private void ActOnTestData5(StatementModel statementModelTestData = null)
            this.subject           = LedgerBookTestData.TestData5();
            this.testDataBudget    = BudgetModelTestData.CreateTestData5();
            this.testDataStatement = statementModelTestData ?? StatementModelTestData.TestData5();

            Console.WriteLine("********************** BEFORE RUNNING RECONCILIATION *******************************");

            var result = Act(bankBalances: new[] { new BankBalance(StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount, 1850.5M), new BankBalance(StatementModelTestData.SavingsAccount, 1200M) });

            this.testDataToDoList = result.Tasks.ToList();

            Console.WriteLine("********************** AFTER RUNNING RECONCILIATION *******************************");
        private void ActOnTestData5(StatementModel statementModelTestData = null, bool ignoreWarnings = false)
            this.testDataLedgerBook    = LedgerBookTestData.TestData5(() => new LedgerBookTestHarness(new Mock <IReconciliationBuilder>().Object));
            this.testDataBudgets       = new BudgetCollection(new[] { BudgetModelTestData.CreateTestData5() });
            this.testDataBudgetContext = new BudgetCurrencyContext(this.testDataBudgets, this.testDataBudgets.CurrentActiveBudget);
            this.testDataStatement     = statementModelTestData ?? StatementModelTestData.TestData5();

            Console.WriteLine("********************** BEFORE RUNNING RECONCILIATION *******************************");

            Act(bankBalances: new[] { new BankBalance(StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount, 1850.5M), new BankBalance(StatementModelTestData.SavingsAccount, 1200M) },
                ignoreWarnings: ignoreWarnings);

            Console.WriteLine("********************** AFTER RUNNING RECONCILIATION *******************************");
        public StatementModel Build()
            if (this.additionalTransactions.None())

            // IEnumerable<MethodInfo> privateMergeMethods = this.model.GetType().GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic).Where(m => m.Name == "Merge");
            // MethodInfo privateMergeMethod = privateMergeMethods.First(m => m.IsPrivate);
            // privateMergeMethod.Invoke(this.model, new object[] { this.additionalTransactions });
            var additionalTransactionsModel = new StatementModel(new FakeLogger())
                LastImport = this.additionalTransactions.Max(t => t.Date).Date,

        /// <summary>
        ///     Loads a data source with the provided database reference data asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="DataFormatException">Statement Model data is corrupt and has been tampered with. Unable to load.</exception>
        public async Task LoadAsync(ApplicationDatabase applicationDatabase)
            if (applicationDatabase == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(applicationDatabase));

                StatementModel = await this.statementRepository.LoadAsync(applicationDatabase.FullPath(applicationDatabase.StatementModelStorageKey), applicationDatabase.IsEncrypted);
            catch (StatementModelChecksumException ex)
                throw new DataFormatException("Statement Model data is corrupt and has been tampered with. Unable to load.", ex);

        public void TestInitialise()
            this.bucketRepo       = new BucketBucketRepoAlwaysFind();
            this.subject          = new RemainingSurplusWidget();
            this.criteriaTestData = new GlobalFilterCriteria
                BeginDate = new DateTime(2015, 10, 20),
                EndDate   = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19)

            StatementModelTestDataForThisTest.AccountTypeRepo  = new InMemoryAccountTypeRepository();
            StatementModelTestDataForThisTest.BudgetBucketRepo = this.bucketRepo;
            this.statementTestData = StatementModelTestDataForThisTest.TestDataGenerated();

            BudgetModel budgetModel = BudgetModelTestData.CreateTestData1();

            this.budgetTestData = new BudgetCurrencyContext(new BudgetCollection(budgetModel), budgetModel);

            this.ledgerBookTestData = new LedgerBookBuilder
                StorageKey = "RemainingSurplusWidgetTest.xml",
                Modified   = new DateTime(2015, 11, 23),
                Name       = "Smith Budget 2015"
            .IncludeLedger(LedgerBookTestData.PhoneLedger, 130M)
            .IncludeLedger(LedgerBookTestData.CarMtcLedger, 90M)
                new DateTime(2015, 10, 20),
                new BankBalance(LedgerBookTestData.ChequeAccount, 4502.75M))
                entryBuilder =>
                .AppendTransactions(txnBuilder => { txnBuilder.WithCredit(3000M, "Oct Savings", new DateTime(2015, 10, 20), "automatchref12"); });

