private void BackgroundInit() { StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); MaterialCommodityDB.SetUpInitialTable(); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { downloadMapsTask = FGEImage.DownloadMaps(this, () => PendingClose, LogLine, LogLineHighlight); CheckSystems(() => PendingClose, (p, s) => ReportProgress(p, s)); } SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); // fill up memory with notes, bookmarks, galactic mapping BookmarkClass.GetAllBookmarks(); ReportProgress(-1, ""); InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialSyncComplete?.Invoke()); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!"); } } if (PendingClose) { return; } LogLine("Reading travel history"); if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) { DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); } if (PendingClose) { return; } if (syncstate.performeddbsync || syncstate.performedsmsync) { string databases = (syncstate.performedsmsync && syncstate.performeddbsync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.performedsmsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB"); LogLine("ED Discovery will now synchronise to the " + databases + " databases to obtain star information." + Environment.NewLine + "This will take a while, up to 15 minutes, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine + "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete."); } InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => OnInitialisationComplete?.Invoke()); }
private void buttonExt1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { System.IO.StreamReader filejr = new System.IO.StreamReader(textBoxFile.Text); string line; string system = ""; StarScan ss = new StarScan(); Dictionary <string, string> items = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while ((line = filejr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Equals("END")) { break; } //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(line); if (line.Length > 0) { JObject jo = (JObject)JObject.Parse(line); //JSONPrettyPrint jpp = new JSONPrettyPrint(EliteDangerous.JournalFieldNaming.StandardConverters(), "event;timestamp", "_Localised", (string)jo["event"]); //string s = jpp.PrettyPrintStr(line, 80); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(s); EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry je = EliteDangerousCore.JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(je.EventTypeStr); if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.Location) { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump jl = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump; system = jl.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump; system = jfsd.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == EliteDangerousCore.JournalTypeEnum.Scan) { //ss.Process(je as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalScan, new EliteDangerousCore.SystemClass(system)); } } } }
public static void ReadCmdLineJournal(string file) //DEBUG ONLY FROM COMMAND LINE { System.IO.StreamReader filejr = new System.IO.StreamReader(file); string line; string system = ""; StarScan ss = new StarScan(); Dictionary <string, string> items = new Dictionary <string, string>(); while ((line = filejr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line.Equals("END")) { break; } //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(line); if (line.Length > 0) { JObject jo = (JObject)JObject.Parse(line); //JSONPrettyPrint jpp = new JSONPrettyPrint(EliteDangerous.JournalFieldNaming.StandardConverters(), "event;timestamp", "_Localised", (string)jo["event"]); //string s = jpp.PrettyPrintStr(line, 80); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(s); EliteDangerous.JournalEntry je = EliteDangerous.JournalEntry.CreateJournalEntry(line); //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(je.EventTypeStr); if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Location) { EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump jl = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalLocOrJump; system = jl.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.FSDJump) { EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump jfsd = je as EDDiscovery.EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump; system = jfsd.StarSystem; } else if (je.EventTypeID == JournalTypeEnum.Scan) { ss.Process(je as EliteDangerous.JournalEvents.JournalScan, new SystemClassDB(system)); } } } }
