private static LogMsg Translate(TraceEventType eventType, LogEntry entry)
            var stackifyEvent = new LogMsg
                Level = MapLevel(eventType),
                Msg   = entry.Title + ": " + entry.Message,
                data  = HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(entry, true),

                AppDetails = new LogMsgGroup
                    AppName    = GlobalSettingsFacade.ApplicationName,
                    AppNameID  = InstallationInformationFacade.InstallationId,
                    ServerName = entry.MachineName,

                Tags = new List <string>

            if (entry.ExtendedProperties.ContainsKey("Exception"))
                var exc = entry.ExtendedProperties["Exception"] as Exception;
                if (exc != null)
                    stackifyEvent.Ex  = StackifyError.New(exc);
                    stackifyEvent.Msg = entry.Title + ": " + exc.Message;

 public WebRequestDetail(StackifyError error)
     _Error = error;
     if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null)
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the base error (the last error in the causal chain)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error</param>
        /// <returns>The inner most error</returns>
        private ErrorItem GetBaseError(StackifyError error)
            ErrorItem errorItem = error.Error;

            if (errorItem != null)
                while (errorItem.InnerError != null)
                    errorItem = errorItem.InnerError;

        public WebRequestDetail(StackifyError error)
            _Error = error;

#if NET451 || NET45 || NET40
            if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current != null)

            //if something has subscribed to this, like our AspNetCore library
        private async Task ReportError(ErrorDetail error)
            var epoc = error.ErrorTime.ToUniversalTime().Subtract(EpocStart);

            var msg = new LogMsg
                Ex         = StackifyError.New(new ErrorReport(error.Message, error.Trace)),
                EpochMs    = (long)epoc.TotalMilliseconds,
                AppDetails = new LogMsgGroup()
                    AppName = error.Application, Env = error.Environment
                Msg   = error.Message,
                Level = "ERROR"

            await _tolerantPostToStackify.Execute(msg);
        public override string Log(Error e)
                StackifyError error = StackifyError.New(e.Exception);

                if (governor.ErrorShouldBeSent(error))
            catch (Exception ex)

            var newId = Guid.NewGuid();

        /// <summary>
        /// Emit the provided log event to the sink.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="logEvent">The log event to write.</param>
        public void Emit(LogEvent logEvent)
            if (StackifyLib.Logger.PrefixEnabled() || StackifyLib.Logger.CanSend())
                var msg = new LogMsg()
                    Level = LevelToSeverity(logEvent),
                    Msg   = logEvent.RenderMessage(_formatProvider),
                    data  = PropertiesToData(logEvent)

                StackifyError error = null;

                Exception ex = logEvent.Exception;

                if (ex == null)
                    if (logEvent.Level == LogEventLevel.Error || logEvent.Level == LogEventLevel.Fatal)
                        StringException stringException = new StringException(msg.Msg);
                        stringException.TraceFrames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(null);
                        error = StackifyError.New(stringException);
                else if (ex is StackifyError)
                    error = (StackifyError)ex;
                    error = StackifyError.New(ex);

                if (error != null && !StackifyError.IgnoreError(error) && _Governor.ErrorShouldBeSent(error))
                    msg.Ex = error;

 public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the error should be sent based on our throttling criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error</param>
        /// <returns>True if this error should be sent to Stackify, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
            if (error == null)

            bool shouldBeProcessed = false;

            ErrorItem baseError = GetBaseError(error);

            if (baseError != null)
                string uniqueKey   = GetUniqueKey(baseError);
                long   epochMinute = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixEpochMinutes();

                lock (errorToCounter)
                    // get the counter for this error

                    if (errorToCounter.ContainsKey(uniqueKey))
                        // counter exists

                        Tuple <long, int> counter = errorToCounter[uniqueKey];

                        if (counter.Item1 == epochMinute)
                            // counter exists for this current minute
                            // increment the counter

                            Tuple <long, int> incCounter = new Tuple <long, int>(counter.Item1, counter.Item2 + 1);
                            errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = incCounter;

                            // check our throttling criteria

                            if (incCounter.Item2 <= MaxDupErrorPerMinute)
                                shouldBeProcessed = true;
                            // counter did not exist for this minute so overwrite the entry with a new one
                            errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = new Tuple <long, int>(epochMinute, 1);
                            shouldBeProcessed         = true;
                        // counter did not exist so create a new one
                        errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = new Tuple <long, int>(epochMinute, 1);
                        shouldBeProcessed         = true;

                    // see if we need to purge our counters of expired entries

                    if (nextErrorToCounterCleanUp < epochMinute)
                        nextErrorToCounterCleanUp = PurgeErrorToCounter(epochMinute);

        internal LogMsg Translate(LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
            if (loggingEvent == null)

