/// <summary>
        /// Runs the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments for the module.</param>
        /// <param name="usagePrefix">The prefix to print before the usage string.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the run was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Run(string[] args, string usagePrefix)
            string testDatasetFile = string.Empty;
            string predictionsFile = string.Empty;
            string reportFile      = string.Empty;

            var parser = new CommandLineParser();

            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--test-data", "FILE", "Test dataset used to obtain ground truth", v => testDatasetFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--predictions", "FILE", "Predictions to evaluate", v => predictionsFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--report", "FILE", "Evaluation report file", v => reportFile            = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            if (!parser.TryParse(args, usagePrefix))

            RecommenderDataset testDataset = RecommenderDataset.Load(testDatasetFile);
            IDictionary <User, IDictionary <Item, int> > ratingPredictions = RecommenderPersistenceUtils.LoadPredictedRatings(predictionsFile);

            var evaluatorMapping = Mappings.StarRatingRecommender.ForEvaluation();
            var evaluator        = new StarRatingRecommenderEvaluator <RecommenderDataset, User, Item, int>(evaluatorMapping);

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(reportFile))
                    "Mean absolute error: {0:0.000}",
                    evaluator.RatingPredictionMetric(testDataset, ratingPredictions, Metrics.AbsoluteError));
                    "Root mean squared error: {0:0.000}",
                    Math.Sqrt(evaluator.RatingPredictionMetric(testDataset, ratingPredictions, Metrics.SquaredError)));

        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares the environment (dataset, predictions, evaluation engine etc) before each test.
        /// </summary>
        public RecommenderEvaluatorTests()
            this.dataset = new[]
                // user, item, predicted rating, prediction distribution, true rating (data domain)
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "A", "a", 4, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.2 }, { 2, 0.0 }, { 3, 0.0 }, { 4, 0.6 }, { 5, 0.2 }
                }, 1.1),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "B", "a", 1, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.5 }, { 2, 0.0 }, { 3, 0.0 }, { 4, 0.5 }, { 5, 0.0 }
                }, 4.1),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "D", "b", 2, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 1.0 }, { 3, 0.0 }, { 4, 0.0 }, { 5, 0.0 }
                }, 1.9),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "A", "b", 5, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 0.0 }, { 3, 0.0 }, { 4, 0.2 }, { 5, 0.8 }
                }, 5.3),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "A", "c", 3, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 0.0 }, { 3, 0.6 }, { 4, 0.2 }, { 5, 0.2 }
                }, 4.7),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "A", "e", 1, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.5 }, { 2, 0.0 }, { 3, 0.0 }, { 4, 0.5 }, { 5, 0.0 }
                }, 3.6),
                Tuple.Create <string, string, int, RatingDistribution, double>(
                    "B", "c", 2, new SortedDictionary <int, double> {
                    { 0, 0.0 }, { 1, 0.0 }, { 2, 0.8 }, { 3, 0.2 }, { 4, 0.0 }, { 5, 0.0 }
                }, 3.1)

            var recommenderMapping = new StarRatingRecommenderMapping();
            var evaluatorMapping   = recommenderMapping.ForEvaluation();

            this.starRatingInfo       = recommenderMapping.GetRatingInfo(null);
            this.evaluator            = new StarRatingRecommenderEvaluator <IEnumerable <Instance>, string, string, double>(evaluatorMapping);
            this.predictions          = BuildPredictionDictionary(this.dataset, i => i.Item3);
            this.uncertainPredictions = BuildPredictionDictionary(this.dataset, i => i.Item4);
        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments for the module.</param>
        /// <param name="usagePrefix">The prefix to print before the usage string.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the run was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Run(string[] args, string usagePrefix)
            string testDatasetFile = string.Empty;
            string predictionsFile = string.Empty;
            string reportFile      = string.Empty;

            var parser = new CommandLineParser();

            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--test-data", "FILE", "Test dataset used to obtain ground truth", v => testDatasetFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--predictions", "FILE", "Predictions to evaluate", v => predictionsFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--report", "FILE", "Evaluation report file", v => reportFile            = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            if (!parser.TryParse(args, usagePrefix))

            RecommenderDataset testDataset = RecommenderDataset.Load(testDatasetFile);
            int minRating = Mappings.StarRatingRecommender.GetRatingInfo(testDataset).MinStarRating;

            IDictionary <User, IEnumerable <Item> > recommendedItems = RecommenderPersistenceUtils.LoadRecommendedItems(predictionsFile);

            var evaluatorMapping = Mappings.StarRatingRecommender.ForEvaluation();
            var evaluator        = new StarRatingRecommenderEvaluator <RecommenderDataset, User, Item, int>(evaluatorMapping);

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(reportFile))
                    "NDCG: {0:0.000}",
                        rating => Convert.ToDouble(rating) - minRating + 1));

        /// <summary>
        /// Runs the module.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="args">The command line arguments for the module.</param>
        /// <param name="usagePrefix">The prefix to print before the usage string.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the run was successful, false otherwise.</returns>
        public override bool Run(string[] args, string usagePrefix)
            string testDatasetFile      = string.Empty;
            string predictionsFile      = string.Empty;
            string reportFile           = string.Empty;
            int    minCommonRatingCount = 5;

            var parser = new CommandLineParser();

            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--test-data", "FILE", "Test dataset used to obtain ground truth", v => testDatasetFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--predictions", "FILE", "Predictions to evaluate", v => predictionsFile = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--report", "FILE", "Evaluation report file", v => reportFile            = v, CommandLineParameterType.Required);
            parser.RegisterParameterHandler("--min-common-items", "NUM", "Minimum number of users that the query item and the related item should have been rated by in common; defaults to 5", v => minCommonRatingCount = v, CommandLineParameterType.Optional);
            if (!parser.TryParse(args, usagePrefix))

            RecommenderDataset testDataset = RecommenderDataset.Load(testDatasetFile);
            IDictionary <Item, IEnumerable <Item> > relatedItems = RecommenderPersistenceUtils.LoadRelatedItems(predictionsFile);

            var evaluatorMapping = Mappings.StarRatingRecommender.ForEvaluation();
            var evaluator        = new StarRatingRecommenderEvaluator <RecommenderDataset, User, Item, int>(evaluatorMapping);

            using (var writer = new StreamWriter(reportFile))
                    "L1 Sim NDCG: {0:0.000}",
                    evaluator.RelatedItemsMetric(testDataset, relatedItems, minCommonRatingCount, Metrics.Ndcg, Metrics.NormalizedManhattanSimilarity));
                    "L2 Sim NDCG: {0:0.000}",
                    evaluator.RelatedItemsMetric(testDataset, relatedItems, minCommonRatingCount, Metrics.Ndcg, Metrics.NormalizedEuclideanSimilarity));