// Called from Background Thread Worker at Init() private void BackgroundInit() { StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.CreateSystemsTableIndexes(); // just make sure they are there.. Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems"); ReportSyncProgress(-1, ""); bool checkGithub = EDDOptions.Instance.CheckGithubFiles; if (checkGithub) // not normall in debug, due to git hub chokeing { // Async load of maps in another thread DownloadMaps(() => PendingClose); // and Expedition data DownloadExpeditions(() => PendingClose); // and Exploration data DownloadExploration(() => PendingClose); } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { // Former CheckSystems, reworked to accomodate new switches.. // Check to see what sync refreshes we need // New Galmap load - it was not doing a refresh if EDSM sync kept on happening. Now has its own timer string rwgalmaptime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingString("EDSMGalMapLast", "2000-01-01 00:00:00"); // Latest time from RW file. DateTime galmaptime; if (!DateTime.TryParse(rwgalmaptime, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal, out galmaptime)) { galmaptime = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1); } if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(galmaptime).TotalDays > 14) // Over 14 days do a sync from EDSM for galmap { LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM.".Tx(this, "EDSM")); galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM(); SQLiteConnectionSystem.PutSettingString("EDSMGalMapLast", DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); } Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems complete"); } galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, gal map data has been uploaded - get it into memory SystemClassDB.AddToAutoComplete(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping.".Tx(this, "LN")); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!".Tx(this, "EDMC")); } } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) // here in this thread, we do a refresh of history. { LogLine("Reading travel history".Tx(this, "RTH")); DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); // kick the background refresh worker thread into action } if (PendingClose) { return; } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if enabled { SystemClassEDSM.DetermineIfFullEDSMSyncRequired(syncstate); // ask EDSM and EDDB if they want to do a Full sync.. EliteDangerousCore.EDDB.SystemClassEDDB.DetermineIfEDDBSyncRequired(syncstate); if (syncstate.perform_eddb_sync || syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync) { string databases = (syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync && syncstate.perform_eddb_sync) ? "EDSM and EDDB" : ((syncstate.perform_edsm_fullsync) ? "EDSM" : "EDDB"); LogLine(string.Format("Full synchronisation to the {0} databases required." + Environment.NewLine + "This will take a while, up to 15 minutes, please be patient." + Environment.NewLine + "Please continue running ED Discovery until refresh is complete.".Tx(this, "SyncEDSM"), databases)); } } else { LogLine("Synchronisation to EDSM and EDDB disabled. Use Settings panel to reenable".Tx(this, "SyncOff")); } }
public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap) { string res; if (ap.functions.ExpandString(UserData, out res) != Conditions.ConditionFunctions.ExpandResult.Failed) { StringParser sp = new StringParser(res); string prefix = "S_"; string cmdname = sp.NextQuotedWord(); if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("PREFIX", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { prefix = sp.NextWord(); if (prefix == null) { ap.ReportError("Missing name after Prefix in Scan"); return(true); } cmdname = sp.NextQuotedWord(); } bool edsm = false; if (cmdname != null && cmdname.Equals("EDSM", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { edsm = true; cmdname = sp.NextQuotedWord(); } if (cmdname != null) { StarScan scan = (ap.actioncontroller as ActionController).HistoryList.starscan; ISystem sc = SystemClassDB.GetSystem(cmdname); if (sc == null) { sc = new SystemClass(cmdname); sc.EDSMID = 0; } StarScan.SystemNode sn = scan.FindSystem(sc, edsm); System.Globalization.CultureInfo ct = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; if (sn != null) { int starno = 1; ap[prefix + "Stars"] = sn.starnodes.Count.ToString(ct); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StarScan.ScanNode> scannode in sn.starnodes) { DumpInfo(ap, scannode, prefix + "Star_" + starno.ToString(ct), "_Planets"); int pcount = 1; if (scannode.Value.children != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StarScan.ScanNode> planetnodes in scannode.Value.children) { DumpInfo(ap, planetnodes, prefix + "Planet_" + starno.ToString(ct) + "_" + pcount.ToString(ct), "_Moons"); if (planetnodes.Value.children != null) { int mcount = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StarScan.ScanNode> moonnodes in planetnodes.Value.children) { DumpInfo(ap, moonnodes, prefix + "Moon_" + starno.ToString(ct) + "_" + pcount.ToString(ct) + "_" + mcount.ToString(ct), "_Submoons"); if (moonnodes.Value.children != null) { int smcount = 1; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, StarScan.ScanNode> submoonnodes in moonnodes.Value.children) { DumpInfo(ap, submoonnodes, prefix + "SubMoon_" + starno.ToString(ct) + "_" + pcount.ToString(ct) + "_" + mcount.ToString(ct) + "_" + smcount.ToString(ct), null); smcount++; } } mcount++; } } pcount++; } } starno++; } } else { ap[prefix + "Stars"] = "0"; } } else { ap.ReportError("Missing starname in Scan"); } } else { ap.ReportError(res); } return(true); }
private void Display(HistoryList hl) { pictureBox.ClearImageList(); current_historylist = hl; if (hl != null && hl.Count > 0) // just for safety { List <HistoryEntry> result = current_historylist.LastFirst; // Standard filtering int ftotal; // event filter result = HistoryList.FilterByJournalEvent(result, SQLiteDBClass.GetSettingString(DbFilterSave, "All"), out ftotal); result = FilterHelpers.FilterHistory(result, fieldfilter, discoveryform.Globals, out ftotal); // and the field filter.. RevertToNormalSize(); // ensure size is back to normal.. scanpostextoffset = new Point(0, 0); // left/ top used by scan display Color textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor; Color backcolour = IsTransparent ? (Config(Configuration.showBlackBoxAroundText) ? Color.Black : Color.Transparent) : this.BackColor; bool drawnnootherstuff = DrawScanText(true, textcolour, backcolour); // go 1 for some of the scan positions if (!drawnnootherstuff) // and it may indicate its overwriting all stuff, which is fine { int rowpos = scanpostextoffset.Y; int rowheight = Config(Configuration.showIcon) ? 26 : 20; if (Config(Configuration.showNothingWhenDocked) && (hl.IsCurrentlyDocked || hl.IsCurrentlyLanded)) { AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, rowheight, (hl.IsCurrentlyDocked) ? "Docked" : "Landed", textcolour, backcolour, null); } else if ((uistate == UIState.GalMap && Config(Configuration.showNothingWhenGalmap)) || (uistate == UIState.SystemMap && Config(Configuration.showNothingWhenSysmap))) { AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, rowheight, (uistate == UIState.GalMap) ? "Galaxy Map" : "System Map", textcolour, backcolour, null); } else { string name; Point3D tpos; bool targetpresent = TargetClass.GetTargetPosition(out name, out tpos); ISystem currentsystem = hl.CurrentSystem; // may be null HistoryEntry last = hl.GetLast; if (Config(Configuration.showSystemInformation) && last != null) { string allegiance, economy, gov, faction, factionstate, security; hl.ReturnSystemInfo(last, out allegiance, out economy, out gov, out faction, out factionstate, out security); string str = last.System.Name + " : " + BaseUtils.FieldBuilder.Build( "", faction, "", factionstate, "", security, "", allegiance, "", economy, "", gov ); HistoryEntry lastfsd = hl.GetLastHistoryEntry(x => x.journalEntry is EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump, last); bool firstdiscovery = (lastfsd != null && (lastfsd.journalEntry as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump).EDSMFirstDiscover); AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, rowheight, str, textcolour, backcolour, null, firstdiscovery ? EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.firstdiscover : null, "Shows if EDSM indicates your it's first discoverer"); rowpos += rowheight; } if (Config(Configuration.showHabInformation) && last != null) { StarScan scan = hl.starscan; StarScan.SystemNode sn = scan.FindSystem(last.System, true); // EDSM look up here.. string res = null; if (sn != null && sn.starnodes.Count > 0 && sn.starnodes.Values[0].ScanData != null) { JournalScan js = sn.starnodes.Values[0].ScanData; res = js.HabZoneString().Replace("\r\n", " "); } if (res != null) { AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, rowheight, res, textcolour, backcolour, null); rowpos += rowheight; } } if (targetpresent && Config(Configuration.showTargetLine) && currentsystem != null) { string dist = (currentsystem.HasCoordinate) ? currentsystem.Distance(tpos.X, tpos.Y, tpos.Z).ToString("0.00") : "Unknown"; AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, rowheight, "Target: " + name + " @ " + dist + " ly", textcolour, backcolour, null); rowpos += rowheight; } foreach (HistoryEntry rhe in result) { DrawHistoryEntry(rhe, rowpos, rowheight, tpos, textcolour, backcolour); rowpos += rowheight; if (rowpos > ClientRectangle.Height) // stop when off of screen { break; } } } } DrawScanText(false, textcolour, backcolour); // go 2 } pictureBox.Render(); }
private void BackgroundWorkerThread() { // check first and download items StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems"); ReportSyncProgress(""); bool checkGithub = EDDOptions.Instance.CheckGithubFiles; if (checkGithub) // not normall in debug, due to git hub chokeing { // Async load of maps in another thread DownloadMaps(() => PendingClose); // and Expedition data DownloadExpeditions(() => PendingClose); // and Exploration data DownloadExploration(() => PendingClose); } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { // New Galmap load - it was not doing a refresh if EDSM sync kept on happening. Now has its own timer DateTime galmaptime = SystemsDatabase.Instance.GetEDSMGalMapLast(); // Latest time from RW file. if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(galmaptime).TotalDays > 14 || !galacticMapping.GalMapFilePresent()) // Over 14 days do a sync from EDSM for galmap { LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM.".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_EDSM)); if (galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM()) { SystemsDatabase.Instance.SetEDSMGalMapLast(DateTime.UtcNow); } } Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems complete"); } galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, gal map data has been uploaded - get it into memory SystemCache.AddToAutoCompleteList(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping.".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_LN)); if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_EDMC)); } } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) // here in this thread, we do a refresh of history. { LogLine("Reading travel history".T(EDTx.EDDiscoveryController_RTH)); if (EDDOptions.Instance.Commander != null) { EDCommander switchto = EDCommander.GetCommander(EDDOptions.Instance.Commander); if (switchto != null) { EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID = switchto.Nr; } } DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); // kick the background refresh worker thread into action } CheckForSync(); // see if any EDSM/EDDB sync is needed - this just sets some variables up System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Background worker setting up refresh worker"); backgroundRefreshWorker = new Thread(BackgroundHistoryRefreshWorkerThread) { Name = "Background Refresh Worker", IsBackground = true }; backgroundRefreshWorker.Start(); // start the refresh worker, another thread which does subsequenct (not the primary one) refresh work in the background.. try { if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { SystemsDatabase.Instance.WithReadWrite(() => DoPerformSync()); // this is done after the initial history load.. } SystemsDatabase.Instance.SetReadOnly(); while (!PendingClose) { int wh = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { closeRequested, resyncRequestedEvent }); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Background worker kicked by " + wh); if (PendingClose) { break; } if (wh == 1) { if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if no system off, and EDSM download on { SystemsDatabase.Instance.WithReadWrite(() => DoPerformSync()); } } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } backgroundRefreshWorker.Join(); // this should terminate due to closeRequested.. System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("BW Refresh joined"); // Now we have been ordered to close down, so go thru the process closeRequested.WaitOne(); InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Final close"); OnFinalClose?.Invoke(); }); }
