private void StartCharacterInteraction(Brain brain) { GenericInteractionAIBehaviour behaviour = (GenericInteractionAIBehaviour)brain.ActiveBlockingBehaviour; behaviour.StartBehaviour(this); for (int i = 0; i < CharacterInfluences.Length; i++) { StatInfluencerSO influencer = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <StatInfluencerSO>(); influencer.InteractionName = CharacterInfluences[i] + " influencer from " + InteractionName + " (" + GetInstanceID() + ")"; influencer.Trigger = this; influencer.stat = CharacterInfluences[i].statTemplate; influencer.maxChange = CharacterInfluences[i].maxChange; influencer.duration = m_Duration; influencer.CooldownDuration = m_Cooldown; if (brain.TryAddInfluencer(influencer)) { m_Reservations.Remove(brain); m_ActiveInteractors.Add(brain); m_TimeOfLastInfluence.Remove(brain); m_TimeOfLastInfluence.Add(brain, Time.timeSinceLevelLoad); } } }
/// <summary> /// Create a memory about an influencer object. See `AddMemory(MemorySO memory)`. /// </summary> /// <param name="influencer">The influencer that this memory should record.</param> /// <param name="isGood">Is this a good memory that represents an experience to be repeated?</param> internal void AddMemory(StatInfluencerSO influencer, bool isGood) { MemorySO memory = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MemorySO>(); memory.about = influencer.generator; memory.stat = influencer.stat; memory.influence = influencer.maxChange; memory.cooldown = influencer.cooldown; memory.isGood = isGood; AddMemory(memory); }
private void AddObjectInfluence() { for (int i = 0; i < ObjectInfluences.Length; i++) { StatInfluencerSO influencer = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <StatInfluencerSO>(); influencer.InteractionName = ObjectInfluences[i] + " influencer from " + InteractionName + " (" + GetInstanceID() + ")"; influencer.Trigger = this; influencer.stat = ObjectInfluences[i].statTemplate; influencer.maxChange = ObjectInfluences[i].maxChange; influencer.duration = m_Duration; influencer.CooldownDuration = m_Cooldown; m_StatsTracker.TryAddInfluencer(influencer); } }
/// <summary> /// Create a memory about an influencer object. See `AddMemory(MemorySO memory)`. /// </summary> /// <param name="influencer">The influencer that this memory should record.</param> /// <param name="isGood">Is this a good memory that represents an experience to be repeated?</param> internal void AddMemory(StatInfluencerSO influencer, bool isGood) { if (influencer.Generator == null) { return; // don't hold memories about behaviours only influencers } MemorySO memory = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <MemorySO>(); memory.about = influencer.Generator; memory.interactionName = influencer.InteractionName; memory.stat = influencer.stat; memory.influence = influencer.maxChange; memory.cooldown = influencer.CooldownDuration; memory.isGood = isGood; AddMemory(memory); }
/// <summary> /// Add all the character influencers that operate over time from this behaviour to the stats tracker. /// </summary> /// <param name="duration">The time over which the influencers should be applied</param> internal void AddCharacterInfluencers(float duration) { for (int i = 0; i < m_CharacterInfluences.Length; i++) { if (!m_CharacterInfluences[i].applyOnCompletion) { StatInfluencerSO influencer = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <StatInfluencerSO>(); influencer.InteractionName = m_CharacterInfluences[i]; influencer.Trigger = null; influencer.stat = m_CharacterInfluences[i].statTemplate; influencer.maxChange = m_CharacterInfluences[i].maxChange; influencer.duration = duration; influencer.CooldownDuration = 0; Brain.TryAddInfluencer(influencer); } } }