        private void OnTempStatLossExpired(StatLossInfo info)
            m_StatLoss.Remove( info );

            if ( m_StatLoss.Count > 0 )
            private static void OnTimer( StatLossInfo info )

                info._Mob.OnTempStatLossExpired( info );
        public override void Deserialize( GenericReader reader )
            base.Deserialize( reader );
            int version = reader.ReadInt();

            switch ( version )
                case 28:
                    m_EventBanned = reader.ReadBool();
                    goto case 27;
                case 27:
                    int count = reader.ReadInt();

                    m_StatLoss = new List<StatLossInfo>( count );
                    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        StatLossInfo sli = new StatLossInfo( this );
                        sli.Deserialize( reader );
                        m_StatLoss.Add( sli );

                    if ( m_StatLoss.Count > 0 )
                        // start it to add the mods, then just pause it until they log in

                    goto case 26;
                case 26:
                    m_NewbKills = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 25;
                case 25:
                    int recipeCount = reader.ReadInt();

                    if( recipeCount > 0 )
                        m_AcquiredRecipes = new Dictionary<int, bool>();

                        for( int i = 0; i < recipeCount; i++ )
                            int r = reader.ReadInt();
                            if( reader.ReadBool() )	//Don't add in recipies which we haven't gotten or have been removed
                                m_AcquiredRecipes.Add( r, true );
                    goto case 24;
                case 24:
                    m_LastHonorLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    goto case 23;
                case 23:
                    m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo( reader );
                    goto case 22;
                case 22:
                    m_LastValorLoss = reader.ReadDateTime();
                    goto case 21;
                case 21:
                    m_ToTItemsTurnedIn = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                    m_ToTTotalMonsterFame = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 20;
                case 20:
                    m_AllianceMessageHue = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                    m_GuildMessageHue = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                    goto case 19;
                case 19:
                    int rank = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                    int maxRank = Guilds.RankDefinition.Ranks.Length -1;
                    if( rank > maxRank )
                        rank = maxRank;

                    m_GuildRank = Guilds.RankDefinition.Ranks[rank];
                    m_LastOnline = reader.ReadDateTime();
                    goto case 18;
                case 18:
                    m_SolenFriendship = (SolenFriendship) reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                    goto case 17;
                case 17: // changed how DoneQuests is serialized
                case 16:
                    m_Quest = QuestSerializer.DeserializeQuest( reader );

                    if ( m_Quest != null )
                        m_Quest.From = this;

                    int count = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                    if ( count > 0 )
                        m_DoneQuests = new List<QuestRestartInfo>();

                        for ( int i = 0; i < count; ++i )
                            Type questType = QuestSerializer.ReadType( QuestSystem.QuestTypes, reader );
                            DateTime restartTime;

                            if ( version < 17 )
                                restartTime = DateTime.MaxValue;
                                restartTime = reader.ReadDateTime();

                            m_DoneQuests.Add( new QuestRestartInfo( questType, restartTime ) );

                    m_Profession = reader.ReadEncodedInt();
                    goto case 15;
                case 15:
                    m_LastCompassionLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    goto case 14;
                case 14:
                    m_CompassionGains = reader.ReadEncodedInt();

                    if ( m_CompassionGains > 0 )
                        m_NextCompassionDay = reader.ReadDeltaTime();

                    goto case 13;
                case 13: // just removed m_PayedInsurance list
                case 12:
                    m_BOBFilter = new Engines.BulkOrders.BOBFilter( reader );
                    goto case 11;
                case 11:
                    if ( version < 13 )
                        List<Item> payed = reader.ReadStrongItemList();

                        for ( int i = 0; i < payed.Count; ++i )
                            payed[i].PayedInsurance = true;

                    goto case 10;
                case 10:
                    if ( reader.ReadBool() )
                        m_HairModID = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_HairModHue = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_BeardModID = reader.ReadInt();
                        m_BeardModHue = reader.ReadInt();

                        // We cannot call SetHairMods( -1, -1 ) here because the items have not yet loaded
                        Timer.DelayCall( TimeSpan.Zero, new TimerCallback( RevertHair ) );

                    goto case 9;
                case 9:
                    SavagePaintExpiration = reader.ReadTimeSpan();

                    if ( SavagePaintExpiration > TimeSpan.Zero )
                        BodyMod = ( Female ? 184 : 183 );
                        HueMod = 0;

                    goto case 8;
                case 8:
                    m_NpcGuild = (NpcGuild)reader.ReadInt();
                    m_NpcGuildJoinTime = reader.ReadDateTime();
                    m_NpcGuildGameTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    goto case 7;
                case 7:
                    m_PermaFlags = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                    goto case 6;
                case 6:
                    NextTailorBulkOrder = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    goto case 5;
                case 5:
                    NextSmithBulkOrder = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    goto case 4;
                case 4:
                    m_LastJusticeLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    m_JusticeProtectors = reader.ReadStrongMobileList();
                    goto case 3;
                case 3:
                    m_LastSacrificeGain = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    m_LastSacrificeLoss = reader.ReadDeltaTime();
                    m_AvailableResurrects = reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 2;
                case 2:
                    m_Flags = (PlayerFlag)reader.ReadInt();
                    goto case 1;
                case 1:
                    m_LongTermElapse = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    m_ShortTermElapse = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    m_GameTime = reader.ReadTimeSpan();
                    goto case 0;
                case 0:

            // Professions weren't verified on 1.0 RC0
            if ( !CharacterCreation.VerifyProfession( m_Profession ) )
                m_Profession = 0;

            if ( m_PermaFlags == null )
                m_PermaFlags = new List<Mobile>();

            if ( m_JusticeProtectors == null )
                m_JusticeProtectors = new List<Mobile>();

            if ( m_BOBFilter == null )
                m_BOBFilter = new Engines.BulkOrders.BOBFilter();

            if( m_GuildRank == null )
                m_GuildRank = Guilds.RankDefinition.Member;	//Default to member if going from older verstion to new version (only time it should be null)

            if( m_LastOnline == DateTime.MinValue && Account != null )
                m_LastOnline = ((Account)Account).LastLogin;

            if( m_ChampionTitles == null )
                m_ChampionTitles = new ChampionTitleInfo();

            List<Mobile> list = this.Stabled;

            for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count; ++i )
                BaseCreature bc = list[i] as BaseCreature;

                if ( bc != null )
                    bc.IsStabled = true;

            CheckAtrophies( this );

            if( Hidden )	//Hiding is the only buff where it has an effect that's serialized.
                AddBuff( new BuffInfo( BuffIcon.HidingAndOrStealth, 1075655 ) );