancing Pool";
                if (currentServerRole == ServerRole.Master || currentServerRole == ServerRole.Slave)
                    resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                    resultType = StatusResultType.Info;

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// Use Registrar to determine the current server role
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayCurrentServerRole()
            string           resultMessage = String.Empty;
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

            //make sure that distributed calls is not turned on otherwise not safe to try and read from registrar? and cast to IServerRegistrar2

            // check umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer not turned on
            //if (Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer"]))
            //    resultMessage = "ServerRole:Single - No Load Balancing";

            //Server Election Role Status, what is the role that the server thinks it is
            var currentServerRegistrar = (IServerRegistrar2)ServerRegistrarResolver.Current.Registrar;
            var currentServerRole      = currentServerRegistrar.GetCurrentServerRole();

            switch (currentServerRole)
            case ServerRole.Slave:
                resultMessage = "ServerRole:Slave - Flexible Load Balancing";

            case ServerRole.Master:
                resultMessage = "ServerRole:Master - Flexible Load Balancing";

            case ServerRole.Single:
                resultMessage = "ServerRole:Single - No Load Balancing";

            case ServerRole.Unknown:
                resultMessage = "ServerRole:Unknown - Umbraco could not determine it's ServerRole, there must be a configuration issue";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
            resultMessage = resultMessage + " | This was determined by the Registrar: " + currentServerRegistrar.GetType().Name;

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        ///Just display the UmbracoApplicationUrl from the ApplicationContext, eg what Umbraco has chosen/or has been configured.
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayUmbracoApplicationUrl()
            string           resultMessage;
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var umbracoApplicationUrl = ApplicationContext.Current.UmbracoApplicationUrl;

            resultMessage = "Umbraco Application Url: " + umbracoApplicationUrl;
            // resultMessage = _textService.Localize("healthcheck/umbracoDisplayUmbracoApplicationUrl");
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// Make a web request to UmbracoApplicationUrl - the server needs to be able to resolve this address for Load Balancing to work
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckMakeRequestToUmbracoApplicationUrl()
            string           resultMessage;
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var umbracoApplicationUrl = ApplicationContext.Current.UmbracoApplicationUrl;

                HttpWebRequest  requestToUmbracoApplicationUrl    = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(umbracoApplicationUrl + "/ping.aspx");
                HttpWebResponse responseFromUmbracoApplicationUrl = (HttpWebResponse)requestToUmbracoApplicationUrl.GetResponse();
                if (responseFromUmbracoApplicationUrl.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                    resultMessage = "Server can make a successful web request to the Umbraco Application Url";
                    resultType    = StatusResultType.Success;
                    resultMessage = "server tried to make a web request to the Umbraco Application Url but failed with status code: " + responseFromUmbracoApplicationUrl.StatusCode.ToString();
                    resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
            catch (WebException ex)
                resultMessage = "A Web exception occurred when this server tried to make a web request to the Umbraco Application Url: " + ex.Message;
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultMessage = "A General exception occurred when this server tried to make a web request to the Umbraco Application Url: " + ex.Message;
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckTotalNumberOfVersions(bool IsUnversionInstalled, int warningLevelOfVersions)
            int totalNumberOfVersions   = TotalNumberOfVersions();
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            var message = String.Format("Total number of content versions: {0} ", totalNumberOfVersions.ToString());

            if (totalNumberOfVersions > warningLevelOfVersions)
                resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                message    = message + String.Format(" - You have a over a million content versions on your Umbraco site, the backoffice may begin to slow down and you may want to consider [Installing Our.Umbraco.Unversion/Updating your Our.Umbraco.Unversion configuration] or manually removing older content versions from the database", IsUnversionInstalled ? "Updating your 'Our.Umbraco.UnVersion' configuration" : "Installing 'Our.Umbraco.UnVersion'") + " or manually removing older content versions from the database.";

            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

                (new HealthCheckStatus(message)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckUnversionInstalled(bool isUnversionInstalled)
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;

            var message = "Our.Umbraco.UnVersion is installed, see /config/Unversion.config for versioning policy settings";

            if (!isUnversionInstalled)
                resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                message    = "'Our.Umbraco.UnVersion' is NOT installed, consider installing this package to help create a version history retainment policy.";