            this.ledgerCalculation = new LedgerCalculation(new FakeLogger());
        public OverallPerformanceBudgetResult BuildChart(StatementModel statementModel, BudgetCollection budgets,
                                                         GlobalFilterCriteria criteria)
            if (statementModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statementModel));

            if (budgets == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(budgets));

            if (criteria == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(criteria));

            return(this.analyser.Analyse(statementModel, budgets, criteria));
        public void TestInit()
            PrivateAccessor.SetProperty(this.testAppDb, "StatementModelStorageKey", @"Foo.csv");
            PrivateAccessor.SetProperty(this.testAppDb, "FileName", @"C:\AppDb.bax");
            this.testData = StatementModelTestData.TestData2();

            this.mockBudgetBucketRepo = new Mock <IBudgetBucketRepository>();
            this.mockStatementRepo    = new Mock <IStatementRepository>();

            this.mockStatementRepo.Setup(m => m.LoadAsync(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))

            .Setup(m => m.Buckets)

            this.budgetBucketRepo = this.mockBudgetBucketRepo.Object;
        public void Reconcile_ShouldThrow_GivenTestData1AndNoStatementModelTransactions()
            this.testDataStatement = new StatementModel(new FakeLogger())
                StorageKey = "C:\\Foo.xml"
                Act(new DateTime(2013, 10, 15));
            catch (ValidationWarningException ex)
                if (ex.Source == "5")

 private void CreateStatementTestData()
     this.statementTestData = new StatementModelBuilder()
         new Transaction
         Account      = StatementModelTestData.SavingsAccount,
         Amount       = -100M,
         BudgetBucket = StatementModelTestData.InsHomeBucket,
         Date         = new DateTime(2015, 10, 19),
         Reference1   = "automatchref12",
         new Transaction
         Account      = StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount,
         Amount       = 100M,
         BudgetBucket = StatementModelTestData.PhoneBucket,
         Date         = new DateTime(2015, 10, 19),
         Reference1   = "automatchref12",
         new Transaction
         Account      = StatementModelTestData.SavingsAccount,
         Amount       = -10M,
         BudgetBucket = StatementModelTestData.InsHomeBucket,
         Date         = new DateTime(2015, 10, 1),
         Reference1   = "Foo"
         new Transaction
         Account      = StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount,
         Amount       = -20M,
         BudgetBucket = StatementModelTestData.PhoneBucket,
         Date         = new DateTime(2015, 10, 1),
         Reference1   = "Foo"
        protected async override void OnAppearing()
                var result = await Task.Run(() => _accountStatementService.GetAllService(houseId));

                if (result != null)
                    this.stmtModel = result;
                if (stmtModel != null)
                    Title = MessageHelper.AccountStatement + stmtModel.House.Name;
                    var statementViewModel = stmtModel.Accounts.Select(c => new AccountStatementViewModel
                        Date           = c.ValueDate,
                        Doc            = Convert.ToString(c.DocumentNumber),
                        Description    = c.Description,
                        Debit          = c.DebitAmount,
                        Credit         = c.CreditAmount,
                        DuesBalance    = c.DuesBalance,
                        AdvanceBalance = c.AdvanceTotal,
                    AccountStatementView.ItemsSource = statementViewModel;
                    HeaderSection.IsVisible          = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
        public BurnDownChartAnalyserResult CreateNewCustomAggregateChart(
            StatementModel statementModel,
            BudgetModel budgetModel,
            IEnumerable <BudgetBucket> buckets,
            LedgerBook ledgerBookModel,
            DateTime beginDate,
            string chartTitle)
            List <BudgetBucket> bucketsList = buckets.ToList();
            var result = this.chartAnalyser.Analyse(statementModel, budgetModel, bucketsList, ledgerBookModel, beginDate);

            result.ChartTitle = chartTitle;
            var persistChart = new CustomAggregateBurnDownGraph
                BucketIds = bucketsList.Select(b => b.Code).ToList(),
                Name      = chartTitle

            this.chartsBuilder.CustomCharts = this.chartsBuilder.CustomCharts.Union(new[] { persistChart }).ToList();
        public void Reconcile_ShouldThrowValidationWarning_GivenTwoOrMoreWarningsHaveAlreadyBeenThrown()
            // First the statement has a transaction that is not classified with a bucket.
            this.testDataStatement = new StatementModelBuilder()
                                     .AppendTransaction(new Transaction
                Account     = StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount,
                Amount      = 12.45M,
                Date        = ReconcileDate.AddDays(-1),
                Description = "Foo bar"
            catch (ValidationWarningException ex)
                if (ex.Source != "3")

            // Second time thru, we choose to ignore validation warnings messages we've seen before.
                ActOnTestData5(ignoreWarnings: true);
            catch (ValidationWarningException ex)
                if (ex.Source == "2")

        public ReconciliationResult CreateNewMonthlyReconciliation(
            DateTime reconciliationDateExclusive,
            BudgetModel budget,
            StatementModel statement,
            params BankBalance[] bankBalances)
            if (bankBalances == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bankBalances));

            if (budget == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(budget));

            if (statement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));

            if (LedgerBook == null)
                throw new ArgumentException("The Ledger Book property cannot be null. You must set this prior to calling this method.");

                this.newReconciliationLine = new LedgerEntryLine(reconciliationDateExclusive, bankBalances);
                AddNew(budget, statement, CalculateDateForReconcile(LedgerBook, reconciliationDateExclusive));

                return(new ReconciliationResult {
                    Reconciliation = this.newReconciliationLine, Tasks = this.toDoList
                this.newReconciliationLine = null;
        private static decimal CalculateTrackedSavingLedgersContributions(StatementModel statement,
                                                                          IEnumerable <BudgetBucket> trackedSavingsLedgers)
            decimal savingsToDate = 0;

            foreach (var bucket in trackedSavingsLedgers)
                List <Transaction> transactions = statement.Transactions.Where(t => t.BudgetBucket == bucket).ToList();

                // This will give interest earned.  This is because the transaction list will contain both debits and credits for transfering the savings around.
                savingsToDate += transactions.Sum(t => t.Amount);

                // This will give the savings credited.
                IEnumerable <IGrouping <decimal, decimal> > amounts = transactions
                                                                      .Select(t => Math.Abs(t.Amount))
                                                                      .GroupBy(amount => amount, amount => amount)
                                                                      .Where(group => @group.Count() > 1);
                savingsToDate += amounts.Distinct().Sum(g => g.Key);

        public static void Output(this StatementModel instance, DateTime startDate)
            Debug.WriteLine("Date       Description     Bucket     Reference1      Reference2          Amount Account         Id");
            foreach (Transaction transaction in instance.AllTransactions.Where(t => t.Date >= startDate).OrderBy(t => t.Date))
                    "{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7}",
                    transaction.BudgetBucket?.Code.PadRight(10) ?? string.Empty.PadRight(10),

            Debug.WriteLine($"Total Transactions: {instance.AllTransactions.Count()}");
        private void AddBalanceAdjustmentsForFutureTransactions(StatementModel statement, DateTime reconciliationDate)
            var adjustmentsMade = false;

            foreach (var futureTransaction in statement.AllTransactions
                         t =>
                         t.Account.AccountType != AccountType.CreditCard && t.Date >= reconciliationDate &&
                         !(t.BudgetBucket is PayCreditCardBucket)))
                adjustmentsMade = true;
                    "Remove future transaction for " + futureTransaction.Date.ToString("d"),

            if (adjustmentsMade)
                TodoTasks.Add(new ToDoTask("Check auto-generated balance adjustments for future transactions.", true));
        public void FilterByBucket_ShouldReturn1Bucket_GivenUncatergorisedCode()
            var model2 = new StatementModelBuilder()
                new Transaction
                Account      = StatementModelTestData.ChequeAccount,
                Amount       = -255.65M,
                BudgetBucket = null,
                Date         = new DateTime(2013, 9, 10),