private async void Display(HistoryList hl) { pictureBox.ClearImageList(); current_historylist = hl; if (hl != null && hl.Count > 0) // just for safety { List <HistoryEntry> result = current_historylist.LatestFirst(); // Standard filtering int ftotal; // event filter result = HistoryList.FilterByJournalEvent(result, GetSetting(dbFilter, "All"), out ftotal); result = FilterHelpers.FilterHistory(result, fieldfilter, discoveryform.Globals, out ftotal); // and the field filter.. RevertToNormalSize(); // ensure size is back to normal.. scanpostextoffset = new Point(0, 0); // left/ top used by scan display Color textcolour = IsTransparent ? discoveryform.theme.SPanelColor : discoveryform.theme.LabelColor; Color backcolour = IsTransparent ? (Config(Configuration.showBlackBoxAroundText) ? Color.Black : Color.Transparent) : this.BackColor; bool drawnnootherstuff = DrawScanText(true, textcolour, backcolour); // go 1 for some of the scan positions if (!drawnnootherstuff) // and it may indicate its overwriting all stuff, which is fine { int rowpos = scanpostextoffset.Y; int rowmargin = displayfont.ScalePixels(4); // Check if need to hide the UI var ts = hl.CurrentTravelState(); if (Config(Configuration.showNothingWhenDocked) && (ts == HistoryEntryStatus.TravelStateType.Docked)) { if (!Config(Configuration.showNoTitleWhenHidden)) { AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, "<>", textcolour, backcolour, null); // just show a marker } } else if (uistate != EliteDangerousCore.UIEvents.UIGUIFocus.Focus.NoFocus && Config(Configuration.showNothingWhenPanel)) { if (!Config(Configuration.showNoTitleWhenHidden)) { AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, uistate.ToString().SplitCapsWord(), textcolour, backcolour, null); } } else { string name; Point3D tpos; bool targetpresent = TargetClass.GetTargetPosition(out name, out tpos); ISystem currentsystem = hl.CurrentSystem(); // may be null HistoryEntry last = hl.GetLast; // last = hl.FindByName("Myeia Thaa QY-H c23-0"); if (Config(Configuration.showSystemInformation) && last != null) { string allegiance, economy, gov, faction, factionstate, security; hl.ReturnSystemInfo(last, out allegiance, out economy, out gov, out faction, out factionstate, out security); string str = last.System.Name + " : " + BaseUtils.FieldBuilder.Build( "", faction, "", factionstate, "", security, "", allegiance, "", economy, "", gov ); HistoryEntry lastfsd = hl.GetLastHistoryEntry(x => x.journalEntry is EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump, last); bool firstdiscovery = (lastfsd != null && (lastfsd.journalEntry as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump).EDSMFirstDiscover); rowpos = rowmargin + AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, str, textcolour, backcolour, null, firstdiscovery ? EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.firstdiscover : null, "Shows if EDSM indicates your it's first discoverer").Location.Bottom; } if (Config(Configuration.showHabInformation) && last != null) { StarScan scan = hl.StarScan; StarScan.SystemNode sn = await scan.FindSystemAsync(last.System, true); // EDSM look up here.. StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); if (sn != null && sn.StarNodes.Count > 0 && sn.StarNodes.Values[0].ScanData != null) { JournalScan js = sn.StarNodes.Values[0].ScanData; if (showCircumstellarZonesToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZHab); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } if (showMetalRichPlanetsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZMR); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } if (showWaterWorldsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZWW); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } if (showEarthLikeToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZEL); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } if (showAmmoniaWorldsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZAW); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } if (showIcyPlanetsToolStripMenuItem.Checked) { string hz = js.CircumstellarZonesString(false, JournalScan.CZPrint.CZIP); res.AppendFormat(hz + Environment.NewLine); } } if (res.ToString().HasChars()) { rowpos = rowmargin + AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, res.ToString(), textcolour, backcolour, null).Location.Bottom; } } if (targetpresent && Config(Configuration.showTargetLine) && currentsystem != null) { string dist = (currentsystem.HasCoordinate) ? currentsystem.Distance(tpos.X, tpos.Y, tpos.Z).ToString("0.00") : "Unknown".T(EDTx.Unknown); rowpos = rowmargin + AddColText(0, 0, rowpos, "Target".T(EDTx.UserControlSpanel_Target) + ": " + name + " @ " + dist + " ly", textcolour, backcolour, null).Location.Bottom; } foreach (HistoryEntry rhe in result) { rowpos = rowmargin + DrawHistoryEntry(rhe, rowpos, tpos, textcolour, backcolour); if (rowpos > ClientRectangle.Height) // stop when off of screen { break; } } } } DrawScanText(false, textcolour, backcolour); // go 2 } pictureBox.Render(); }
void DrawSystem(StarScan.SystemNode sn) { imagebox.Clear(); HideInfo(); last_sn = sn; // remember in case we need to draw SetControlText((sn == null) ? "No Scan" :; if (sn == null) return; Point curpos = new Point(leftmargin, topmargin); last_maxdisplayarea = curpos; List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement> starcontrols = new List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement>(); //for( int i = 0; i < 1000; i +=100) CreateStarPlanet(starcontrols, EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.ImageStarDiscWhite, new Point(i, 0), new Size(24, 24), i.ToString(), ""); foreach (StarScan.ScanNode starnode in sn.starnodes.Values) // always has scan nodes { int offset = 0; Point maxstarpos = DrawNode(starcontrols, starnode, (starnode.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.barycentre ) ? EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.Barycentre : JournalScan.GetStarImageNotScanned() , curpos , starsize, ref offset, false); Point maxitemspos = maxstarpos; curpos = new Point(maxitemspos.X + itemsepar.Width, curpos.Y); // move to the right curpos.Y += starsize.Height / 2 - planetsize.Height * 3 / 4; // slide down for planet vs star difference in size Point firstcolumn = curpos; if (starnode.children != null) { foreach (StarScan.ScanNode planetnode in starnode.children.Values) { List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement> pc = new List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement>(); Point maxpos = CreatePlanetTree(pc, planetnode, curpos); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Planet " + planetnode.ownname + " " + curpos + " " + maxpos + " max " + (panelStars.Width - panelStars.ScrollBarWidth)); if ( maxpos.X > panelStars.Width - panelStars.ScrollBarWidth) // uh oh too wide.. { int xoffset = firstcolumn.X - curpos.X; int yoffset = maxitemspos.Y - curpos.Y; RepositionTree(pc, xoffset, yoffset); // shift co-ords of all you've drawn maxpos = new Point(maxpos.X + xoffset, maxpos.Y + yoffset); curpos = new Point(maxpos.X, curpos.Y + yoffset); } else curpos = new Point(maxpos.X, curpos.Y); maxitemspos = new Point(Math.Max(maxitemspos.X, maxpos.X), Math.Max(maxitemspos.Y, maxpos.Y)); starcontrols.AddRange(pc.ToArray()); } } last_maxdisplayarea = new Point(Math.Max(last_maxdisplayarea.X, maxitemspos.X), Math.Max(last_maxdisplayarea.Y, maxitemspos.Y)); curpos = new Point(leftmargin, maxitemspos.Y + itemsepar.Height); } imagebox.AddRange(starcontrols); imagebox.Render(); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Display area " + last_maxdisplayarea); }