            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

                (new HealthCheckStatus(message)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckAverageNumberOfVersionsPerContent(bool IsUnversionInstalled, int warningLevelForAverage)
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            decimal          averageNoOfVersionsPerContentItem = GetAverageVersionsPerContentItem();
            var message = String.Format("Average number of versions per content item: {0} ", averageNoOfVersionsPerContentItem.ToString("F2"));

            if (averageNoOfVersionsPerContentItem > warningLevelForAverage)
                resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                message    = message + " - " + String.Format("On average it appears you have a large amount of old content versions for each published content item, this may begin to slow the Umbraco backoffice, and you may want to consider {0} or manually removing older content versions from the database.", IsUnversionInstalled ? "[Updating your 'Our.Umbraco.Unversion' configuration" : "Installing 'Our.Umbraco.Unversion'");

            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

                (new HealthCheckStatus(message)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayCurrentServerIdentity()
            string           resultMessage = "";
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            //finally for Slave and Master configurations we can look up in the umbracoServer table to see what other servers are in play...

            var serverRegistrationService = ApplicationContext.Current.Services.ServerRegistrationService;
            // wonder if it's useful to see what the ServerRegistrationService returns for role
            var currentServerRole     = serverRegistrationService.GetCurrentServerRole();
            var currentServerIdentity = serverRegistrationService.CurrentServerIdentity;

            resultMessage = "Identity: " + currentServerIdentity + " | Role: " + currentServerRole;

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// quick check to see if the umbracoApplicationUrl has been set in the config or left blank
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus DisplayHowUmbracoApplicationUrlSet()
            string           resultMessage;
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            var configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl = UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().WebRouting.UmbracoApplicationUrl;
            var currentServerRegistrar          = (IServerRegistrar2)ServerRegistrarResolver.Current.Registrar;

            var isSetByServerRegistrar =
            var isSetByConfig = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl);

            if (isSetByConfig && isSetByServerRegistrar)
                resultMessage =
                    $"UmbracoApplicationUrl is being set by both config in umbracoSettings.config and by a ServerRegistrar named {currentServerRegistrar.GetType().Name}, config gets preference!";
                resultType = StatusResultType.Error;
            else if (isSetByConfig)
                resultMessage = "UmbracoApplicationUrl has been configured in umbracoSettings.config routing element";
            else if (isSetByServerRegistrar)
                resultMessage = $"UmbracoApplicationUrl is being set by by a ServerRegistrar named {currentServerRegistrar.GetType().Name}";
                resultMessage = "UmbracoApplicationUrl has been set during Application Start up based on the Url of the first request made to Umbraco";
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// a common mistake is not to set Https at the beginning of the Url, if the site runs over SSL, or HTTPS is set but UmbracoUseSSL app setting is false
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckUmbracoApplicationUrlUsesHTTPSOrNot()
            string           resultMessage = string.Empty;
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();
            //check if useSSL is configured that this url starts with https
            var useSSL = Convert.ToBoolean(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["umbracoUseSSL"]);
            var configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl = UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().WebRouting.UmbracoApplicationUrl;

            if (!configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl.IsNullOrWhiteSpace())
                if (useSSL && !configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl.StartsWith("https"))
                    resultMessage = resultMessage + "The AppSetting UmbracoUseSSL is set to true, however your configured UmbracoApplicationUrl does not start with https";
                    // resultMessage = _textService.Localize("healthcheck/umbracoApplicationUrlEndingInUmbraco");
                    resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                // check if umbracoApplicationUrl starts with https that useSSL is also true
                if (!useSSL && configuredUmbracoApplicationUrl.StartsWith("https"))
                    resultMessage = resultMessage + "The AppSetting UmbracoUseSSL is set to false, however your configured UmbracoApplicationUrl starts with https - to work over https, UmbracoUseSSL must be true.";
                    // resultMessage = _textService.Localize("healthcheck/umbracoApplicationUrlEndingInUmbraco");
                    resultType = StatusResultType.Warning;
                resultMessage = useSSL ? "Umbraco Application Url is configured to run over SSL" : "Umbraco Application Url is configured to not run over SSL";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        /// <summary>
        /// Check whether Distributed Calls is turned on
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckDistributedCallsSetting()
            string           resultMessage;
            StatusResultType resultType = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

