internal SliderUINode( string helpLabel, string str, int width, int gaugeMin, int gaugeMax, int gaugeWidth) : base(helpLabel, str, width) { GaugeMin = gaugeMin; GaugeMax = gaugeMax; Text = new TextSprite(); Text.SetFont(Tactile.Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Text.text = str; Bar = new Stat_Bar(); Bar.offset = new Vector2(-120 - 2, -8); Bar.bar_width = gaugeWidth; Value = new RightAdjustedText(); Value.draw_offset = new Vector2(120 + gaugeWidth + 8 + 24, 0); Value.SetFont(Tactile.Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); set_value(-1); Size = new Vector2(width, 16); }
internal StatusPrimaryStatUINode( string helpLabel, string label, Func <Game_Unit, PrimaryStatState> statFormula, Func <Game_Unit, Color> labelHueFormula, int textOffset = 48) : base(helpLabel, label, null, textOffset) { StatFormula = statFormula; LabelHueFormula = labelHueFormula; if (LabelHueFormula != null) { Label.SetColor(Global.Content, "StatHueWhite"); } Bonus = new TextSprite(); Bonus.draw_offset = new Vector2(textOffset + 0, 0); Bonus.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "Bonus", Config.UI_FONT); Bar = new Stat_Bar(); Bar.draw_offset = new Vector2(16, 8); Bar.offset = new Vector2(-2, 0); PenaltyArrow = new Weapon_Triangle_Arrow(); PenaltyArrow.draw_offset = new Vector2(16, 0) + new Vector2(-12, 1); Size = new Vector2(textOffset + 24, 16); }
private void refresh_ranking_bar(Stat_Bar bar, int score) { int bar_length = score * RANKING_BAR_LENGTH / 150; // 100% yellow bar with green bonus if (bar_length > RANKING_BAR_LENGTH * 2 / 3) { bar.SetFillWidth(RANKING_BAR_LENGTH * 2 / 3); bar.bonus_width = bar_length - bar.fill_width; } // Short yellow bar with red penalty else { bar.SetFillWidth(bar_length); bar.bonus_width = bar.fill_width - RANKING_BAR_LENGTH * 2 / 3; } }
internal SettingGaugeUINode(string label, int gaugeWidth, int gaugeMin, int gaugeMax, int textOffset) { FormatString = label; GaugeMin = gaugeMin; GaugeMax = gaugeMax; Bar = new Stat_Bar(); Bar.offset = new Vector2(-2, -8); Bar.bar_width = gaugeWidth; Label = new RightAdjustedText( Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Grey", new Vector2(textOffset, 0), ""); Size = new Vector2(Math.Max(gaugeWidth, textOffset), 16); }
private void initialize_sprites() { // Black Screen Black_Screen = new Sprite(); Black_Screen.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/White_Square"); Black_Screen.dest_rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, Config.WINDOW_HEIGHT); Black_Screen.tint = new Color(0, 0, 0, 255); // Banner Banner = new TextSprite(); string str = Global.data_chapters[Global.game_state.chapter_id].FullName; Banner.loc = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH, 32) / 2 - new Vector2(Font_Data.text_width(str, Config.CHAPTER_FONT) / 2, 8); Banner.SetFont(Config.CHAPTER_FONT, Global.Content, "Data"); Banner.text = str; Banner.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_BANNER_DEPTH; int alpha = 7 * 16; BannerBg = new Sprite(); BannerBg.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); BannerBg.loc = new Vector2(64, 0); BannerBg.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 176, 192, 32); BannerBg.tint = new Color(alpha, alpha, alpha, 256 - alpha); BannerBg.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_BANNER_DEPTH; // Unit Bg UnitBg = new Sprite(); UnitBg.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); UnitBg.loc = new Vector2(132, 120); UnitBg.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 272, 128, 72); UnitBg.tint = new Color(alpha, alpha, alpha, 256 - alpha); UnitBg.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // File Bg FileBg = new Sprite(); FileBg.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); FileBg.loc = new Vector2(260, 128); FileBg.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 208, 56, 64); FileBg.tint = new Color(alpha, alpha, alpha, 256 - alpha); FileBg.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Background Background = new Menu_Background(); Background.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Pictures/Status_Background"); (Background as Menu_Background).vel = new Vector2(-0.25f, 0); (Background as Menu_Background).tile = new Vector2(3, 2); Background.stereoscopic = Config.MAPMENU_BG_DEPTH; // Cursor Cursor = new Data_Team_Cursor(); Cursor.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; // Objective Window Objective_Window = new Sprite(); Objective_Window.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Objective_Window.loc = new Vector2(132, 32); Objective_Window.src_rect = new Rectangle(32, 0, 184, 96); Objective_Window.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Game Data Window Game_Data_Window = new Sprite(); Game_Data_Window.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Game_Data_Window.loc = new Vector2(324, 120); Game_Data_Window.src_rect = new Rectangle(104, 96, 112, 72); Game_Data_Window.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; // Team Windows/Text int y = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= Constants.Team.NUM_TEAMS; i++) { if (Global.game_map.teams[i].Count > 0) { List <int> groups = new List <int>(); Dictionary <int, int> group_sizes = new Dictionary <int, int>(); foreach (int id in Global.game_map.teams[i]) { if (!groups.Contains(Global.game_map.units[id].group)) { groups.Add(Global.game_map.units[id].group); group_sizes.Add(Global.game_map.units[id].group, 0); } group_sizes[Global.game_map.units[id].group]++; } Groups.Add(new KeyValuePair <int, int>(i, groups.Count)); Team_Windows.Add(new Data_Team_Window(i, group_sizes.Count)); Team_Windows[Team_Windows.Count - 1].loc = TEAM_WINDOW_LOC + new Vector2(0, 0 + y); Team_Windows[Team_Windows.Count - 1].stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; groups.Sort(); for (int j = 0; j < groups.Count; j++) { Group_Names.Add(new TextSprite()); Group_Names[Group_Names.Count - 1].loc = TEAM_WINDOW_LOC + new Vector2(4, y + 12 + j * 16); Group_Names[Group_Names.Count - 1].SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Group_Names[Group_Names.Count - 1].text = Global.game_map.group_name(i, groups[j]); Group_Names[Group_Names.Count - 1].stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; Group_Counts.Add(new RightAdjustedText()); Group_Counts[Group_Names.Count - 1].loc = TEAM_WINDOW_LOC + new Vector2(112, y + 12 + j * 16); Group_Counts[Group_Names.Count - 1].SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Group_Counts[Group_Names.Count - 1].text = group_sizes[groups[j]].ToString(); Group_Counts[Group_Names.Count - 1].stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; } y += (group_sizes.Count + 1) * 16; } } // Game Data Window RankingWindow = new Data_Ranking_Window(); RankingWindow.loc = new Vector2(320, 32); RankingWindow.width = 120; RankingWindow.height = 80; RankingWindow.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; // Counter Counter = new Play_Time_Counter(); Counter.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(12, 48); Counter.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; // Labels Objective_Label = new Sprite(); Objective_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Objective_Label.loc = Objective_Window.loc + new Vector2(16 - 2, 12 - 2); Objective_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 96, 56, 16); Objective_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_WINDOW_DEPTH; Defeat_Label = new Sprite(); Defeat_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Defeat_Label.loc = Objective_Window.loc + new Vector2(16 - 2, 44 - 2); Defeat_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(56, 96, 40, 16); Defeat_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_WINDOW_DEPTH; Turn_Label = new Sprite(); Turn_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Turn_Label.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 8); Turn_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 112, 32, 16); Turn_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; Funds_Label = new Sprite(); Funds_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Funds_Label.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(8, 24); Funds_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 128, 32, 16); Funds_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; Gold_G = new Sprite(); Gold_G.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Gold_G.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(88 + 5, 24); Gold_G.src_rect = new Rectangle(0, 160, 16, 16); Gold_G.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; Lv_Label = new Sprite(); Lv_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Lv_Label.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 40 + 0 - 2); Lv_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(32, 112, 16, 16); Lv_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; Hp_Label = new Sprite(); Hp_Label.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); Hp_Label.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 40 + 12 - 2); Hp_Label.src_rect = new Rectangle(48, 112, 24, 16); Hp_Label.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; TextSprite hp_slash = new TextSprite(); // why is this done so //@Yeti hp_slash.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(44, 40 + 12); hp_slash.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); hp_slash.text = "/"; Hp_Slash = hp_slash; Hp_Slash.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; RatingLabel = new Sprite(); RatingLabel.texture = Global.Content.Load <Texture2D>(@"Graphics/Windowskins/Data_Screen"); RatingLabel.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(72, 40 + 12 - 2); RatingLabel.src_rect = new Rectangle(72, 112, 24, 16); RatingLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; RankingLabel = new TextSprite(); RankingLabel.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(24, 8); RankingLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); RankingLabel.text = "Progress"; RankingLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; TurnsRankLabel = new TextSprite(); TurnsRankLabel.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(8, 24); TurnsRankLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); TurnsRankLabel.text = "Turns"; TurnsRankLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; CombatRankLabel = new TextSprite(); CombatRankLabel.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(8, 40); CombatRankLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); CombatRankLabel.text = "Combat"; CombatRankLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; ExpRankLabel = new TextSprite(); ExpRankLabel.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(8, 56); ExpRankLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); ExpRankLabel.text = "Exp"; ExpRankLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; FileLabel = new TextSprite(); FileLabel.loc = FileBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 40); FileLabel.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Yellow"); FileLabel.text = "File"; FileLabel.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Victory Text Victory_Text = new TextSprite(); Victory_Text.loc = Objective_Window.loc + new Vector2(68, 12); Victory_Text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Victory_Text.text = Global.game_system.Victory_Text; Victory_Text.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Loss Text Loss_Text = new TextSprite(); Loss_Text.loc = Objective_Window.loc + new Vector2(68, 44); Loss_Text.