public StateNodeCreatDropdown(StateGraphView view, StateNodeRef node, bool isOut, bool isChild) : base(view) { this.node = node; this.isChild = isChild; this.isOut = isChild? true : isOut; pos = view.Canvas.MouseInWorld; }
public void OnDragEnd(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { HashSet <ulong> handleNodes = new HashSet <ulong>(); foreach (var node in view.Selecteds) { var parent = node.Node.Parent; if (!parent) { handleNodes.Add(node.Id); node.Node.SortIndex = ++view.SelectIndex; } else if (!handleNodes.Contains(parent.Id)) { handleNodes.Add(parent.Id); parent.Node.SortIndex = ++view.SelectIndex; foreach (var link in view.Graph.Links) { if (link.IsChild && link.From == parent) { link.To.Node.SortIndex = ++view.SelectIndex; } } } } if (view.Selecteds.Count > 0) { view.SortNodes(); } }
private void AddNode(StateGraphView view, StateNodeRef nodeRef) { if (movedNodes.Contains(nodeRef)) { return; } movedNodes.Add(nodeRef); if (nodeRef.Node.Parent) { AddNode(view, nodeRef.Node.Parent); } else { foreach (var link in view.Graph.Links) { if (link.IsChild && link.From == nodeRef) { if (!movedNodes.Contains(link.To)) { movedNodes.Add(link.To); } } } } }
public void Draw(StateGraphView view) { if (Vector2.Distance(startPos, currentPos) > 1) { view.Canvas.DrawStraightLine(startPos, currentPos, Color.yellow, 3); var currNode = view.HitTest(currentPos); if (currNode != null && currNode != node) { StateNode from; StateNode to; if (isOut) { from = node.Node; to = currNode; } else { to = node.Node; from = currNode; } if (view.Graph.CheckLink(from, to, isChild)) { view.Canvas.DrawArea(currNode.Bounds, Color.yellow); } } } }
public void Draw(StateGraphView view) { Vector2 size = Area.size; if (size.x > 2 || size.y > 2) { view.Canvas.DrawArea(Area, RectColor); } }
public ViewNormalMoveMode(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { view.RegistUndo("move"); Start = ptInWorld; //如果选择的节点有父节点则记录父节点,否则记录自己,方便后续移动处理 foreach (var node in view.Selecteds) { AddNode(view, node); } }
public void OnDrag(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { Vector2 offset = ptInWorld - Start; Start = ptInWorld; foreach (var node in movedNodes) { node.Node.Bounds.position += offset; } }
public void OnDrag(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { view.Selecteds.Clear(); Area.min = new Vector2(Mathf.Min(ptInWorld.x, Start.x), Mathf.Min(ptInWorld.y, Start.y)); Area.max = new Vector2(Mathf.Max(ptInWorld.x, Start.x), Mathf.Max(ptInWorld.y, Start.y)); view.Selecteds.Clear(); foreach (var node in view.Graph.Nodes) { if (node.Bounds.Overlaps(Area)) { view.Selecteds.Add(node); } } }
public void OnDragEnd(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { var currNode = view.HitTest(ptInWorld); if (currNode == node) { if (!isChild) { return; } currNode = null; } if (currNode != null) { StateNode from; StateNode to; if (isOut) { from = node.Node; to = currNode; } else { to = node.Node; from = currNode; } view.CreateLink(from, to, isChild); view.SelectNode(currNode); } else { //此处弹出创建节点下拉窗口 StateNodeCreatDropdown dropDown = new StateNodeCreatDropdown(view, node, isOut, isChild); dropDown.Show(new Rect(view.Canvas.MouseInView, new Vector2(250, 0))); } }
public StateNodeTypeDropDown(StateGraphView view) : base(new AdvancedDropdownState()) { View = view; minimumSize = new Vector2(300, 400); }
public void Draw(StateGraphView view) { ScrollPos = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(ScrollPos); using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("Name"); InputName = GUILayout.TextField(InputName); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(InputName) && GUILayout.Button("创建")) { if (view.Graph.Blackboard.HasName(InputName)) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("错误", string.Format("创建失败:已经存在 {0} 变量", InputName), "确定"); } else { view.RegistUndo("add variable"); view.Graph.Blackboard.Add(InputName); } } } for (int i = 0; i < view.Graph.Blackboard.Variables.Count; ++i) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope("Box")) { var variable = view.Graph.Blackboard.Variables[i]; if (!variable.ReadOnly && GUILayout.Button("", "SearchCancelButton")) { view.RegistUndo("remove variable"); view.Graph.Blackboard.RemoveAt(i); i--; continue; } using (new GUILayout.VerticalScope()) { using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label(variable.Name); if (variable.ReadOnly) { GUILayout.Label(variable.DefultValue.ToString()); } else { double val = EditorGUILayout.DoubleField(variable.DefultValue); if (val != variable.DefultValue) { view.RegistUndo("modify variable defult value"); variable.DefultValue = val; } } } using (new GUILayout.HorizontalScope()) { GUILayout.Label("备注", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (variable.ReadOnly) { GUILayout.Label(variable.Commit, EditorStyles.wordWrappedLabel); } else { string commit = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(variable.Commit); if (commit != variable.Commit) { view.RegistUndo("modify variable commit"); variable.Commit = commit; } } } } } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
public ViewAreaSelectMode(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { view.Selecteds.Clear(); Area.size =; Start = ptInWorld; }
public void OnDragEnd(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { }
public void Draw(StateGraphView view) { }
public StateNodeReplaceDropdown(StateGraphView view, StateNodeRef replaceNode) : base(view) { node = replaceNode; }
public void OnDrag(StateGraphView view, Vector2 ptInWorld) { currentPos = ptInWorld; }