            this.testData = model2;

            var result = this.subject.FilterByBucket(TransactionConstants.UncategorisedFilter);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, result.Count());
        public GraphData BuildChart(StatementModel statementModel, GlobalFilterCriteria criteria)
            if (statementModel == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statementModel));

            if (criteria == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(criteria));

            if (statementModel.Transactions.Any(t => t.BudgetBucket == null))
                throw new ArgumentException("There are uncategorised transactions, finish assigning a bucket to all transactions before this running this graph.");

            this.analyser.Analyse(statementModel, criteria);
            var result = this.analyser.Graph;

        private static void CalculateTotalsAndAverage(DateTime beginDate, StatementModel statement,
                                                      BudgetCollection budgets, OverallPerformanceBudgetResult result)
            // First total the expenses without the saved up for expenses.
            var totalExpensesSpend = statement.Transactions
                                     .Where(t => t.BudgetBucket is ExpenseBucket)
                                     .Sum(t => t.Amount);

            var totalSurplusSpend = statement.Transactions
                                    .Where(t => t.BudgetBucket is SurplusBucket)
                                    .Sum(t => t.Amount);

            result.AverageSpend   = totalExpensesSpend / result.DurationInMonths; // Expected to be negative
            result.AverageSurplus = totalSurplusSpend / result.DurationInMonths;  // Expected to be negative

            for (var month = 0; month < result.DurationInMonths; month++)
                var budget = budgets.ForDate(beginDate.AddMonths(month));
                result.TotalBudgetExpenses += budget.Expenses.Sum(e => e.Amount);

            result.OverallPerformance = result.AverageSpend + result.TotalBudgetExpenses;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates the current month bucket spend.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// </exception>
        public virtual decimal CalculateCurrentMonthBucketSpend(
            [NotNull] LedgerBook ledgerBook,
            [NotNull] GlobalFilterCriteria filter,
            [NotNull] StatementModel statement,
            [NotNull] string bucketCode)
            if (ledgerBook == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ledgerBook));

            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));

            if (statement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));

            if (bucketCode.IsNothing())
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(bucketCode));

            if (filter.BeginDate == null)

            var entryLine        = LocateApplicableLedgerLine(ledgerBook, filter);
            var transactionTotal = CalculateTransactionTotal(filter.BeginDate.Value, statement, entryLine, bucketCode);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates the current month ledger balances.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// </exception>
        public virtual IDictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal> CalculateCurrentMonthLedgerBalances(
            [NotNull] LedgerBook ledgerBook,
            [NotNull] GlobalFilterCriteria filter,
            [NotNull] StatementModel statement)
            if (ledgerBook == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ledgerBook));

            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));

            if (statement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));

            var ledgers = new Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal>();

            if (filter.Cleared || filter.BeginDate == null)

            Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal> ledgersSummary = CalculateLedgersBalanceSummary(ledgerBook, filter.BeginDate.Value, statement);

            // Check Surplus
            var surplusBalance = CalculateCurrentMonthSurplusBalance(ledgerBook, filter, statement);

            ledgersSummary.Add(new SurplusBucket(), surplusBalance);

        private static List <ReportTransactionWithRunningBalance> CollateStatementTransactions(
            StatementModel statementModel,
            IList <BudgetBucket> bucketsToInclude,
            DateTime beginDate,
            DateTime lastDate,
            decimal openingBalance)
            // The below query has to cater for special Surplus buckets which are intended to be equivelent but use a type hierarchy with inheritance.
            List <ReportTransactionWithRunningBalance> query = statementModel.Transactions
                                                               .Join(bucketsToInclude, t => t.BudgetBucket, b => b, (t, b) => t, new SurplusAgnosticBucketComparer())
                                                               .Where(t => t.Date >= beginDate && t.Date <= lastDate)
                                                               .OrderBy(t => t.Date)
                t =>
                new ReportTransactionWithRunningBalance
                Amount    = t.Amount,
                Date      = t.Date,
                Narrative = t.Description