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Loss_Text.text = Global.game_system.Loss_Text; Loss_Text.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_WINDOW_DEPTH; // Turn Text Turn = new RightAdjustedText(); Turn.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(100, 8); Turn.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Turn.text = Global.game_system.chapter_turn.ToString(); Turn.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; // Funds Text Funds = new RightAdjustedText(); Funds.loc = Game_Data_Window.loc + new Vector2(92, 24); Funds.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Funds.text =; Funds.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_DATA_DEPTH; // Leader Name Leader_Name = new TextSprite(); Leader_Name.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(32 + 24, 12); Leader_Name.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "White"); Leader_Name.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Level Lvl = new RightAdjustedText(); Lvl.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(68, 40 + 0); Lvl.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Lvl.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Hp Hp = new RightAdjustedText(); Hp.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(44, 40 + 12); Hp.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Hp.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Hp Max Hp_Max = new RightAdjustedText(); Hp_Max.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(68, 40 + 12); Hp_Max.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Hp_Max.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Rating Rating = new RightAdjustedText(); Rating.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(120, 40 + 12); Rating.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); Rating.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Map Sprite Map_Sprite = new Character_Sprite(); Map_Sprite.facing_count = 3; Map_Sprite.frame_count = 3; Map_Sprite.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(20, 24); Map_Sprite.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Miniface Face = new Miniface(); Face.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(104, 8); Face.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Weapon LeaderWeapon = new Item_Display(); LeaderWeapon.loc = UnitBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 28); LeaderWeapon.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // File number FileNumber = new RightAdjustedText(); FileNumber.loc = FileBg.loc + new Vector2(40, 40); FileNumber.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); FileNumber.text = Global.current_save_id.ToString(); FileNumber.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Style StyleText = new TextSprite(); StyleText.loc = FileBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 8); StyleText.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); StyleText.text = Global.game_system.Style.ToString(); StyleText.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Difficulty DifficultyText = new TextSprite(); DifficultyText.loc = FileBg.loc + new Vector2(8, 24); DifficultyText.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT, Global.Content, "Blue"); DifficultyText.text = Global.game_system.Difficulty_Mode.ToString(); DifficultyText.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_LEADER_DEPTH; // Rank Letters TotalRankLetter = new TextSprite(); TotalRankLetter.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(88, 8); TotalRankLetter.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "L", Global.Content, "Blue", Config.UI_FONT); TotalRankLetter.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; TurnsRankLetter = new TextSprite(); TurnsRankLetter.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(104, 24); TurnsRankLetter.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "L", Global.Content, "Blue", Config.UI_FONT); TurnsRankLetter.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; CombatRankLetter = new TextSprite(); CombatRankLetter.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(104, 40); CombatRankLetter.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "L", Global.Content, "Blue", Config.UI_FONT); CombatRankLetter.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; ExpRankLetter = new TextSprite(); ExpRankLetter.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(104, 56); ExpRankLetter.SetFont(Config.UI_FONT + "L", Global.Content, "Blue", Config.UI_FONT); ExpRankLetter.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; // Rank Gauges TurnsBar = new Stat_Bar(); TurnsBar.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(40, 32); TurnsBar.offset = new Vector2(-2, 0); TurnsBar.bar_width = RANKING_BAR_LENGTH; TurnsBar.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; CombatBar = new Stat_Bar(); CombatBar.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(40, 48); CombatBar.offset = new Vector2(-2, 0); CombatBar.bar_width = RANKING_BAR_LENGTH; CombatBar.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; ExpBar = new Stat_Bar(); ExpBar.loc = RankingWindow.loc + new Vector2(40, 64); ExpBar.offset = new Vector2(-2, 0); ExpBar.bar_width = RANKING_BAR_LENGTH; ExpBar.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_TEAMS_DEPTH; // Page Arrows Left_Page_Arrow = new Page_Arrow(); Left_Page_Arrow.loc = new Vector2(4, 72); Left_Page_Arrow.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_BANNER_DEPTH; Right_Page_Arrow = new Page_Arrow(); Right_Page_Arrow.loc = new Vector2(Config.WINDOW_WIDTH - 4, 72); Right_Page_Arrow.mirrored = true; Right_Page_Arrow.stereoscopic = Config.DATA_BANNER_DEPTH; refresh_rank(); set_images(); }