 public Filter(int departmentId, int filterId)
     _departmentId = departmentId;
     m_Id = filterId;
     if (filterId == 0) return;
     SqlParameter _pUId = new SqlParameter("@UId", SqlDbType.Int);
     _pUId.Value = DBNull.Value;
     DataRow _row = Data.DBAccess.SelectRecord("sp_SelectAssetFilters", new[] { new SqlParameter("@DId", departmentId), _pUId, new SqlParameter("@Id", filterId) });
     if (_row == null) return;
     string[] _state = _row["FilterState"].ToString().Split('&');
     System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary _sd = new System.Collections.Specialized.StringDictionary();
     for (int i = 0; i < _state.Length; i++)
         if (_state[i].Length == 0) continue;
         string[] _item = _state[i].Split('=');
         if (_item.Length > 1) _sd.Add(_item[0], _item[1]);
         else _sd.Add(_item[0], string.Empty);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("fn")) m_FilterName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["fn"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ca") && _sd["ca"].Length > 0) m_CategoryID = int.Parse(_sd["ca"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ty") && _sd["ty"].Length > 0) TypeID = int.Parse(_sd["ty"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ma") && _sd["ma"].Length > 0) m_MakeID = int.Parse(_sd["ma"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("mo") && _sd["mo"].Length > 0) m_ModelID = int.Parse(_sd["mo"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("st") && _sd["st"].Length > 0) m_StatusID = int.Parse(_sd["st"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ac") && _sd["ac"].Length > 0) m_AccountID = int.Parse(_sd["ac"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("lo") && _sd["lo"].Length > 0) m_LocationID = int.Parse(_sd["lo"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ln")) m_LocationName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["ln"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ow") && _sd["ow"].Length > 0) m_OwnerID = int.Parse(_sd["ow"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("co") && _sd["co"].Length > 0) m_CheckedOutID = int.Parse(_sd["co"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("vn") && _sd["vn"].Length > 0) m_VendorID = int.Parse(_sd["vn"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("wv") && _sd["wv"].Length > 0) m_WarrantyVendorID = int.Parse(_sd["wv"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("sn")) m_SerialNumber = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["sn"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("an")) m_Name = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["an"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("po")) m_PONumber = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["po"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("fc")) m_FundingCode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["fc"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ds") && _sd["ds"].Length > 0) m_DateStart = DateTime.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["ds"]), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("de") && _sd["de"].Length > 0) m_DateEnd = DateTime.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["de"]), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("dr") && _sd["dr"].Length > 0) m_DateRange = (StandardDateRange)Enum.Parse(typeof(StandardDateRange), _sd["dr"], true);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("ba") && _sd["ba"] == "1") m_DateAquired = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("bp") && _sd["bp"] == "1") m_DatePurchased = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("br") && _sd["br"] == "1") m_DateReceived = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("be") && _sd["be"] == "1") m_DateEntered = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("bd") && _sd["bd"] == "1") m_DateDeployed = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("bo") && _sd["bo"] == "1") m_DateOutOfService = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("bs") && _sd["bs"] == "1") m_DateDisposed = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("bu") && _sd["bu"] == "1") m_DateUpdated = true;
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("vc")) m_ValueCurrent = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["vc"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("vr")) m_ValueReplacement = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["vr"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("vd")) m_ValueDepreciated = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["vd"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("vs")) m_ValueSalvage = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["vs"]);
     if (_sd.ContainsKey("dc")) m_DisposalCost = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["dc"]);
     foreach (AssetTypeProperty _prop in m_CustomProperties)
         if (_sd.ContainsKey("cp" + _prop.ID.ToString())) _prop.Value = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_sd["cp" + _prop.ID.ToString()]);
            public Filter(int departmentId, bool isNew)
                _departmentId = departmentId;
                if (isNew) return;

