 private static void ImportStandardSets(StandardSets standardSets, Guid jurisdictionsKey)
     foreach (var standardSet in standardSets)
         ImportStndardSet(jurisdictionsKey, standardSet);
        static Cards()
            // Fetch all cards.
            Card[] cards = Load();

            // Set cards (without behaviours)
            AllCards = (from c in cards select new { Key = c.Id, Value = c }).ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.Value);

            //fill standart dictionary
            Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardClass)).Cast <CardClass>().ToList().ForEach(heroClass =>
                Standard.Add(heroClass, All.Where(c =>
                                                  c.Collectible &&
                                                  (c.Class == heroClass ||
                                                   c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL && c.MultiClassGroup == 0 ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 1 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.HUNTER || c.Class == CardClass.PALADIN || c.Class == CardClass.WARRIOR) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 2 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.DRUID || c.Class == CardClass.ROGUE || c.Class == CardClass.SHAMAN) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 3 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.MAGE || c.Class == CardClass.PRIEST || c.Class == CardClass.WARLOCK)) &&
                                                  c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                //Log.Debug($"-> [{heroClass}] - {Standard[heroClass].Count} cards.");

            AllStandard = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            // Add Powers

            // Add enchants
        public static string Statistics()
            var standard    = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set));
            var implemented = standard.Where(p => p.Implemented)
                              .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                              .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var all = standard
                      .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                      .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var str      = string.Empty;
            var totImpl  = 0;
            var totCards = 0;

            foreach (var set in StandardSets)
                var impl = implemented.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                totImpl += impl;
                var tot = all.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                str      += $"{set} => {impl * 100 / tot}% from {tot} Cards\n";
                totCards += tot;

            str += $"Total => {totImpl * 100 / totCards}% from {totCards} Cards\n";

        static Cards()
            // Fetch all cards.
            var cardLoader = new CardLoader();

            Card[] cards = cardLoader.Load();

            //string json = File.ReadAllText(CardLoader.Path + @"SabberStone\HSProtoSim\Loader\Data\cardData.json");
            //string json = File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\cardData.json");
            //var cards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Card>>(Resources.cardDataJson);
            //File.WriteAllText(CardLoader.Path + @"SabberStone\HSProtoSim\Loader\Data\cardDataJson.txt", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cards, Formatting.Indented));
            // Set as card definitions

            Data = new CardContainer();

            //Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardClass)).Cast<CardClass>().ToList().ForEach(heroClass =>
            for (int i = 0; i < HeroClasses.Length; i++)
                CardClass heroClass = HeroClasses[i];
                Standard.Add(heroClass, All.Where(c =>
                                                  c.Collectible &&
                                                  (c.Class == heroClass ||
                                                   c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL && c.MultiClassGroup == 0 ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 1 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.HUNTER ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.PALADIN || c.Class == CardClass.WARRIOR) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 2 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.DRUID ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.ROGUE || c.Class == CardClass.SHAMAN) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 3 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.MAGE ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.PRIEST || c.Class == CardClass.WARLOCK)) &&
                                                  c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                //Log.Debug($"-> [{heroClass}] - {Standard[heroClass].Count} cards.");

            AllStandard = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardClass)).Cast <CardClass>().ToList().ForEach(heroClass =>
                Wild.Add(heroClass, All.Where(c =>
                                              c.Collectible &&
                                              (c.Class == heroClass ||
                                               c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL && c.MultiClassGroup == 0 ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 1 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.HUNTER || c.Class == CardClass.PALADIN || c.Class == CardClass.WARRIOR) ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 2 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.DRUID || c.Class == CardClass.ROGUE || c.Class == CardClass.SHAMAN) ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 3 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.MAGE || c.Class == CardClass.PRIEST || c.Class == CardClass.WARLOCK)) &&
                                              c.Type != CardType.HERO).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                //Log.Debug($"-> [{heroClass}] - {Wild[heroClass].Count} cards.");

            AllWild = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && c.Type != CardType.HERO).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            StandardCostMinionCards = AllStandard.Where(c => c.Type == CardType.MINION).GroupBy(c => c.Cost).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
            WildCostMinionCards     = AllWild.Where(c => c.Type == CardType.MINION).GroupBy(c => c.Cost).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string with the card implementation statistics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Statistics()
            IEnumerable <Card> standard = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set));
            IEnumerable <Card> wild     = All.Where(c => c.Collectible);
            var implemented             = standard.Where(p => p.Implemented)
                                          .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                                          .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var implementedWild = wild.Where(p => p.Implemented)
                                  .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                                  .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var all = standard
                      .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                      .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var allWild = wild
                          .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                          .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            string str      = String.Empty;
            int    totImpl  = 0;
            int    totCards = 0;

            foreach (CardSet set in StandardSets)
                int impl = implemented.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                totImpl += impl;
                int tot = all.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                str      += $"{CardSetToName(set)} => {impl * 100 / tot}% from {tot} Cards\n";
                totCards += tot;

            str += $"Total Standard => {totImpl * 100 / totCards}% from {totCards} Cards\n";
            str += "\n";

            totImpl  = 0;
            totCards = 0;
            foreach (CardSet set in WildSets)
                int impl = implementedWild.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                totImpl += impl;
                int tot = allWild.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                str      += $"{CardSetToName(set)} => {impl * 100 / tot}% from {tot} Cards\n";
                totCards += tot;

            str += $"Total Wild => {totImpl * 100 / totCards}% from {totCards} Cards\n";