            //don't log our own logging causing a loop
            if (loggingEvent.RenderedMessage.IndexOf("StackifyLib:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)

            var msg = new LogMsg();

            if (loggingEvent.Level != null)
                msg.Level = loggingEvent.Level.DisplayName;

                msg.SrcMethod = loggingEvent.LoggerName;

                if (logMethodNames ?? false)
                    var frames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName, 1, true);

                    if (frames.Any())
                        var first = frames.First();

                        msg.SrcMethod = first.Method;
                        msg.SrcLine   = first.LineNum;
            catch (Exception ex)
                StackifyAPILogger.Log("Error evaluating source method " + ex.ToString());

            var diags = GetDiagnosticContextProperties();

            if (diags != null && diags.ContainsKey("transid"))
                msg.TransID = diags["transid"].ToString();

            StackifyError error                  = null;
            object        messageObject          = null;
            string        errorAdditionalMessage = null;

            if (loggingEvent.MessageObject != null && loggingEvent.MessageObject is StackifyError)
                //Message Object was an exception

                error                  = (StackifyError)loggingEvent.MessageObject;
                messageObject          = error.ToString();
                errorAdditionalMessage = null;
            else if (loggingEvent.MessageObject != null && loggingEvent.MessageObject is Exception)
                //Message Object was an exception

                error                  = StackifyError.New((Exception)loggingEvent.MessageObject);
                messageObject          = error.ToString();
                errorAdditionalMessage = null;
            else if (loggingEvent.ExceptionObject != null)
                //Exception was passed in

                if (loggingEvent.ExceptionObject is StackifyError)
                    error = loggingEvent.ExceptionObject as StackifyError;
                    error = StackifyError.New(loggingEvent.ExceptionObject);

                errorAdditionalMessage = loggingEvent.RenderedMessage;
                messageObject          = loggingEvent.MessageObject;
                messageObject = loggingEvent.MessageObject;

            //messageObject is not an object we need to serialize.
            if (messageObject == null || messageObject is string || messageObject.GetType().FullName == "log4net.Util.SystemStringFormat")
                //passing null to the serialize object since we can't serialize the logged object. We only need to get potential diags.
       = StackifyLib.Utils.HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(null, false, diags);
                msg.Msg  = loggingEvent.RenderedMessage;
            else if (messageObject is StackifyLib.Models.LogMessage)
                var item = messageObject as StackifyLib.Models.LogMessage;

       = StackifyLib.Utils.HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(item.json, true, diags);
                msg.Msg  = item.message;
                //try to serialize the messageObject since we know its not a string
       = StackifyLib.Utils.HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(messageObject, false, diags);
                msg.Msg  = loggingEvent.RenderedMessage;

            if (error != null)
                msg.Msg += "\r\n" + error.ToString();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(errorAdditionalMessage) && error != null)
                //if something besides just the exception was logged, add that message to our error object
            else if (msg.Msg == null && error != null)
                msg.Msg = error.ToString();

            if (error == null && (loggingEvent.Level == Level.Error || loggingEvent.Level == Level.Fatal))
                StringException stringEx = new StringException(loggingEvent.RenderedMessage);
                stringEx.TraceFrames = new List <TraceFrame>();

                stringEx.TraceFrames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName);

                if (stringEx.TraceFrames.Any())
                    var first = stringEx.TraceFrames.First();

                    msg.SrcMethod = first.Method;
                    msg.SrcLine   = first.LineNum;

                //Make error out of log message
                error = StackifyError.New(stringEx);

            if (error != null && !StackifyError.IgnoreError(error) && _logClient.ErrorShouldBeSent(error))
                msg.Ex = error;
            else if (error != null && msg.Msg != null)
                msg.Msg += " #errorgoverned";
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the error should be sent based on our throttling criteria
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error</param>
        /// <returns>True if this error should be sent to Stackify, false otherwise</returns>
        public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
            if (error == null)
                return false;

            bool shouldBeProcessed = false;

            ErrorItem baseError = GetBaseError(error);

            if (baseError != null)
                string uniqueKey = GetUniqueKey(baseError);
                long epochMinute = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUnixEpochMinutes();

                lock (errorToCounter)
                    // get the counter for this error

                    if (errorToCounter.ContainsKey(uniqueKey))
                        // counter exists

                        Tuple<long, int> counter = errorToCounter[uniqueKey];

                        if (counter.Item1 == epochMinute)
                            // counter exists for this current minute
                            // increment the counter

                            Tuple<long, int> incCounter = new Tuple<long, int>(counter.Item1, counter.Item2 + 1);
                            errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = incCounter;