            // Insert the opening balance transaction with the earliest date in the list.
                         new ReportTransactionWithRunningBalance
                Amount    = openingBalance,
                Date      = beginDate.AddSeconds(-1),
                Narrative = "Opening Balance",
                Balance   = openingBalance


        /// <summary>
        ///     This is effectively stage 2 of the Reconciliation process.
        ///     Called by <see cref="ReconciliationBuilder.CreateNewMonthlyReconciliation" />. It builds the contents of the new
        ///     ledger line based on budget and statement input.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="budget">The current applicable budget</param>
        /// <param name="statement">The current period statement.</param>
        /// <param name="startDateIncl">
        ///     The date of the previous ledger line. This is used to include transactions from the
        ///     Statement starting from this date and including this date.
        /// </param>
        private void AddNew(
            BudgetModel budget,
            StatementModel statement,
            DateTime startDateIncl)
            if (!this.newReconciliationLine.IsNew)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot add a new entry to an existing Ledger Line, only new Ledger Lines can have new entries added.");

            var reconciliationDate = this.newReconciliationLine.Date;
            // Date filter must include the start date, which goes back to and includes the previous ledger date up to the date of this ledger line, but excludes this ledger date.
            // For example if this is a reconciliation for the 20/Feb then the start date is 20/Jan and the finish date is 20/Feb. So transactions pulled from statement are between
            // 20/Jan (inclusive) and 19/Feb (inclusive) but not including anything for the 20th of Feb.
            List <Transaction> filteredStatementTransactions = statement?.AllTransactions.Where(t => t.Date >= startDateIncl && t.Date < reconciliationDate).ToList() ?? new List <Transaction>();

            IEnumerable <LedgerEntry> previousLedgerBalances = CompileLedgersAndBalances(LedgerBook);

            var entries = new List <LedgerEntry>();

            foreach (var previousLedgerEntry in previousLedgerBalances)
                LedgerBucket ledgerBucket;
                var          openingBalance = previousLedgerEntry.Balance;
                var          currentLedger  = LedgerBook.Ledgers.Single(l => l.BudgetBucket == previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket.BudgetBucket);
                if (previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket.StoredInAccount != currentLedger.StoredInAccount)
                    // Check to see if a ledger has been moved into a new default account since last reconciliation.
                    ledgerBucket = currentLedger;
                    ledgerBucket = previousLedgerEntry.LedgerBucket;

                var newEntry = new LedgerEntry(true)
                    Balance = openingBalance, LedgerBucket = ledgerBucket

                // Start by adding the budgeted amount to a list of transactions.
                List <LedgerTransaction> transactions = IncludeBudgetedAmount(budget, ledgerBucket, reconciliationDate);

                // Append all other transactions for this bucket, if any, to the transaction list.
                transactions.AddRange(IncludeStatementTransactions(newEntry, filteredStatementTransactions));

                AutoMatchTransactionsAlreadyInPreviousPeriod(filteredStatementTransactions, previousLedgerEntry, transactions);



            foreach (var behaviour in ReconciliationBehaviourFactory.ListAllBehaviours())

            // At this point each ledger balance is still set to the opening balance, it hasn't ben updated yet. This should always be done last.
            foreach (var ledger in this.newReconciliationLine.Entries)
                ledger.Balance += ledger.Transactions.Sum(t => t.Amount);
        public IHttpActionResult GetRightsStatementList(StatementModel _AuthorPubStModel)
                SqlParameter[] parameters = new SqlParameter[11];

                //parameters[0] = new SqlParameter("Year", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
                //parameters[0].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.Year + "'";
                //parameters[1] = new SqlParameter("Month", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2);
                //parameters[1].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.Month + "'";

                parameters[0]       = new SqlParameter("EntryFromYear", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
                parameters[0].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.EntryFromYear + "'";
                parameters[1]       = new SqlParameter("EntryFromMonth", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2);
                parameters[1].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.EntryFromMonth + "'";
                parameters[2]       = new SqlParameter("EntryToYear", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
                parameters[2].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.EntryToYear + "'";
                parameters[3]       = new SqlParameter("EntryToMonth", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2);
                parameters[3].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.EntryToMonth + "'";

                parameters[4]       = new SqlParameter("FromYear", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
                parameters[4].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.FromYear + "'";
                parameters[5]       = new SqlParameter("FromMonth", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2);
                parameters[5].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.FromMonth + "'";
                parameters[6]       = new SqlParameter("ToYear", SqlDbType.VarChar, 4);
                parameters[6].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.ToYear + "'";
                parameters[7]       = new SqlParameter("ToMonth", SqlDbType.VarChar, 2);
                parameters[7].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.ToMonth + "'";

