/// <summary> /// Helper method to check well rights component data. The following are checked: /// <ol> /// <li> Well stations without at least one right are listed. This requires that /// the dataset include well stations.</li> /// <li> Well rights with yield <= 0.0</li> /// <li> Well rights summary for a station is not equal to the well capacity. /// This requires that the dataset include well stations.<li> /// </ol> /// </summary> private void checkWellStationRights(PropList props, System.Collections.IList wer_Vector) { int size = 0; // create elements for the checks and check file string[] header = StateMod_WellRight.getDataHeader(); System.Collections.IList data = new List <object>(); string title = "Well Rights"; // Do the general data validation // using this components data table model StateMod_Data_TableModel tm = new StateMod_WellRight_Data_TableModel(wer_Vector, false); System.Collections.IList @checked = performDataValidation(tm, title); //String [] columnHeader = getDataTableModelColumnHeader( tm ); string[] columnHeader = getColumnHeader(tm); // check Well Station data PropList props_rights = new PropList("Well Rights"); props_rights.add("checkRights=true"); System.Collections.IList wes_Vector = getComponentData(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_STATIONS); if (wes_Vector != null && wes_Vector.Count > 0) { checkWellStationData(props_rights, wes_Vector); } props_rights = null; // cleanup // Check to make sure the sum of well rights equals the well station // capacity... checkWellRights_CapacityData(); // Since well rights are determined from parcel data, print a list of // well rights that do not have associated yield (decree)... size = 0; if (wer_Vector != null) { size = wer_Vector.Count; } // Do data checks listed in the StateMod_WellRight class // Remove all previous checks from StateMod_Well data.Clear(); data = doSpecificDataChecks(wer_Vector, props); // provides basic header information for this data check table string info = "The following well rights (" + data.Count + " out of " + size + ") have no decree (checked to StateMod file .XX precision).\n" + "Well yield data may not be available."; // create data models for Check file CheckFile_DataModel dm = new CheckFile_DataModel(data, header, title, info, data.Count, size); CheckFile_DataModel gen_dm = new CheckFile_DataModel(@checked, columnHeader, title + " Missing or Invalid Data", "", __gen_problems, size); __check_file.addData(dm, gen_dm); }
/// <summary> /// Called when the Apply button is pressed. This commits any changes to the data objects. /// </summary> protected internal override void apply() { StateMod_WellRight right = null; int size = _data.Count; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { right = (StateMod_WellRight)_data[i]; right.createBackup(); } }
/// <summary> /// Called when the cancel button is pressed. This discards any changes made to /// the data objects. /// </summary> protected internal override void cancel() { StateMod_WellRight right = null; int size = _data.Count; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { right = (StateMod_WellRight)_data[i]; right.restoreOriginal(); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a list of references to rights for this well. </summary> /// <param name="rights"> all rights </param> public virtual void connectRights(IList <StateMod_WellRight> rights) { if (rights == null) { return; } int num_rights = rights.Count; StateMod_WellRight right = null; for (int i = 0; i < num_rights; i++) { right = rights[i]; if (right == null) { continue; } if (_id.Equals(right.getCgoto(), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { _rights.Add(right); } } }
/// <summary> /// Saves the input back into the dataset. </summary> /// <returns> true if the data was saved successfuly. False if not. </returns> private bool saveData() { string routine = "StateMod_Well_Right_JFrame.saveData"; if (!__worksheet.stopEditing()) { // don't save if there are errors. Message.printWarning(1, routine, "There are errors in the data " + "that must be corrected before data can be saved.", this); return(false); } if (checkInput() > 0) { return(false); } // now only save data if any are different. bool needToSave = false; // if the Vectors are differently-sized, they're different //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight> wv = (java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight>)__worksheet.getAllData(); IList <StateMod_WellRight> wv = (IList <StateMod_WellRight>)__worksheet.getAllData(); // w for worksheet IList <StateMod_WellRight> lv = (IList <StateMod_WellRight>)__currentWell.getRights(); // l for welL needToSave = !(StateMod_WellRight.Equals(wv, lv)); Message.printStatus(1, routine, "Saving? .........