                            // check our throttling criteria

                            if (incCounter.Item2 <= MaxDupErrorPerMinute)
                                shouldBeProcessed = true;
                            // counter did not exist for this minute so overwrite the entry with a new one
                            errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = new Tuple<long, int>(epochMinute, 1);
                            shouldBeProcessed = true;
                        // counter did not exist so create a new one
                        errorToCounter[uniqueKey] = new Tuple<long, int>(epochMinute, 1);
                        shouldBeProcessed = true;

                    // see if we need to purge our counters of expired entries

                    if (nextErrorToCounterCleanUp < epochMinute)
                        nextErrorToCounterCleanUp = PurgeErrorToCounter(epochMinute);

            return shouldBeProcessed;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the base error (the last error in the causal chain)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="error">The error</param>
        /// <returns>The inner most error</returns>
        private ErrorItem GetBaseError(StackifyError error)
            ErrorItem errorItem = error.Error;

            if (errorItem != null)
                while (errorItem.InnerError != null)
                    errorItem = errorItem.InnerError;

            return errorItem;
 public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
     return governor.ErrorShouldBeSent(error);
 public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
        internal LogMsg Translate(LogEventInfo loggingEvent)
            if (loggingEvent == null)

            //do not log our own messages. This is to prevent any sort of recursion that could happen since calling to send this will cause even more logging to happen
            if (loggingEvent.FormattedMessage != null && loggingEvent.FormattedMessage.IndexOf("StackifyLib:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)

            StackifyLib.Models.LogMsg msg = new LogMsg();

            if (loggingEvent.Level != null)
                msg.Level = loggingEvent.Level.Name;

            if (loggingEvent.HasStackTrace && loggingEvent.UserStackFrame != null)
                var frame = loggingEvent.UserStackFrame;

                MethodBase method = frame.GetMethod();
                if (method != (MethodBase)null && method.DeclaringType != (Type)null)
                    if (method.DeclaringType != (Type)null)
                        msg.SrcMethod = method.DeclaringType.FullName + "." + method.Name;
                        msg.SrcLine   = frame.GetFileLineNumber();

            //if it wasn't set above for some reason we will do it this way as a fallback
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.SrcMethod))
                msg.SrcMethod = loggingEvent.LoggerName;

                if ((logMethodNames ?? false))
                    var frames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName, 1, true);

                    if (frames.Any())
                        var first = frames.First();

                        msg.SrcMethod = first.Method;
                        msg.SrcLine   = first.LineNum;

            string formattedMessage;

            //Use the layout render to allow custom fields to be logged, but not if it is the default format as it logs a bunch fields we already log
            //really no reason to use a layout at all
            if (this.Layout != null && this.Layout.ToString() != "'${longdate}|${level:uppercase=true}|${logger}|${message}'") //do not use if it is the default
                formattedMessage = this.Layout.Render(loggingEvent);
                formattedMessage = loggingEvent.FormattedMessage;

            msg.Msg = (formattedMessage ?? "").Trim();

            object debugObject = null;
            Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if ((loggingEvent.Parameters != null) && (loggingEvent.Parameters.Length > 0))
                for (int i = 0; i < loggingEvent.Parameters.Length; i++)
                    var item = loggingEvent.Parameters[i];

                    if (item == null)
                    else if (item is Exception)
                        if (loggingEvent.Exception == null)
                            loggingEvent.Exception = (Exception)item;
                    else if (item.ToString() == msg.Msg)
                        //ignore it.
                    else if (logAllParams ?? true)
                        args["arg" + i] = loggingEvent.Parameters[i];
                        debugObject     = item;
                        debugObject = item;

                if ((logAllParams ?? true) && args != null && args.Count > 1)
                    debugObject = args;

            StackifyError error = null;

            if (loggingEvent.Exception != null && loggingEvent.Exception is StackifyError)
                error = (StackifyError)loggingEvent.Exception;
            else if (loggingEvent.Exception != null)
                error = StackifyError.New((Exception)loggingEvent.Exception);

            var diags = GetDiagnosticContextProperties();

            if (diags != null && diags.ContainsKey("transid"))
                msg.TransID = diags["transid"].ToString();

            if (debugObject != null)
       = StackifyLib.Utils.HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(debugObject, true, diags);
       = StackifyLib.Utils.HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(null, false, diags);

            if (msg.Msg != null && error != null)
                msg.Msg += "\r\n" + error.ToString();
            else if (msg.Msg == null && error != null)
                msg.Msg = error.ToString();

            if (error == null && (loggingEvent.Level == LogLevel.Error || loggingEvent.Level == LogLevel.Fatal))
                StringException stringException = new StringException(msg.Msg);

                stringException.TraceFrames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName);

                if (!loggingEvent.HasStackTrace || loggingEvent.UserStackFrame == null)
                    if (stringException.TraceFrames.Any())
                        var first = stringException.TraceFrames.First();