// return right bottom of area used from curpos Point DrawNode(List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement> pc, StarScan.ScanNode sn, Image notscanned, Point curpos, Size size, ref int offset, bool alignhorz) { string tip; Point endpoint = curpos; int hoff = size.Height / 4; int alignhoff = (alignhorz) ? hoff : 0; JournalScan sc = sn.scandata; if (sc != null) { tip = sc.DisplayString(true); if (sc.IsStar) { endpoint = CreateImageLabel(pc, sc.GetStarTypeImage().Item1, new Point(curpos.X+offset, curpos.Y + alignhoff) , size, sn.ownname, tip, alignhoff); if ( sc.HasRings ) { curpos = new Point(endpoint.X + itemsepar.Width, curpos.Y); Point endbelt = curpos; for (int i = 0; i < sc.Rings.Length; i++) { string name = sc.Rings[i].Name; if (name.Length > sn.fullname.Length && name.Substring(0, sn.fullname.Length).Equals(sn.fullname)) name = name.Substring(sn.fullname.Length).Trim(); curpos.X += 4; // a little spacing, image is tight endbelt = CreateImageLabel(pc, EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.Belt, new Point( curpos.X, curpos.Y + alignhoff ), new Size(size.Width/2,size.Height), name, sc.RingInformationMoons(i), alignhoff); curpos = new Point(endbelt.X + itemsepar.Width, curpos.Y); } endpoint = new Point(curpos.X, endpoint.Y); } offset += size.Width / 2; // return the middle used was this.. } else { bool indicatematerials = sc.HasMaterials && !checkBoxMaterials.Checked; Image nodeimage = sc.GetPlanetClassImage(); if (sc.IsLandable || sc.HasRings || indicatematerials) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(size.Width * 2, hoff * 6); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) { g.DrawImage(nodeimage, size.Width / 2, hoff, size.Width, size.Height); if (sc.IsLandable) g.DrawImage(EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.planet_landing, new Rectangle(hoff, 0, hoff * 6, hoff * 6)); if (sc.HasRings) g.DrawImage(sc.Rings.Count() > 1 ? EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.RingGap512 : EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.Ring_Only_512, new Rectangle(-2, hoff, size.Width * 2, size.Height)); if (indicatematerials) { Image mm = EDDiscovery.Properties.Resources.materiamoreindicator; g.DrawImage(mm, new Rectangle(bmp.Width - mm.Width, bmp.Height - mm.Height, mm.Width, mm.Height)); } } endpoint = CreateImageLabel(pc, bmp, curpos, new Size(bmp.Width, bmp.Height), sn.ownname, tip, 0); offset = size.Width; // return that the middle is now this } else { endpoint = CreateImageLabel(pc, nodeimage, new Point(curpos.X + offset, curpos.Y + alignhoff), size, sn.ownname, tip, alignhoff); offset += size.Width / 2; } if (sc.HasMaterials && checkBoxMaterials.Checked) { Point matpos = new Point(endpoint.X + 4, curpos.Y); Point endmat = CreateMaterialNodes(pc, sc, matpos, materialsize); endpoint = new Point(Math.Max(endpoint.X, endmat.X), Math.Max(endpoint.Y, endmat.Y)); // record new right point.. } } } else { if (sn.type == StarScan.ScanNodeType.barycentre) tip = "Barycentre of " + sn.ownname; else tip = sn.ownname + "\n\nNo scan data available"; endpoint = CreateImageLabel(pc, notscanned, new Point(curpos.X + offset, curpos.Y + alignhoff), size, sn.ownname, tip , alignhoff); offset += size.Width / 2; // return the middle used was this.. } return endpoint; }
// return right bottom of area used from curpos Point CreatePlanetTree(List<PictureBoxHotspot.ImageElement> pc, StarScan.ScanNode planetnode, Point curpos ) { // PLANETWIDTH|PLANETWIDTH (if drawing a full planet with rings/landing) // or // MOONWIDTH|MOONWIDTH (if drawing a single width planet) // this offset, ONLY used if a single width planet, allows for two moons int offset = moonsize.Width - planetsize.Width / 2; // centre is moon width, back off by planetwidth/2 to place the left edge of the planet Point maxtreepos = DrawNode(pc, planetnode, JournalScan.GetPlanetImageNotScanned(), curpos, planetsize, ref offset , true); // offset passes in the suggested offset, returns the centre offset if (planetnode.children != null && checkBoxMoons.Checked) { offset -= moonsize.Width; // offset is centre of planet image, back off by a moon width to allow for 2 moon widths centred Point moonpos = new Point(curpos.X + offset, maxtreepos.Y + itemsepar.Height); // moon pos foreach (StarScan.ScanNode moonnode in planetnode.children.Values) { int offsetm = moonsize.Width / 2; // pass in normal offset if not double width item (half moon from moonpos.x) Point mmax = DrawNode(pc, moonnode, JournalScan.GetMoonImageNotScanned(), moonpos, moonsize, ref offsetm, false); maxtreepos = new Point(Math.Max(maxtreepos.X, mmax.X), Math.Max(maxtreepos.Y, mmax.Y)); if (moonnode.children != null) { Point submoonpos; if (mmax.X <= moonpos.X + moonsize.Width * 2) // if we have nothing wider than the 2 moon widths, we can go with it right aligned submoonpos = new Point(moonpos.X + moonsize.Width * 2 + itemsepar.Width, moonpos.Y); // moon pos else submoonpos = new Point(moonpos.X + moonsize.Width * 2 + itemsepar.Width, mmax.Y + itemsepar.Height); // moon pos below and right foreach (StarScan.ScanNode submoonnode in moonnode.children.Values) { int offsetsm = moonsize.Width / 2; // pass in normal offset if not double width item (half moon from moonpos.x) Point sbmax = DrawNode(pc, submoonnode, JournalScan.GetMoonImageNotScanned(), submoonpos, moonsize, ref offsetsm, false); maxtreepos = new Point(Math.Max(maxtreepos.X, sbmax.X), Math.Max(maxtreepos.Y, sbmax.Y)); submoonpos = new Point(submoonpos.X, maxtreepos.Y + itemsepar.Height); } } moonpos = new Point(moonpos.X, maxtreepos.Y + itemsepar.Height); } } return maxtreepos; }
// I think we rework so we have a SyncBackgroundworker, and a refresh background worker. // loading of history is done on refresh one.. private void BackgroundWorkerThread() { readyForInitialLoad.WaitOne(); // wait for shown in form // check first and download items StarScan.LoadBodyDesignationMap(); Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems"); ReportSyncProgress(""); bool checkGithub = EDDOptions.Instance.CheckGithubFiles; if (checkGithub) // not normall in debug, due to git hub chokeing { // Async load of maps in another thread DownloadMaps(() => PendingClose); // and Expedition data DownloadExpeditions(() => PendingClose); // and Exploration data DownloadExploration(() => PendingClose); } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad) { // New Galmap load - it was not doing a refresh if EDSM sync kept on happening. Now has its own timer DateTime galmaptime = SQLiteConnectionSystem.GetSettingDate("EDSMGalMapLast", DateTime.MinValue); // Latest time from RW file. if (DateTime.Now.Subtract(galmaptime).TotalDays > 14 || !galacticMapping.GalMapFilePresent()) // Over 14 days do a sync from EDSM for galmap { LogLine("Get galactic mapping from EDSM.".Tx(this, "EDSM")); if (galacticMapping.DownloadFromEDSM()) { SQLiteConnectionSystem.PutSettingDate("EDSMGalMapLast", DateTime.UtcNow); } } Debug.WriteLine(BaseUtils.AppTicks.TickCountLap() + " Check systems complete"); } galacticMapping.ParseData(); // at this point, gal map data has been uploaded - get it into memory SystemCache.AddToAutoCompleteList(galacticMapping.GetGMONames()); SystemNoteClass.GetAllSystemNotes(); LogLine("Loaded Notes, Bookmarks and Galactic mapping.".Tx(this, "LN")); if (PendingClose) { return; } if (EliteDangerousCore.EDDN.EDDNClass.CheckforEDMC()) // EDMC is running { if (EDCommander.Current.SyncToEddn) // Both EDD and EDMC should not sync to EDDN. { LogLineHighlight("EDDiscovery and EDMarketConnector should not both sync to EDDN. Stop EDMC or uncheck 'send to EDDN' in settings tab!".Tx(this, "EDMC")); } } if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoLoad) // here in this thread, we do a refresh of history. { LogLine("Reading travel history".Tx(this, "RTH")); DoRefreshHistory(new RefreshWorkerArgs { CurrentCommander = EDCommander.CurrentCmdrID }); // kick the background refresh worker thread into action } if (PendingClose) { return; } CheckForSync(); // see if any EDSM/EDDB sync is needed if (PendingClose) { return; } // Now stay in loop services stuff backgroundRefreshWorker = new Thread(BackgroundHistoryRefreshWorkerThread) { Name = "Background Refresh Worker", IsBackground = true }; backgroundRefreshWorker.Start(); // start the refresh worker, another thread which does subsequenct (not the primary one) refresh work in the background.. try { if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if no system off, and EDSM download on { DoPerformSync(); // this is done after the initial history load.. } while (!PendingClose) { int wh = WaitHandle.WaitAny(new WaitHandle[] { closeRequested, resyncRequestedEvent }); if (PendingClose) { break; } switch (wh) { case 0: // Close Requested break; case 1: // Resync Requested if (!EDDOptions.Instance.NoSystemsLoad && EDDConfig.Instance.EDSMEDDBDownload) // if no system off, and EDSM download on { DoPerformSync(); } break; } } } catch (OperationCanceledException) { } backgroundRefreshWorker.Join(); // Now we have been ordered to close down, so go thru the process closeRequested.WaitOne(); OnBgSafeClose?.Invoke(); ReadyForFinalClose = true; InvokeAsyncOnUiThread(() => { OnFinalClose?.Invoke(); }); }