IEnumerator ShowLoseText()
        yield return(new WaitForSeconds(3));

        gameObject.GetComponent <EventManager>().ExitBattle(); //lets player exit battle and walk around
        currentState = StatesOfBattle.Start;                   //resets the BattleState script
        unitNum      = 0;                                      //resets chosen unit
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //player = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");
        if (gameObject.GetComponent <EventManager>().encounteredEnemies.Count <= 0)
            currentState = StatesOfBattle.Win;
        else if (player.GetComponent <PlayerInfo>().allParty.Count <= 0)
            currentState = StatesOfBattle.Lose;
        //Debug.Log (currentState);
        switch (currentState)
        case (StatesOfBattle.Start):
            //setup battle function

            currentState = StatesOfBattle.PlayerTurn;

        case (StatesOfBattle.PlayerTurn):                 //players turn goes through until all party members have done something

            //Sets it so that as long as unitNum is less than the list size of the player then the player can chose there choices
            if (unitNum > (player.GetComponent <PlayerInfo>().allParty.Count - 1))
                unitNum      = 0;                        //resets unitNum to 0 for enemy
                currentState = StatesOfBattle.EnemyTurn; //changes to enemies turn
                playerUnit = player.GetComponent <PlayerInfo>().allParty[unitNum];                        //grabs a unit from the players party list

                //These two if else statements are supposed to define what type of attack the player is going to do
                if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Target)                        //Need to update this for just melee attack this is just for testing
                    playerUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.Melee;
                else if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Skill)
                    playerUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.Magic;
                //The only way the attack script will activate is if the script is in the description menu and the player has an attack set to it
                if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Description && (playerUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks == AttackType.Melee || playerUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks == AttackType.Magic))
                    enemy = gameObject.GetComponent <EventManager>().encounteredEnemies[bUI.Target];       //Get the target the player will attack
                    Debug.Log("Object Attacking: " + playerUnit);
                    playerUnit.GetComponent <AttackComponent>().Attack(enemy);                             //Deal damage to the enemy
                    playerUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.None;                          //Reset the attack type to nothing so that this statement doesn't execute again

        case (StatesOfBattle.EnemyTurn):                 //enemies turn goes through until all enemies have done something
            //Sets it so that as long as unitNum is less than the list size of the enemy then the enemy can chose there choices
            if (unitNum > (gameObject.GetComponent <EventManager>().encounteredEnemies.Count - 1))
                unitNum      = 0;                         //resets unitNum to 0 for player
                currentState = StatesOfBattle.PlayerTurn; //changes to players turn
                enemyUnit = gameObject.GetComponent <EventManager>().encounteredEnemies[unitNum];                        //grabs a unit from the eventmanager's encounter list

                enemyUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.Melee;
                enemyUnit.GetComponent <AttackComponent>().Attack(player.GetComponent <PlayerInfo>().allParty[0]); //Deal damage to the player
                enemyUnit.GetComponent <Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.None;                                       //Reset the attack type to nothing so that this statement doesn't execute again

                /*if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Target)//Need to update this for just melee attack this is just for testing
                 * {
                 *      enemyUnit.GetComponent<Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.Melee;
                 * }
                 * else if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Skill)
                 * {
                 *      enemyUnit.GetComponent<Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.Magic;
                 * }
                 * //The only way the attack script will activate is if the script is in the description menu and the enemy has an attack set to it
                 * if (bUI.CurMenu == PlayerMenu.Description && ((enemyUnit.GetComponent<Entity>().Attacks == AttackType.Melee) || (enemyUnit.GetComponent<Entity>().Attacks == AttackType.Magic)))
                 * {
                 *      enemyUnit.GetComponent<AttackComponent>().Attack(player.GetComponent<PlayerInfo>().allParty[bUI.Target]); //Deal damage to the player
                 *      enemyUnit.GetComponent<Entity>().Attacks = AttackType.None; //Reset the attack type to nothing so that this statement doesn't execute again
                 * }*/

        //case (StatesOfBattle.CalcDamage): //calculates the damage done
        //	break;

        case (StatesOfBattle.Lose):                 //set up if player loses

            //pauses the game so that the player can see the end game message


            /*gameObject.GetComponent<EventManager>().ExitBattle(); //lets player exit battle and walk around
             * currentState = StatesOfBattle.Start; //resets the BattleState script
             * unitNum = 0; //resets chosen unit*/

        case (StatesOfBattle.Win):                 //set up if player wins
            Debug.Log("Yah, okay you won good job I guess");
            bool i = true;
            if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))
                i = false;
            //pauses the game so that the player can see the end game message

            /*gameObject.GetComponent<EventManager>().ExitBattle(); //lets player exit battle and walk around
             * currentState = StatesOfBattle.Start; //resets the BattleState script
             * unitNum = 0; //resets chosen unit*/
    //public EventManager eventM;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        unitNum      = 0;                                          //which unit will be going
        player       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player"); //sets up the player will have a setup for enemy as well
        currentState = StatesOfBattle.Start;                       //sets the current state to start