                //if ((_AuthorPubStModel.AuthorName != null && _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorName != "") ||
                //    (_AuthorPubStModel.AuthorCode != null && _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorCode != "") ||
                //    (_AuthorPubStModel.AuthorContractCode != null && _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorContractCode != ""))
                if (_AuthorPubStModel.Type != null && _AuthorPubStModel.Type != "" && _AuthorPubStModel.Type.ToLower() == "authorcontractcode")
                    parameters[8]        = new SqlParameter("AuthorContractCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[8].Value  = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorContractCode + "'";
                    parameters[9]        = new SqlParameter("AuthorCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[9].Value  = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorCode + "'";
                    parameters[10]       = new SqlParameter("AuthorName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[10].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.AuthorName + "'";
                    var _GetAuthorStatement = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureListNewData <StatementModel>("Proc_Statement_Search_RS_A_get", parameters).ToList();

                    parameters[8]        = new SqlParameter("ProductLicenseCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[8].Value  = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.ProductLicenseCode + "'";
                    parameters[9]        = new SqlParameter("PublishingCompanyCode", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[9].Value  = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.PublishingCompanyCode + "'";
                    parameters[10]       = new SqlParameter("PublishingCompanyName", SqlDbType.VarChar, 200);
                    parameters[10].Value = "'" + _AuthorPubStModel.PublishingCompanyName + "'";
                    var _GetStatement = _dbContext.ExecuteStoredProcedureListNewData <StatementModel>("Proc_Statement_Search_RS_P_get", parameters).ToList();

            catch (Exception ex)
        public void Model_Statement_Valid_Exists()
            var model = new StatementModel();

 partial void ToModelPostprocessing(TransactionSetDto dto, ref StatementModel model)
     model.LoadTransactions(dto.Transactions.Select(t => this.transactionMapper.ToModel(t)));
 partial void ToDtoPostprocessing(ref TransactionSetDto dto, StatementModel model)
     var transactions10 = model.AllTransactions.Select(this.transactionMapper.ToDto).ToList();
     dto.Transactions = transactions10;
 // ReSharper disable once RedundantAssignment
 partial void ModelFactory(TransactionSetDto dto, ref StatementModel model)
     model = new StatementModel(this.logger);
        public ReconciliationResult MonthEndReconciliation(
            LedgerBook ledgerBook,
            DateTime reconciliationDate,
            IBudgetCurrencyContext budgetContext,
            StatementModel statement,
            bool ignoreWarnings,
            params BankBalance[] currentBankBalances)
            if (ledgerBook == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ledgerBook));

            if (currentBankBalances == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(currentBankBalances));

            if (budgetContext == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(budgetContext));

            if (statement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));

            if (!budgetContext.BudgetActive)
                throw new ArgumentException("Reconciling against an inactive budget is invalid.");

            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            this.logger.LogInfo(l => l.Format("Starting Ledger Book reconciliation {0}", DateTime.Now));

            if (!ignoreWarnings)
                this.validationMessages = new Collection <string>();
                PreReconciliationValidation(ledgerBook, reconciliationDate, statement);
            catch (ValidationWarningException ex)
                if (ShouldValidationExceptionBeRethrown(ignoreWarnings, ex))

            ReconciliationResult recon;

            using (this.reconciliationConsistency.EnsureConsistency(ledgerBook))
                recon = ledgerBook.Reconcile(reconciliationDate, budgetContext.Model, statement, currentBankBalances);