[" + needToSave + "]"); if (!needToSave) { // there's nothing different -- users may even have deleted // some rights and added back in identical values return(true); } // at this point, remove the old diversion rights from the original // component Vector //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight> wellRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight>)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_RIGHTS)).getData(); IList <StateMod_WellRight> wellRights = (IList <StateMod_WellRight>)(__dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_RIGHTS)).getData(); int size = lv.Count; StateMod_WellRight wr; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { wr = lv[i]; StateMod_Util.removeFromVector(wellRights, wr); } // now add the elements from the new Vector to the wellRights // Vector. size = wv.Count; StateMod_WellRight cwr = null; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { wr = (StateMod_WellRight)wv[i]; cwr = (StateMod_WellRight)wr.clone(); cwr._isClone = false; wellRights.Add(cwr); } // sort the wellRights Vector // REVISIT (JTS - 2003-10-10) // here we are sorting the full data array -- may be a performance // issue IList <StateMod_WellRight> sorted = StateMod_Util.sortStateMod_DataVector(wellRights); __dataset.getComponentForComponentType(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_RIGHTS).setData(sorted); __currentWell.disconnectRights(); __currentWell.connectRights(sorted); __dataset.setDirty(StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_RIGHTS, true); return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Checks the data to make sure that all the data are valid. </summary> /// <returns> 0 if the data are valid, 1 if errors exist and -1 if non-fatal errors /// exist. </returns> private int checkInput() { string routine = "StateMod_Well_Right_JFrame.checkInput"; //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight> v = (java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight>)__worksheet.getAllData(); IList <StateMod_WellRight> v = (IList <StateMod_WellRight>)__worksheet.getAllData(); int size = v.Count; StateMod_WellRight right = null; string warning = ""; string id; string name; string wellID; string adminNum; int fatalCount = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { right = (StateMod_WellRight)(v[i]); id = right.getID(); name = right.getName(); wellID = right.getCgoto(); adminNum = right.getIrtem(); if (id.Length > 12) { warning += "\nWell right ID (" + id + ") is " + "longer than 12 characters."; fatalCount++; } if (id.IndexOf(" ", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1 || id.IndexOf("-", StringComparison.Ordinal) > -1) { warning += "\nWell right ID (" + id + ") cannot " + "contain spaces or dashes."; fatalCount++; } if (name.Length > 24) { warning += "\nWell name (" + name + ") is " + "longer than 24 characters."; fatalCount++; } if (wellID.Length > 12) { warning += "\nWell ID associated with right (" + wellID + ") is longer than 12 characters."; } if (!StringUtil.isDouble(adminNum)) { warning += "\nAdministration number (" + adminNum + ") is not a number."; fatalCount++; } // the rest are handled by the worksheet } // REVISIT - if daily time series are supplied, check for time series // and allow creation if not available. if (warning.Length > 0) { warning += "\nCorrect or Cancel."; Message.printWarning(1, routine, warning, this); if (fatalCount > 0) { // Fatal errors... Message.printStatus(1, routine, "Returning 1 from checkInput()"); return(1); } else { // Nonfatal errors... Message.printStatus(1, routine, "Returning -1 from checkInput()"); return(-1); } } else { // No errors... Message.printStatus(1, routine, "Returning 0 from checkInput()"); return(0); } }
/// <summary> /// Responds to action performed events. </summary> /// <param name="e"> the ActionEvent that happened. </param> public virtual void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { string routine = "StateMod_Well_Right_JFrame.actionPerformed"; string action = e.getActionCommand(); if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_ADD_RIGHT)) { StateMod_WellRight aRight = new StateMod_WellRight(); aRight._isClone = true; StateMod_WellRight last = (StateMod_WellRight)__worksheet.getLastRowData(); if (last == null) { aRight.setID(StateMod_Util.createNewID(__currentWell.getID())); aRight.setCgoto(__currentWell.getID()); } else { aRight.setID(StateMod_Util.createNewID(last.getID())); aRight.setCgoto(last.getCgoto()); } __worksheet.addRow(aRight); __worksheet.scrollToLastRow(); __worksheet.selectLastRow(); __deleteRight.setEnabled(true); } else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_DEL_RIGHT)) { int row = __worksheet.getSelectedRow(); if (row != -1) { int x = (new ResponseJDialog(this, "Delete right", "Delete well right?", ResponseJDialog.YES | ResponseJDialog.NO)).response(); if (x == ResponseJDialog.NO) { return; } __worksheet.cancelEditing(); __worksheet.deleteRow(row); __deleteRight.setEnabled(false); } else { Message.printWarning(1, routine, "Must select desired right to delete."); } } else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_HELP)) { // REVISIT HELP (JTS - 2003-06-10) } else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_CLOSE)) { if (saveData()) { setVisible(false); dispose(); } } else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_APPLY)) { saveData(); } else if (action.Equals(__BUTTON_CANCEL)) { setVisible(false); dispose(); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the specified value into the table at the given position. </summary> /// <param name="value"> the object to store in the table cell. </param> /// <param name="row"> the row of the cell in which to place the object. </param> /// <param name="col"> the column of the cell in which to place the object. </param> public virtual void setValueAt(object value, int row, int col) { if (_sortOrder != null) { row = _sortOrder[row]; } double dval; int ival; StateMod_WellRight wellr = (StateMod_WellRight)_data.get(row); // necessary for table models that display rights for 1+ wells so that // the -1st column (ID) can also be displayed. By doing it this way, // code can be shared between the two kinds of table models and less // maintenance is necessary. if (!__singleWell) { col--; } switch (col) { case COL_WELL_ID: wellr.setCgoto((string)value); break; case COL_RIGHT_ID: wellr.setID((string)value); break; case COL_RIGHT_NAME: wellr.setName((string)value); break; case COL_STRUCT_ID: wellr.setCgoto((string)value); break; case COL_ADMIN_NUM: wellr.setIrtem((string)value); break; case COL_DCR_AMT: if (value is string) { try { dval = (Convert.ToDouble((string)value)); } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(2, "setValue", e); return; } } else { dval = ((double?)value).Value; } wellr.setDcrdivw(dval); break; case COL_ON_OFF: if (value is int?) { ival = ((int?)value).Value; wellr.setSwitch(ival); } else if (value is string) { string onOff = (string)value; int index = onOff.IndexOf(" -", StringComparison.Ordinal); ival = (Convert.ToInt32(onOff.Substring(0, index))); wellr.setSwitch(ival); } break; } if (!__singleWell) { col++; } base.setValueAt(value, row, col); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and column. </summary> /// <param name="row"> the row for which to return data. </param> /// <param name="col"> the column for which to return data. </param> /// <returns> the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and col. </returns> public virtual object getValueAt(int row, int col) { if (_sortOrder != null) { row = _sortOrder[row]; } StateMod_WellRight wellr = (StateMod_WellRight)_data.get(row); // necessary for table models that display rights for 1+ wells so that // the -1st column (ID) can also be displayed. By doing it this way, // code can be shared between the two kinds of table models and less // maintenance is necessary. if (!__singleWell) { col--; } switch (col) { case COL_WELL_ID: return(wellr.getCgoto()); case COL_RIGHT_ID: return(wellr.getID()); case COL_RIGHT_NAME: return(wellr.getName()); case COL_STRUCT_ID: return(wellr.getCgoto()); case COL_ADMIN_NUM: return(wellr.getIrtem()); case COL_DCR_AMT: return(new double?(wellr.getDcrdivw())); case COL_ON_OFF: return(new int?(wellr.getSwitch())); case COL_PARCEL_YEAR: return(new int?(wellr.getParcelYear())); case COL_PARCEL_CLASS: return(new int?(wellr.getParcelMatchClass())); case COL_PARCEL_ID: return(Convert.ToInt32(wellr.getParcelID())); case COL_COLLECTION_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionType()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionPartType()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_ID: return(wellr.getCollectionPartId()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_ID_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionPartIdType()); case COL_X_RIGHT_WDID: return(wellr.getXWDID()); case COL_X_RIGHT_APPROPRIATION_DATE: if (wellr.getXApproDate() == null) { return(null); } else { DateTime dt = new DateTime(wellr.getXApproDate()); return(dt.ToString()); } case COL_X_RIGHT_ADMIN_NUMBER: return(wellr.getXApproDateAdminNumber()); case COL_X_PERMIT_RECEIPT: return(wellr.getXPermitReceipt()); case COL_X_PERMIT_DATE: if (wellr.getXPermitDate() == null) { return(null); } else { DateTime dt = new DateTime(wellr.getXPermitDate()); return(dt.ToString()); } case COL_X_PERMIT_ADMIN_NUMBER: return(wellr.getXPermitDateAdminNumber()); case COL_X_WELL_YIELD_GPM: return(wellr.getXYieldGPM()); case COL_X_WELL_YIELD_CFS: return(wellr.getXYieldGPM() * .002228); case COL_X_APEX_GPM: return(wellr.getXYieldApexGPM()); case COL_X_APEX_CFS: return(wellr.getXYieldApexGPM() * .002228); case COL_X_WELL_FRACTION: return(wellr.getXFractionYield()); case COL_X_DITCH_FRACTION: return(wellr.getXDitchFraction()); case COL_X_YIELD_PRORATED_GPM: return(new double?(wellr.getDcrdivw() / .002228)); default: return(""); } }