                        msg.SrcMethod = first.Method;
                        msg.SrcLine   = first.LineNum;

                //Make error out of log message
                error = StackifyError.New(stringException);

            if (error != null && !StackifyError.IgnoreError(error) && _logClient.ErrorShouldBeSent(error))
                msg.Ex = error;
            else if (error != null && msg.Msg != null)
                msg.Msg += " #errorgoverned";

        internal LogMsg Translate(LogEventInfo loggingEvent)
            if (loggingEvent == null)

            //do not log our own messages. This is to prevent any sort of recursion that could happen since calling to send this will cause even more logging to happen
            if (loggingEvent.FormattedMessage != null && loggingEvent.FormattedMessage.IndexOf("StackifyLib:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) > -1)

            StackifyLib.Models.LogMsg msg = new LogMsg();

            if (loggingEvent.Level != null)
                msg.Level = loggingEvent.Level.Name;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(loggingEvent.CallerMemberName))
                msg.SrcMethod = loggingEvent.CallerMemberName;
                msg.SrcLine   = loggingEvent.CallerLineNumber;

            //if it wasn't set above for some reason we will do it this way as a fallback
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(msg.SrcMethod))
                msg.SrcMethod = loggingEvent.LoggerName;

                if ((logMethodNames ?? false))
                    var frames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName, 1, true);

                    if (frames.Any())
                        var first = frames.First();

                        msg.SrcMethod = first.Method;
                        msg.SrcLine   = first.LineNum;

            msg.Msg = RenderLogEvent(Layout, loggingEvent) ?? string.Empty;

            var contextProperties             = GetContextProperties(loggingEvent);
            Dictionary <string, object> diags = contextProperties as Dictionary <string, object> ?? new Dictionary <string, object>(contextProperties);

            if (diags.TryGetValue("ndc", out var topFrame) && string.IsNullOrEmpty((topFrame as string)))

            if (diags.TryGetValue("transid", out var transId))
                msg.TransID = diags["transid"].ToString();

            foreach (string key in _CallContextKeys)
                object value = System.Runtime.Remoting.Messaging.CallContext.LogicalGetData(key);
                if (value != null)
                    diags[key.ToLower()] = value;

            StackifyError stackifyError = loggingEvent.Exception != null?StackifyError.New(loggingEvent.Exception) : null;

            object debugObject = null;
            if (IncludeEventProperties && loggingEvent.HasProperties)
                Dictionary <string, object> args = new Dictionary <string, object>(loggingEvent.Properties.Count);
                foreach (KeyValuePair <object, object> eventProperty in loggingEvent.Properties)
                    string propertyKey = eventProperty.Key.ToString();
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyKey))
                        args[propertyKey] = eventProperty.Value;

                if ((logAllParams ?? false) && loggingEvent.Parameters != null && loggingEvent.Parameters.Length > 0)
                    debugObject = CaptureParameters(loggingEvent, msg.Msg, args);
                    debugObject = args;

            if (loggingEvent.Parameters?.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < loggingEvent.Parameters.Length; i++)
                    var parameter = loggingEvent.Parameters[i];
                    if (stackifyError == null && parameter is StackifyError error)
                        stackifyError = error;
                    if (debugObject == null && parameter is LogMessage debugMessage)
                        debugObject = debugMessage.json;

                if (debugObject == null)
                    Dictionary <string, object> args = ((logAllParams ?? true) && loggingEvent.Parameters.Length > 1) ? new Dictionary <string, object>() : null;
                    debugObject = CaptureParameters(loggingEvent, msg.Msg, args);

            if (debugObject != null)
       = HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(debugObject, true, diags);
       = HelperFunctions.SerializeDebugData(null, false, diags);

            if (stackifyError == null && (loggingEvent.Level == LogLevel.Error || loggingEvent.Level == LogLevel.Fatal))
                StringException stringException = new StringException(msg.Msg);
                if ((logMethodNames ?? false))
                    stringException.TraceFrames = StackifyLib.Logger.GetCurrentStackTrace(loggingEvent.LoggerName);
                stackifyError = StackifyError.New(stringException);

            if (stackifyError != null && !StackifyError.IgnoreError(stackifyError) && _logClient.ErrorShouldBeSent(stackifyError))
                msg.Ex = stackifyError;
            else if (stackifyError != null && msg.Msg != null)
                msg.Msg += " #errorgoverned";

 public bool ErrorShouldBeSent(StackifyError error)
     return true;