void SetValToStatsBlock(StatsBlock sb, string name, string desc, string val) { sb.DisplayName = dislayName; sb?.SetName(name); sb?.SetDesc(desc); sb?.SetValue(val); }
/* * On Click of an MCUID, simplify the total list of MCUs being displayed to just itself. * Sets page title and key/type for breaking out of the page. * */ protected void mcuidClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { Button btn = (Button)sender; foreach (GridViewRow rw in resultsGrid.Rows) { if (((Button)rw.FindControl("MCUID")).Text == btn.Text) { //Keep or mark matching items as visible rw.Visible = true; } else { //Hide unrelated objects rw.Visible = false; } } Page.Title = "MCU: " + btn.Text; keyBreak = btn.Text; typeBreak = "MCUID"; humidity = ((Label)StatsBlock.FindControl("Humidity")); humidity.Text = "Test??"; }
void SetDescription(Description desc) { for (int i = 0; i < constraintsPanel.childCount; i++) { Destroy(constraintsPanel.GetChild(i).gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < statsPanel.childCount; i++) { Destroy(statsPanel.GetChild(i).gameObject); } for (int i = 0; i < secondStatsPanel.childCount; i++) { Destroy(secondStatsPanel.GetChild(i).gameObject); } if (desc.Icon != null) { itemIcon.sprite = desc.Icon; itemIcon.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { itemIcon.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.Name != null) { name.text = desc.Name; } else { name.text = string.Empty; } if (desc.Desc != null) { description.text = desc.Desc; } else { description.text = string.Empty; } if (desc.Constraints != null && desc.Constraints.Length > 0) { foreach (var d in desc.Constraints) { GameObject go = Instantiate(statsBlockOriginal, constraintsPanel); StatsBlock sb = go.GetComponent <StatsBlock>(); sb.SetName(d.Name); sb.SetValue(d.Description, d.ItPositiveDesc); } constraintsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { constraintsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.StatsName)) { statsName.gameObject.SetActive(true); statsName.text = desc.StatsName; } else { statsName.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.Stats != null && desc.Stats.Length > 0) { foreach (var d in desc.Stats) { GameObject go = Instantiate(statsBlockOriginal, statsPanel); StatsBlock sb = go.GetComponent <StatsBlock>(); sb.SetName(d.Name); sb.SetValue(d.Description, d.ItPositiveDesc); } statsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { statsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.SecondStatsName)) { secondStatsName.gameObject.SetActive(true); secondStatsName.text = desc.SecondStatsName; } else { secondStatsName.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.SecondStats != null && desc.SecondStats.Length > 0) { foreach (var d in desc.SecondStats) { GameObject go = Instantiate(statsBlockOriginal, secondStatsPanel); StatsBlock sb = go.GetComponent <StatsBlock>(); sb.SetName(d.Name); sb.SetValue(d.Description, d.ItPositiveDesc); } secondStatsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(true); } else { secondStatsPanel.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.Cost.HasValue) { costPanel.alpha = 1; if (desc.Cost.Value.CostPerOne.HasValue) { costPerOneText.gameObject.SetActive(true); costPerOneText.text = desc.Cost.Value.CostPerOne.Value.ToString(StringFormats.intSeparatorNumber, StringFormats.nfi); } else { costPerOneText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.Cost.Value.CostAll.HasValue) { costAllText.gameObject.SetActive(true); costAllText.text = desc.Cost.Value.CostAll.Value.ToString(StringFormats.intSeparatorNumber, StringFormats.nfi); } else { costAllText.gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (desc.Cost.Value.CostCurrency.HasValue) { currencyIcon.sprite = currency[(int)desc.Cost.Value.CostCurrency]; } else { currencyIcon.sprite = currency[(int)DSPlayerScore.Currency.SILVER]; } } else { costPanel.alpha = 0; } if (desc.Condition.HasValue) { conditionText.text = desc.Condition.Value.Name; conditionText.color = desc.Condition.Value.Value.GetColor(); conditionText.gameObject.SetActive(true); name.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.BottomLeft; } else { conditionText.gameObject.SetActive(false); name.alignment = TextAlignmentOptions.MidlineLeft; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.UseType)) { howToUsePanel.SetName(LocalizedStrings.how_to_use); howToUsePanel.SetValue(desc.UseType); } howToUsePanel.gameObject.SetActive(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(desc.UseType)); }