/// <summary> /// Inserts the specified value into the table at the given position. </summary> /// <param name="value"> the object to store in the table cell. </param> /// <param name="row"> the row of the cell in which to place the object. </param> /// <param name="col"> the column of the cell in which to place the object. </param> public virtual void setValueAt(object value, int row, int col) { if (_sortOrder != null) { row = _sortOrder[row]; } double dval; int ival; StateMod_WellRight wellr = (StateMod_WellRight)_data.get(row); switch (col) { case COL_RIGHT_ID: wellr.setID((string)value); break; case COL_RIGHT_NAME: wellr.setName((string)value); break; case COL_STRUCT_ID: wellr.setCgoto((string)value); break; case COL_ADMIN_NUM: wellr.setIrtem((string)value); break; case COL_DCR_AMT: if (value is string) { try { dval = (Convert.ToDouble((string)value)); } catch (Exception e) { Message.printWarning(2, "setValue", e); return; } } else { dval = ((double?)value).Value; } wellr.setDcrdivw(dval); break; case COL_ON_OFF: if (value is int?) { ival = ((int?)value).Value; wellr.setSwitch(ival); } else if (value is string) { string onOff = (string)value; int index = onOff.IndexOf(" -", StringComparison.Ordinal); ival = (Convert.ToInt32(onOff.Substring(0, index))); wellr.setSwitch(ival); } break; } base.setValueAt(value, row, col); }
/// <summary> /// Returns the data that should be placed in the JTable /// at the given row and column. </summary> /// <param name="row"> the row for which to return data. </param> /// <param name="col"> the column for which to return data. </param> /// <returns> the data that should be placed in the JTable at the given row and col. </returns> public virtual object getValueAt(int row, int col) { if (_sortOrder != null) { row = _sortOrder[row]; } StateMod_WellRight wellr = (StateMod_WellRight)_data.get(row); switch (col) { case COL_RIGHT_ID: return(wellr.getID()); case COL_RIGHT_NAME: return(wellr.getName()); case COL_STRUCT_ID: return(wellr.getCgoto()); case COL_ADMIN_NUM: return(wellr.getIrtem()); case COL_DCR_AMT: return(new double?(wellr.getDcrdivw())); case COL_ON_OFF: return(new int?(wellr.getSwitch())); case COL_PARCEL_YEAR: return(new int?(wellr.getParcelYear())); case COL_PARCEL_CLASS: return(new int?(wellr.getParcelMatchClass())); case COL_PARCEL_ID: return(wellr.getParcelID()); case COL_COLLECTION_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionType()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionPartType()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_ID: return(wellr.getCollectionPartId()); case COL_COLLECTION_PART_ID_TYPE: return(wellr.getCollectionPartIdType()); case COL_X_RIGHT_WDID: return(wellr.getXWDID()); case COL_X_RIGHT_APPROPRIATION_DATE: if (wellr.getXApproDate() == null) { return(null); } else { DateTime dt = new DateTime(wellr.getXApproDate()); return(dt.ToString()); } case COL_X_RIGHT_ADMIN_NUMBER: return(wellr.getXApproDateAdminNumber()); case COL_X_RIGHT_USE: return(wellr.getXUse()); case COL_X_PERMIT_RECEIPT: return(wellr.getXPermitReceipt()); case COL_X_PERMIT_DATE: if (wellr.getXPermitDate() == null) { return(null); } else { DateTime dt = new DateTime(wellr.getXPermitDate()); return(dt.ToString()); } case COL_X_PERMIT_ADMIN_NUMBER: return(wellr.getXPermitDateAdminNumber()); case COL_X_WELL_YIELD_GPM: return(wellr.getXYieldGPM()); case COL_X_WELL_YIELD_CFS: return(wellr.getXYieldGPM() * .002228); case COL_X_APEX_GPM: return(wellr.getXYieldApexGPM()); case COL_X_APEX_CFS: return(wellr.getXYieldApexGPM() * .002228); case COL_X_WELL_FRACTION: return(wellr.getXFractionYield()); case COL_X_DITCH_FRACTION: return(wellr.getXDitchFraction()); case COL_X_YIELD_PRORATED_GPM: return(new double?(wellr.getDcrdivw() / .002228)); default: return(""); } }
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: Method 'throws' clauses are not available in .NET: //ORIGINAL LINE: private void saveComponent(RTi.Util.IO.DataSetComponent comp, String oldFilename,String newFilename, java.util.List<String> comments) throws Exception private void saveComponent(DataSetComponent comp, string oldFilename, string newFilename, IList <string> comments) { bool daily = false; int type = comp.getComponentType(); object data = comp.getData(); string name = null; switch (type) { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StateMod_* classes case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_CONTROL: StateMod_DataSet.writeStateModControlFile(__dataset, oldFilename, newFilename, comments); name = "Control"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DELAY_TABLES_DAILY: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_DelayTable> delayTablesDaily = (java.util.List<StateMod_DelayTable>)data; IList <StateMod_DelayTable> delayTablesDaily = (IList <StateMod_DelayTable>)data; StateMod_DelayTable.