                UserSetting _c = UserSetting.GetSettings("AssetS");
                if (!_c.IsDefined) return;
                if (_c["FI"] != null && _c["FI"].Length > 0) m_Id = int.Parse(_c["FI"]);
                if (_c["FN"] != null) m_FilterName = _c["FN"];
                if (_c["CA"] != null && _c["CA"].Length > 0) m_CategoryID = int.Parse(_c["CA"]);
                if (_c["TY"] != null && _c["TY"].Length > 0) TypeID = int.Parse(_c["TY"]);
                if (_c["MA"] != null && _c["MA"].Length > 0) m_MakeID = int.Parse(_c["MA"]);
                if (_c["MO"] != null && _c["MO"].Length > 0) m_ModelID = int.Parse(_c["MO"]);
                if (_c["ST"] != null && _c["ST"].Length > 0) m_StatusID = int.Parse(_c["ST"]);
                if (_c["AC"] != null && _c["AC"].Length > 0) m_AccountID = int.Parse(_c["AC"]);
                if (_c["LO"] != null && _c["LO"].Length > 0) m_LocationID = int.Parse(_c["LO"]);
                if (_c["LN"] != null) m_LocationName = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["LN"]);
                if (_c["OW"] != null && _c["OW"].Length > 0) m_OwnerID = int.Parse(_c["OW"]);
                if (_c["CO"] != null && _c["CO"].Length > 0) m_CheckedOutID = int.Parse(_c["CO"]);
                if (_c["VN"] != null && _c["VN"].Length > 0) m_VendorID = int.Parse(_c["VN"]);
                if (_c["WV"] != null && _c["WV"].Length > 0) m_WarrantyVendorID = int.Parse(_c["WV"]);
                if (_c["SN"] != null) m_SerialNumber = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["SN"]);
                if (_c["AN"] != null) m_Name = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["AN"]);
                if (_c["PO"] != null) m_PONumber = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["PO"]);
                if (_c["FC"] != null) m_FundingCode = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["FC"]);
                if (_c["DS"] != null && _c["DS"].Length > 0) m_DateStart = DateTime.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["DS"]), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));
                if (_c["DE"] != null && _c["DE"].Length > 0) m_DateEnd = DateTime.Parse(HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["DE"]), new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("en-US"));
                if (_c["DR"] != null && _c["DR"].Length > 0) m_DateRange = (StandardDateRange)Enum.Parse(typeof(StandardDateRange), _c["DR"], true);
                if (_c["BA"] != null && _c["BA"].Length > 0) m_DateAquired = bool.Parse(_c["BA"]);
                if (_c["BP"] != null && _c["BP"].Length > 0) m_DatePurchased = bool.Parse(_c["BP"]);
                if (_c["BR"] != null && _c["BR"].Length > 0) m_DateReceived = bool.Parse(_c["BR"]);
                if (_c["BE"] != null && _c["BE"].Length > 0) m_DateEntered = bool.Parse(_c["BE"]);
                if (_c["BD"] != null && _c["BD"].Length > 0) m_DateDeployed = bool.Parse(_c["BD"]);
                if (_c["BO"] != null && _c["BO"].Length > 0) m_DateOutOfService = bool.Parse(_c["BO"]);
                if (_c["BS"] != null && _c["BS"].Length > 0) m_DateDisposed = bool.Parse(_c["BS"]);
                if (_c["BU"] != null && _c["BU"].Length > 0) m_DateUpdated = bool.Parse(_c["BU"]);
                if (_c["VC"] != null) m_ValueCurrent = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["VC"]);
                if (_c["VR"] != null) m_ValueReplacement = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["VR"]);
                if (_c["VD"] != null) m_ValueDepreciated = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["VD"]);
                if (_c["VS"] != null) m_ValueSalvage = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["VS"]);
                if (_c["DC"] != null) m_DisposalCost = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["DC"]);
                foreach (AssetTypeProperty _prop in m_CustomProperties)
                    if (_c["CP" + _prop.ID.ToString()] != null) _prop.Value = HttpUtility.UrlDecode(_c["CP" + _prop.ID.ToString()]);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the end date of specified standard date range.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="range">Specifies the standard date range. One of StandardDateRange values.</param>
        /// <returns>The DateTime value that represents the end date of specified standard date range.</returns>
        public DateTime GetRangeEndDate(StandardDateRange range)
            DateTime Today          = DateTime.Today.AddHours(23).AddMinutes(59).AddSeconds(59);
            int      DayOfWeek      = (int)Today.AddDays(-1).DayOfWeek;
            DateTime ThisMonth      = new DateTime(Today.Year, Today.Month, 1);
            DateTime ThisYear       = new DateTime(Today.Year, 1, 1);
            DateTime ThisFiscalYear = new DateTime(((Today.Month >= this.FiscalYearEnd.Month) ? Today.Year : Today.AddYears(-1).Year), this.FiscalYearEnd.Month, this.FiscalYearEnd.Day);

            switch (range)
            case StandardDateRange.Today:

            case StandardDateRange.ThisWeek:
                return(Today.AddDays(-DayOfWeek + 6));

            case StandardDateRange.ThisMonth:

            case StandardDateRange.ThisYear:

            case StandardDateRange.ThisFiscalYear:

            case StandardDateRange.LastWeek:
                return(Today.AddDays(-DayOfWeek - 1));

            case StandardDateRange.LastMonth:

            case StandardDateRange.LastYear:

            case StandardDateRange.LastFiscalYear:

            case StandardDateRange.NextWeek:
                return(Today.AddDays(-DayOfWeek + 13));

            case StandardDateRange.NextMonth:

            case StandardDateRange.NextYear:

            case StandardDateRange.NextFiscalYear:

            case StandardDateRange.Next30Days:

            case StandardDateRange.Next90Days:

            case StandardDateRange.Next365Days:

            case StandardDateRange.Rolling30Days:
            case StandardDateRange.Rolling90Days:
            case StandardDateRange.Rolling365Days: