public void ShouldShowAnErrorWhenSomethingIsWrong()
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults    = 0,
                PostCodeMissing = false,
                StandardId      = "1",
                Hits            = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                HasError        = true
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, "p").Should().Contain("There was a problem performing a search. Try again later.");
        public void ShouldShowIndividualMessageWhenJustOneResultIsReturnedInAllCountry()
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults      = 1,
                PostCodeMissing   = false,
                StandardId        = "1",
                StandardName      = "Test name",
                StandardLevel     = 2,
                Hits              = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                HasError          = false,
                NationalProviders = new NationalProviderViewModel {
                    Count = 1
                ShowAll = true
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, "p").Should().Contain("There is 1 training option for the Test name, level 2 apprenticeship in England.");
        public void ShouldShowGeneralMessageWhenSeveralResultsAreReturned()
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults      = 7,
                PostCodeMissing   = false,
                StandardId        = "1",
                StandardName      = "Test name",
                StandardLevel     = 3,
                Hits              = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                HasError          = false,
                NationalProviders = new NationalProviderViewModel()
                    Count = 1
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, "p").Should().Contain("There are 7 training options for the Test name, level 3 apprenticeship.");
        public void ShouldShowMessageInformingAboutNationalLabel()
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults      = 7,
                PostCodeMissing   = false,
                StandardId        = "1",
                StandardName      = "Test name",
                StandardLevel     = 3,
                Hits              = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                HasError          = false,
                NationalProviders = new NationalProviderViewModel {
                    Count = 1
                ShowAll = true
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, "p", 3).Should().Contain("Results labelled National are training options run by providers who are willing to offer training across England.");
        public void WhenSearchResultHasNoResultAndTheraAreNoProvidersInCountryShouldntShowProvidersMessage()
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults           = 0,
                PostCodeMissing        = false,
                StandardId             = "1",
                StandardName           = "Test standard name",
                Hits                   = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                ActualPage             = 1,
                LastPage               = 1,
                ResultsToTake          = 10,
                PostCode               = "Test postcode",
                DeliveryModes          = new List <DeliveryModeViewModel>(),
                HasError               = false,
                TotalResultsForCountry = 0
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, ".total-providers-country").Should().BeEmpty();
        public void ShouldNotShowMessageInformingAboutNationalLabel(int totalResults, int nationalProviders)
            var detail = new StandardSearchResultMessage();
            var model  = new ProviderStandardSearchResultViewModel
                TotalResults      = totalResults,
                PostCodeMissing   = false,
                StandardId        = "1",
                StandardName      = "Test name",
                StandardLevel     = 3,
                PostCode          = "N17",
                Hits              = new List <StandardProviderResultItemViewModel>(),
                HasError          = false,
                NationalProviders = new NationalProviderViewModel {
                    Count = nationalProviders
                ShowAll = true
            var html = detail.RenderAsHtml(model).ToAngleSharp();

            GetPartial(html, "p", 2).Should().NotStartWith("Results labelled National are training providers");
            GetPartial(html, "p", 3).Should().NotStartWith("Results labelled National are training providers");
            GetPartial(html, "p", 3).Should().BeEmpty();