            if (UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().DistributedCall.Enabled)
                // flavourOfLoadingBalancing = "Traditional Load Balancing";
                resultMessage = "Traditional Load Balancing is enabled (Distributed Calls are turned on in UmbracoSettings.Config) - This turns off Flexible Load Balancing";
                resultMessage = "Traditional Load Balancing is disabled (Distributed Calls are turned off in UmbracoSettings.Config)";
                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions
        public Dictionary <string, IEnumerable <HealthCheckStatus> > GetResultsForStatus(StatusResultType resultType)
            switch (resultType)
            case StatusResultType.Success:
                // a check is considered a success status if all checks are successful or info
                var successResults = _results.Where(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Success) && x.Value.All(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Success || y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Info));
                return(successResults.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

            case StatusResultType.Warning:
                // a check is considered warn status if one check is warn and all others are success or info
                var warnResults = _results.Where(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Warning) && x.Value.All(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Warning || y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Success || y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Info));
                return(warnResults.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

            case StatusResultType.Error:
                // a check is considered error status if any check is error
                var errorResults = _results.Where(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Error));
                return(errorResults.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

            case StatusResultType.Info:
                // a check is considered info status if all checks are info
                var infoResults = _results.Where(x => x.Value.All(y => y.ResultType == StatusResultType.Info));
                return(infoResults.ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value));

 private string ApplyHtmlHighlightingForStatus(string html, StatusResultType status, string color)
            .Replace("Result: '" + status + "'", "Result: <span style=\"color: #" + color + "\">" + status + "</span>"));
 public StubHealthCheck3(StatusResultType resultType, string message) : base(resultType, message)
 public StubHealthCheck(StatusResultType resultType, string message)
     _resultType = resultType;
     _message    = message;
        /// <summary>
        ///  check the status of configured servers for traditional load balancing
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private HealthCheckStatus CheckDistributedCallsServers()
            string           resultMessage = String.Empty;
            StatusResultType resultType    = StatusResultType.Info;
            // can we fix anything
            var actions = new List <HealthCheckAction>();

            //check if any servers are listed
            if (UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().DistributedCall.Servers.Any())
                if (UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().DistributedCall.Servers.Count() == 1)
                    // in the circumstance where only one server is listed, then this server should be the server we are currently on (this is a dark arts method for turning off flexible load balancing and works by luck)
                    var server = UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().DistributedCall.Servers.FirstOrDefault();
                    if (server.ServerName == Environment.MachineName)
                        resultMessage = "Only one server configured for Traditional Load Balancing - This effectively turns off flexible load balancing, and works by luck; consider using the AppSetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer setting to true for the same result";
                        resultMessage = "Only one server configured for Traditional Load Balancing. Add details of the servers you intend to load balance in UmbracoSettings.config DistrubutedCalls Servers section or disable Distributed Calls to use Flexible Load Balancing or set the AppSetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer to true to disable Load Balancing";
                    foreach (var server in UmbracoConfig.For.UmbracoSettings().DistributedCall.Servers)
                        if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(server.ServerAddress))
                            resultMessage = resultMessage + "An empty server element exists in UmbracoSettings DistributedCalls Server List";
                            resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.ServerName) && String.IsNullOrEmpty(server.AppId))
                                resultMessage = resultMessage + server.ServerAddress + " - Missing ServerName or IIS AppId in UmbracoSettings distributed calls server list | ";
                                resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;
                                resultMessage = resultMessage + server.ServerAddress + " | ";
                            // TODO: would it be excessive here to see if we can ping the cache refresher url for each of these servers?
                            // bearing in mind it would trigger the cache to be refreshed :-)
                            // or should we just see if ping.aspx works?
                // no servers listed this
                resultMessage = resultMessage + "No servers configured for Traditional Load Balancing. Add details of the servers you intend to load balance in UmbracoSettings.config DistributedCalls Servers section or disable Distributed Calls to use Flexible Load Balancing or set the AppSetting umbracoDisableElectionForSingleServer to true to disable Load Balancing";
                resultType    = StatusResultType.Warning;

                (new HealthCheckStatus(resultMessage)
                ResultType = resultType,
                Actions = actions