static void Postfix(LordJob_FormAndSendCaravan __instance, ref StateGraph __result)
            // This patch modifies the return value of LordJob_FormAndSendCaravan.CreateGraph
            // The CreateGraph function generates a finite state machine that controls caravan formation.
            // Each state is a LordToil.
            // We need to make a few changes to that state machine.

            Traverse tthis        = Traverse.Create(__instance);
            IntVec3  meetingPoint = tthis.Field("meetingPoint").GetValue <IntVec3>();

            // All we need to do is replace the GatherAnimals and GatherSlaves LordToils with our versions.

            // OLD VERSIONS
            LordToil oldGatherAnimals = tthis.Field("gatherAnimals").GetValue <LordToil>();
            LordToil oldGatherSlaves  = tthis.Field("gatherSlaves").GetValue <LordToil>();

            // OUR NEW VERSIONS
            LordToil_BillyCaravan_GatherAnimals billyGatherAnimals = new LordToil_BillyCaravan_GatherAnimals(meetingPoint);
            LordToil_BillyCaravan_GatherSlaves  billyGatherSlaves  = new LordToil_BillyCaravan_GatherSlaves(meetingPoint);

            // REPLACE member variables with new versions

            // REPLACE states in state machine with new versions
            __result = __result.ReplaceState(oldGatherAnimals, billyGatherAnimals);
            __result = __result.ReplaceState(oldGatherSlaves, billyGatherSlaves);