            // Create new single use matching rules - if needed to ensure transfers are assigned a bucket easily without user intervention.
            foreach (var task in recon.Tasks)
                    l => l.Format("TASK: {0} SystemGenerated:{1}", task.Description, task.SystemGenerated));
                var transferTask = task as TransferTask;
                if (transferTask != null && transferTask.SystemGenerated && transferTask.Reference.IsSomething())
                        l =>
                            "TRANSFER-TASK detected- creating new single use rule. SystemGenerated:{1} Reference:{2}",
                            task.Description, task.SystemGenerated, transferTask.Reference));
                    this.transactionRuleService.CreateNewSingleUseRule(transferTask.BucketCode, null,
                                                                       new[] { transferTask.Reference }, null, null, true);

            this.logger.LogInfo(l => l.Format("Finished Ledger Book reconciliation {0}. It took {1:F0}ms", DateTime.Now, stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds));
            this.validationMessages = null;
        private Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal> CalculateLedgersBalanceSummary(LedgerBook ledgerBook,
                                                                                  DateTime beginDate, StatementModel statement)
            var endDate           = beginDate.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);
            var currentLegderLine = LocateLedgerEntryLine(ledgerBook, beginDate, endDate);

            if (currentLegderLine == null)
                return(new Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal>());

            var ledgersSummary = new Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal>();

            foreach (var entry in currentLegderLine.Entries)
                var closingBalance = CalculateTransactionTotal(beginDate, statement, currentLegderLine,
                var balance = entry.Balance + closingBalance;
                ledgersSummary.Add(entry.LedgerBucket.BudgetBucket, balance);

        /// <summary>
        ///     Calculates the current month surplus balance.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentNullException">
        /// </exception>
        public virtual decimal CalculateCurrentMonthSurplusBalance([NotNull] LedgerBook ledgerBook,
                                                                   [NotNull] GlobalFilterCriteria filter, [NotNull] StatementModel statement)
            if (ledgerBook == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(ledgerBook));

            if (filter == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(filter));

            if (statement == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(statement));

            if (filter.Cleared || filter.BeginDate == null)

            var entryLine = LocateApplicableLedgerLine(ledgerBook, filter);

            if (entryLine == null)

            var beginningOfMonthBalance = entryLine.CalculatedSurplus;
            var transactionTotal        = CalculateTransactionTotal(filter.BeginDate.Value, statement, entryLine,

            beginningOfMonthBalance += transactionTotal;

            // Find any ledgers that are overpsent and subtract them from the Surplus total.  This is actually what is happening when you overspend a ledger, it spills over and spend Surplus.
            Dictionary <BudgetBucket, decimal> ledgersSummary = CalculateLedgersBalanceSummary(ledgerBook, filter.BeginDate.Value, statement);

            beginningOfMonthBalance += ledgersSummary.Where(kvp => kvp.Value < 0).Sum(kvp => kvp.Value);

            public static StatementModel TestDataGenerated()
                var model = new StatementModel(new FakeLogger())
                    StorageKey = @"C:\Foo\StatementModel.csv",
                    LastImport = new DateTime(2015, 11, 21)