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, delayTablesDaily, comments, __dataset.getInterv(), -1); name = "Delay Tables Daily"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DELAY_TABLES_MONTHLY: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_DelayTable> delayTablesMonthly = (java.util.List<StateMod_DelayTable>)data; IList <StateMod_DelayTable> delayTablesMonthly = (IList <StateMod_DelayTable>)data; StateMod_DelayTable.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, delayTablesMonthly, comments, __dataset.getInterv(), -1); name = "Delay Tables Monthly"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_Diversion> diversionStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_Diversion>)data; IList <StateMod_Diversion> diversionStations = (IList <StateMod_Diversion>)data; StateMod_Diversion.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, diversionStations, comments, daily); name = "Diversion"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_RIGHTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_DiversionRight> diversionRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_DiversionRight>)data; IList <StateMod_DiversionRight> diversionRights = (IList <StateMod_DiversionRight>)data; StateMod_DiversionRight.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, diversionRights, comments, daily); name = "Diversion Rights"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_INSTREAM_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_InstreamFlow> instreamFlow = (java.util.List<StateMod_InstreamFlow>)data; IList <StateMod_InstreamFlow> instreamFlow = (IList <StateMod_InstreamFlow>)data; StateMod_InstreamFlow.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, instreamFlow, comments, daily); name = "Instream"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_INSTREAM_RIGHTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_InstreamFlowRight> instreamFlowRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_InstreamFlowRight>)data; IList <StateMod_InstreamFlowRight> instreamFlowRights = (IList <StateMod_InstreamFlowRight>)data; StateMod_InstreamFlowRight.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, instreamFlowRights, comments); name = "Instream Rights"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_OPERATION_RIGHTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_OperationalRight> operationalRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_OperationalRight>)data; IList <StateMod_OperationalRight> operationalRights = (IList <StateMod_OperationalRight>)data; // 2 is the file version (introduced for StateMod version 12 change) StateMod_OperationalRight.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, 2, operationalRights, comments, __dataset); name = "Operational Rights"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_PLANS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_Plan> planStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_Plan>)data; IList <StateMod_Plan> planStations = (IList <StateMod_Plan>)data; StateMod_Plan.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, planStations, comments); name = "Plan"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_Reservoir> reservoirStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_Reservoir>)data; IList <StateMod_Reservoir> reservoirStations = (IList <StateMod_Reservoir>)data; StateMod_Reservoir.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, reservoirStations, comments, daily); name = "Reservoir"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_RIGHTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_ReservoirRight> reservoirRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_ReservoirRight>)data; IList <StateMod_ReservoirRight> reservoirRights = (IList <StateMod_ReservoirRight>)data; StateMod_ReservoirRight.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, reservoirRights, comments); name = "Reservoir Rights"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESPONSE: StateMod_DataSet.writeStateModFile(__dataset, oldFilename, newFilename, comments); name = "Response"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RIVER_NETWORK: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> riverNodes = (java.util.List<StateMod_RiverNetworkNode>)data; IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode> riverNodes = (IList <StateMod_RiverNetworkNode>)data; StateMod_RiverNetworkNode.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, riverNodes, comments, true); name = "River Network"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMESTIMATE_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_StreamEstimate> streamEstimateStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_StreamEstimate>)data; IList <StateMod_StreamEstimate> streamEstimateStations = (IList <StateMod_StreamEstimate>)data; StateMod_StreamEstimate.