        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a string with the card implementation statistics.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static string Statistics()
            IEnumerable <Card> standard = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set));
            IEnumerable <Card> wild     = All.Where(c => c.Collectible);
            var implemented             = standard.Where(p => p.Implemented)
                                          .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                                          .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var implementedWild = wild.Where(p => p.Implemented)
                                  .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                                  .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var all = standard
                      .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                      .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });
            var allWild = wild
                          .GroupBy(p => p.Set)
                          .Select(t => new { Key = t.Key, Count = t.Count() });

            var str = new StringBuilder();

            int totImpl  = 0;
            int totCards = 0;

            foreach (CardSet set in StandardSets)
                int impl = implemented.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set)?.Count ?? 0;
                totImpl += impl;
                int tot = all.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                str.AppendLine($"{CardSetToName(set)} => {impl * 100 / tot}% from {tot} Cards");
                totCards += tot;

            str.AppendLine($"Total Standard => {totImpl * 100 / totCards}% from {totCards} Cards");

            totImpl  = 0;
            totCards = 0;
            foreach (CardSet set in WildSets)
                int impl = implementedWild.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set)?.Count ?? 0;
                totImpl += impl;
                int tot = allWild.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Key == set).Count;
                str.AppendLine($"{CardSetToName(set)} => {impl * 100 / tot}% from {tot} Cards");
                totCards += tot;

            str.AppendLine($"Total Wild => {totImpl * 100 / totCards}% from {totCards} Cards");

            IEnumerable <IGrouping <CardSet, Card> > notImplementedStandard = standard
                                                                              .Where(c => !c.Implemented)
                                                                              .GroupBy(c => c.Set);

            str.AppendLine("### Not yet implemented standard cards");
            foreach (IGrouping <CardSet, Card> group in notImplementedStandard)
                str.AppendLine($"#### {CardSetToName(group.Key)}");
                foreach (Card c in group)
                    str.AppendLine($"- [{c.Id}] {c.Name}");


            IEnumerable <IGrouping <CardSet, Card> > notImplementedWild = wild
                                                                          .Where(c => !c.Implemented)
                                                                          .GroupBy(c => c.Set)
                                                                          .Where(c => WildSets.Contains(c.Key) && !StandardSets.Contains(c.Key));

            str.AppendLine("### Not yet implemented wild cards");
            foreach (IGrouping <CardSet, Card> group in notImplementedWild)
                str.AppendLine($"#### {CardSetToName(group.Key)}");
                foreach (Card c in group)
                    str.AppendLine($"- [{c.Id}] {c.Name}");

        static Cards()
            // Fetch all cards.
            var cardLoader = new CardLoader();

            Card[] cards = cardLoader.Load();

            //string json = File.ReadAllText(CardLoader.Path + @"SabberStone\HSProtoSim\Loader\Data\cardData.json");
            //string json = File.ReadAllText(Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\cardData.json");
            //var cards = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Card>>(Resources.cardDataJson);
            //File.WriteAllText(CardLoader.Path + @"SabberStone\HSProtoSim\Loader\Data\cardDataJson.txt", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(cards, Formatting.Indented));
            // Set as card definitions

            Data = new CardContainer();

            //Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardClass)).Cast<CardClass>().ToList().ForEach(heroClass =>
            for (int i = 0; i < HeroClasses.Length; i++)
                CardClass heroClass = HeroClasses[i];
                Standard.Add(heroClass, All.Where(c =>
                                                  c.Collectible &&
                                                  (c.Class == heroClass ||
                                                   c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL && c.MultiClassGroup == 0 ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 1 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.HUNTER ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.PALADIN || c.Class == CardClass.WARRIOR) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 2 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.DRUID ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.ROGUE || c.Class == CardClass.SHAMAN) ||
                                                   c.MultiClassGroup == 3 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.MAGE ||
                                                                              c.Class == CardClass.PRIEST || c.Class == CardClass.WARLOCK)) &&
                                                  c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                //Log.Debug($"-> [{heroClass}] - {Standard[heroClass].Count} cards.");

            AllStandard = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && c.Type != CardType.HERO && StandardSets.Contains(c.Set)).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            Enum.GetValues(typeof(CardClass)).Cast <CardClass>().ToList().ForEach(heroClass =>
                Wild.Add(heroClass, All.Where(c =>
                                              c.Collectible &&
                                              (c.Class == heroClass ||
                                               c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL && c.MultiClassGroup == 0 ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 1 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.HUNTER || c.Class == CardClass.PALADIN || c.Class == CardClass.WARRIOR) ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 2 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.DRUID || c.Class == CardClass.ROGUE || c.Class == CardClass.SHAMAN) ||
                                               c.MultiClassGroup == 3 && (c.Class == CardClass.NEUTRAL || c.Class == CardClass.MAGE || c.Class == CardClass.PRIEST || c.Class == CardClass.WARLOCK)) &&
                                              c.Type != CardType.HERO).ToList().AsReadOnly());
                //Log.Debug($"-> [{heroClass}] - {Wild[heroClass].Count} cards.");

            AllWild = All.Where(c => c.Collectible && c.Type != CardType.HERO).ToList().AsReadOnly();

            StandardCostMinionCards = AllStandard.Where(c => c.Type == CardType.MINION).GroupBy(c => c.Cost).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());
            WildCostMinionCards     = AllWild.Where(c => c.Type == CardType.MINION).GroupBy(c => c.Cost).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList());

            // Temporary fix for Lotus Assassin
            Data.Cards["CFM_634"].Stealth = true;
            Data.Cards["CFM_634"].Tags.Add(GameTag.STEALTH, 1);

            // Basic Totems
            BasicTotems = new[]
                FromId("NEW1_009"),                     // Healing Totem
                FromId("CS2_050"),                      // Searing Totem
                FromId("CS2_051"),                      // Stoneclaw Totem
                FromId("CS2_052")                       // Wraith of Air Totem

            // filtered out cards ... cosmetic purpose
            Data.Cards.Remove("HERO_01c");             // HERO Deathwing