// Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (gameObject.GetComponent <Renderer>().isVisible&& OnlyMoveWhenUnseen)
            //Debug.Log("IS VISIBLE");
            agent.speed       = 0.0f;
            agent.velocity    = Vector3.zero;
            CurrentGoal       = StackerGoal.FreezeWhenSeen;
            agent.destination = pile.position;
            //NOT VISIBLE
            agent.speed = base_speed;

        if (CurrentGoal == StackerGoal.PickTargetObject)
            //chooses the closest game object to the agent
            Goal_Object = GetClosestObjectViaPathing(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("CanPickUp"));
            //TODO only choose an object if it can be pathed to
            if (Goal_Object != null)
                CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PathToObject;

        else if (CurrentGoal == StackerGoal.PathToObject)
            //sqrt is computationally costly, so sqrMagnitude
            bool NearPile   = Math.Pow(VisionRange, 2) > (pile.position - transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
            bool NearTarget = Math.Pow(VisionRange, 2) > (Goal_Object.transform.position - transform.position).sqrMagnitude;
            if (ObjectWithinVisionDistance() && !NearPile && !NearTarget)
                Goal_Object = GetClosestObjectViaPathing(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("CanPickUp"));
                //Debug.Log("SEARCHING FOR CLOSEST OBJECT");
                Searching = true;
                Searching = false;

            agent.destination = Goal_Object.transform.position;
            Vector3 offset = transform.position - Goal_Object.transform.position;
            if (offset.magnitude < PickUpRange)
                IsHolding   = true;
                CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PathToPile;

         * else if (CurrentGoal == StackerGoal.PickUpObject)
         * {
         *  CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PathToPile;
         * }
        else if (CurrentGoal == StackerGoal.PathToPile)
            if (IsHolding)
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().AddForce((transform.TransformPoint(Vector3.forward * CarryPositionOffset) - Goal_Object.transform.position) * 300);
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().rotation    = transform.rotation;
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag        = 15;
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag = 15;
            Vector3 offset = transform.position - pile.position;
            agent.destination = pile.position;
            if (offset.magnitude < PickUpRange)
                IsHolding = false;
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().drag        = .5f;
                Goal_Object.GetComponent <Rigidbody>().angularDrag = .05f;
                CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PickTargetObject;
        else if (CurrentGoal == StackerGoal.FreezeWhenSeen)
            Vector3 offset = transform.position - pile.position;
            if (offset.magnitude < PickUpRange)
                CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PickTargetObject;

        for (int i = 0; i < agent.path.corners.Length - 1; i++)
            Debug.DrawLine(agent.path.corners[i], agent.path.corners[i + 1]);
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     CurrentGoal = StackerGoal.PickTargetObject;
     agent       = GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>();
     base_speed  = agent.speed;