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, streamEstimateStations, comments, daily); name = "Stream Estimate"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMESTIMATE_COEFFICIENTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_StreamEstimate_Coefficients> streamEstimateCoefficients = (java.util.List<StateMod_StreamEstimate_Coefficients>)data; IList <StateMod_StreamEstimate_Coefficients> streamEstimateCoefficients = (IList <StateMod_StreamEstimate_Coefficients>)data; StateMod_StreamEstimate_Coefficients.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, streamEstimateCoefficients, comments); name = "Stream Estimate Coefficients"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMGAGE_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_StreamGage> streamGageStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_StreamGage>)data; IList <StateMod_StreamGage> streamGageStations = (IList <StateMod_StreamGage>)data; StateMod_StreamGage.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, streamGageStations, comments, daily); name = "Streamgage Stations"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_STATIONS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_Well> wellStations = (java.util.List<StateMod_Well>)data; IList <StateMod_Well> wellStations = (IList <StateMod_Well>)data; StateMod_Well.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, wellStations, comments); name = "Well"; break; case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_RIGHTS: //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight> wellRights = (java.util.List<StateMod_WellRight>)data; IList <StateMod_WellRight> wellRights = (IList <StateMod_WellRight>)data; StateMod_WellRight.writeStateModFile(oldFilename, newFilename, wellRights, comments, (PropList)null); name = "Well Rights"; break; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // StateMod Time Series case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_CONSUMPTIVE_WATER_REQUIREMENT_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_CONSUMPTIVE_WATER_REQUIREMENT_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DEMAND_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DEMAND_TS_AVERAGE_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DEMAND_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DEMAND_TS_OVERRIDE_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_DIVERSION_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_EVAPORATION_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_INSTREAM_DEMAND_TS_AVERAGE_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_INSTREAM_DEMAND_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_INSTREAM_DEMAND_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_PRECIPITATION_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_CONTENT_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_CONTENT_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_TARGET_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_RESERVOIR_TARGET_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMESTIMATE_NATURAL_FLOW_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMESTIMATE_NATURAL_FLOW_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMGAGE_NATURAL_FLOW_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMGAGE_NATURAL_FLOW_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMGAGE_HISTORICAL_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_STREAMGAGE_HISTORICAL_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_DEMAND_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_DEMAND_TS_MONTHLY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_PUMPING_TS_DAILY: case StateMod_DataSet.COMP_WELL_PUMPING_TS_MONTHLY: double missing = -999.0; YearType yearType = null; if (__dataset.getCyrl() == YearType.CALENDAR) { yearType = YearType.CALENDAR; } else if (__dataset.getCyrl() == YearType.WATER) { yearType = YearType.WATER; } else if (__dataset.getCyrl() == YearType.NOV_TO_OCT) { yearType = YearType.NOV_TO_OCT; } int precision = 2; // Do the following to avoid warnings IList <TS> tslist = null; if (data != null) { //JAVA TO C# CONVERTER TODO TASK: Most Java annotations will not have direct .NET equivalent attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") java.util.List<RTi.TS.TS> tslist0 = (java.util.List<RTi.TS.TS>)data; IList <TS> tslist0 = (IList <TS>)data; if (tslist0.Count > 0) { TS ts = tslist0[0]; missing = ts.getMissing(); } tslist = tslist0; } StateMod_TS.writeTimeSeriesList(oldFilename, newFilename, comments, tslist, null, null, yearType, missing, precision); name = "TS (" + type + ")"; break; default: name = "(something: " + type + ")"; break; } comp.setDirty(false); Message.printStatus(1, "", "Component '" + name + "' written"); }