public UserDisplay(XnaBasics game, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) : base(game) { this.spriteBatch = spriteBatch; SummonKey = spawnKey; MoveLeft = moveLeft; MoveRight = moveRight; MoveUp = moveUp; MoveDown = moveDown; TwistKey = twistKey; TurnKey = turnKey; OpenDoor = openDoor; }
private void turnKey() { key.TurnKey(); if ((Math.Abs((key.yrotation % MathHelper.TwoPi) - MathHelper.PiOver2) < 0.1f) && cloister.unlockDoor(key.position.X, key.position.Y)) { errorMessage = "Door unlocked!"; } else { errorMessage = "Door was is still locked"; } errorTime = 5; lastDelCalled = TurnKey; }
private void openDoor() { if (cloister.openDoor()) { key.Hide(); key.TwistKey(-MathHelper.PiOver2); lastDelCalled = OpenDoor; } else { errorMessage = "Door is locked- cannot open!"; } errorTime = 5; }
public String getDelegateDescription(StateManipDel smd) { if (smd == SummonKey) { return("This summons the key in front of you, or resets it to its original position."); } else if (smd == MoveLeft) { return("This moves the key to the left."); } else if (smd == MoveRight) { return("This moves the key to the right."); } else if (smd == MoveUp) { return("This moves the key up."); } else if (smd == MoveDown) { return("This moves the key down."); } else if (smd == TurnKey) { return("This turns the key. If in a lock, this will open it."); } else if (smd == TwistKey) { return("This spins the key around, so you can face it towards a lock."); } else if (smd == OpenDoor) { return("This opens the door, once it has been unlocked."); } else { return(""); } }
private void twistKey() { key.TwistKey(MathHelper.PiOver2); lastDelCalled = TwistKey; }
private void moveDown() { key.Move(Vector3.Down * 20); lastDelCalled = MoveDown; }
private void moveUp() { key.Move(Vector3.Up * 20); lastDelCalled = MoveUp; }
private void moveRight() { key.Move(Vector3.Right * 20); lastDelCalled = MoveRight; }
private void moveLeft() { key.Move(Vector3.Left * 20); lastDelCalled = MoveLeft; }