                var transactions = new List <Transaction>
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -55.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("PHNET"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 21),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("ce628396-3f6b-4980-88ff-e4ea68a5c804"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -24.10M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("PHNET"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 21),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("67f9cbff-18ca-4d11-a5ef-22988e04584a"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -3000.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 23),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("c66eb722-6d03-48b2-b985-6721701a01ae"),
                        Reference1      = "automatchref12",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Debit Transfer")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -130.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("CAR MTC"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 23),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("233a8a87-5583-47ef-ae72-592aa9c10eb8"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Debit Transfer")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("SAVINGS"),
                        Amount          = 3000.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SAVINGS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 23),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("9ecd767b-b3c7-4c15-a40f-1c0098e422ed"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Transfer")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("SAVINGS"),
                        Amount          = 130.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("CAR MTC"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 23),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("1a0dd7ef-2962-4c8c-85cb-7d3e64748211"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Transfer")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -27.44M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("FUEL"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 31),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("7ac24965-e21e-4f63-b3e4-9ec391843f56"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -73.34M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("CAR MTC"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 10, 31),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("7a9dd17a-1957-4ac4-8175-28a93d9a1eb9"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -32.70M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 1),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("31b7af5c-4429-4cf7-b0b4-54ff8d72eb1d"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -49.70M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 1),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("246fe376-d6b2-4a09-a881-f07d1577ffa7"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -30.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 2),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("886b4bd5-455c-42bb-826c-cc61edcec84f"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Atm Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -120.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("FOOD"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 2),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("8673ce8f-629a-413f-b7c9-afbcc123cf80"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Atm Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -10.79M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 3),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("2a3b17cf-c4a0-4c01-893b-73677cc650ad"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -8.30M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 5),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("2a5b1821-802d-4b5e-af72-728dde935931"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -7.99M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 5),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("b87d9668-6d17-444f-89ef-d53cd1ba826c"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -17.32M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("POWER"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 6),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("af952e91-9ca8-442e-9569-13b8796c9eef"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -42.50M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 6),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("00172bd9-0ec4-4d92-94bf-d533299e0dc5"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -30.60M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 6),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("63a9d1dd-a28e-4561-8443-570af6f1da6a"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -11.47M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS.FENCE"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 8),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("e53f7c07-f06b-4a99-8310-57d6f7aef2e8"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -31.49M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 8),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("810c31e3-bdfb-4aef-a6dd-b96a3789e27f"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -14.10M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 8),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("34249540-ac64-4392-9fa7-c0e10ecc06af"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -2.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 9),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("f705a9c8-533c-451e-9e4b-70266679af58"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Eft-Pos")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -38.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 11),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("b56e8c82-501e-4c77-b2ba-0fa9e86e19ef"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -8.90M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 12),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("eb465d02-e82c-4d5d-884a-2adb1c86cf4c"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -9.50M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 12),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("0ec1c6b3-8f4c-47d5-99e2-c01168cbae2c"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -40.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 13),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("ac3a08f2-3274-4667-b382-9f23e81fa9e8"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Eft-Pos")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -444.63M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("PHNET"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 13),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("ce618893-06ab-4dab-8fd8-5578e6b90700"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -11.50M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 13),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("5db38e40-a58b-47bb-9b1c-077b5f8cecc5"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -159.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS.FENCE"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 14),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("92a6d37b-a846-4b2c-b9b3-14ba85c70295"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -24.10M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 14),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("f32b2ed3-717f-41b5-8892-d48df86579ef"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -471.01M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("CAR MTC"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 14),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("8626f06a-5ba6-45e1-b197-4c0b0ab927c3"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -8.64M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 14),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("0f3d74ba-4456-41a1-a58e-b006534b664b"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -141.79M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 15),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("15bde657-e077-42a3-b0eb-1b49f76ba17d"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -5.00M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 16),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("860cce1e-abca-4520-8a03-6e73a2ddca13"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -8.50M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 18),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("8a6cd650-77cc-427b-a481-ac4b286ccfd4"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Eft-Pos")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -27.74M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("840acbce-af64-4ce8-a3e9-d33beea48bdb"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("CHEQUE"),
                        Amount          = -25.30M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("PHNET"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("9e18b22f-9623-44e7-b391-e868b482d545"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "792fgjgghkh",
                        Reference3      = "kjhgjklshgjsh",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Payment")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -45.98M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("212a5450-81c7-4441-a851-84a1830e7a4a"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -3.50M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("aeb3c1ac-fb5a-4164-8125-3b5cf3487616"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")
                    new Transaction
                        Account         = AccountTypeRepo.GetByKey("VISA"),
                        Amount          = -31.90M,
                        BudgetBucket    = BudgetBucketRepo.GetByCode("SURPLUS"),
                        Date            = new DateTime(2015, 11, 19),
                        Description     = "Lorem Ipsum Dolor",
                        Id              = new Guid("02861f41-a92c-4ffd-bd22-8194dc402f8d"),
                        Reference1      = "5235ghkh",
                        Reference2      = "",
                        Reference3      = "",
                        TransactionType = new NamedTransaction("Credit Card Debit")

 public Task <OperationResult> CreateAsync([FromBody, Required] StatementModel statement, CancellationToken token = default)
 => _statementService.CreateStatementAsync(statement, token);